[REF] Create a WorkflowItem object

bzr revid: stw@openerp.com-20131023135838-ix7x6mzui3i3wfbi
This commit is contained in:
Stephane Wirtel 2013-10-23 15:58:38 +02:00
parent 6a3a2709ef
commit f6c1b6bb86
3 changed files with 213 additions and 189 deletions

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@ -12,4 +12,11 @@ class Record(object):
assert isinstance(model, basestring)
assert isinstance(record_id, (int, long))
self.model = model
self.id = record_id
self.id = record_id
class WorkflowActivity(object):
KIND_FUNCTION = 'function'
KIND_DUMMY = 'dummy'
KIND_STOPALL = 'stopall'
KIND_SUBFLOW = 'subflow'

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
import workitem
from openerp.workflow.helpers import Session
from openerp.workflow.helpers import Record
from openerp.workflow.workitem import WorkflowItem
def create(session, record, workflow_id):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ def create(session, record, workflow_id):
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where flow_start=True and wkf_id=%s', (workflow_id,))
activities = cr.dictfetchall()
stack = []
workitem.create(session, record, activities, instance_id, stack=stack)
WorkflowItem(session, record).create(activities, instance_id, stack)
update(session, record, instance_id)
return instance_id
@ -53,9 +54,10 @@ def validate(session, record, instance_id, signal, force_running=False):
cr = session.cr
cr.execute("select * from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s", (instance_id,))
stack = []
wi = WorkflowItem(session, record)
for work_item in cr.dictfetchall():
stack = []
workitem.process(session, record, work_item, signal, force_running, stack=stack)
# stack = []
wi.process(work_item, signal, force_running, stack=stack)
# An action is returned
_update_end(session, record, instance_id)
return stack and stack[0] or False
@ -67,9 +69,11 @@ def update(session, record, instance_id):
cr = session.cr
cr.execute("select * from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s", (instance_id,))
for witem in cr.dictfetchall():
wi = WorkflowItem(session, record)
for work_item in cr.dictfetchall():
stack = []
workitem.process(session, record, witem, stack=stack)
wi.process(work_item, stack=stack)
return _update_end(session, record, instance_id)
def _update_end(session, record, instance_id):

View File

@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ import instance
from openerp.workflow.helpers import Session
from openerp.workflow.helpers import Record
from openerp.workflow.helpers import WorkflowActivity
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import openerp
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
class Env(dict):
class Environment(dict):
Dictionary class used as an environment to evaluate workflow code (such as
the condition on transitions).
@ -43,13 +44,13 @@ class Env(dict):
instance, column names, and all the record (the one obtained by browsing
the provided ID) attributes.
def __init__(self, cr, uid, model, id):
self.cr = cr
self.uid = uid
self.model = model
self.id = id
self.ids = [id]
self.obj = openerp.registry(cr.dbname)[model]
def __init__(self, session, record):
self.cr = session.cr
self.uid = session.uid
self.model = record.model
self.id = record.id
self.ids = [record.id]
self.obj = openerp.registry(self.cr.dbname)[self.model]
self.columns = self.obj._columns.keys() + self.obj._inherit_fields.keys()
def __getitem__(self, key):
@ -57,11 +58,11 @@ class Env(dict):
res = self.obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, self.id)
return res[key]
return super(Env, self).__getitem__(key)
return super(Environment, self).__getitem__(key)
def wkf_expr_eval_expr(session, record, workitem, lines):
Evaluate each line of ``lines`` with the ``Env`` environment, returning
Evaluate each line of ``lines`` with the ``Environment`` environment, returning
the value of the last line.
assert lines, 'You used a NULL action in a workflow, use dummy node instead.'
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ def wkf_expr_eval_expr(session, record, workitem, lines):
elif line == 'False':
result = False
env = Env(session.cr, session.uid, record.model, record.id)
env = Environment(session, record)
result = eval(line, env, nocopy=True)
return result
@ -115,193 +116,205 @@ def wkf_expr_check(session, record, workitem, transition, signal):
return wkf_expr_eval_expr(session, record, workitem, transition['condition'])
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
class WorkflowItem(object):
def __init__(self, session, record):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
self.session = session
self.record = record
def create(self, activities, instance_id, stack):
assert isinstance(activities, list)
assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int))
assert isinstance(stack, list)
cr = self.session.cr
for activity in activities:
cr.execute("select nextval('wkf_workitem_id_seq')")
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute("insert into wkf_workitem (id,act_id,inst_id,state) values (%s,%s,%s,'active')", (id_new, activity['id'], instance_id))
cr.execute('select * from wkf_workitem where id=%s',(id_new,))
work_item = cr.dictfetchone()
logger.info('Created workflow item in activity %s',
extra={'ident': (self.session.uid, self.record.model, self.record.id)})
def create(session, record, activities, instance_id, stack):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(activities, list)
assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int))
assert isinstance(stack, list)
cr = session.cr
self.process(work_item, stack=stack)
for activity in activities:
cr.execute("select nextval('wkf_workitem_id_seq')")
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute("insert into wkf_workitem (id,act_id,inst_id,state) values (%s,%s,%s,'active')", (id_new, activity['id'], instance_id))
cr.execute('select * from wkf_workitem where id=%s',(id_new,))
work_item = cr.dictfetchone()
logger.info('Created workflow item in activity %s',
extra={'ident': (session.uid, record.model, record.id)})
def process(self, workitem, signal=None, force_running=False, stack=None):
assert isinstance(workitem, dict)
assert isinstance(force_running, bool)
process(session, record, work_item, stack=stack)
# return _process(self.session, self.record, work_item, signal=signal, force_running=force_running, stack=stack)
# assert isinstance(force_running, bool)
def process(session, record, workitem, signal=None, force_running=False, stack=None):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(force_running, bool)
assert stack is not None
assert stack is not None
cr = self.session.cr
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
activity = cr.dictfetchone()
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
activity = cr.dictfetchone()
triggers = False
if workitem['state'] == 'active':
triggers = True
if not self._execute(workitem, activity, stack):
return False
triggers = False
if workitem['state'] == 'active':
triggers = True
if not _execute(session, record, workitem, activity, stack):
return False
if force_running or workitem['state'] == 'complete':
ok = self._split_test(workitem, activity['split_mode'], signal, stack)
triggers = triggers and not ok
if force_running or workitem['state'] == 'complete':
ok = _split_test(session, record, workitem, activity['split_mode'], signal, stack)
triggers = triggers and not ok
if triggers:
cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
for trans in cr.dictfetchall():
if trans['trigger_model']:
ids = wkf_expr_eval_expr(self.session, self.record, workitem, trans['trigger_expr_id'])
for res_id in ids:
cr.execute('select nextval(\'wkf_triggers_id_seq\')')
id =cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('insert into wkf_triggers (model,res_id,instance_id,workitem_id,id) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (trans['trigger_model'],res_id,workitem['inst_id'], workitem['id'], id))
if triggers:
cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
for trans in cr.dictfetchall():
if trans['trigger_model']:
ids = wkf_expr_eval_expr(session, record, workitem, trans['trigger_expr_id'])
for res_id in ids:
cr.execute('select nextval(\'wkf_triggers_id_seq\')')
id =cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('insert into wkf_triggers (model,res_id,instance_id,workitem_id,id) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (trans['trigger_model'],res_id,workitem['inst_id'], workitem['id'], id))
return True
# ---------------------- PRIVATE FUNCS --------------------------------
def _state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, state):
session.cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set state=%s where id=%s', (state, workitem['id']))
workitem['state'] = state
logger.info('Changed state of work item %s to "%s" in activity %s',
workitem['id'], state, activity['id'],
extra={'ident': (session.uid, record.model, record.id)})
def _execute(session, record, workitem, activity, stack):
"""Send a signal to parenrt workflow (signal: subflow.signal_name)"""
result = True
cr = session.cr
signal_todo = []
if (workitem['state']=='active') and activity['signal_send']:
cr.execute("select i.id,w.osv,i.res_id from wkf_instance i left join wkf w on (i.wkf_id=w.id) where i.id IN (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s)", (workitem['inst_id'],))
for instance_id, model_name, record_id in cr.fetchall():
record = Record(model_name, record_id)
signal_todo.append((instance_id, record, activity['signal_send']))
if activity['kind']=='dummy':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
if activity['action_id']:
res2 = wkf_expr_execute_action(session, record, workitem, activity)
if res2:
elif activity['kind']=='function':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'running')
returned_action = wkf_expr_execute(session, record, workitem, activity)
if type(returned_action) in (dict,):
if activity['action_id']:
res2 = wkf_expr_execute_action(session, record, workitem, activity)
# A client action has been returned
if res2:
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
elif activity['kind']=='stopall':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'running')
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s and id<>%s', (workitem['inst_id'], workitem['id']))
if activity['action']:
wkf_expr_execute(session, record, workitem, activity)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
elif activity['kind']=='subflow':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'running')
if activity.get('action', False):
id_new = wkf_expr_execute(session, record, workitem, activity)
if not id_new:
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (workitem['id'],))
return False
assert type(id_new)==type(1) or type(id_new)==type(1L), 'Wrong return value: '+str(id_new)+' '+str(type(id_new))
cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and wkf_id=%s', (id_new,activity['subflow_id']))
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
id_new = instance.create(session, record, activity['subflow_id'])
cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (id_new, workitem['id']))
workitem['subflow_id'] = id_new
if workitem['state']=='running':
cr.execute("select state from wkf_instance where id=%s", (workitem['subflow_id'],))
state= cr.fetchone()[0]
if state=='complete':
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
for instance_id, record, signal_send in signal_todo:
instance.validate(session, record, signal_send, force_running=True)
return result
def _split_test(session, record, workitem, split_mode, signal, stack):
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
test = False
transitions = []
alltrans = cr.dictfetchall()
if split_mode=='XOR' or split_mode=='OR':
for transition in alltrans:
if wkf_expr_check(session, record, workitem, transition,signal):
test = True
transitions.append((transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if split_mode=='XOR':
test = True
for transition in alltrans:
if not wkf_expr_check(session, record, workitem, transition,signal):
test = False
cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if not cr.fetchone()[0]:
transitions.append((transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if test and len(transitions):
cr.executemany('insert into wkf_witm_trans (trans_id,inst_id) values (%s,%s)', transitions)
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (workitem['id'],))
for t in transitions:
_join_test(session, record, t[0], t[1], stack)
return True
return False
def _join_test(session, record, trans_id, inst_id, stack):
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=(select act_to from wkf_transition where id=%s)', (trans_id,))
activity = cr.dictfetchone()
if activity['join_mode']=='XOR':
create(session, record, [activity], inst_id, stack)
cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where inst_id=%s and trans_id=%s', (inst_id,trans_id))
cr.execute('select id from wkf_transition where act_to=%s', (activity['id'],))
trans_ids = cr.fetchall()
ok = True
for (id,) in trans_ids:
cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id))
res = cr.fetchone()[0]
if not res:
ok = False
if ok:
def _execute(self, workitem, activity, stack):
"""Send a signal to parenrt workflow (signal: subflow.signal_name)"""
result = True
cr = self.session.cr
signal_todo = []
if (workitem['state']=='active') and activity['signal_send']:
# signal_send']:
cr.execute("select i.id,w.osv,i.res_id from wkf_instance i left join wkf w on (i.wkf_id=w.id) where i.id IN (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s)", (workitem['inst_id'],))
for instance_id, model_name, record_id in cr.fetchall():
record = Record(model_name, record_id)
signal_todo.append((instance_id, record, activity['signal_send']))
if activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_DUMMY:
if workitem['state']=='active':
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'complete')
if activity['action_id']:
res2 = wkf_expr_execute_action(self.session, self.record, workitem, activity)
if res2:
elif activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_FUNCTION:
if workitem['state']=='active':
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'running')
returned_action = wkf_expr_execute(self.session, self.record, workitem, activity)
if type(returned_action) in (dict,):
if activity['action_id']:
res2 = wkf_expr_execute_action(self.session, self.record, workitem, activity)
# A client action has been returned
if res2:
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'complete')
elif activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_STOPALL:
if workitem['state']=='active':
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'running')
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s and id<>%s', (workitem['inst_id'], workitem['id']))
if activity['action']:
wkf_expr_execute(self.session, self.record, workitem, activity)
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'complete')
elif activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_SUBFLOW:
if workitem['state']=='active':
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'running')
if activity.get('action', False):
id_new = wkf_expr_execute(self.session, self.record, workitem, activity)
if not id_new:
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (workitem['id'],))
return False
assert type(id_new)==type(1) or type(id_new)==type(1L), 'Wrong return value: '+str(id_new)+' '+str(type(id_new))
cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and wkf_id=%s', (id_new,activity['subflow_id']))
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
id_new = instance.create(self.session, self.record, activity['subflow_id'])
cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (id_new, workitem['id']))
workitem['subflow_id'] = id_new
if workitem['state']=='running':
cr.execute("select state from wkf_instance where id=%s", (workitem['subflow_id'],))
state= cr.fetchone()[0]
if state=='complete':
self._state_set(workitem, activity, 'complete')
for instance_id, record, signal_send in signal_todo:
instance.validate(self.session, self.record, signal_send, force_running=True)
return result
def _state_set(self, workitem, activity, state):
self.session.cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set state=%s where id=%s', (state, workitem['id']))
workitem['state'] = state
logger.info('Changed state of work item %s to "%s" in activity %s',
workitem['id'], state, activity['id'],
extra={'ident': (self.session.uid, self.record.model, self.record.id)})
def _split_test(self, workitem, split_mode, signal, stack):
cr = self.session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
test = False
transitions = []
alltrans = cr.dictfetchall()
if split_mode in ('XOR', 'OR'):
for transition in alltrans:
if wkf_expr_check(self.session, self.record, workitem, transition,signal):
test = True
transitions.append((transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if split_mode=='XOR':
test = True
for transition in alltrans:
if not wkf_expr_check(self.session, self.record, workitem, transition,signal):
test = False
cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if not cr.fetchone()[0]:
transitions.append((transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if test and transitions:
cr.executemany('insert into wkf_witm_trans (trans_id,inst_id) values (%s,%s)', transitions)
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (workitem['id'],))
for t in transitions:
self._join_test(t[0], t[1], stack)
return True
return False
def _join_test(self, trans_id, inst_id, stack):
cr = self.session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=(select act_to from wkf_transition where id=%s)', (trans_id,))
activity = cr.dictfetchone()
if activity['join_mode']=='XOR':
self.create([activity], inst_id, stack)
cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where inst_id=%s and trans_id=%s', (inst_id,trans_id))
cr.execute('select id from wkf_transition where act_to=%s', (activity['id'],))
trans_ids = cr.fetchall()
ok = True
for (id,) in trans_ids:
cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id))
create(session, record, [activity], inst_id, stack)
cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id))
res = cr.fetchone()[0]
if not res:
ok = False
if ok:
for (id,) in trans_ids:
cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id))
self.create([activity], inst_id, stack)
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: