import ast import base64 import email import logging import re import time import datetime from osv import osv from osv import fields class mail_mail(osv.Model): """ Model holding RFC2822 email messages to send. This model also provides facilities to queue and send new email messages. """ _name = 'mail.mail' _description = 'Outgoing Mails' _inherits = {'mail.message': 'mail_message_id'} _columns = { 'mail_message_id': fields.many2one('mail.message', 'Message', required=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'mail_server_id': fields.many2one('ir.mail_server', 'Outgoing mail server', readonly=1), 'subject': fields.char('Subject', size=128), 'state': fields.selection([ ('outgoing', 'Outgoing'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ('received', 'Received'), ('exception', 'Delivery Failed'), ('cancel', 'Cancelled'), ], 'Status', readonly=True), 'auto_delete': fields.boolean('Auto Delete', help="Permanently delete this email after sending it, to save space"), 'references': fields.text('References', help='Message references, such as identifiers of previous messages', readonly=1), 'email_from': fields.char('From', size=128, help='Message sender, taken from user preferences.'), 'email_to': fields.text('To', help='Message recipients'), 'email_cc': fields.char('Cc', size=256, help='Carbon copy message recipients'), 'reply_to':fields.char('Reply-To', size=256, help='Preferred response address for the message'), 'content_subtype': fields.char('Message content subtype', size=32, oldname="subtype", readonly=1, help="Type of message, usually 'html' or 'plain', used to select "\ "plain-text or rich-text contents accordingly"), 'body_html': fields.text('Rich-text Contents', help="Rich-text/HTML version of the message"), } _defaults = { 'state': 'outgoing', 'content_subtype': 'plain', } # FP Note: should we use a dict instead ? def schedule_with_attach(self, cr, uid, email_from, email_to, subject, body, model=False, type='email', email_cc=None, reply_to=False, partner_ids=None, attachments=None, message_id=False, references=False, res_id=False, content_subtype='plain', headers=None, mail_server_id=False, auto_delete=False, context=None): """ Schedule sending a new email message, to be sent the next time the mail scheduler runs, or the next time :meth:`process_email_queue` is called explicitly. :param string email_from: sender email address :param list email_to: list of recipient addresses (to be joined with commas) :param string subject: email subject (no pre-encoding/quoting necessary) :param string body: email body, according to the ``content_subtype`` (by default, plaintext). If html content_subtype is used, the message will be automatically converted to plaintext and wrapped in multipart/alternative. :param list email_cc: optional list of string values for CC header (to be joined with commas) :param string model: optional model name of the document this mail is related to (this will also be used to generate a tracking id, used to match any response related to the same document) :param int res_id: optional resource identifier this mail is related to (this will also be used to generate a tracking id, used to match any response related to the same document) :param string reply_to: optional value of Reply-To header :param partner_ids: destination partner_ids :param string content_subtype: optional mime content_subtype for the text body (usually 'plain' or 'html'), must match the format of the ``body`` parameter. Default is 'plain', making the content part of the mail "text/plain". :param dict attachments: map of filename to filecontents, where filecontents is a string containing the bytes of the attachment :param dict headers: optional map of headers to set on the outgoing mail (may override the other headers, including Subject, Reply-To, Message-Id, etc.) :param int mail_server_id: optional id of the preferred outgoing mail server for this mail :param bool auto_delete: optional flag to turn on auto-deletion of the message after it has been successfully sent (default to False) """ if context is None: context = {} if attachments is None: attachments = {} if partner_ids is None: partner_ids = [] attachment_obj = self.pool.get('ir.attachment') for param in (email_to, email_cc): if param and not isinstance(param, list): param = [param] partner_id = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) msg_vals = { 'subject': subject, 'date':, 'author_id': partner_id, 'model': model, 'res_id': res_id, 'type': type, 'body': body if content_subtype != 'html' else False, 'body_html': body if content_subtype == 'html' else False, 'email_from': email_from, 'email_to': email_to and ','.join(email_to) or '', 'email_cc': email_cc and ','.join(email_cc) or '', 'partner_ids': partner_ids, 'reply_to': reply_to, 'message_id': message_id, 'references': references, 'content_subtype': content_subtype, 'headers': headers, # serialize the dict on the fly 'mail_server_id': mail_server_id, 'state': 'outgoing', 'auto_delete': auto_delete } email_msg_id = self.create(cr, uid, msg_vals, context) msg = self.browse(cr, uid, email_msg_id, context) for fname, fcontent in attachments.iteritems(): attachment_data = { 'name': fname, 'datas_fname': fname, 'datas': fcontent and fcontent.encode('base64'), 'res_model': 'mail.message', 'res_id':, } # FP Note: what's this ??? # if context.has_key('default_type'): # del context['default_type'] return email_msg_id def mark_outgoing(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'outgoing'}, context=context) def cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'cancel'}, context=context) def process_email_queue(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None): """Send immediately queued messages, committing after each message is sent - this is not transactional and should not be called during another transaction! :param list ids: optional list of emails ids to send. If passed no search is performed, and these ids are used instead. :param dict context: if a 'filters' key is present in context, this value will be used as an additional filter to further restrict the outgoing messages to send (by default all 'outgoing' messages are sent). """ if context is None: context = {} if not ids: filters = ['&', ('state', '=', 'outgoing'), ('type', '=', 'email')] if 'filters' in context: filters.extend(context['filters']) ids =, uid, filters, context=context) res = None try: # Force auto-commit - this is meant to be called by # the scheduler, and we can't allow rolling back the status # of previously sent emails! res = self.send(cr, uid, ids, auto_commit=True, context=context) except Exception: _logger.exception("Failed processing mail queue") return res def _postprocess_sent_message(self, cr, uid, message, context=None): """Perform any post-processing necessary after sending ``message`` successfully, including deleting it completely along with its attachment if the ``auto_delete`` flag of the message was set. Overridden by subclasses for extra post-processing behaviors. :param browse_record message: the message that was just sent :return: True """ if message.auto_delete: self.pool.get('ir.attachment').unlink(cr, uid, [ for x in message.attachment_ids], context=context) message.unlink() return True def send(self, cr, uid, ids, auto_commit=False, context=None): """Sends the selected emails immediately, ignoring their current state (mails that have already been sent should not be passed unless they should actually be re-sent). Emails successfully delivered are marked as 'sent', and those that fail to be deliver are marked as 'exception', and the corresponding error message is output in the server logs. :param bool auto_commit: whether to force a commit of the message status after sending each message (meant only for processing by the scheduler), should never be True during normal transactions (default: False) :return: True """ ir_mail_server = self.pool.get('ir.mail_server') self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'outgoing'}, context=context) for message in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: attachments = [] for attach in message.attachment_ids: attachments.append((attach.datas_fname, base64.b64decode(attach.datas))) body = message.body_html if message.content_subtype == 'html' else message.body body_alternative = None content_subtype_alternative = None if message.content_subtype == 'html' and message.body: # we have a plain text alternative prepared, pass it to # build_message instead of letting it build one body_alternative = message.body content_subtype_alternative = 'plain' # handle destination_partners partner_ids_email_to = '' for partner in message.partner_ids: partner_ids_email_to += '%s ' % ( or '') message_email_to = '%s %s' % (partner_ids_email_to, message.email_to or '') # build an RFC2822 email.message.Message object and send it # without queuing msg = ir_mail_server.build_email( email_from=message.email_from, email_to=tools.email_split(message_email_to), subject=message.subject, body=body, body_alternative=body_alternative, email_cc=tools.email_split(message.email_cc), reply_to=message.reply_to, attachments=attachments, message_id=message.message_id, references = message.references, object_id=message.res_id and ('%s-%s' % (message.res_id,message.model)), subtype=message.content_subtype, subtype_alternative=content_subtype_alternative, headers=message.headers and ast.literal_eval(message.headers)) res = ir_mail_server.send_email(cr, uid, msg,, context=context) if res: message.write({'state':'sent', 'message_id': res, 'email_to': message_email_to}) else: message.write({'state':'exception', 'email_to': message_email_to}) message.refresh() if message.state == 'sent': self._postprocess_sent_message(cr, uid, message, context=context) except Exception: _logger.exception('failed sending mail.message %s', message.write({'state':'exception'}) if auto_commit == True: cr.commit() return True