[FIX] form field statusbar clean version

bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20120818221035-zue58v11r1qmbcbo
This commit is contained in:
Antony Lesuisse 2012-08-19 00:10:35 +02:00
parent a730933cdb
commit e9d39f98a0
2 changed files with 57 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -4666,11 +4666,17 @@ instance.web.form.FieldBinaryImage = instance.web.form.FieldBinary.extend({
instance.web.form.FieldStatus = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend({
template: "FieldStatus",
clickable: false,
start: function() {
this.selected_value = null;
this.clickable = !!this.node.attrs.clickable;
// backward compatibility
this.options.clickable = this.options.clickable || (this.node.attrs || {}).clickable || false;
this.options.visible = this.options.visible || (this.node.attrs || {}).statusbar_visible || false;
this.loaded = new $.Deferred();
if (this.options.clickable) {
// TODO move the following into css :after
if (this.$element.parent().is('header')) {
this.$element.after('<div class="oe_clear"/>');
@ -4688,121 +4694,73 @@ instance.web.form.FieldStatus = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend({
// trick to be sure all values are loaded in the form, therefore
// enabling the evaluation of dynamic domains
self.selection = [];
$.async_when().then(function() {
return self.render_list();
return this.loaded;
/** Get the status list and render them
* to_show: [[identifier, value_to_display]] where
* - identifier = key for a selection, id for a many2one
* - display_val = label that will be displayed
* - ex: [[0, "New"]] (many2one) or [["new", "In Progress"]] (selection)
render_list: function() {
var self = this;
// get selection values, filter them and render them
var selection_done =
/** Get the selection list to be displayed in the statusbar widget.
/** Get the selection and render it
* selection: [[identifier, value_to_display], ...]
* For selection fields: this is directly given by this.field.selection
* For many2one fields :
* - perform a search on the relation of the many2one field (given by
* field.relation )
* - get the field domain for the search
* - self.build_domain() gives the domain given by the view or by
* the field
* - if the optional statusbar_fold attribute is set to true, make
* an AND with build_domain to hide all 'fold=true' columns
* - make an OR with current value, to be sure it is displayed,
* with the correct order, even if it is folded
* For many2one fields: perform a search on the relation of the many2one field
get_selection: function() {
var self = this;
if (this.field.type == "many2one") {
this.selection = [];
// get fold information from widget
var fold = ((this.node.attrs || {}).statusbar_fold || true);
// build final domain: if fold option required, add the
if (fold == true) {
var domain = new instance.web.CompoundDomain(['|'], ['&'], self.build_domain(), [['fold', '=', false]], [['id', '=', self.selected_value]]);
} else {
var domain = new instance.web.CompoundDomain(['|'], self.build_domain(), [['id', '=', self.selected_value]]);
var domain = new instance.web.CompoundDomain(['|'], self.build_domain(), [['id', '=', self.selected_value]]);
var ds = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context(), domain);
ds.read_slice(['name'], {}).done( function (records) {
for(var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
self.selection.push([records[i].id, records[i].name]);
} else {
// For field type selection filter values according to
// statusbar_visible attribute of the field. For example:
// statusbar_visible="draft,open".
var selection = this.field.selection;
for(var i=0; i< selection.length; i++) {
var key = selection[i][0];
if(key == this.selected_value || !this.options.visible || this.options.visible.indexOf(key) != -1) {
// get a DataSetSearch on the current field relation (ex: crm.lead.stage_id -> crm.case.stage)
var model_ext = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context(), domain);
// fetch selection
var read_defer = model_ext.read_slice(['name'], {}).pipe( function (records) {
_(records).each(function (record) {
self.selection.push([record.id, record.name]);
} else {
this.selection = this.field.selection;
var read_defer = new $.Deferred().resolve();
return read_defer;
/** Filters this.selection, according to values coming from the statusbar_visible
* attribute of the field. For example: statusbar_visible="draft,open"
* Currently, the key of (key, label) pairs has to be used in the
* selection of visible items. This feature is not meant to be used
* with many2one fields.
filter_selection: function() {
var self = this;
var shown = _.map(((this.node.attrs || {}).statusbar_visible || "").split(","),
function(x) { return _.str.trim(x); });
shown = _.select(shown, function(x) { return x.length > 0; });
if (shown.length == 0) {
this.to_show = this.selection;
} else {
this.to_show = _.select(this.selection, function(x) {
return _.indexOf(shown, x[0]) !== -1 || x[0] === self.selected_value;
/** Renders the widget. This function also checks for statusbar_colors='{"pending": "blue"}'
* attribute in the widget. This allows to set a given color to a given
* state (given by the key of (key, label)).
render_elements: function () {
var self = this;
var content = instance.web.qweb.render("FieldStatus.content", {widget: this, _:_});
var content = instance.web.qweb.render("FieldStatus.content", {widget: this});
if (this.clickable) {
var elemts = this.$element.find('li');
_.each(elemts, function(element){
$item = $(element);
if ($item.attr("data-id") != self.selected_value) {
var data_id = parseInt($(this).attr("data-id"))
return this.view.recursive_save().pipe(exec_action);
self.view.dataset.call('stage_set', [[self.view.datarecord.id],data_id]).then(function() {
return self.view.reload();
} else {
var colors = JSON.parse((this.node.attrs || {}).statusbar_colors || "{}");
var color = colors[this.selected_value];
if (color) {
var elem = this.$element.find("li.oe_form_steps_active span");
elem.css("color", color);
this.$("oe_active").css("color", color);
on_click_stage: function () {
on_click_stage: function (ev) {
var self = this;
var $li = $(ev.currentTarget);
var val = parseInt($li.data("id"));
if (val != self.selected_value) {
this.view.recursive_save().then(function() {
var change = {};
change[self.name] = val;
self.view.dataset.write(self.view.datarecord.id, change).then(function() {

View File

@ -1083,33 +1083,13 @@
<t t-name="FieldStatus">
<ul class="" t-att-style="widget.node.attrs.style"/>
<ul t-att-class="widget.options.clickable ? 'oe_form_steps_clickable' : 'oe_form_steps'" t-att-style="widget.node.attrs.style"/>
<t t-name="FieldStatus.content">
<t t-set="size" t-value="widget.to_show.length"/>
<t t-foreach="_.range(size)" t-as="i">
<li t-att-class="widget.to_show[i][0] === widget.selected_value ? 'oe_form_steps_active' : 'oe_form_steps_inactive'">
<div class="oe_form_steps_button" t-att-data-id="widget.to_show[i][0]">
<t t-esc="widget.to_show[i][1]"/>
<span class="oe_form_steps_arrow">
<img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/form_steps.png"' class="oe_form_steps_arrow" t-if="i &lt; size - 1"/>
<t t-name="FieldStatus.content">
<t t-set="size" t-value="widget.to_show.length"/>
<t t-foreach="_.range(size)" t-as="i">
<li t-att-class="widget.to_show[i][0] === widget.selected_value ? 'oe_active' : ''" t-att-data-id="widget.to_show[i][0]">
<span class="label">
<t t-esc="widget.to_show[i][1]"/>
<t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="i">
<li t-att-class="i[0] === widget.selected_value ? 'oe_active' : ''" t-att-data-id="i[0]">
<span class="label"><t t-esc="i[1]"/></span>
<!-- are you mit ? -->
<span class="arrow"><span></span></span>