Tiny ERP Quick Installation Guide --------------------------------- This file contains a quick guide to configure and install the Tiny ERP server. Required dependencies: --------------------- You need the following software installed: * Python 2.3 or above * Postgresql 7 or above * Psycopg python module for python2.3 * libxml2 and python2.3 bindings * libxslt and python2.3 bindings * Reportlab pdf generation library for python2.3 Some dependencies are only required for specific purposes: for rendering workflows graphs, you need: * graphviz * pyparsing for generating reports using non .jpg images, you need: * Python Imaging Library for python2.3 For Debian-based distributions, the required packages can be installed with the following commands: apt-get install python2.3 python2.3-xml postgresql postgresql-client libxml2-python2.3 apt-get install libxslt1-python2.3 python2.3-psycopg python2.3-reportlab apt-get install python2.3-imaging python2.3-pyparsing graphviz For newer Debian-based distributions such as Etch, the required packages can be installed with the following commands: apt-get install python2.4 python-xml postgresql postgresql-client python-libxml2 apt-get install python-libxslt1 python-psycopg python-reportlab apt-get install python-imaging python-pyparsing graphviz For Fedora if they are not installed, install: python and postgresql uses yum or you can recover required packages on fedora web site in "core" or "extra" repository : postgresql-python- libxml2-python libxslt-python python-imaging python-psycopg python-reportlab graphviz You can find pyparsing at http://pyparsing.sourceforge.net/ Installation Steps ------------------ 1. Check that all the required dependencies are installed. 2. Create a postgresql database. The default database name is "terp". If you want to use another name, you will need to provide it when launching the server (by using the commandline option --database). To create a postgresql database named "terp" using the following command: $ createdb --encoding=UNICODE terp If it is the first time you use postgresql you might need to create a new user to the postgres system using the following commands (where myusername is your unix user name): $ su - # su - postgres $ createuser myusername Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y CREATE USER $ logout # logout 3. Launch the program "./terp_server.py". The first time it is run, the server will initialise the database with all the default values. 4. Connect to the server using the GUI client. There are two accounts by default: * login: admin, password:admin * login: demo, password:demo