// Phantomjs odoo helper // jshint evil: true, loopfunc: true var system = require('system'); function waitFor (condition, callback, timeout, timeoutMessageCallback) { timeout = timeout || 10000; var start = new Date(); (function waitLoop() { if(new Date() - start > timeout) { console.log('error', timeoutMessageCallback ? timeoutMessageCallback() : "Timeout after "+timeout+" ms"); phantom.exit(1); } else if (condition()) { callback(); } else { setTimeout(waitLoop, 250); } }()); } function PhantomTest() { var self = this; this.options = JSON.parse(system.args[system.args.length-1]); this.inject = this.options.inject || []; this.timeout = this.options.timeout ? Math.round(parseFloat(this.options.timeout)*1000 - 5000) : 10000; this.origin = 'http://localhost'; this.origin += this.options.port ? ':' + this.options.port : ''; // ---------------------------------------------------- // configure phantom and page // ---------------------------------------------------- phantom.addCookie({ 'domain': 'localhost', 'name': 'session_id', 'value': this.options.session_id, }); this.page = require('webpage').create(); this.page.viewportSize = { width: 1366, height: 768 }; this.page.onError = function(message, trace) { var msg = [message]; if (trace && trace.length) { msg.push.apply(msg, trace.map(function (frame) { var result = [' at ', frame.file, ':', frame.line]; if (frame.function) { result.push(' (in ', frame.function, ')'); } return result.join(''); })); msg.push('(leaf frame on top)'); } console.log('error', JSON.stringify(msg.join('\n'))); phantom.exit(1); }; this.page.onAlert = function(message) { console.log('error', message); phantom.exit(1); }; this.page.onConsoleMessage = function(message) { console.log(message); }; this.page.onLoadFinished = function(status) { if (status === "success") { for (var k in self.inject) { var found = false; var v = self.inject[k]; var need = v; var src = v; if (v[0]) { need = v[0]; src = v[1]; found = self.page.evaluate(function(code) { try { return !!eval(code); } catch (e) { return false; } }, need); } if(!found) { console.log('Injecting', src, 'needed for', need); if(!self.page.injectJs(src)) { console.log('error', "Cannot inject " + src); phantom.exit(1); } } } } }; setTimeout(function () { self.page.evaluate(function () { var message = ("Timeout\nhref: " + window.location.href + "\nreferrer: " + document.referrer + "\n\n" + (document.body && document.body.innerHTML)).replace(/[^a-z0-9\s~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, "*"); console.log('error', message); }); phantom.exit(1); }, self.timeout); // ---------------------------------------------------- // run test // ---------------------------------------------------- this.run = function(url_path, code, ready) { if(self.options.login) { var qp = []; qp.push('db=' + self.options.db); qp.push('login=' + self.options.login); qp.push('key=' + self.options.password); qp.push('redirect=' + encodeURIComponent(url_path)); url_path = "/login?" + qp.join('&'); } var url = self.origin + url_path; code = code || "true"; ready = ready || "true"; self.page.open(url, function(status) { if (status !== 'success') { console.log('error', "failed to load " + url); phantom.exit(1); } else { console.log('loaded', url, status); // clear localstorage leftovers self.page.evaluate(function () { localStorage.clear() }); // process ready waitFor(function() { console.log("PhantomTest.run: wait for condition:", ready); return self.page.evaluate(function (ready) { var r = false; try { console.log("page.evaluate eval expr:", ready); r = !!eval(ready); } catch(ex) { } console.log("page.evaluate eval result:", r); return r; }, ready); // run test }, function() { console.log("PhantomTest.run: condition statified, executing: " + code); self.page.evaluate(function (code) { return eval(code); }, code); console.log("PhantomTest.run: execution launched, waiting for console.log('ok')..."); }); } }); }; } // js mode or jsfile mode if(system.args.length === 2) { pt = new PhantomTest(); pt.run(pt.options.url_path, pt.options.code, pt.options.ready); } // vim:et: