function openerp_pos_db(instance, module){ /* PosLS is a LocalStorage based implementation of the point of sale database, it performs better for few products, but does not scale beyond 500 products. */ module.PosLS = instance.web.Class.extend({ name: 'openerp_pos_ls', //the prefix of the localstorage data limit: 100, // the maximum number of results returned by a search init: function(options){ options = options || {}; = ||; this.limit = options.limit || this.limit; //cache the data in memory to avoid roundtrips to the localstorage this.cache = {}; this.category_by_id = {}; this.root_category_id = 0; this.category_products = {}; this.category_ancestors = {}; this.category_childs = {}; this.category_parent = {}; }, /* returns the category object from its id */ get_category_by_id: function(categ_id){ if(categ_id instanceof Array){ var list = []; for(var i = 0, len = categ_id.length; i < len; i++){ var cat = this.category_by_id[categ_id[i]]; if(cat){ list.push(cat); }else{ console.error("get_category_by_id: no category has id:",categ_id[i]); } } return list; }else{ return this.category_by_id[categ_id]; } }, /* returns a list of the category's child categories ids, or an empty list * if a category has no childs */ get_category_childs_ids: function(categ_id){ return this.category_childs[categ_id] || []; }, /* returns a list of all ancestors (parent, grand-parent, etc) categories ids * starting from the root category to the direct parent */ get_category_ancestors_ids: function(categ_id){ return this.category_ancestors[categ_id] || []; }, /* returns the parent category's id of a category, or the root_category_id if no parent. * the root category is parent of itself. */ get_category_parent_id: function(categ_id){ return this.category_parent[categ_id] || this.root_category_id; }, /* adds categories definitions to the database. categories is a list of categories objects as * returned by the openerp server. Categories must be inserted before the products or the * product/ categories association may (will) not work properly */ add_categories: function(categories){ var self = this; if(!this.category_by_id[this.root_category_id]){ this.category_by_id[this.root_category_id] = { id : this.root_category_id, name : 'Root', }; } for(var i=0, len = categories.length; i < len; i++){ this.category_by_id[categories[i].id] = categories[i]; } for(var i=0, len = categories.length; i < len; i++){ var cat = categories[i]; var parent_id = cat.parent_id[0] || this.root_category_id; this.category_parent[] = cat.parent_id[0]; if(!this.category_childs[parent_id]){ this.category_childs[parent_id] = []; } this.category_childs[parent_id].push(; } function make_ancestors(cat_id, ancestors){ self.category_ancestors[cat_id] = ancestors; ancestors = ancestors.slice(0); ancestors.push(cat_id); var childs = self.category_childs[cat_id] || []; for(var i=0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++){ make_ancestors(childs[i], ancestors); } } make_ancestors(this.root_category_id, []); }, /* loads a record store from the database. returns default if nothing is found */ load: function(store,deft){ if(this.cache[store] !== undefined){ return this.cache[store]; } var data = localStorage[ + '_' + store]; if(data !== undefined){ data = JSON.parse(data); this.cache[store] = data; return data; }else{ return deft; } }, /* saves a record store to the database */ save: function(store,data){ localStorage[ + '_' + store] = JSON.stringify(data); this.cache[store] = data; }, add_products: function(products){ var stored_products = this.load('products',{}); var stored_categories = this.load('categories',{}); if(!products instanceof Array){ products = [products]; } for(var i = 0, len = products.length; i < len; i++){ var product = products[i]; var categ_id = product.pos_categ_id[0]; if(!stored_categories[categ_id]){ stored_categories[categ_id] = []; } stored_categories[categ_id].push(; var ancestors = this.get_category_ancestors_ids(categ_id) || []; for(var j = 0; j < ancestors.length; j++){ if(! stored_categories[ancestors[j]]){ stored_categories[ancestors[j]] = []; } stored_categories[ancestors[j]].push(; } stored_products[] = product; }'products',stored_products);'categories',stored_categories); }, /* removes all the data from the database. TODO : being able to selectively remove data */ clear: function(stores){ for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++){ localStorage.removeItem( + '_' + arguments[i]); } }, /* this internal methods returns the count of properties in an object. */ _count_props : function(obj){ var count = 0; for(var prop in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)){ count++; } } return count; }, get_product_by_id: function(id){ return this.load('products',{})[id]; }, get_product_by_ean13: function(ean13){ var products = this.load('products',{}); for(var i in products){ if( products[i] && products[i].ean13 === ean13){ return products[i]; } } return undefined; }, get_product_by_category: function(category_id){ var stored_categories = this.load('categories',{}); var stored_products = this.load('products',{}); var product_ids = stored_categories[category_id]; var list = []; for(var i = 0, len = Math.min(product_ids.length,this.limit); i < len; i++){ list.push(stored_products[product_ids[i]]); } return list; }, /* returns as a parameter of the result_callback function a list of products with : * - a category that is or is a child of category_id, * - a field in fields that contains a value that contains the query * If a search is started before the previous has returned, the previous search may be cancelled * (and the corresponding result_callback never called) */ search_product_in_category: function(category_id, fields, query){ var self = this; var stored_categories = this.load('categories',{}); var stored_products = this.load('products',{}); var product_ids = stored_categories[category_id]; var list = []; var count = 0; query = query.toString().toLowerCase(); if(!(fields instanceof Array)){ fields = [fields]; } for(var i = 0, len = product_ids.length; i < len && count < this.limit; i++){ var product = stored_products[product_ids[i]]; for(var j = 0, jlen = fields.length; j < jlen; j++){ var field = product[fields[j]]; if(field === null || field === undefined){ continue; } field = field.toString().toLowerCase(); if(field.indexOf(query) != -1){ list.push(product); count++; break; } } } return list; }, add_order: function(order){ var last_id = this.load('last_order_id',0); var orders = this.load('orders',[]); orders.push({id: last_id + 1, data: order});'last_order_id',last_id+1);'orders',orders); }, remove_order: function(order_id){ var orders = this.load('orders',[]); orders = _.filter(orders, function(order){ return !== order_id; });'orders',orders); }, get_orders: function(){ return this.load('orders',[]); }, }); }