- In order to test the hr_holiday module in OpenERP, I will Allocate leaves for Employee and manage leaves and leaves requests. - I assign the dates in the holiday request. - !record {model: hr.holidays, id: hr_holiday1}: name: Sick Leave holiday_status_id: holiday_status_cl date_from: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-10 10:00:00') date_to: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-11 19:00:00') employee_id: hr.employee_fp type: remove - I find a small mistake on my leave request to I click on "Refuse" button to correct a mistake. - !workflow {model: hr.holidays, action: refuse, ref: hr_holidays_employee1_cl} - I again set to draft and then confirm. - !python {model: hr.holidays}: | self.holidays_reset(cr, uid, [ref('hr_holidays_employee1_cl')]) self.signal_workflow(cr, uid, [ref('hr_holidays_employee1_cl')], 'confirm') - I validate the holiday request by clicking on "To Approve" button. - !workflow {model: hr.holidays, action: validate, ref: hr_holidays_employee1_cl} - I can also see Summary of Employee's holiday by using "Employee's Holidays" Report. This report will allows to choose to print holidays with state Confirmed, Validated or both.