[IMP] better implementation of message read, no ancestror yet

bzr revid: fp@tinyerp.com-20120820090636-gyyp3n47sjs0fbhc
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Fabien Pinckaers 2012-08-20 11:06:36 +02:00
parent b386ee3c4a
commit f73372e7a2
3 changed files with 64 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
* remove _message_search_ancestor_ids and implement in message_read (must use browse records instead of IDS)
* I propose to move message_read in mail.message and rename to message_fetch
* remove message_search (objects can overwrite message_ids if they want a custom list of messages)
- requires to reimplement message_read
* remove _message_find_user_id and use _message_find_partners
- it requires to change the route code
Web Stuff to Do:
* replace comments_structure by a real tree structure, provided by message_read directly
* rewrite completly records_struct_add_records, merge existing messages with those coming from another message_read
* remove records_struct_update_after_display:
-> false records with domain message_read
* remove records_struct_update_after_display
* remove all is_wall stuff and pass real arguments
* remove init_and_fetch_comments
* rename fetch_comments into message_read
* implement display_current_user --> check why it's present two times
Not Sure:
* implement display_current_user --> check why it's present two times
To Check:
* check if addons modules rely on some stuff changed in the aboce backend section
To ask ODO:
* message_forward for mail gateway (redundant with notifications by emails ?)
-> I removed it to rely on notifications

View File

@ -120,6 +120,65 @@ class mail_message(osv.Model):
'author_id': _get_default_author
# Message loading for web interface
_limit = 10
def _message_read(self, cr, uid, messages, domain=[], thread_level=0, fetch_ancestors=False, context=None):
result = []
for msg in messages[:-1]:
if len(result)<(self._limit-1):
record = {
'id': msg.id,
'type': msg.type,
'attachment_ids': msg.attachment_ids.name_get(context=context),
'body': msg.body,
'model': msg.model,
'res_id': msg.res_id,
'record_name': msg.record_name,
'subject': msg.subject,
'date': msg.date,
'author_id': msg.author_id.id
if thread_level>0:
dom = [('parent_id','=', msg.id)]
if thread_level==1:
dom = [('parent_id','child_of', [msg.id])]
newids = self.search(cr, uid, domain+dom, context=context, limit=self._limit)
objs = self.browse(cr, uid, newids, context=context)
record['child_ids'] = self._message_read(cr, uid, objs, domain+dom, thread_level-1, context=context)
'type': 'expandable',
'domain': [('id','<=', msg.id)]+domain,
'context': context
def message_read(self, cr, uid, ids=False, domain=[], thread_level=0, fetch_ancestors=False, context=None):
If IDS are provided, fetch these records, otherwise use the domain to
fetch the matching records. After having fetched the records provided
by IDS, it will fetch children (according to thread_level) and/or the
parents if fetch_ancestrors is True.
Return [
if ids is False:
dom = []
if thread_level>0:
dom = [('parent_id', '=', False)]
ids = self.search(cr, uid, domain+dom, context=context, limit=10)
messages = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
return self._message_read(cr, uid, messages, thread_level, domain=domain, context=context)
# Email api

View File

@ -159,46 +159,6 @@ class mail_thread(osv.Model):
return [('message_unread','=',True)]
return []
# Message loading
def message_read(self, cr, uid, ids, fetch_ancestors=False, ancestor_ids=None,
limit=100, offset=0, domain=None, context=None):
""" OpenChatter feature: read the messages related to some threads.
This method is used mainly the Chatter widget, to directly have
read result instead of searching then reading.
Please see message_search for more information about the parameters.
print 'MSG READ', uid, ids, fetch_ancestors, ancestor_ids, limit, offset, domain, context
message_ids = self.message_search(cr, uid, ids, fetch_ancestors, ancestor_ids,
limit, offset, domain, context=context)
messages = self.pool.get('mail.message').read(cr, uid, message_ids, context=context)
""" Retrieve all attachments names """
map_id_to_name = dict((attachment_id, '') for message in messages for attachment_id in message['attachment_ids'])
ids = map_id_to_name.keys()
names = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').name_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# convert the list of tuples into a dictionnary
for name in names:
map_id_to_name[name[0]] = name[1]
# give corresponding ids and names to each message
for msg in messages:
msg["attachments"] = []
for attach_id in msg["attachment_ids"]:
msg["attachments"].append({'id': attach_id, 'name': map_id_to_name[attach_id]})
# Set the threads as read
self.message_mark_as_read(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# Sort and return the messages
messages = sorted(messages, key=lambda d: (-d['id']))
return messages
# Mail gateway