Recruitment / Applicants Stages hr.recruitment.stage form [] {}

Click to add a new stage in the recruitment process.

Define here your stages of the recruitment process, for example: qualification call, first interview, second interview, refused, hired.

Mark unread True ir.actions.server code self.message_mark_as_unread(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context) action_project_unread action hr.applicant client_action_multi Mark read True ir.actions.server code self.message_mark_as_read(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context) action_project_read action hr.applicant client_action_multi Applicants hr.applicant Jobs - Recruitment Form hr.applicant
Jobs - Recruitment Graph hr.applicant Jobs - Recruitment Search hr.applicant Hr Applicants Calendar hr.applicant Hr Applicants kanban hr.applicant
  • Degree:
  • Contact:
  • Departement:
hr.job.form1 hr.job
hr.recruitment.stage.tree hr.recruitment.stage hr.recruitment.stage.form hr.recruitment.stage
Stages hr.recruitment.stage form

Click to add a new stage in the recruitment process.

Don't forget to specify the department if your recruitment process is different according to the job position.
Degree form hr.recruitment.source.tree hr.recruitment.source hr.recruitment.source.form hr.recruitment.source
Sources of Applicants hr.recruitment.source form