[imp]:installation Done wizard

bzr revid: nch@tinyerp.com-20100506113417-amny4wxhd1un1fkq
This commit is contained in:
nch@tinyerp.com 2010-05-06 17:04:17 +05:30
parent e56d5b74dc
commit f998ca47ae
1 changed files with 21 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -6,26 +6,27 @@
<field name="model">base.setup.config</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Setup">
<group colspan="4">
<image name="gtk-dialog-info"/>
<group colspan="2" col="4">
<separator colspan="4" string="Installation Done"/>
<label align="0.0" colspan="4"
string="Your new database is now fully installed."/>
<field name="installed_users" nolabel= "1" colspan="4"/>
<label align="0.0" colspan="4"
string="You can start configuring the system or connect directly to the database as an administrator."/>
<separator string="" colspan="4"/>
<button name="menu" icon="gtk-ok" type="object"
string="Use Directly"/>
<button name="config" icon="gtk-go-forward" type="object"
string="Start Configuration"/>
<form string="Setup">
<group colspan="4" col="8">
<group width="150">
<image name="gtk-dialog-info"/>
<separator string="Installation Done" colspan="8"/>
<label align="0.0" string="Your new database is now fully installed." colspan="8"/>
<field name="installed_users" nolabel= "1" colspan="8"/>
<label align="0.0" colspan="8" string="You can start configuring the system or connect directly to the database as an administrator."/>
<group colspan="8" col="8">
<separator string="" colspan="8"/>
<label string="" colspan="6"/>
<button name="menu" icon="gtk-ok" type="object" string="Use Directly" colspan="1"/>
<button name="config" icon="gtk-go-forward" type="object" string="Start Configuration" colspan="1"/>
<record id="action_base_setup" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Setup</field>