# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from datetime import datetime, timedelta import math from faces import * from osv import fields, osv from tools.translate import _ from itertools import groupby from operator import itemgetter class resource_calendar(osv.osv): _name = "resource.calendar" _description = "Resource Calendar" _columns = { 'name' : fields.char("Name", size=64, required=True), 'company_id' : fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company', required=False), 'attendance_ids' : fields.one2many('resource.calendar.attendance', 'calendar_id', 'Working Time'), 'manager' : fields.many2one('res.users', 'Workgroup Manager'), } _defaults = { 'company_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: self.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr, uid, 'resource.calendar', context=context) } def working_hours_on_day(self, cr, uid, resource_calendar_id, day, context=None): """Calculates the Working Total Hours based on Resource Calendar and given working day (datetime object). @param resource_calendar_id: resource.calendar browse record @param day: datetime object @return: returns the working hours (as float) men should work on the given day if is in the attendance_ids of the resource_calendar_id (i.e if that day is a working day), returns 0.0 otherwise """ res = 0.0 for working_day in resource_calendar_id.attendance_ids: if (int(working_day.dayofweek) + 1) == day.isoweekday(): res += working_day.hour_to - working_day.hour_from return res def _get_leaves(self, cr, uid, id, resource): """Private Method to Calculate resource Leaves days @param id: resource calendar id @param resource: resource id for which leaves will ew calculated @return : returns the list of dates, where resource on leave in resource.calendar.leaves object (e.g.['%Y-%m-%d', '%Y-%m-%d']) """ resource_cal_leaves = self.pool.get('resource.calendar.leaves') dt_leave = [] resource_leave_ids = resource_cal_leaves.search(cr, uid, [('calendar_id','=',id), '|', ('resource_id','=',False), ('resource_id','=',resource)]) #res_leaves = resource_cal_leaves.read(cr, uid, resource_leave_ids, ['date_from', 'date_to']) res_leaves = resource_cal_leaves.browse(cr, uid, resource_leave_ids) for leave in res_leaves: dtf = datetime.strptime(leave.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') dtt = datetime.strptime(leave.date_to, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') no = dtt - dtf [dt_leave.append((dtf + timedelta(days=x)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) for x in range(int(no.days + 1))] dt_leave.sort() return dt_leave def interval_min_get(self, cr, uid, id, dt_from, hours, resource=False): """ Calculates the working Schedule from supplied from date to till hours will be satisfied based or resource calendar id. If resource is also given then it will consider the resource leave also and than will calculates resource working schedule @param dt_from: datetime object, start of working scheduled @param hours: float, total number working hours needed scheduled from start date @param resource : Optional Resource id, if supplied than resource leaves will also taken into consideration for calculating working schedule. @return : List datetime object of working schedule based on supplies params """ if not id: td = int(hours)*3 return [(dt_from - timedelta(hours=td), dt_from)] dt_leave = self._get_leaves(cr, uid, id, resource) dt_leave.reverse() todo = hours result = [] maxrecur = 100 current_hour = dt_from.hour while (todo>0) and maxrecur: cr.execute("select hour_from,hour_to from resource_calendar_attendance where dayofweek='%s' and calendar_id=%s order by hour_from desc", (dt_from.weekday(),id)) for (hour_from,hour_to) in cr.fetchall(): leave_flag = False if (hour_from0): m = min(hour_to, current_hour) if (m-hour_from)>todo: hour_from = m-todo dt_check = dt_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for leave in dt_leave: if dt_check == leave: dt_check = datetime.strptime(dt_check, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=1) leave_flag = True if leave_flag: break else: d1 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(hour_from)), int((hour_from%1) * 60)) d2 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(m)), int((m%1) * 60)) result.append((d1, d2)) current_hour = hour_from todo -= (m-hour_from) dt_from -= timedelta(days=1) current_hour = 24 maxrecur -= 1 result.reverse() return result # def interval_get(self, cr, uid, id, dt_from, hours, resource=False, byday=True): def interval_get_multi(self, cr, uid, date_and_hours_by_cal, resource=False, byday=True): def group(lst, key): lst.sort(key=itemgetter(key)) grouped = groupby(lst, itemgetter(key)) return dict([(k, [v for v in itr]) for k, itr in grouped]) # END group cr.execute("select calendar_id, dayofweek, hour_from, hour_to from resource_calendar_attendance order by hour_from") hour_res = cr.dictfetchall() hours_by_cal = group(hour_res, 'calendar_id') results = {} for d, hours, id in date_and_hours_by_cal: dt_from = datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not id: td = int(hours)*3 results[(d, hours, id)] = [(dt_from, dt_from + timedelta(hours=td))] continue dt_leave = self._get_leaves(cr, uid, id, resource) todo = hours result = [] maxrecur = 100 current_hour = dt_from.hour while (todo>0) and maxrecur: for (hour_from,hour_to) in [(item['hour_from'], item['hour_to']) for item in hours_by_cal[id] if item['dayofweek'] == str(dt_from.weekday())]: leave_flag = False if (hour_to>current_hour) and (todo>0): m = max(hour_from, current_hour) if (hour_to-m)>todo: hour_to = m+todo dt_check = dt_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for leave in dt_leave: if dt_check == leave: dt_check = datetime.strptime(dt_check, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=1) leave_flag = True if leave_flag: break else: d1 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(m)), int((m%1) * 60)) d2 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(hour_to)), int((hour_to%1) * 60)) result.append((d1, d2)) current_hour = hour_to todo -= (hour_to - m) dt_from += timedelta(days=1) current_hour = 0 maxrecur -= 1 results[(d, hours, id)] = result return results def interval_get(self, cr, uid, id, dt_from, hours, resource=False, byday=True): """Calculates Resource Working Internal Timing Based on Resource Calendar. @param dt_from: start resource schedule calculation. @param hours : total number of working hours to be scheduled. @param resource: optional resource id, If supplied it will take care of resource leave while scheduling. @param byday: boolean flag bit enforce day wise scheduling @return : list of scheduled working timing based on resource calendar. """ res = self.interval_get_multi(cr, uid, [(dt_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), hours, id)], resource, byday)[(dt_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), hours, id)] return res def interval_hours_get(self, cr, uid, id, dt_from, dt_to, resource=False): """ Calculates the Total Working hours based on given start_date to end_date, If resource id is supplied that it will consider the source leaves also in calculating the hours. @param dt_from : date start to calculate hours @param dt_end : date end to calculate hours @param resource: optional resource id, If given resource leave will be considered. @return : Total number of working hours based dt_from and dt_end and resource if supplied. """ if not id: return 0.0 dt_leave = self._get_leaves(cr, uid, id, resource) hours = 0.0 current_hour = dt_from.hour while (dt_from <= dt_to): cr.execute("select hour_from,hour_to from resource_calendar_attendance where dayofweek='%s' and calendar_id=%s order by hour_from", (dt_from.weekday(),id)) der = cr.fetchall() for (hour_from,hour_to) in der: if hours != 0.0:#For first time of the loop only,hours will be 0 current_hour = hour_from leave_flag = False if (hour_to>=current_hour): dt_check = dt_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for leave in dt_leave: if dt_check == leave: dt_check = datetime.strptime(dt_check, "%Y-%m-%d") + timedelta(days=1) leave_flag = True if leave_flag: break else: d1 = dt_from d2 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(hour_to)), int((hour_to%1) * 60)) if hours != 0.0:#For first time of the loop only,hours will be 0 d1 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(current_hour)), int((current_hour%1) * 60)) if dt_from.day == dt_to.day: if hour_from <= dt_to.hour <= hour_to: d2 = dt_to dt_from = d2 hours += (d2-d1).seconds dt_from = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(current_hour)), int((current_hour%1) * 60)) + timedelta(days=1) current_hour = 0.0 return (hours/3600) resource_calendar() class resource_calendar_attendance(osv.osv): _name = "resource.calendar.attendance" _description = "Work Detail" _columns = { 'name' : fields.char("Name", size=64, required=True), 'dayofweek': fields.selection([('0','Monday'),('1','Tuesday'),('2','Wednesday'),('3','Thursday'),('4','Friday'),('5','Saturday'),('6','Sunday')], 'Day of Week', required=True, select=True), 'date_from' : fields.date('Starting Date'), 'hour_from' : fields.float('Work from', required=True, help="Start and End time of working.", select=True), 'hour_to' : fields.float("Work to", required=True), 'calendar_id' : fields.many2one("resource.calendar", "Resource's Calendar", required=True), } _order = 'dayofweek, hour_from' _defaults = { 'dayofweek' : '0' } resource_calendar_attendance() def convert_timeformat(time_string): split_list = str(time_string).split('.') hour_part = split_list[0] mins_part = split_list[1] round_mins = int(round(float(mins_part) * 60,-2)) converted_string = hour_part + ':' + str(round_mins)[0:2] return converted_string class resource_resource(osv.osv): _name = "resource.resource" _description = "Resource Detail" _columns = { 'name' : fields.char("Name", size=64, required=True), 'code': fields.char('Code', size=16), 'active' : fields.boolean('Active', help="If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the resource record without removing it."), 'company_id' : fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company'), 'resource_type': fields.selection([('user','Human'),('material','Material')], 'Resource Type', required=True), 'user_id' : fields.many2one('res.users', 'User', help='Related user name for the resource to manage its access.'), 'time_efficiency' : fields.float('Efficiency Factor', size=8, required=True, help="This field depict the efficiency of the resource to complete tasks. e.g resource put alone on a phase of 5 days with 5 tasks assigned to him, will show a load of 100% for this phase by default, but if we put a efficiency of 200%, then his load will only be 50%."), 'calendar_id' : fields.many2one("resource.calendar", "Working Time", help="Define the schedule of resource"), } _defaults = { 'resource_type' : 'user', 'time_efficiency' : 1, 'active' : True, 'company_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: self.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr, uid, 'resource.resource', context=context) } def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): if default is None: default = {} if not default.get('name', False): default.update(name=_('%s (copy)') % (self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context).name)) return super(resource_resource, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context) def generate_resources(self, cr, uid, user_ids, calendar_id, context=None): """ Return a list of Resource Class objects for the resources allocated to the phase. """ resource_objs = {} user_pool = self.pool.get('res.users') for user in user_pool.browse(cr, uid, user_ids, context=context): resource_objs[user.id] = { 'name' : user.name, 'vacation': [], 'efficiency': 1.0, } resource_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('user_id', '=', user.id)], context=context) if resource_ids: for resource in self.browse(cr, uid, resource_ids, context=context): resource_objs[user.id]['efficiency'] = resource.time_efficiency resource_cal = resource.calendar_id.id if resource_cal: leaves = self.compute_vacation(cr, uid, calendar_id, resource.id, resource_cal, context=context) resource_objs[user.id]['vacation'] += list(leaves) return resource_objs def compute_vacation(self, cr, uid, calendar_id, resource_id=False, resource_calendar=False, context=None): """ Compute the vacation from the working calendar of the resource. @param calendar_id : working calendar of the project @param resource_id : resource working on phase/task @param resource_calendar : working calendar of the resource """ resource_calendar_leaves_pool = self.pool.get('resource.calendar.leaves') leave_list = [] if resource_id: leave_ids = resource_calendar_leaves_pool.search(cr, uid, ['|', ('calendar_id', '=', calendar_id), ('calendar_id', '=', resource_calendar), ('resource_id', '=', resource_id) ], context=context) else: leave_ids = resource_calendar_leaves_pool.search(cr, uid, [('calendar_id', '=', calendar_id), ('resource_id', '=', False) ], context=context) leaves = resource_calendar_leaves_pool.read(cr, uid, leave_ids, ['date_from', 'date_to'], context=context) for i in range(len(leaves)): dt_start = datetime.strptime(leaves[i]['date_from'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') dt_end = datetime.strptime(leaves[i]['date_to'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') no = dt_end - dt_start [leave_list.append((dt_start + timedelta(days=x)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) for x in range(int(no.days + 1))] leave_list.sort() return leave_list def compute_working_calendar(self, cr, uid, calendar_id=False, context=None): """ Change the format of working calendar from 'Openerp' format to bring it into 'Faces' format. @param calendar_id : working calendar of the project """ if not calendar_id: # Calendar is not specified: working days: 24/7 return [('fri', '8:0-12:0','13:0-17:0'), ('thu', '8:0-12:0','13:0-17:0'), ('wed', '8:0-12:0','13:0-17:0'), ('mon', '8:0-12:0','13:0-17:0'), ('tue', '8:0-12:0','13:0-17:0')] resource_attendance_pool = self.pool.get('resource.calendar.attendance') time_range = "8:00-8:00" non_working = "" week_days = {"0": "mon", "1": "tue", "2": "wed","3": "thu", "4": "fri", "5": "sat", "6": "sun"} wk_days = {} wk_time = {} wktime_list = [] wktime_cal = [] week_ids = resource_attendance_pool.search(cr, uid, [('calendar_id', '=', calendar_id)], context=context) weeks = resource_attendance_pool.read(cr, uid, week_ids, ['dayofweek', 'hour_from', 'hour_to'], context=context) # Convert time formats into appropriate format required # and create a list like [('mon', '8:00-12:00'), ('mon', '13:00-18:00')] for week in weeks: res_str = "" day = None if week_days.get(week['dayofweek'],False): day = week_days[week['dayofweek']] wk_days[week['dayofweek']] = week_days[week['dayofweek']] else: raise osv.except_osv(_('Configuration Error!'),_('Make sure the Working time has been configured with proper week days!')) hour_from_str = convert_timeformat(week['hour_from']) hour_to_str = convert_timeformat(week['hour_to']) res_str = hour_from_str + '-' + hour_to_str wktime_list.append((day, res_str)) # Convert into format like [('mon', '8:00-12:00', '13:00-18:00')] for item in wktime_list: if wk_time.has_key(item[0]): wk_time[item[0]].append(item[1]) else: wk_time[item[0]] = [item[0]] wk_time[item[0]].append(item[1]) for k,v in wk_time.items(): wktime_cal.append(tuple(v)) # Add for the non-working days like: [('sat, sun', '8:00-8:00')] for k, v in wk_days.items(): if week_days.has_key(k): week_days.pop(k) for v in week_days.itervalues(): non_working += v + ',' if non_working: wktime_cal.append((non_working[:-1], time_range)) return wktime_cal resource_resource() class resource_calendar_leaves(osv.osv): _name = "resource.calendar.leaves" _description = "Leave Detail" _columns = { 'name' : fields.char("Name", size=64), 'company_id' : fields.related('calendar_id','company_id',type='many2one',relation='res.company',string="Company", store=True, readonly=True), 'calendar_id' : fields.many2one("resource.calendar", "Working Time"), 'date_from' : fields.datetime('Start Date', required=True), 'date_to' : fields.datetime('End Date', required=True), 'resource_id' : fields.many2one("resource.resource", "Resource", help="If empty, this is a generic holiday for the company. If a resource is set, the holiday/leave is only for this resource"), } def check_dates(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): leave = self.read(cr, uid, ids[0], ['date_from', 'date_to']) if leave['date_from'] and leave['date_to']: if leave['date_from'] > leave['date_to']: return False return True _constraints = [ (check_dates, 'Error! leave start-date must be lower then leave end-date.', ['date_from', 'date_to']) ] def onchange_resource(self, cr, uid, ids, resource, context=None): result = {} if resource: resource_pool = self.pool.get('resource.resource') result['calendar_id'] = resource_pool.browse(cr, uid, resource, context=context).calendar_id.id return {'value': result} return {'value': {'calendar_id': []}} resource_calendar_leaves() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: