account.analytic.account.invoice.form account.analytic.account 30
hr.analytic.timesheet.form hr.analytic.timesheet hr.analytic.timesheet.form2 hr.analytic.timesheet hr.analytic.timesheet.tree hr.analytic.timesheet hr.analytic.timesheet.tree2 hr.analytic.timesheet account.analytic.line account.analytic.line.tree.to_invoice account.analytic.line account.analytic.line.form.to_invoice account.analytic.line Invoice Tasks Work account.analytic.line form tree,form [] {'search_default_to_invoice': 1}

Click to add some tasks work to be invoiced.

This list shows every task you can invoice to the customer. Select the lines and invoice from the 'more...' contextual menu to generate invoices automatically. hr_timesheet_invoice.factor hr_timesheet_invoice.factor.form hr_timesheet_invoice.factor
hr_timesheet_invoice.factor.tree hr_timesheet_invoice.factor Types of Invoicing ir.actions.act_window hr_timesheet_invoice.factor form

Click to add a new type of invoicing.

OpenERP allows you to create default invoicing types. You might have to regularly assign discounts because of a specific contract or agreement with a customer. From this menu, you can create additional types of invoicing to speed up your invoicing.