[IMP] code cleaning '/shop' less SQL queries, WIP

bzr revid: fp@tinyerp.com-20131201002355-82l9yab5l4vilkun
This commit is contained in:
Fabien Pinckaers 2013-12-01 01:23:55 +01:00
parent d4fc95f1fe
commit eeee49bfa8
3 changed files with 78 additions and 175 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from openerp.addons.web import http
from openerp.addons.web.http import request
from openerp.addons.website.models import website
PPG = 20 # Products Per Page
PPR = 4 # Products Per Row
class CheckoutInfo(object):
mandatory_billing_fields = ["name", "phone", "email", "street", "city", "country_id", "zip"]
@ -40,6 +42,55 @@ class CheckoutInfo(object):
return dict((field_name, post[field_name]) for field_name in self.all_fields() if post[field_name])
# Compute grid of products according to their sizes
class bin_position(object):
def __init__(self):
self.table = {}
def _check_place(self, posx, posy, sizex, sizey):
for y in range(sizey):
for x in range(sizex):
if posx+x>=PPR:
return False
row = self.table.setdefault(posy+y, {})
if row.setdefault(posx+x) is not None:
return False
return True
def process(self, products):
minpos = 0
index = 0
for p in products:
x = p.website_size_x
y = p.website_size_y
if index>PPG:
x = y = 1
pos = minpos
while not self._check_place(pos%PPR, pos/PPR, x, y):
pos += 1
if x==1 and y==1: # simple heuristic for optimization
minpos = pos/PPR
for y2 in range(y):
for x2 in range(x):
self.table[(pos/PPR)+y2][(pos%PPR)+x2] = False
row = self.table[pos/PPR][pos%PPR] = {
'product': p, 'x':x, 'y': y,
'class': " ".join(map(lambda x: x.html_class, p.website_style_ids))
index += 1
rows = self.table.items()
rows = map(lambda x: x[1], rows)
for col in range(len(rows)):
cols = rows[col].items()
rows[col] = filter(bool, map(lambda x: x[1], cols))
return filter(bool, rows)
class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
_order = 'website_sequence desc, website_published desc'
@ -71,137 +122,6 @@ class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
def get_pricelist(self):
return request.registry.get('website').get_pricelist_id(request.cr, request.uid, None, context=request.context)
def change_pricelist(self):
return request.registry.get('website').change_pricelist_id(request.cr, request.uid, None, context=request.context)
def get_bin_packing_products(self, product_ids, fill_hole, col_number=4):
Packing all products of the search into a table of #col_number columns in function of the product sizes
The website_size_x, website_size_y is use for fill table (default 1x1)
The website_style_ids datas are concatenate in a html class
product_ids: list of product template
fill_hole: list of extra product template use to fill the holes
col_number: number of columns
table (list of list of #col_number items)
items: {
'product': browse of product template,
'x': size x,
'y': size y,
'class': html class
product_obj = request.registry.get('product.template')
style_obj = request.registry.get('website.product.style')
request.context['pricelist'] = self.get_pricelist()
# search for checking of access rules and keep order
product_ids = product_obj.search(request.cr, request.uid, [("id", 'in', product_ids)], context=request.context)
size_ids = {}
style_ids = style_obj.search(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('html_class', 'like', 'size_%')], context=request.context)
for style in style_obj.browse(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, style_ids, context=request.context):
size_ids[style.id] = [int(style.html_class[-3]), int(style.html_class[-1])]
product_list = []
bin_packing = {}
bin_packing[0] = {}
for product in product_obj.browse(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, product_ids, context=request.context):
index = len(product_list)
# get size and all html classes
x = product.website_size_x or 1
y = product.website_size_y or 1
html_class = " ".join([str(style_id.html_class) for style_id in product.website_style_ids])
product_list.append({'product': product, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'class': html_class })
# bin packing products
insert = False
line = 0
while not insert:
# if not full column get next line
if len(bin_packing.setdefault(line, {})) >= col_number:
line += 1
col = 0
while col < col_number:
if bin_packing[line].get(col, None) != None:
col += 1
insert = True
# check if the box can be inserted
copy_line = line
copy_y = y
while copy_y > 0:
copy_col = col
copy_x = x
while copy_x > 0:
if copy_col >= col_number or bin_packing.setdefault(copy_line, {}).get(copy_col, None) != None:
insert = False
copy_col += 1
copy_x -= 1
if not insert:
copy_line += 1
copy_y -= 1
if not insert:
col += 1
# insert the box
copy_y = y
while copy_y > 0:
copy_y -= 1
copy_x = x
while copy_x > 0:
copy_x -= 1
bin_packing[line + copy_y][col + copy_x] = False
bin_packing[line + copy_y][col + copy_x] = product_list[index]
if not insert:
line += 1
length = len(bin_packing)
# browse product to fill the holes
if fill_hole:
fill_hole_products = []
# search for checking of access rules and keep order
fill_hole = [id for id in fill_hole if id in product_obj.search(request.cr, request.uid, [("id", 'in', fill_hole)], context=request.context)]
for product in product_obj.browse(request.cr, request.uid, fill_hole, context=request.context):
# packaging in list (from dict)
bin_packing_list = []
line = 0
while line < length:
col = 0
while col < col_number:
if fill_hole and fill_hole_products and bin_packing[line].get(col) == None:
bin_packing[line][col] = {'product': fill_hole_products.pop(), 'x': 1, 'y': 1, 'class': "" }
col += 1
line += 1
return bin_packing_list
def get_products(self, product_ids):
product_obj = request.registry.get('product.template')
request.context['pricelist'] = self.get_pricelist()
@ -265,51 +185,43 @@ class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
att = obj.read(request.cr, request.uid, att_ids, ["product_id"], context=request.context)
return [r["product_id"][0] for r in att]
@website.route(['/shop/pricelist'], type='http', auth="public", multilang=True)
def shop_promo(self, code, **post):
assert code, 'No pricelist code provided'
request.registry.get('website').change_pricelist_id(request.cr, request.uid, code, context=request.context)
return request.redirect("/shop")
], type='http', auth="public", multilang=True)
def category(self, category=0, page=0, filter='', search='', **post):
# TDE-NOTE: shouldn't we do somethign about product_template without variants ???
# TDE-NOTE: is there a reason to call a method category when the route is
# basically a shop without category_id speceified ?
def shop(self, category=0, page=0, filter='', search='', **post):
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
if 'promo' in post:
product_obj = request.registry.get('product.template')
domain = request.registry.get('website').get_website_sale_domain()
# remove product_product_consultant from ecommerce editable mode, this product never be publish
ref = request.registry.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'product', 'product_product_consultant')
domain.append(("id", "!=", ref[1]))
if search:
domain += ['|', '|', '|',
domain += ['|',
('name', 'ilike', "%%%s%%" % search),
('description', 'ilike', "%%%s%%" % search),
('website_description', 'ilike', "%%%s%%" % search),
('product_variant_ids.public_categ_id.name', 'ilike', "%%%s%%" % search)]
('description', 'ilike', "%%%s%%" % search)]
if category:
domain.append(('product_variant_ids.public_categ_id.id', 'child_of', category))
domain.append(('product_variant_ids.public_categ_id', 'child_of', category))
if filter:
filter = simplejson.loads(filter)
if filter:
ids = self.attributes_to_ids(filter)
domain.append(('id', 'in', ids or [0]))
step = 20
product_count = product_obj.search_count(request.cr, request.uid, domain, context=request.context)
pager = request.website.pager(url="/shop/", total=product_count, page=page, step=step, scope=7, url_args=post)
product_count = product_obj.search_count(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
pager = request.website.pager(url="/shop/", total=product_count, page=page, step=PPG, scope=7, url_args=post)
request.context['pricelist'] = self.get_pricelist()
product_ids = product_obj.search(request.cr, request.uid, domain, limit=step, offset=pager['offset'], order=self._order, context=request.context)
fill_hole = product_obj.search(request.cr, request.uid, domain, limit=step, offset=pager['offset']+step, order=self._order, context=request.context)
pids = product_obj.search(cr, uid, domain, limit=PPG+10, offset=pager['offset'], order=self._order, context=context)
products = product_obj.browse(cr, uid, pids, context=context)
styles = []
@ -320,9 +232,8 @@ class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
values = {
'Ecommerce': self,
'product_ids': product_ids,
'product_ids_for_holes': fill_hole,
'products': products,
'bins': bin_position().process(products),
'search': {
'search': search,
'category': category,
@ -330,16 +241,14 @@ class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
'pager': pager,
'styles': styles,
'style_in_product': lambda style, product: style.id in [s.id for s in product.website_style_ids],
# 'Ecommerce': self,
# 'product_ids_for_holes': fill_hole,
# 'style_in_product': lambda style, product: style.id in [s.id for s in product.website_style_ids],
return request.website.render("website_sale.products", values)
@website.route(['/shop/product/<model("product.template"):product>/'], type='http', auth="public", multilang=True)
def product(self, product, search='', category='', filter='', promo=None, **kwargs):
if promo:
def product(self, product, search='', category='', filter='', **kwargs):
category_obj = request.registry.get('product.public.category')
category_ids = category_obj.search(request.cr, request.uid, [], context=request.context)
@ -440,10 +349,7 @@ class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
request.registry['website'].sale_reset_order(cr, uid, context=context)
return request.redirect('/shop/')
if 'promo' in post:
suggested_ids = []
product_ids = []

View File

@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ class Website(orm.Model):
def get_pricelist_id(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if not request.httprequest.session.get('ecommerce_pricelist'):
self.change_pricelist_id(cr, uid, ids, None, context=context)
self.change_pricelist_id(cr, uid, None, context=context)
return request.httprequest.session.get('ecommerce_pricelist')
def change_pricelist_id(self, cr, uid, ids, code, context=None):
def change_pricelist_id(self, cr, uid, code=False, context=None):
request.httprequest.session.setdefault('ecommerce_pricelist', False)
pricelist_id = False
@ -125,4 +125,4 @@ class Website(orm.Model):
def get_website_sale_domain(self):
return [("sale_ok", "=", True)]
return [("sale_ok", "=", True)]

View File

@ -102,11 +102,9 @@
<div class='style_default row'>
<div class="hidden" id="products_grid_before"></div>
<div class="col-md-12" id="products_grid">
<t t-if="product_ids">
<table width="100%">
<t t-set="table_products" t-value="Ecommerce.get_bin_packing_products(product_ids, product_ids_for_holes, 4)"/>
<tr t-foreach="table_products" t-as="tr_product">
<tr t-foreach="bins" t-as="tr_product">
<t t-foreach="tr_product" t-as="td_product">
<t t-if="td_product">
<t t-set="product" t-value="td_product['product']"/>
@ -176,8 +174,7 @@
<t t-if="not product_ids">
<t t-if="not bins">
<h3 class="text-center text-muted">No product found for this search</h3>