[IMP] stock.move: products reservations should be guarded by a row-wise WRITE-LOCK to avoid potential duplicate reservations

lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/507389 fixed

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20100903100128-51xmatk20ewxnzy0
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Dony 2010-09-03 12:01:28 +02:00
parent b211bc1dbd
commit fed8a6838f
1 changed files with 71 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from tools.translate import _
import netsvc
import tools
import decimal_precision as dp
import logging
@ -371,20 +372,82 @@ class stock_location(osv.osv):
def _product_virtual_get(self, cr, uid, id, product_ids=False, context=None, states=['done']):
return self._product_all_get(cr, uid, id, product_ids, context, ['confirmed', 'waiting', 'assigned', 'done'])
def _product_reserve(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, product_qty, context=None):
def _product_reserve(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, product_qty, context=None, lock=False):
@param product_id: Id of product
@param product_qty: Quantity of product
@return: List of Values or False
Attempt to find a quantity ``product_qty`` (in the product's default uom or the uom passed in ``context``) of product ``product_id``
in locations with id ``ids`` and their child locations. If ``lock`` is True, the stock.move lines
of product with id ``product_id`` in the searched location will be write-locked using Postgres's
"FOR UPDATE NOWAIT" option until the transaction is committed or rolled back, to prevent reservin
twice the same products.
If ``lock`` is True and the lock cannot be obtained (because another transaction has locked some of
the same stock.move lines), a log line will be output and False will be returned, as if there was
not enough stock.
:param product_id: Id of product to reserve
:param product_qty: Quantity of product to reserve (in the product's default uom or the uom passed in ``context``)
:param lock: if True, the stock.move lines of product with id ``product_id`` in all locations (and children locations) with ``ids`` will
be write-locked using postgres's "FOR UPDATE NOWAIT" option until the transaction is committed or rolled back. This is
to prevent reserving twice the same products.
:param context: optional context dictionary: it a 'uom' key is present it will be used instead of the default product uom to
compute the ``product_qty`` and in the return value.
:return: List of tuples in the form (qty, location_id) with the (partial) quantities that can be taken in each location to
reach the requested product_qty (``qty`` is expressed in the default uom of the product), of False if enough
products could not be found, or the lock could not be obtained (and ``lock`` was True).
result = []
amount = 0.0
if context is None:
context = {}
for id in self.search(cr, uid, [('location_id', 'child_of', ids)]):
cr.execute("select product_uom,sum(product_qty) as product_qty from stock_move where location_dest_id=%s and location_id<>%s and product_id=%s and state='done' group by product_uom", (id, id, product_id))
if lock:
# Must lock with a separate select query because FOR UPDATE can't be used with
# aggregation/group by's (when individual rows aren't identifiable).
# We use a SAVEPOINT to be able to rollback this part of the transaction without
# failing the whole transaction in case the LOCK cannot be acquired.
cr.execute("SAVEPOINT stock_location_product_reserve")
cr.execute("""SELECT id FROM stock_move
WHERE product_id=%s AND
(location_dest_id=%s AND
location_id<>%s AND
(location_id=%s AND
location_dest_id<>%s AND
state in ('done', 'assigned'))
FOR UPDATE of stock_move NOWAIT""", (product_id, id, id, id, id), log_exceptions=False)
except Exception:
# Here it's likely that the FOR UPDATE NOWAIT failed to get the LOCK,
# so we ROLLBACK to the SAVEPOINT to restore the transaction to its earlier
# state, we return False as if the products were not available, and log it:
cr.execute("ROLLBACK TO stock_location_product_reserve")
logger = logging.getLogger('stock.location')
logger.warn("Failed attempt to reserve %s x product %s, likely due to another transaction already in progress. Next attempt is likely to work. Detailed error available at DEBUG level.", product_qty, product_id)
logger.debug("Trace of the failed product reservation attempt: ", exc_info=True)
return False
# XXX TODO: rewrite this with one single query, possibly even the quantity conversion
cr.execute("""SELECT product_uom, sum(product_qty) AS product_qty
FROM stock_move
WHERE location_dest_id=%s AND
location_id<>%s AND
product_id=%s AND
GROUP BY product_uom
(id, id, product_id))
results = cr.dictfetchall()
cr.execute("select product_uom,-sum(product_qty) as product_qty from stock_move where location_id=%s and location_dest_id<>%s and product_id=%s and state in ('done', 'assigned') group by product_uom", (id, id, product_id))
cr.execute("""SELECT product_uom,-sum(product_qty) AS product_qty
FROM stock_move
WHERE location_id=%s AND
location_dest_id<>%s AND
product_id=%s AND
state in ('done', 'assigned')
GROUP BY product_uom
(id, id, product_id))
results += cr.dictfetchall()
total = 0.0
@ -1695,7 +1758,8 @@ class stock_move(osv.osv):
pickings[move.picking_id.id] = 1
if move.state in ('confirmed', 'waiting'):
res = self.pool.get('stock.location')._product_reserve(cr, uid, [move.location_id.id], move.product_id.id, move.product_qty, {'uom': move.product_uom.id})
# Important: we must pass lock=True to _product_reserve() to avoid race conditions and double reservations
res = self.pool.get('stock.location')._product_reserve(cr, uid, [move.location_id.id], move.product_id.id, move.product_qty, {'uom': move.product_uom.id}, lock=True)
if res:
#_product_available_test depends on the next status for correct functioning
#the test does not work correctly if the same product occurs multiple times