# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY OpenERP S.A. (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from helpers import Session from helpers import Record from openerp.workflow.instance import WorkflowInstance # import instance class WorkflowService(object): CACHE = {} @classmethod def clear_cache(cls, dbname): cls.CACHE[dbname] = {} @classmethod def new(cls, cr, uid, model_name, record_id): return cls(Session(cr, uid), Record(model_name, record_id)) def __init__(self, session, record): assert isinstance(session, Session) assert isinstance(record, Record) self.session = session self.record = record self.cr = self.session.cr def write(self): self.cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s', (self.record.id or None, self.record.model or None, 'active') ) for (instance_id,) in self.cr.fetchall(): WorkflowInstance(self.session, self.record, {'id': instance_id}).update() def trigger(self): self.cr.execute('select instance_id from wkf_triggers where res_id=%s and model=%s', (self.record.id, self.record.model)) res = self.cr.fetchall() for (instance_id,) in res: self.cr.execute('select %s,res_type,res_id from wkf_instance where id=%s', (self.session.uid, instance_id,)) current_uid, current_model_name, current_record_id = self.cr.fetchone() current_session = Session(self.session.cr, current_uid) current_record = Record(current_model_name, current_record_id) WorkflowInstance(current_session, current_record, {'id': instance_id}).update() def delete(self): WorkflowInstance(self.session, self.record, {}).delete() def create(self): WorkflowService.CACHE.setdefault(self.cr.dbname, {}) wkf_ids = WorkflowService.CACHE[self.cr.dbname].get(self.record.model, None) if not wkf_ids: self.cr.execute('select id from wkf where osv=%s and on_create=True', (self.record.model,)) wkf_ids = self.cr.fetchall() WorkflowService.CACHE[self.cr.dbname][self.record.model] = wkf_ids for (wkf_id, ) in wkf_ids: WorkflowInstance.create(self.session, self.record, wkf_id) def validate(self, signal): result = False # ids of all active workflow instances for a corresponding resource (id, model_nam) self.cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s', (self.record.id, self.record.model, 'active')) # TODO: Refactor the workflow instance object for (instance_id,) in self.cr.fetchall(): wi = WorkflowInstance(self.session, self.record, {'id': instance_id}) res2 = wi.validate(signal) result = result or res2 return result def redirect(self, new_rid): # get ids of wkf instances for the old resource (res_id) # CHECKME: shouldn't we get only active instances? self.cr.execute('select id, wkf_id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s', (self.record.id, self.record.model)) for old_inst_id, workflow_id in self.cr.fetchall(): # first active instance for new resource (new_rid), using same wkf self.cr.execute( 'SELECT id '\ 'FROM wkf_instance '\ 'WHERE res_id=%s AND res_type=%s AND wkf_id=%s AND state=%s', (new_rid, self.record.model, workflow_id, 'active')) new_id = self.cr.fetchone() if new_id: # select all workitems which "wait" for the old instance self.cr.execute('select id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s', (old_inst_id,)) for (item_id,) in self.cr.fetchall(): # redirect all those workitems to the wkf instance of the new resource self.cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (new_id[0], item_id))