[IMP]mrp:use routing_id field instead of context and Optimize all code with simplicity in _bom_explode

bzr revid: ron@tinyerp.com-20110704070053-i2zp0q1z30ut9pbp
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ron@tinyerp.com 2011-07-04 12:30:53 +05:30
parent c3e10565f5
commit fd21c047e1
1 changed files with 19 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -300,30 +300,8 @@ class mrp_bom(osv.osv):
result = bom.id
max_prop = prop
return result
def get_line(self, cr, uid, object, factor, level):
@object :it may be production object or production.product.bom object
@param factor: Factor of product UoM.
@param level: Depth level to find BoM lines starts from 10.
@return: workcenter lines
result_line = []
for wc_use in object.routing_id.workcenter_lines:
wc = wc_use.workcenter_id
d, m = divmod(factor, wc_use.workcenter_id.capacity_per_cycle)
mult = (d + (m and 1.0 or 0.0))
cycle = mult * wc_use.cycle_nbr
'name': tools.ustr(wc_use.name) + ' - ' + tools.ustr(object.product_id.name),
'workcenter_id': wc.id,
'sequence': level+(wc_use.sequence or 0),
'cycle': cycle,
'hour': float(wc_use.hour_nbr*mult + ((wc.time_start or 0.0)+(wc.time_stop or 0.0)+cycle*(wc.time_cycle or 0.0)) * (wc.time_efficiency or 1.0)),
return result_line
def _bom_explode(self, cr, uid, bom, factor, properties=[], addthis=False, level=0, context=None):
def _bom_explode(self, cr, uid, bom, factor, properties=[], addthis=False, level=0, routing_id=False):
""" Finds Products and Work Centers for related BoM for manufacturing order.
@param bom: BoM of particular product.
@param factor: Factor of product UoM.
@ -333,8 +311,7 @@ class mrp_bom(osv.osv):
@return: result: List of dictionaries containing product details.
result2: List of dictionaries containing Work Center details.
if context is None:
context = {}
routing_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.routing')
factor = factor / (bom.product_efficiency or 1.0)
factor = rounding(factor, bom.product_rounding)
if factor < bom.product_rounding:
@ -362,12 +339,20 @@ class mrp_bom(osv.osv):
'product_uos_qty': bom.product_uos and bom.product_uos_qty * factor or False,
'product_uos': bom.product_uos and bom.product_uos.id or False,
production = context.get('production', False)
if production and production.routing_id:
result2 = self.get_line(cr, uid, production, factor, level)
if not (production and production.routing_id) and bom.routing_id:
result2 = self.get_line(cr, uid, bom, factor, level)
context.update({'production': False})
routing = (routing_id and routing_obj.browse(cr, uid, routing_id)) or bom.routing_id or False
if routing:
for wc_use in routing.workcenter_lines:
wc = wc_use.workcenter_id
d, m = divmod(factor, wc_use.workcenter_id.capacity_per_cycle)
mult = (d + (m and 1.0 or 0.0))
cycle = mult * wc_use.cycle_nbr
'name': tools.ustr(wc_use.name) + ' - ' + tools.ustr(bom.product_id.name),
'workcenter_id': wc.id,
'sequence': level+(wc_use.sequence or 0),
'cycle': cycle,
'hour': float(wc_use.hour_nbr*mult + ((wc.time_start or 0.0)+(wc.time_stop or 0.0)+cycle*(wc.time_cycle or 0.0)) * (wc.time_efficiency or 1.0)),
for bom2 in bom.bom_lines:
res = self._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom2, factor, properties, addthis=True, level=level+10)
result = result + res[0]
@ -620,6 +605,7 @@ class mrp_production(osv.osv):
cr.execute('delete from mrp_production_workcenter_line where production_id=%s', (production.id,))
bom_point = production.bom_id
bom_id = production.bom_id.id
routing = production.routing_id.id
if not bom_point:
bom_id = bom_obj._bom_find(cr, uid, production.product_id.id, production.product_uom.id, properties)
if bom_id:
@ -629,9 +615,8 @@ class mrp_production(osv.osv):
if not bom_id:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("Couldn't find bill of material for product"))
context = {'production':production or False}
factor = uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid, production.product_uom.id, production.product_qty, bom_point.product_uom.id)
res = bom_obj._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom_point, factor / bom_point.product_qty, properties, context=context)
res = bom_obj._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom_point, factor / bom_point.product_qty, properties, routing_id=routing)
results = res[0]
results2 = res[1]
for line in results: