(function () { 'use strict'; var website = openerp.website; var _t = openerp._t; website.Tour.register({ id: 'blog', name: _t("Create a blog post"), steps: [ { title: _t("New Blog Post"), content: _t("Let's go through the first steps to write beautiful blog posts."), popover: { next: _t("Start Tutorial"), end: _t("Skip") }, }, { element: '#content-menu-button', placement: 'left', title: _t("Add Content"), content: _t("Use this 'Content' menu to create a new blog post like any other document (page, menu, products, event, ...)."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { element: 'a[data-action=new_blog_post]', placement: 'left', title: _t("New Blog Post"), content: _t("Select this menu item to create a new blog post."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { element: '.modal:has(#editor_new_blog) button.btn-primary', placement: 'right', title: _t("Create Blog Post"), content: _t("Click Continue to create the blog post."), }, { waitFor: 'body:has(button[data-action=save]:visible):has(.js_blog)', title: _t("Blog Post Created"), content: _t("This is your new blog post. Let's edit it."), popover: { next: _t("Continue") }, }, { element: 'h1[data-oe-expression="blog_post.name"]', placement: 'bottom', sampleText: 'New Blog', title: _t("Set a Title"), content: _t("Click on this area and set a catchy title for your blog post."), }, { waitNot: '#wrap h1[data-oe-model="blog.post"]:contains("Blog Post Title")', element: 'button[data-action=snippet]', placement: 'left', title: _t("Layout Your Blog Post"), content: _t("Use well designed building blocks to structure the content of your blog. Click 'Insert Blocks' to add new content."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { snippet: '#snippet_structure .oe_snippet:eq(2)', placement: 'bottom', title: _t("Drag & Drop a Block"), content: _t("Drag this block and drop it in your page."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { element: 'button[data-action=snippet]', placement: 'bottom', title: _t("Add Another Block"), content: _t("Let's add another block to your post."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { snippet: '#snippet_structure .oe_snippet:eq(4)', placement: 'bottom', title: _t("Drag & Drop a block"), content: _t("Drag this block and drop it below the image block."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { element: '.oe_active .oe_snippet_remove', placement: 'top', title: _t("Delete the block"), content: _t("From this toolbar you can move, duplicate or delete the selected zone. Click on the garbage can image to delete the block. Or click on the Title and delete it."), }, { waitNot: '.oe_active .oe_snippet_remove:visible', element: 'button[data-action=save]', placement: 'right', title: _t("Save Your Blog"), content: _t("Click the Save button to record changes on the page."), popover: { fixed: true }, }, { waitFor: 'button[data-action=edit]:visible', element: 'button.btn-danger.js_publish_btn', placement: 'top', title: _t("Publish Your Post"), content: _t("Your blog post is not yet published. You can update this draft version and publish it once you are ready."), }, { waitFor: '.js_publish_management button.js_publish_btn.btn-success:visible', title: "Thanks!", content: _t("This tutorial is finished. To discover more features, improve the content of this page and try the Promote button in the top right menu."), popover: { next: _t("Close Tutorial") }, }, ] }); }());