#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004 #see license.txt for license details #history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/test/test_platypus_xref.py """Test long documents with indexes, tables and cross-references """ import sys, os, time from string import split, strip, join, whitespace, find from operator import truth from types import StringType, ListType from reportlab.test import unittest from reportlab.test.utils import makeSuiteForClasses, outputfile, printLocation from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.units import cm from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Flowable, Frame, PageTemplate, BaseDocTemplate from reportlab.platypus.frames import Frame from reportlab.lib.randomtext import randomText, PYTHON from reportlab.platypus.tableofcontents import TableOfContents, SimpleIndex def myMainPageFrame(canvas, doc): "The page frame used for all PDF documents." canvas.saveState() canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 12) pageNumber = canvas.getPageNumber() canvas.drawString(10*cm, cm, str(pageNumber)) canvas.restoreState() class MyDocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate): _invalidInitArgs = ('pageTemplates',) def __init__(self, filename, **kw): frame1 = Frame(2.5*cm, 2.5*cm, 16*cm, 25*cm, id='Frame1') self.allowSplitting = 0 self.showBoundary = 1 apply(BaseDocTemplate.__init__, (self, filename), kw) template = PageTemplate('normal', [frame1], myMainPageFrame) self.addPageTemplates(template) def afterFlowable(self, flowable): "Registers TOC and Index entries and makes outline entries." if flowable.__class__.__name__ == 'Paragraph': styleName = flowable.style.name if styleName == 'Heading1': level = 0 text = flowable.getPlainText() pageNum = self.page self.notify('TOCEntry', (level, text, pageNum)) # Add PDF outline entries (not really needed/tested here). key = str(hash(flowable)) c = self.canv c.bookmarkPage(key) c.addOutlineEntry(text, key, level=level, closed=0) # index a bunch of pythonic buzzwords. In real life this # would be driven by markup. try: text = flowable.getPlainText() except: return for phrase in ['uniform','depraved','finger', 'Fraudulin']: if find(text, phrase) > -1: self.notify('IndexEntry', (phrase, self.page)) #print 'IndexEntry:',phrase, self.page def _test0(self): "This makes one long multi-page paragraph." # Build story. story = [] styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() h1 = styleSheet['Heading1'] h1.pageBreakBefore = 1 h1.keepWithNext = 1 h1.outlineLevel = 0 h2 = styleSheet['Heading2'] h2.backColor = colors.cyan h2.keepWithNext = 1 h2.outlineLevel = 1 bt = styleSheet['BodyText'] story.append(Paragraph("""Cross-Referencing Test""", styleSheet["Title"])) story.append(Paragraph(""" Subsequent pages test cross-references: indexes, tables and individual cross references. The number in brackets at the end of each paragraph is its position in the story. (%d)""" % len(story), bt)) story.append(Paragraph("""Table of Contents:""", styleSheet["Title"])) toc = TableOfContents() story.append(toc) chapterNum = 1 for i in range(10): story.append(Paragraph('Chapter %d: Chapters always starts a new page' % chapterNum, h1)) chapterNum = chapterNum + 1 for j in range(3): story.append(Paragraph('Heading1 paragraphs should always' 'have a page break before. Heading 2 on the other hand' 'should always have a FRAME break before (%d)' % len(story), bt)) story.append(Paragraph('Heading 2 should always be kept with the next thing (%d)' % len(story), h2)) for j in range(3): story.append(Paragraph(randomText(theme=PYTHON, sentences=2)+' (%d)' % len(story), bt)) story.append(Paragraph('I should never be at the bottom of a frame (%d)' % len(story), h2)) story.append(Paragraph(randomText(theme=PYTHON, sentences=1)+' (%d)' % len(story), bt)) story.append(Paragraph('The Index which goes at the back', h1)) story.append(SimpleIndex()) doc = MyDocTemplate(outputfile('test_platypus_xref.pdf')) doc.multiBuild(story) class BreakingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): "Test multi-page splitting of paragraphs (eyeball-test)." def test0(self): _test0(self) def makeSuite(): return makeSuiteForClasses(BreakingTestCase) #noruntests if __name__ == "__main__": if 'debug' in sys.argv: _test1(None) else: unittest.TextTestRunner().run(makeSuite()) printLocation()