[REF] Added first chapter from dev book: getting started. Rewrote the installation guide.

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20120417092205-5mfvukv35qysj6h6
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2012-04-17 11:22:05 +02:00
parent 05cbf324d4
commit efa85ca080
2 changed files with 279 additions and 100 deletions

doc/01_getting_started.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
Getting started with OpenERP development
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Installation from sources
Source code is hosted on Launchpad_. In order to get the sources, you will need Bazaar_ to pull the source from Launchpad. Bazaar is a version control system that helps you track project history over time and collaborate efficiently. You may have to create an account on Launchpad to be able to collaborate on OpenERP development. Please refer to the Launchpad and Bazaar documentation to install and setup your development environment.
The running example of this section is based on an Ubuntu environment. You may have to adapt the steps according to your system. Once your working environment is ready, prepare a working directory that will contain the sources. For a ``source`` base directory, type::
mkdir source;cd source
OpenERP provides a setup script that automatizes the tasks of creating a shared repository and getting the source code. Get the setup script of OpenERP by typing::
bzr cat -d lp:~openerp-dev/openerp-tools/trunk setup.sh | sh
This will create the following two files in your ``source`` directory::
-rw-rw-r-- 1 openerp openerp 5465 2012-04-17 11:05 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 openerp openerp 2902 2012-04-17 11:05 Makefile_helper.py
If you want some help about the available options, please type::
make help
Next step is to initialize the shared repository and download the sources. Get the current trunk version of OpenERP by typing::
make init-trunk
This will create the following structure inside your ``source`` directory, and fetch the latest source code from ``trunk``::
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 addons
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 client
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 client-web
drwxrwxr-x 2 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 dump
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 misc
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 server
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 web
Some dependencies are necessary to use OpenERP. Depending on your environment, you might have to install the following packages::
sudo apt-get install graphviz ghostscript postgresql
python-imaging python-matplotlib
Next step is to initialize the database. This will create a new openerp role::
make db-setup
Finally, launch the OpenERP server::
make server
Testing your installation can be done on http://localhost:8069/ . You should see the OpenERP main login page.
.. _Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/
.. _Bazaar: http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/
.. _getrting_started_configuration-link:
Two configuration files are available:
* one for the client: ~/.openerprc
* one for the server: ~/.openerp_serverrc
Those files follow the convention used by python's ConfigParser module.
Lines beginning with "#" or ";" are comments.
The client configuration file is automatically generated upon the first start. The one of the server can automatically be created using the command: ::
openerp-server.py -s
If they are not found, the server and the client will start with the default configuration.
**Server Configuration File**
The server configuration file .openerp_serverrc is used to save server startup options. Here is the list of the available options:
Address to which the server will be bound
Port the server will listen on
Name of the database to use
Username used when connecting to the database
File used to translate OpenERP to your language
File used to export the language OpenERP use
Use this language as the language of the server. This must be specified as an ISO country code, as specified by the W3C.
Enable debug output
init a module (use "all" for all modules)
update a module (use "all" for all modules)
Upgrade/install/uninstall modules
specify the database name
specify the database user name
specify the database password
specify the pg executable path
specify the database host
specify the database port
Specify modules to export. Use in combination with --i18n-export
You can create your own configuration file by specifying -s or --save on the server command line. If you would like to write an alternative configuration file, use -c <config file> or --config=<config file>
Here is a basic configuration for a server::
verbose = False
xmlrpc = True
database = terp
update = {}
port = 8069
init = {}
interface =
reportgz = False
Full Example for Server V5.0 ::
path = none
softpath_html = none
preview = True
softpath = none
output = stdout
logger =
verbose = True
level = error
index = http://www.openerp.com/documentation/user-manual/
context = http://www.openerp.com/scripts/context_index.php
autosave = False
toolbar = True
recipient = support@openerp.com
support_id =
position = 0
autostart = False
lang = en_US
default_path = /home/user
filetype = {}
theme = none
toolbar = icons
form_tab_orientation = 0
form_tab = top
position = 3
pixmaps = /usr/share/pixmaps/openerp-client/
share = /usr/share/openerp-client/
db = eo2
login = admin
protocol = http://
port = 8069
server = localhost
Command line options
General Options
--version show program version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
specify alternate config file
-s, --save save configuration to ~/.terp_serverrc
-v, --verbose enable debugging
--pidfile=PIDFILE file where the server pid will be stored
--logfile=LOGFILE file where the server log will be stored
specify the TCP IP address
-p PORT, --port=PORT specify the TCP port
specify the TCP IP address for netrpc
--net_port=NETPORT specify the TCP port for netrpc
--no-netrpc disable netrpc
--no-xmlrpc disable xmlrpc
-i INIT, --init=INIT init a module (use "all" for all modules)
load demo data for a module (use "all" for all
-u UPDATE, --update=UPDATE
update a module (use "all" for all modules)
--stop-after-init stop the server after it initializes
--debug enable debug mode
-S, --secure launch server over https instead of http
--smtp=SMTP_SERVER specify the SMTP server for sending mail
Database related options:
-d DB_NAME, --database=DB_NAME
specify the database name
-r DB_USER, --db_user=DB_USER
specify the database user name
-w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password=DB_PASSWORD
specify the database password
--pg_path=PG_PATH specify the pg executable path
--db_host=DB_HOST specify the database host
--db_port=DB_PORT specify the database port
Internationalization options:
Use these options to translate OpenERP to another language.See i18n
section of the user manual. Option '-l' is mandatory.
-l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
specify the language of the translation file. Use it
with --i18n-export and --i18n-import
export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file
and exit
import a CSV file with translations and exit
specify modules to export. Use in combination with
Options from previous versions:
Some options were removed in version 6. For example, ``price_accuracy`` is now
configured through the :ref:`decimal_accuracy` screen.

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
.. _test-framework:
Test framework
In addition to the YAML-based tests, OpenERP uses the unittest2_ testing
framework to test both the core ``openerp`` package and its addons. For the
core and each addons, tests are divided between three (overlapping) sets:
1. A test suite that comprises all the tests that can be run right after the
addons is installed (or, for the core, right after a database is created).
That suite is called ``fast_suite`` and must contain only tests that can be run
frequently. Actually most of the tests should be considered fast enough to be
included in that ``fast_suite`` list and only tests that take a long time to run
(e.g. more than a minute) should not be listed. Those long tests should come up
pretty rarely.
2. A test suite called ``checks`` provides sanity checks. These tests are
invariants that must be full-filled at any time. They are expected to always
pass: obviously they must pass right after the module is installed (i.e. just
like the ``fast_suite`` tests), but they must also pass after any other module is
installed, after a migration, or even after the database was put in production
for a few months.
3. The third suite is made of all the tests: those provided by the two above
suites, but also tests that are not explicitely listed in ``fast_suite`` or
``checks``. They are not explicitely listed anywhere and are discovered
As the sanity checks provide stronger guarantees about the code and database
structure, new tests must be added to the ``checks`` suite whenever it is
possible. Said with other words: one should try to avoid writing tests that
assume a freshly installed/unaltered module or database.
It is possible to have tests that are not listed in ``fast_suite`` or
``checks``. This is useful if a test takes a lot of time. By default, when
using the testing infrastructure, tests should run fast enough so that people
can use them frequently. One can also use that possiblity for tests that
require some complex setup before they can be successfuly run.
As a rule of thumb when writing a new test, try to add it to the ``checks``
suite. If it really needs that the module it belongs to is freshly installed,
add it to ``fast_suite``. Finally, if it can not be run in an acceptable time
frame, don't add it to any explicit list.
Writing tests
The tests must be developed under ``<addons-name>.tests`` (or ``openerp.tests``
for the core). For instance, with respect to the tests, a module ``foo``
should be organized as follow::
__init__.py # does not import .tests
__init__.py # import some of the tests sub-modules, and
# list them in fast_suite or checks
test_bar.py # contains unittest2 classes
test_baz.py # idem
... and so on ...
The two explicit lists of tests are thus the variables ``foo.tests.fast_suite``
and ``foo.tests.checks``. As an example, you can take a look at the
``openerp.tests`` module (which follows exactly the same conventions even if it
is not an addons).
Note that the ``fast_suite`` and ``checks`` variables are really lists of
module objects. They could be directly unittest2 suite objects if necessary in
the future.
Running the tests
To run the tests (see :ref:`above <test-framework>` to learn how tests are
organized), the simplest way is to use the ``oe`` command (provided by the
``openerp-command`` project).
> oe run-tests # will run all the fast_suite tests
> oe run-tests -m openerp # will run all the fast_suite tests defined in `openerp.tests`
> oe run-tests -m sale # will run all the fast_suite tests defined in `openerp.addons.sale.tests`
> oe run-tests -m foo.test_bar # will run the tests defined in `openerp.addons.foo.tests.test_bar`
In addition to the above possibilities, when invoked with a non-existing module
(or module.sub-module) name, oe will reply with a list of available test
Depending on the unittest2_ class that is used to write the tests (see
``openerp.tests.common`` for some helper classes that you can re-use), a database
may be created before the test is run, and the module providing the test will
be installed on that database.
Because creating a database, installing modules, and then dropping it is
expensive, it is possible to interleave the run of the ``fast_suite`` tests
with the initialization of a new database: the dabase is created, and after
each requested module is installed, its fast_suite tests are run. The database
is thus created and dropped (and the modules installed) only once.
.. _unittest2: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2