Merge pull request #233 from odoo-dev/master-website_hr_recruitment-GeoIP-chm

[IMP] website_hr_recruitment: Search by country or/and department or/and by office. Default search by country with GeoIP
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Matthieu 2014-06-23 17:56:38 +02:00
commit ed6becb2c0
2 changed files with 53 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -9,19 +9,18 @@ from openerp.addons.web.http import request
class website_hr_recruitment(http.Controller):
], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def jobs(self, department=None, office=None, country=None):
def jobs(self, country=None, department=None, office_id=None):
context=dict(request.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True)
cr, uid =, request.uid
# office is restriced, deslugify manually
office_id = 0
if office:
office_id = int(office.split('-')[-1])
# Search all available jobs as uid
JobsObj = request.registry['hr.job']
job_ids =, uid, [], order="website_published desc,no_of_recruitment desc", context=context)
@ -30,21 +29,32 @@ class website_hr_recruitment(http.Controller):
jobs = JobsObj.browse(cr, 1, job_ids, context=context)
# Deduce departments and offices of those jobs
countries = set(j.address_id.country_id for j in jobs if j.address_id and j.address_id.country_id)
departments = set(j.department_id for j in jobs if j.department_id)
offices = set(j.address_id for j in jobs if j.address_id)
countries = set(o.country_id for o in offices if o.country_id)
# Default search by user country
if not country and not department and not office_id:
country_code = request.session['geoip'].get('country_code')
if country_code:
country_ids = request.registry.get('').search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', country_code)], context=context)
if country_ids:
country = country_ids[0]
# Filter the matching one
jobs = [j for j in jobs if country==None or j.address_id==None or j.address_id.country_id and ==]
jobs = [j for j in jobs if department==None or j.department_id and ==]
jobs = [j for j in jobs if office==None or j.address_id and == office_id]
jobs = [j for j in jobs if country==None or j.address_id and j.address_id.country_id and ==]
jobs = [j for j in jobs if office_id==None or j.address_id and == office_id]
# Render page
return"website_hr_recruitment.index", {
'jobs': jobs,
'countries': countries,
'departments': departments,
'offices': offices,
'department_id': department and,
'country_id': country,
'department_id': department,
'office_id': office_id,
'countries': countries

View File

@ -230,13 +230,32 @@
<template id="job_countries" inherit_id="website_hr_recruitment.index" optional="disabled" name="Filter by Countries">
<xpath expr="//div[@id='jobs_grid_left']" position="inside">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked mb32">
<li t-att-class=" '' if country_id else 'active' "><a t-attf-href="/jobs#{ '/department/%s' % slug(department_id) if department_id else '' }#{ '/office/%s' % office_id if office_id else '' }">All Countries</a></li>
<t t-foreach="countries" t-as="country">
<li t-att-class="'active' if country_id and == else ''">
<a t-attf-href="/jobs/country/#{ slug(country) }#{ '/department/%s' % slug(department_id) if department_id else '' }#{ '/office/%s' % office_id if office_id else '' }" ><span t-field=""/></a>
<xpath expr="//div[@id='jobs_grid_left']" position="attributes">
<attribute name="class">col-md-3</attribute>
<xpath expr="//div[@id='jobs_grid']" position="attributes">
<attribute name="class">col-md-9</attribute>
<template id="job_departments" inherit_id="website_hr_recruitment.index" optional="disabled" name="Filter by Departments">
<xpath expr="//div[@id='jobs_grid_left']" position="inside">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked mb32">
<li t-att-class=" '' if department_id else 'active' "><a href="/jobs">All Departments</a></li>
<li t-att-class=" '' if department_id else 'active' "><a t-attf-href="/jobs#{ '/country/%s' % slug(country_id) if country_id else '' }#{ '/office/%s' % office_id if office_id else '' }">All Departments</a></li>
<t t-foreach="departments" t-as="department">
<li t-att-class="'active' if department_id == else ''">
<a t-attf-href="/jobs/department/#{ slug(department) }" ><span t-field=""/></a>
<li t-att-class="'active' if department_id and == else ''">
<a t-attf-href="/jobs#{ '/country/%s' % slug(country_id) if country_id else '' }/department/#{ slug(department) }#{ '/office/%s' % office_id if office_id else '' }" ><span t-field=""/></a>
@ -252,18 +271,16 @@
<template id="job_offices" inherit_id="website_hr_recruitment.index" optional="disabled" name="Filter by Offices">
<xpath expr="//div[@id='jobs_grid_left']" position="inside">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked mb32">
<li t-att-class=" '' if office_id else 'active' "><a href="/jobs">All Offices</a></li>
<li t-foreach="countries" t-as="thiscountry"><a t-attf-href="/jobs/country/#{slug(thiscountry)}" t-field=""/>
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked nav-hierarchy">
<t t-foreach="offices" t-as="thisoffice">
<li t-if="thisoffice.country_id == thiscountry" t-att-class=" 'active' if office_id == else '' ">
<a t-attf-href="/jobs/office/#{ slug(thisoffice) }" >
<span t-field=""/>
<li t-att-class=" '' if office_id else 'active' "><a t-attf-href="/jobs#{ '/country/%s' % slug(country_id) if country_id else '' }#{ '/department/%s' % slug(department_id) if department_id else '' }">All Offices</a></li>
<t t-foreach="offices" t-as="thisoffice">
<li t-att-class=" 'active' if office_id == else '' ">
<a t-attf-href="/jobs#{ '/country/%s' % slug(country_id) if country_id else '' }#{ '/department/%s' % slug(department_id) if department_id else '' }/office/#{ }" >
<span t-field=""/><t t-if="thisoffice.country_id">,
<span t-field=""/>
<xpath expr="//div[@id='jobs_grid_left']" position="attributes">