openerp_mail_followers = function(session, mail) { var _t = session.web._t, _lt = session.web._lt; var mail_followers = session.mail_followers = {}; /** * ------------------------------------------------------------ * mail_followers Widget * ------------------------------------------------------------ * * This widget handles the display of a list of records as a vertical * list, with an image on the left. The widget itself is a floatting * right-sided box. * This widget is mainly used to display the followers of records * in OpenChatter. */ /* Add the widget to registry */ session.web.form.widgets.add('mail_followers', 'openerp.mail_followers.Followers'); mail_followers.Followers = session.web.form.AbstractField.extend({ template: 'mail.followers', init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.image = this.node.attrs.image || 'image_small'; this.comment = || false; this.displayed_limit = this.node.attrs.displayed_nb || 10; this.displayed_nb = this.displayed_limit; this.ds_model = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.view.model); this.ds_users = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'res.users'); this.value = []; this.followers = []; this.view_is_editable = this.__parentedParent.is_action_enabled('edit'); }, start: function() { // use actual_mode property on view to know if the view is in create mode anymore this.view.on("change:actual_mode", this, this.on_check_visibility_mode); this.on_check_visibility_mode(); this.reinit(); this.bind_events(); this._super(); }, on_check_visibility_mode: function () { this.set({"force_invisible": this.view.get("actual_mode") == "create"}); }, set_value: function(_value) { this.value = _value; this._super(_value); }, reinit: function() { this.message_is_follower == undefined; this.display_buttons(); }, bind_events: function() { var self = this; // event: click on '(Un)Follow' button, that toggles the follow for uid this.$('.oe_follower').on('click', function (event) { if($(this).hasClass('oe_notfollow')) self.do_follow(); else self.do_unfollow(); }); // event: click on a subtype, that (un)subscribe for this subtype this.$el.on('click', '.oe_subtype_list input', self.do_update_subscription); // event: click on 'invite' button, that opens the invite wizard this.$('.oe_invite').on('click', self.on_invite_follower); // event: click on 'edit_subtype(pencil)' button to edit subscription this.$el.on('click', '.oe_edit_subtype', self.on_edit_subtype); this.$el.on('click', '.oe_remove_follower', self.on_remove_follower); this.$el.on('click', '.oe_show_more', self.on_show_more_followers) }, on_edit_subtype: function(event) { var self = this; var $currentTarget = $(event.currentTarget); var user_pid = $'id'); $('div.oe_edit_actions').remove(); self.$dialog = new session.web.dialog($('
'), { modal: true, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', title: _t('Edit Subscription of ') + $currentTarget.siblings('a').text(), buttons: [ { text: _t("Apply"), click: function() { self.do_update_subscription(event, user_pid); $(this).dialog("close"); }}, { text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }} ], }); return self.fetch_subtypes(user_pid); }, on_invite_follower: function (event) { var self = this; var action = { type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: 'mail.wizard.invite', view_mode: 'form', view_type: 'form', views: [[false, 'form']], target: 'new', context: { 'default_res_model': this.view.dataset.model, 'default_res_id':, }, } this.do_action(action, { on_close: function() { self.read_value(); }, }); }, on_show_more_followers: function (event) { this.displayed_nb += this.displayed_limit; this.display_followers(false); }, on_remove_follower: function (event) { var partner_id = $('id'); var name = $("a").html(); if (confirm(_.str.sprintf(_t("Warning! \n %s won't be notified of any email or discussion on this document. Do you really want to remove him from the followers ?"), name))) { var context = new session.web.CompoundContext(this.build_context(), {}); return'message_unsubscribe', [[], [partner_id], context]) .then(this.proxy('read_value')); } }, read_value: function () { var self = this; this.displayed_nb = this.displayed_limit; return this.ds_model.read_ids([], ['message_follower_ids']).then(function (results) { self.value = results[0].message_follower_ids; self.render_value(); }); }, render_value: function () { this.reinit(); return this.fetch_followers(this.value); }, fetch_followers: function (value_) { this.value = value_ || []; return'read_followers_data', [this.value]) .then(this.proxy('display_followers'), this.proxy('fetch_generic')) .then(this.proxy('display_buttons')) .then(this.proxy('fetch_subtypes')); }, /** Read on res.partner failed: fall back on a generic case - fetch current user partner_id (call because no other smart solution currently) FIXME - then display a generic message about followers */ fetch_generic: function (error, event) { var self = this; event.preventDefault(); return'read', [this.session.uid, ['partner_id']]).then(function (results) { var pid = results['partner_id'][0]; self.message_is_follower = (_.indexOf(self.value, pid) != -1); }).then(self.proxy('display_generic')); }, _format_followers: function(count){ var str = ''; if(count <= 0){ str = _t('No followers'); }else if(count === 1){ str = _t('One follower'); }else{ str = ''+count+' '+_t('followers'); } return str; }, /* Display generic info about follower, for people not having access to res_partner */ display_generic: function () { var self = this; var node_user_list = this.$('.oe_follower_list').empty(); this.$('.oe_follower_title').html(this._format_followers(this.value.length)); }, /** Display the followers */ display_followers: function (records) { var self = this; this.message_is_follower = false; this.followers = records || this.followers; // clean and display title var node_user_list = this.$('.oe_follower_list').empty(); this.$('.oe_follower_title').html(this._format_followers(this.followers.length)); // truncate number of displayed followers var truncated = this.followers.slice(0, this.displayed_nb); _(truncated).each(function (record) { partner = { 'id': record[0], 'name': record[1], 'is_uid': record[2]['is_uid'], 'is_editable': record[2]['is_editable'], 'avatar_url': mail.ChatterUtils.get_image(self.session, 'res.partner', 'image_small', record[0]), } if (partner.is_uid) { self.message_is_follower = partner.is_uid; } $(session.web.qweb.render('mail.followers.partner', {'record': partner, 'widget': self})).appendTo(node_user_list); // On mouse-enter it will show the edit_subtype pencil. if (partner.is_editable) { self.$('.oe_follower_list').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { self.$('.oe_edit_subtype').toggleClass('oe_hidden', e.type == 'mouseleave'); self.$('.oe_follower_list').find('.oe_partner').toggleClass('oe_partner_name', e.type == 'mouseenter'); }); } }); // FVA note: be sure it is correctly translated if (truncated.length < this.followers.length) { $(session.web.qweb.render('mail.followers.show_more', {'number': (this.followers.length - truncated.length)} )).appendTo(node_user_list); } }, display_buttons: function () { if (this.message_is_follower) { this.$('button.oe_follower').removeClass('oe_notfollow').addClass('oe_following'); } else { this.$('button.oe_follower').removeClass('oe_following').addClass('oe_notfollow'); } if (this.view.is_action_enabled('edit')) this.$('span.oe_mail_invite_wrapper').hide(); else this.$('span.oe_mail_invite_wrapper').show(); }, /** Fetch subtypes, only if current user is follower */ fetch_subtypes: function (user_pid) { var self = this; var dialog = false; if (user_pid) { dialog = true; } else { var subtype_list_ul = this.$('.oe_subtype_list').empty(); if (! this.message_is_follower) return; } var id =;'message_get_subscription_data', [[id], user_pid, new session.web.CompoundContext(this.build_context(), {})]) .then(function (data) {self.display_subtypes(data, id, dialog);}); }, /** Display subtypes: {'name': default, followed} */ display_subtypes:function (data, id, dialog) { var self = this; if (dialog) { var $list = self.$dialog; } else { var $list = this.$('.oe_subtype_list'); } $list.empty().hide(); var records = data[id].message_subtype_data; this.records_length = $.map(records, function(value, index) { return index; }).length; if (this.records_length > 1) { self.display_followers(); } _(records).each(function (record, record_name) { = record_name; record.followed = record.followed || undefined; $(session.web.qweb.render('mail.followers.subtype', {'record': record})).appendTo($list); }); if (_.size(records) > 1) { $; } }, do_follow: function () { var context = new session.web.CompoundContext(this.build_context(), {});'message_subscribe_users', [[], [this.session.uid], undefined, context]) .then(this.proxy('read_value')); _.each(this.$('.oe_subtype_list input'), function (record) { $(record).attr('checked', 'checked'); }); }, do_unfollow: function (user_pid) { if (confirm(_t("Warning! \nYou won't be notified of any email or discussion on this document. Do you really want to unfollow this document ?"))) { _(this.$('.oe_msg_subtype_check')).each(function (record) { $(record).attr('checked',false); }); var action_unsubscribe = 'message_unsubscribe_users'; var follower_ids = [this.session.uid]; if (user_pid) { action_unsubscribe = 'message_unsubscribe'; follower_ids = [user_pid]; } var context = new session.web.CompoundContext(this.build_context(), {}); return, [[], follower_ids, context]) .then(this.proxy('read_value')); } return false; }, do_update_subscription: function (event, user_pid) { var self = this; var action_subscribe = 'message_subscribe_users'; var follower_ids = [this.session.uid]; var oe_action = this.$('.oe_actions input[type="checkbox"]'); if (user_pid) { action_subscribe = 'message_subscribe'; follower_ids = [user_pid]; oe_action = $('.oe_edit_actions input[type="checkbox"]'); } var checklist = new Array(); _(oe_action).each(function (record) { if ($(record).is(':checked')) { checklist.push(parseInt($(record).data('id'))); } }); if (!checklist.length) { if (!this.do_unfollow(user_pid)) { $("checked", "checked"); } } else { var context = new session.web.CompoundContext(this.build_context(), {}); return, [[], follower_ids, checklist, context]) .then(this.proxy('read_value')); } }, }); };