- In order to test google calendar feature with OpenERP, I import events from a google account and store them in Meetings. - | I create a record for the gmail account for which I want to import the contacts. - !record {model: google.login, id: google_login_id0}: user: testmail.openerp@gmail.com password: openerptiny - | I login into that account. - !python {model: google.login}: | self.login(cr, uid, [ref('google_login_id0')], context) - | Now I want to import all the events from all the calendars in the user account. - | I select all calendars. - !record {model: synchronize.google.import, id: synchronize_google_import_id0}: calendar_name: all - | I import the events from the google calendar. - !python {model: synchronize.google.import}: | self.import_google(cr, uid, [ref('synchronize_google_import_id0')], context={'calendar':True}) - | Now I check my meetings are created or not. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | model_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data') meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, []) model_ids = model_obj.search(cr, uid, [('res_id','in',meeting_ids),('model','=','crm.meeting'),('module','=','synchronize_google')]) assert model_ids, 'Meetings not created !'