delivery.carrier.tree delivery.carrier tree delivery.carrier.form delivery.carrier form
Delivery Method ir.actions.act_window delivery.carrier form tree,form Define the delivery methods you are using and their pricing in order to reinvoice the delivery costs when you are doing invoicing based on delivery orders Define Delivery Methods ir.actions.act_window delivery.carrier form tree,form Define your delivery methods and their pricing. The delivery costs can be added on the sale order form or in the invoice, based on the delivery orders. delivery.grid.tree delivery.grid tree delivery.grid.form delivery.grid form
Delivery Pricelist ir.actions.act_window delivery.grid form tree,form The delivery price list allows you to compute the cost and sales price of the delivery according to the weight of the products and other criteria. You can define several price lists for one delivery method, per country or a zone in a specific country defined by a postal code range. delivery.grid.line.form delivery.grid.line form
delivery.grid.line.tree delivery.grid.line tree form sale.order delivery.stock.picking_withcarrier.out.form.view form stock.picking form stock.picking stock.picking_withweight.internal.form.view form stock.picking Picking to be invoiced stock.picking ir.actions.act_window form tree,form [('invoice_state','=','2binvoiced'),('state','=','done'),('type','=','out')] {'default_invoice_state': '2binvoiced', 'default_type': 'out', 'contact_display': 'partner'} delivery.stock.picking_withcarrier.out.move.form.view form stock.picking form stock.picking stock.picking_withweight.internal.move.form.view form stock.picking stock.move.form.weight form stock.move stock.move.reception.packing.form.weight form stock.move sale.order.multicompany sale.order