"""An experimental SVG renderer for the ReportLab graphics framework. This will create SVG code from the ReportLab Graphics API (RLG). To read existing SVG code and convert it into ReportLab graphics objects download the svglib module here: http://python.net/~gherman/#svglib """ import math, string, types, sys, os from types import StringType from operator import getitem from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth # for font info from reportlab.lib.utils import fp_str from reportlab.lib.colors import black from reportlab.graphics.renderbase import StateTracker, getStateDelta, Renderer, renderScaledDrawing from reportlab.graphics.shapes import STATE_DEFAULTS, Path, UserNode from reportlab.graphics.shapes import * # (only for test0) from reportlab import rl_config from reportlab.lib.utils import getStringIO from xml.dom import getDOMImplementation ### some constants ### sin = math.sin cos = math.cos pi = math.pi LINE_STYLES = 'stroke-width stroke-linecap stroke fill stroke-dasharray' TEXT_STYLES = 'font-family font-size' ### top-level user function ### def drawToString(d, showBoundary=rl_config.showBoundary): "Returns a SVG as a string in memory, without touching the disk" s = getStringIO() drawToFile(d, s, showBoundary=showBoundary) return s.getvalue() def drawToFile(d, fn, showBoundary=rl_config.showBoundary): d = renderScaledDrawing(d) c = SVGCanvas((d.width, d.height)) draw(d, c, 0, 0, showBoundary=showBoundary) c.save(fn) def draw(drawing, canvas, x=0, y=0, showBoundary=rl_config.showBoundary): """As it says.""" r = _SVGRenderer() r.draw(renderScaledDrawing(drawing), canvas, x, y, showBoundary=showBoundary) ### helper functions ### def _pointsFromList(L): """ given a list of coordinates [x0, y0, x1, y1....] produce a list of points [(x0,y0), (y1,y0),....] """ P=[] for i in range(0,len(L), 2): P.append((L[i], L[i+1])) return P def transformNode(doc, newTag, node=None, **attrDict): """Transform a DOM node into new node and copy selected attributes. Creates a new DOM node with tag name 'newTag' for document 'doc' and copies selected attributes from an existing 'node' as provided in 'attrDict'. The source 'node' can be None. Attribute values will be converted to strings. E.g. n = transformNode(doc, "node1", x="0", y="1") -> DOM node for n = transformNode(doc, "node1", x=0, y=1+1) -> DOM node for n = transformNode(doc, "node1", node0, x="x0", y="x0", zoo=bar()) -> DOM node for """ newNode = doc.createElement(newTag) for newAttr, attr in attrDict.items(): sattr = str(attr) if not node: newNode.setAttribute(newAttr, sattr) else: attrVal = node.getAttribute(sattr) newNode.setAttribute(newAttr, attrVal or sattr) return newNode ### classes ### class SVGCanvas: def __init__(self, size=(300,300)): self.verbose = 0 self.width, self.height = self.size = size # self.height = size[1] self.code = [] self.style = {} self.path = '' self._strokeColor = self._fillColor = self._lineWidth = \ self._font = self._fontSize = self._lineCap = \ self._lineJoin = self._color = None implementation = getDOMImplementation('minidom') self.doc = implementation.createDocument(None, "svg", None) self.svg = self.doc.documentElement self.svg.setAttribute("width", str(size[0])) self.svg.setAttribute("height", str(self.height)) title = self.doc.createElement('title') text = self.doc.createTextNode('...') title.appendChild(text) self.svg.appendChild(title) desc = self.doc.createElement('desc') text = self.doc.createTextNode('...') desc.appendChild(text) self.svg.appendChild(desc) self.setFont(STATE_DEFAULTS['fontName'], STATE_DEFAULTS['fontSize']) self.setStrokeColor(STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']) self.setLineCap(2) self.setLineJoin(0) self.setLineWidth(1) # Add a rectangular clipping path identical to view area. clipPath = transformNode(self.doc, "clipPath", id="clip") clipRect = transformNode(self.doc, "rect", x=0, y=0, width=self.width, height=self.height) clipPath.appendChild(clipRect) self.svg.appendChild(clipPath) self.groupTree = transformNode(self.doc, "g", id="group", transform="scale(1,-1) translate(0,-%d)" % self.height, style="clip-path: url(#clip)") self.svg.appendChild(self.groupTree) self.currGroup = self.groupTree def save(self, f=None): if type(f) is StringType: file = open(f, 'w') else: file = f file.write("""\ \n""") # use = self.doc.createElement('use') # use.setAttribute("xlink:href", "#group") # use.setAttribute("transform", "scale(1, -1)") # self.svg.appendChild(use) result = self.svg.toprettyxml(indent=" ") file.write(result) if file is not f: file.close() ### helpers ### def NOTUSED_stringWidth(self, s, font=None, fontSize=None): """Return the logical width of the string if it were drawn in the current font (defaults to self.font). """ font = font or self._font fontSize = fontSize or self._fontSize return stringWidth(s, font, fontSize) def _formatStyle(self, include=''): str = '' include = string.split(include) keys = self.style.keys() if include: #2.1-safe version of the line below follows: #keys = filter(lambda k: k in include, keys) tmp = [] for word in keys: if word in include: tmp.append(word) keys = tmp items = [] for k in keys: items.append((k, self.style[k])) items = map(lambda i: "%s: %s"%(i[0], i[1]), items) str = string.join(items, '; ') + ';' return str def _escape(self, s): """ return a copy of string s with special characters in postscript strings escaped with backslashes. Have not handled characters that are converted normally in python strings i.e. \n -> newline """ str = string.replace(s, chr(0x5C), r'\\' ) str = string.replace(str, '(', '\(' ) str = string.replace(str, ')', '\)') return str def _genArcCode(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, startAng, extent): """Calculate the path for an arc inscribed in rectangle defined by (x1,y1),(x2,y2).""" return #calculate semi-minor and semi-major axes of ellipse xScale = abs((x2-x1)/2.0) yScale = abs((y2-y1)/2.0) #calculate centre of ellipse x, y = (x1+x2)/2.0, (y1+y2)/2.0 codeline = 'matrix currentmatrix %s %s translate %s %s scale 0 0 1 %s %s %s setmatrix' if extent >= 0: arc='arc' else: arc='arcn' data = (x,y, xScale, yScale, startAng, startAng+extent, arc) return codeline % data def _fillAndStroke(self, code, clip=0): path = transformNode(self.doc, "path", d=self.path, style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(path) self.path = '' return """ if self._fillColor or self._strokeColor or clip: self.code.extend(code) if self._fillColor: if self._strokeColor or clip: self.code.append("gsave") self.setColor(self._fillColor) self.code.append("eofill") if self._strokeColor or clip: self.code.append("grestore") if self._strokeColor != None: if clip: self.code.append("gsave") self.setColor(self._strokeColor) self.code.append("stroke") if clip: self.code.append("grestore") if clip: self.code.append("clip") self.code.append("newpath") """ ### styles ### def setLineCap(self, v): vals = {0:'butt', 1:'round', 2:'square'} if self._lineCap != v: self._lineCap = v self.style['stroke-linecap'] = vals[v] def setLineJoin(self, v): vals = {0:'miter', 1:'round', 2:'bevel'} if self._lineJoin != v: self._lineJoin = v self.style['stroke-linecap'] = vals[v] def setDash(self, array=[], phase=0): """Two notations. Pass two numbers, or an array and phase.""" join = string.join if type(array) in (types.IntType, types.FloatType): self.style['stroke-dasharray'] = join(map(str, ([array, phase])), ', ') elif type(array) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType) and len(array) > 0: assert phase >= 0, "phase is a length in user space" self.style['stroke-dasharray'] = join(map(str, (array+[phase])), ', ') def setStrokeColor(self, color): self._strokeColor = color self.setColor(color) if color == None: self.style['stroke'] = 'none' else: r, g, b = color.red, color.green, color.blue self.style['stroke'] = 'rgb(%d%%,%d%%,%d%%)' % (r*100, g*100, b*100) def setColor(self, color): if self._color != color: self._color = color def setFillColor(self, color): self._fillColor = color self.setColor(color) if color == None: self.style['fill'] = 'none' else: r, g, b = color.red, color.green, color.blue self.style['fill'] = 'rgb(%d%%,%d%%,%d%%)' % (r*100, g*100, b*100) def setLineWidth(self, width): if width != self._lineWidth: self._lineWidth = width self.style['stroke-width'] = width def setFont(self, font, fontSize): if self._font != font or self._fontSize != fontSize: self._font, self._fontSize = (font, fontSize) self.style['font-family'] = font self.style['font-size'] = fontSize ### shapes ### def rect(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, rx=8, ry=8): "Draw a rectangle between x1,y1 and x2,y2." if self.verbose: print "+++ SVGCanvas.rect" rect = transformNode(self.doc, "rect", x=x1, y=y1, width=x2-x1, height=y2-y1, style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(rect) def roundRect(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, rx=8, ry=8): """Draw a rounded rectangle between x1,y1 and x2,y2. Corners inset as ellipses with x-radius rx and y-radius ry. These should have x10, and ry>0. """ rect = transformNode(self.doc, "rect", x=x1, y=y1, width=x2-x1, height=y2-y1, rx=rx, ry=ry, style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(rect) def drawString(self, s, x, y, angle=0): if self.verbose: print "+++ SVGCanvas.drawString" if self._fillColor != None: self.setColor(self._fillColor) s = self._escape(s) st = self._formatStyle(TEXT_STYLES) if angle != 0: st = st + " rotate(%f %f %f);" % (angle, x, y) st = st + " fill: %s;" % self.style['fill'] text = transformNode(self.doc, "text", x=x, y=y, style=st, transform="translate(0,%d) scale(1,-1)" % (2*y)) content = self.doc.createTextNode(s) text.appendChild(content) self.currGroup.appendChild(text) def drawCentredString(self, s, x, y, angle=0,text_anchor='middle'): if self.verbose: print "+++ SVGCanvas.drawCentredString" if self._fillColor != None: if not text_anchor in ['start', 'inherited']: textLen = stringWidth(s,self._font,self._fontSize) if text_anchor=='end': x -= textLen elif text_anchor=='middle': x -= textLen/2. else: raise ValueError, 'bad value for text_anchor ' + str(text_anchor) self.drawString(x,y,text,angle=angle) def drawRightString(self, text, x, y, angle=0): self.drawCentredString(text,x,y,angle=angle,text_anchor='end') def comment(self, data): "Add a comment." comment = self.doc.createComment(data) # self.currGroup.appendChild(comment) def drawImage(self, image, x1, y1, x2=None, y2=None): pass def line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): if self._strokeColor != None: if 0: # something is wrong with line in my SVG viewer... line = transformNode(self.doc, "line", x=x1, y=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2, style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(line) path = transformNode(self.doc, "path", d="M %f,%f L %f,%f Z" % (x1,y1,x2,y2), style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(path) def ellipse(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """Draw an orthogonal ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2. These should have x1=180, 0, mx, my) else: str = str + "M %f, %f A %f, %f %d %d %d %f, %f Z " % \ (mx, my, rx, ry, 0, extent>=180, 0, mx, my) if fromcenter: str = str + "L %f, %f Z " % (cx, cy) path = transformNode(self.doc, "path", d=str, style=self._formatStyle()) self.currGroup.appendChild(path) def polygon(self, points, closed=0): assert len(points) >= 2, 'Polygon must have 2 or more points' if self._strokeColor != None: self.setColor(self._strokeColor) pairs = [] for i in xrange(len(points)): pairs.append("%f %f" % (points[i])) pts = string.join(pairs, ', ') polyline = transformNode(self.doc, "polygon", points=pts, style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(polyline) # self._fillAndStroke(polyCode) def lines(self, lineList, color=None, width=None): # print "### lineList", lineList return if self._strokeColor != None: self._setColor(self._strokeColor) codeline = '%s m %s l stroke' for line in lineList: self.code.append(codeline % (fp_str(line[0]), fp_str(line[1]))) def polyLine(self, points): assert len(points) >= 1, 'Polyline must have 1 or more points' if self._strokeColor != None: self.setColor(self._strokeColor) pairs = [] for i in xrange(len(points)): pairs.append("%f %f" % (points[i])) pts = string.join(pairs, ', ') polyline = transformNode(self.doc, "polyline", points=pts, style=self._formatStyle(LINE_STYLES)) self.currGroup.appendChild(polyline) ### groups ### def startGroup(self): if self.verbose: print "+++ begin SVGCanvas.startGroup" currGroup, group = self.currGroup, transformNode(self.doc, "g", transform="") currGroup.appendChild(group) self.currGroup = group if self.verbose: print "+++ end SVGCanvas.startGroup" return currGroup def endGroup(self,currGroup): if self.verbose: print "+++ begin SVGCanvas.endGroup" self.currGroup = currGroup if self.verbose: print "+++ end SVGCanvas.endGroup" def transform(self, a, b, c, d, e, f): if self.verbose: print "!!! begin SVGCanvas.transform", a, b, c, d, e, f tr = self.currGroup.getAttribute("transform") t = 'matrix(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)' % (a,b,c,d,e,f) if (a, b, c, d, e, f) != (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0): self.currGroup.setAttribute("transform", "%s %s" % (tr, t)) def translate(self, x, y): # probably never used print "!!! begin SVGCanvas.translate" return tr = self.currGroup.getAttribute("transform") t = 'translate(%f, %f)' % (x, y) self.currGroup.setAttribute("transform", "%s %s" % (tr, t)) def scale(self, x, y): # probably never used print "!!! begin SVGCanvas.scale" return tr = self.groups[-1].getAttribute("transform") t = 'scale(%f, %f)' % (x, y) self.currGroup.setAttribute("transform", "%s %s" % (tr, t)) ### paths ### def moveTo(self, x, y): self.path = self.path + 'M %f %f ' % (x, y) def lineTo(self, x, y): self.path = self.path + 'L %f %f ' % (x, y) def curveTo(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3): self.path = self.path + 'C %f %f %f %f %f %f ' % (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) def closePath(self): self.path = self.path + 'Z ' def saveState(self): pass def restoreState(self): pass class _SVGRenderer(Renderer): """This draws onto an SVG document. """ def __init__(self): self._tracker = StateTracker() self.verbose = 0 def drawNode(self, node): """This is the recursive method called for each node in the tree. """ if self.verbose: print "### begin _SVGRenderer.drawNode" self._canvas.comment('begin node %s'%`node`) color = self._canvas._color if not (isinstance(node, Path) and node.isClipPath): pass # self._canvas.saveState() #apply state changes deltas = getStateDelta(node) self._tracker.push(deltas) self.applyStateChanges(deltas, {}) #draw the object, or recurse self.drawNodeDispatcher(node) rDeltas = self._tracker.pop() if not (isinstance(node, Path) and node.isClipPath): pass # self._canvas.restoreState() self._canvas.comment('end node %s'%`node`) self._canvas._color = color #restore things we might have lost (without actually doing anything). for k, v in rDeltas.items(): if self._restores.has_key(k): setattr(self._canvas,self._restores[k],v) if self.verbose: print "### end _SVGRenderer.drawNode" _restores = {'strokeColor':'_strokeColor','strokeWidth': '_lineWidth','strokeLineCap':'_lineCap', 'strokeLineJoin':'_lineJoin','fillColor':'_fillColor','fontName':'_font', 'fontSize':'_fontSize'} def drawGroup(self, group): if self.verbose: print "### begin _SVGRenderer.drawGroup" currGroup = self._canvas.startGroup() a, b, c, d, e, f = self._tracker.getCTM() for childNode in group.getContents(): if isinstance(childNode, UserNode): node2 = childNode.provideNode() else: node2 = childNode self.drawNode(node2) self._canvas.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) self._canvas.endGroup(currGroup) if self.verbose: print "### end _SVGRenderer.drawGroup" def drawRect(self, rect): if rect.rx == rect.ry == 0: #plain old rectangle self._canvas.rect( rect.x, rect.y, rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+rect.height) else: #cheat and assume ry = rx; better to generalize #pdfgen roundRect function. TODO self._canvas.roundRect( rect.x, rect.y, rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+rect.height, rect.rx, rect.ry ) def drawString(self, stringObj): if self._canvas._fillColor: S = self._tracker.getState() text_anchor, x, y, text = S['textAnchor'], stringObj.x, stringObj.y, stringObj.text if not text_anchor in ['start', 'inherited']: font, fontSize = S['fontName'], S['fontSize'] textLen = stringWidth(text, font,fontSize) if text_anchor=='end': x = x-textLen elif text_anchor=='middle': x = x - textLen/2 else: raise ValueError, 'bad value for text_anchor ' + str(text_anchor) self._canvas.drawString(text,x,y) def drawLine(self, line): if self._canvas._strokeColor: self._canvas.line(line.x1, line.y1, line.x2, line.y2) def drawCircle(self, circle): self._canvas.circle( circle.cx, circle.cy, circle.r) def drawWedge(self, wedge): centerx, centery, radius, startangledegrees, endangledegrees = \ wedge.centerx, wedge.centery, wedge.radius, wedge.startangledegrees, wedge.endangledegrees yradius = wedge.yradius or wedge.radius (x1, y1) = (centerx-radius, centery-yradius) (x2, y2) = (centerx+radius, centery+yradius) extent = endangledegrees - startangledegrees self._canvas.drawArc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startangledegrees, extent, fromcenter=1) def drawPolyLine(self, p): if self._canvas._strokeColor: self._canvas.polyLine(_pointsFromList(p.points)) def drawEllipse(self, ellipse): #need to convert to pdfgen's bounding box representation x1 = ellipse.cx - ellipse.rx x2 = ellipse.cx + ellipse.rx y1 = ellipse.cy - ellipse.ry y2 = ellipse.cy + ellipse.ry self._canvas.ellipse(x1,y1,x2,y2) def drawPolygon(self, p): self._canvas.polygon(_pointsFromList(p.points), closed=1) def drawPath(self, path): # print "### drawPath", path.points from reportlab.graphics.shapes import _renderPath c = self._canvas drawFuncs = (c.moveTo, c.lineTo, c.curveTo, c.closePath) isClosed = _renderPath(path, drawFuncs) if not isClosed: c._fillColor = None c._fillAndStroke([], clip=path.isClipPath) def applyStateChanges(self, delta, newState): """This takes a set of states, and outputs the operators needed to set those properties""" for key, value in delta.items(): if key == 'transform': pass #self._canvas.transform(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], value[4], value[5]) elif key == 'strokeColor': self._canvas.setStrokeColor(value) elif key == 'strokeWidth': self._canvas.setLineWidth(value) elif key == 'strokeLineCap': #0,1,2 self._canvas.setLineCap(value) elif key == 'strokeLineJoin': self._canvas.setLineJoin(value) elif key == 'strokeDashArray': if value: self._canvas.setDash(value) else: self._canvas.setDash() elif key == 'fillColor': self._canvas.setFillColor(value) elif key in ['fontSize', 'fontName']: fontname = delta.get('fontName', self._canvas._font) fontsize = delta.get('fontSize', self._canvas._fontSize) self._canvas.setFont(fontname, fontsize) def test0(outdir='svgout'): # print all drawings and their doc strings from the test # file if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) #grab all drawings from the test module from reportlab.graphics import testshapes drawings = [] for funcname in dir(testshapes): #if funcname[0:11] == 'getDrawing2': # print 'hacked to only show drawing 2' if funcname[0:10] == 'getDrawing': drawing = eval('testshapes.' + funcname + '()') docstring = eval('testshapes.' + funcname + '.__doc__') drawings.append((drawing, docstring)) # return i = 0 for (d, docstring) in drawings: filename = outdir + os.sep + 'renderSVG_%d.svg' % i drawToFile(d, filename) # print 'saved', filename i = i + 1 def test1(): from reportlab.graphics.testshapes import getDrawing01 d = getDrawing01() drawToFile(d, "svgout/test.svg") def test2(): from reportlab.lib.corp import RL_CorpLogo from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing rl = RL_CorpLogo() d = Drawing(rl.width,rl.height) d.add(rl) drawToFile(d, "svgout/corplogo.svg") if __name__=='__main__': test0() test1() test2()