[IMP] Constraints validation

bzr revid: rim@openerp.com-20131108075347-3rv4i7vc09v91mx7
This commit is contained in:
Richard Mathot (OpenERP) 2013-11-08 08:53:47 +01:00
parent 3290b04e55
commit e112e7adc3
3 changed files with 100 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ from openerp.addons.website.models import website
# from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
# import simplejson
# import werkzeug
import werkzeug
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebsiteSurvey(http.Controller):
@ -35,48 +38,78 @@ class WebsiteSurvey(http.Controller):
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def list_surveys(self, **post):
'''All the public surveys'''
'''Lists all the public surveys'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
survey_ids = survey_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'open')],
survey_ids = survey_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'open'),
('page_ids', '!=', 'None')],
surveys = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, survey_ids, context=context)
return request.website.render('survey.list', {'surveys': surveys})
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def fill_survey(self, survey_id=None, page_index=None, **post):
'''Display a survey'''
def fill_survey(self, survey=None, **post):
'''Display and validates a survey'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
survey = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, survey_id, context=context)
pagination = {'current': -1,
'next': 0}
if page_index is not None:
if page_index not in range(0, len(survey.page_ids)):
# In case of bad survey, redirect to surveys list
if survey_obj.exists(cr, uid, survey.id, context=context) == []:
return werkzeug.utils.redirect("/survey/")
_logger.debug('Post request data:\n %s', post)
# Answer validation and storage
problems = []
if post:
for question in survey.page_ids[int(post['current'])].question_ids:
problems = problems + self.__check_constraints(survey.id,
post['current'], question, post)
problems = problems + self.__do_validation(survey.id,
post['current'], question, post)
_logger.debug('Problems in the survey:\n %s', problems)
# Pagination
pagination = {'current': -1, 'next': 0}
if 'current' in post and 'next' in post and post['next'] != "finished":
oldnext = int(post['next'])
if oldnext not in range(0, len(survey.page_ids)):
raise Exception("This page does not exist")
pagination['current'] = page_index
if page_index == len(survey.page_ids) - 1:
pagination['next'] = -1
pagination['next'] = page_index + 1
pagination['current'] = oldnext
if oldnext == len(survey.page_ids) - 1:
pagination['next'] = 'finished'
pagination['next'] = oldnext + 1
# Display success message if totally succeeded
if post and post['next'] == "finished":
return request.website.render('survey.finished')
return request.website.render('survey.survey',
{'survey': survey,
'pagination': pagination,
'debug': False,
'validation_error': None})
'problems': problems})
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def print_empty_survey(self, survey_id=None, **post):
'''Display a survey'''
'''Display an empty survey in printable view'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
survey = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, survey_id, context=context)
return request.website.render('survey.survey_print',
{'survey': survey})
def __check_constraints(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post):
print(survey_id.__str__() + '*' + page_nr + '*' + question.id.__str__())
if question.constr_mandatory:
if (survey_id.__str__() + '*' + page_nr + '*' + question.id.__str__()) not in post:
return [{'qlabel': question.question,
'errmsg': "This question is mandatory"}]
return []
def __do_validation(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post):
return []

View File

@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ class survey_question(osv.osv):
('has_length', 'Must have a specific length'),
('is_integer', 'Must be an integer'),
('is_decimal', 'Must be a decimal number'),
('is_date', 'Must be a date'),
#('is_date', 'Must be a date'),
('is_email', 'Must be an email address')
], 'Validation type'),
'validation_length': fields.integer('Specific length'),
@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ class survey_question(osv.osv):
'validation_max_float_value': fields.float('Maximum value'),
'validation_min_int_value': fields.integer('Minimum value'),
'validation_max_int_value': fields.integer('Maximum value'),
'validation_min_date': fields.date('Start date range'),
'validation_max_date': fields.date('End date range'),
#'validation_min_date': fields.date('Start date range'),
#'validation_max_date': fields.date('End date range'),
'validation_error_msg': fields.char("Error message if validation \
fails", oldname='validation_valid_err_msg'),

View File

@ -25,6 +25,20 @@
<!-- List of all the surveys -->
<template id="finished" name="Survey Finished">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Thank you!<br/><small>Your answers have been recorded.</small></h1>
<!-- A survey -->
<template id="survey" name="Survey">
<t t-call="website.layout">
@ -44,6 +58,13 @@
<div class="text-center">
<form role="form" method="post" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*-1'" t-att-action="'/survey/fill/' + survey.id.__str__()" target="">
<input type="hidden" name="current" t-att-value="pagination['current'].__str__()" />
<input type="hidden" name="next" t-att-value="pagination['next'].__str__()" />
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary active" value="Take survey"/>
<t t-if="pagination['current'] != -1">
<div class='page-header'>
@ -55,7 +76,6 @@
<t t-call="survey.page" />
<t t-call='survey.navsub' />
<div class="col-md-1"> </div>
@ -70,9 +90,8 @@
<!-- Navigation & Submission -->
<template id="navsub" name="Footer for navigation and submission">
<div class="text-center">
<t t-if="pagination['current'] == -1"><a t-att-href="'/survey/fill/' + survey.id.__str__() + '/page/' + pagination['next'].__str__()" class="btn btn-primary active" role="button">Take survey</a></t>
<t t-if="pagination['current'] != -1 and pagination['next'] != -1"><a t-att-href="'/survey/fill/' + survey.id.__str__() + '/page/' + pagination['next'].__str__()" class="btn btn-primary active" role="button">Next page</a></t>
<t t-if="pagination['next'] == -1"><button t-att-href="'#'" class="btn btn-success active" role="submit">Submit survey</button></t>
<t t-if="pagination['current'] != -1 and pagination['next'] != 'finished'"><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary active" value="Next page"/></t>
<t t-if="pagination['next'] == 'finished'"><input type="submit" class="btn btn-success active" value="Submit survey"/></t>
@ -87,21 +106,28 @@
<!-- Panel to display input errors -->
<t t-if="validation_error">
<t t-if="problems">
<div class="panel panel-danger">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Errors on this page</h3>
<div class="panel-body text-danger">
Some answers are missing or incorrect
<t t-foreach="problems" t-as='problem'>
<li><strong><t t-esc="problem['qlabel']"/> :</strong> <t t-esc="problem['errmsg']"/></li>
<form role="form">
<form role="form" method="post" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__()" t-att-action="'/survey/fill/' + survey.id.__str__()" target="">
<input type="hidden" name="current" t-att-value="pagination['current'].__str__()" />
<input type="hidden" name="next" t-att-value="pagination['next'].__str__()" />
<t t-foreach='page.question_ids' t-as='question'>
<t t-call='survey.question'/>
<t t-call='survey.navsub' />
@ -118,32 +144,32 @@
<t t-if="not is_vector_element"> <!-- if -->
<t t-if="question.constr_mandatory"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span></t>
<t t-esc='question.question'/><br/>
<span t-field='question.question'/><br/>
<small><t t-if="question.description"><t t-esc='question.description'/></t></small>
<t t-if="is_vector_element"> <!-- else -->
<t t-if="question.type == 'simple_choice_scale'">
<t t-esc='question.question'/><t t-raw="'&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;'" />
<t t-field='question.question'/><t t-raw="'&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;'" />
</t> <!-- endif -->
<!-- instanciating different types of questions -->
<t t-if="question.type in ['free_text']">
<textarea class="form-control" rows="3"></textarea>
<textarea class="form-control" rows="3" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__()"></textarea>
<t t-if="question.type in ['textbox']">
<input type="text" class="form-control" />
<input type="text" class="form-control" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__()"/>
<t t-if="question.type in ['numerical_box']">
<input type="number" class="form-control"/>
<input type="number" class="form-control" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__()"/>
<t t-if="question.type in ['datetime']" >
<input type="datetime-local" class="form-control" />
<input type="datetime-local" class="form-control" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__()"/>
TODO: replace html5 datetime widget by OpenERP-CMS datetime widget
@ -151,7 +177,7 @@
<t t-foreach='question.suggested_answers_ids' t-as='suggestion'>
<div class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" t-att-name="suggestion.question_id.id" t-att-value='suggestion.value' />
<input type="radio" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__()" t-att-value='suggestion.value' />
<t t-esc='suggestion.value'/>
@ -159,7 +185,7 @@
<t t-if="question.type in ['simple_choice_dropdown']">
<select class="form-control">
<select class="form-control" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__()">
<t t-foreach='question.suggested_answers_ids' t-as='suggestion'>
<option><t t-esc='suggestion.value'/></option>
@ -170,7 +196,7 @@
<t t-foreach='question.suggested_answers_ids' t-as='suggestion'>
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" t-att-name="suggestion.question_id.id" t-att-value='suggestion.value' />
<input type="checkbox" t-att-name="survey.id.__str__() + '*' + pagination['current'].__str__() + '*' + question.id.__str__() + '*' + suggestion.id.__str__()" t-att-value='suggestion.value' />
<t t-esc='suggestion.value'/>