[IMP] models: improve performance of _setup_fields()

There was an issue in _setup_fields(): the method invokes _inherits_reload(),
which recomputes inherited fields, and invokes itself recursively on children
models.  This may be problematic if the children models have already been set

This optimization avoids recursive calls of method _inherits_reload().  In
_setup_fields(), first all parent models are set up, then their fields are
inspected to determine inherited fields, and their setup is done.  This scheme
guarantees that inherited fields are computed once per model.
This commit is contained in:
Raphael Collet 2014-11-06 15:03:00 +01:00
parent 552dab0dc8
commit e038fec696
3 changed files with 86 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ class Field(object):
# put invalidation triggers on model dependencies
for dep_model_name, field_names in model._depends.iteritems():
dep_model = env[dep_model_name]
for field_name in field_names:
field = dep_model._fields[field_name]
field._triggers.add((self, None))
@ -444,8 +445,8 @@ class Field(object):
recs = env[self.model_name]
fields = []
for name in self.related:
field = recs._fields[name]
recs = recs[name]
@ -551,6 +552,7 @@ class Field(object):
env = model.env
head, tail = path1[0], path1[1:]
if head == '*':
# special case: add triggers on all fields of model (except self)
fields = set(model._fields.itervalues()) - set([self])
@ -563,8 +565,6 @@ class Field(object):
self.recursive = True
#_logger.debug("Add trigger on %s to recompute %s", field, self)
field._triggers.add((self, '.'.join(path0 or ['id'])))
@ -1648,7 +1648,9 @@ class One2many(_RelationalMulti):
if self.inverse_name:
# link self to its inverse field and vice-versa
invf = env[self.comodel_name]._fields[self.inverse_name]
comodel = env[self.comodel_name]
invf = comodel._fields[self.inverse_name]
# In some rare cases, a `One2many` field can link to `Int` field
# (res_model/res_id pattern). Only inverse the field if this is
# a `Many2one` field.

View File

@ -700,10 +700,10 @@ class BaseModel(object):
pool._store_function[model].sort(key=lambda x: x[4])
def _init_manual_fields(cls, pool, cr):
def _init_manual_fields(cls, cr):
# Check whether the query is already done
if pool.fields_by_model is not None:
manual_fields = pool.fields_by_model.get(cls._name, [])
if cls.pool.fields_by_model is not None:
manual_fields = cls.pool.fields_by_model.get(cls._name, [])
cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model_fields WHERE model=%s AND state=%s', (cls._name, 'manual'))
manual_fields = cr.dictfetchall()
@ -752,12 +752,8 @@ class BaseModel(object):
cls._onchange_methods = defaultdict(list)
for attr, func in getmembers(cls, callable):
if hasattr(func, '_constrains'):
if not all(name in cls._fields for name in func._constrains):
_logger.warning("@constrains%r parameters must be field names", func._constrains)
if hasattr(func, '_onchange'):
if not all(name in cls._fields for name in func._onchange):
_logger.warning("@onchange%r parameters must be field names", func._onchange)
for name in func._onchange:
@ -818,31 +814,10 @@ class BaseModel(object):
# register stuff about low-level function fields and custom fields
cls._init_function_fields(pool, cr)
cls._init_manual_fields(pool, cr)
# process _inherits
# register constraints and onchange methods
# check defaults
for k in cls._defaults:
assert k in cls._fields, \
"Model %s has a default for nonexiting field %s" % (cls._name, k)
# restart columns
for column in cls._columns.itervalues():
# validate rec_name
if cls._rec_name:
assert cls._rec_name in cls._fields, \
"Invalid rec_name %s for model %s" % (cls._rec_name, cls._name)
elif 'name' in cls._fields:
cls._rec_name = 'name'
# prepare ormcache, which must be shared by all instances of the model
cls._ormcache = {}
@ -2884,42 +2859,34 @@ class BaseModel(object):
# Update objects that uses this one to update their _inherits fields
def _inherits_reload_src(cls):
""" Recompute the _inherit_fields mapping on each _inherits'd child model."""
for model in cls.pool.values():
if cls._name in model._inherits:
def _inherits_reload(cls):
""" Recompute the _inherit_fields mapping.
""" Recompute the _inherit_fields mapping, and inherited fields. """
struct = {}
fields = {}
for parent_model, parent_field in cls._inherits.iteritems():
parent = cls.pool[parent_model]
# old-api struct for _inherit_fields
for name, column in parent._columns.iteritems():
struct[name] = (parent_model, parent_field, column, parent_model)
for name, source in parent._inherit_fields.iteritems():
struct[name] = (parent_model, parent_field, source[2], source[3])
# new-api fields for _fields
for name, field in parent._fields.iteritems():
fields[name] = field.new(
related=(parent_field, name),
This will also call itself on each inherits'd child model.
res = {}
for table in cls._inherits:
other = cls.pool[table]
for col in other._columns.keys():
res[col] = (table, cls._inherits[table], other._columns[col], table)
for col in other._inherit_fields.keys():
res[col] = (table, cls._inherits[table], other._inherit_fields[col][2], other._inherit_fields[col][3])
cls._inherit_fields = res
# old-api stuff
cls._inherit_fields = struct
cls._all_columns = cls._get_column_infos()
# interface inherited fields with new-style fields (note that the
# reverse order is for being consistent with _all_columns above)
for parent_model, parent_field in reversed(cls._inherits.items()):
for attr, field in cls.pool[parent_model]._fields.iteritems():
if attr not in cls._fields:
cls._add_field(attr, field.new(
related=(parent_field, attr),
# add inherited fields that are not redefined locally
for name, field in fields.iteritems():
if name not in cls._fields:
cls._add_field(name, field)
def _get_column_infos(cls):
@ -2959,34 +2926,72 @@ class BaseModel(object):
def _prepare_setup_fields(self):
""" Prepare the setup of fields once the models have been loaded. """
for field in self._fields.itervalues():
type(self)._setup_done = False
for name, field in self._fields.items():
if field.inherited:
del self._fields[name]
def _setup_fields(self, partial=False):
def _setup_fields(self):
""" Setup the fields (dependency triggers, etc). """
for field in self._fields.itervalues():
except Exception:
if not partial:
cls = type(self)
if cls._setup_done:
cls._setup_done = True
# update columns (fields may have changed), and column_infos
for name, field in self._fields.iteritems():
# first make sure that parent models are all set up
for parent in self._inherits:
# retrieve custom fields
if not self._context.get('_setup_fields_partial'):
# retrieve inherited fields
# set up fields
for field in cls._fields.itervalues():
# update columns (fields may have changed)
for name, field in cls._fields.iteritems():
if field.column:
self._columns[name] = field.to_column()
cls._columns[name] = field.to_column()
# group fields by compute to determine field.computed_fields
fields_by_compute = defaultdict(list)
for field in self._fields.itervalues():
for field in cls._fields.itervalues():
if field.compute:
field.computed_fields = fields_by_compute[field.compute]
field.computed_fields = []
# check constraints
for func in cls._constraint_methods:
if not all(name in cls._fields for name in func._constrains):
_logger.warning("@constrains%r parameters must be field names", func._constrains)
for name in cls._onchange_methods:
if name not in cls._fields:
func = cls._onchange_methods[name]
_logger.warning("@onchange%r parameters must be field names", func._onchange)
# check defaults
for name in cls._defaults:
assert name in cls._fields, \
"Model %s has a default for nonexiting field %s" % (cls._name, name)
# validate rec_name
if cls._rec_name:
assert cls._rec_name in cls._fields, \
"Invalid rec_name %s for model %s" % (cls._rec_name, cls._name)
elif 'name' in cls._fields:
cls._rec_name = 'name'
def fields_get(self, cr, user, allfields=None, context=None, write_access=True):
""" fields_get([fields])

View File

@ -164,8 +164,9 @@ class Registry(Mapping):
# do the actual setup from a clean state
self._m2m = {}
context = {'_setup_fields_partial': partial}
for model in self.models.itervalues():
model._setup_fields(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, partial=partial)
model._setup_fields(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)
def clear_caches(self):
""" Clear the caches