#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004 #see license.txt for license details #history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/tools/docco/graphdocpy.py """Generate documentation for reportlab.graphics classes. Type the following for usage info: python graphdocpy.py -h """ __version__ = '0.8' import sys sys.path.insert(0, '.') import os, re, types, string, getopt, pickle, copy, time, pprint, traceback from string import find, join, split, replace, expandtabs, rstrip import reportlab from reportlab import rl_config from docpy import PackageSkeleton0, ModuleSkeleton0 from docpy import DocBuilder0, PdfDocBuilder0, HtmlDocBuilder0 from docpy import htmlescape, htmlrepr, defaultformat, \ getdoc, reduceDocStringLength from docpy import makeHtmlSection, makeHtmlSubSection, \ makeHtmlInlineImage from reportlab.lib.units import inch, cm from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4 from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_CENTER, TA_LEFT from reportlab.lib.utils import getStringIO #from StringIO import StringIO #getStringIO=StringIO from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.platypus.flowables import Flowable, Spacer from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph from reportlab.platypus.tableofcontents import TableOfContents from reportlab.platypus.flowables \ import Flowable, Preformatted,Spacer, Image, KeepTogether, PageBreak from reportlab.platypus.xpreformatted import XPreformatted from reportlab.platypus.frames import Frame from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate \ import PageTemplate, BaseDocTemplate from reportlab.platypus.tables import TableStyle, Table from reportlab.graphics.shapes import NotImplementedError import inspect # Needed to draw Widget/Drawing demos. from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing from reportlab.graphics import shapes from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF VERBOSE = rl_config.verbose VERIFY = 1 _abstractclasserr_re = re.compile(r'^\s*abstract\s*class\s*(\w+)\s*instantiated',re.I) #################################################################### # # Stuff needed for building PDF docs. # #################################################################### def mainPageFrame(canvas, doc): "The page frame used for all PDF documents." canvas.saveState() pageNumber = canvas.getPageNumber() canvas.line(2*cm, A4[1]-2*cm, A4[0]-2*cm, A4[1]-2*cm) canvas.line(2*cm, 2*cm, A4[0]-2*cm, 2*cm) if pageNumber > 1: canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 12) canvas.drawString(4 * inch, cm, "%d" % pageNumber) if hasattr(canvas, 'headerLine'): # hackish headerline = string.join(canvas.headerLine, ' \xc2\x8d ') canvas.drawString(2*cm, A4[1]-1.75*cm, headerline) canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 8) msg = "Generated with docpy. See http://www.reportlab.com!" canvas.drawString(2*cm, 1.65*cm, msg) canvas.restoreState() class MyTemplate(BaseDocTemplate): "The document template used for all PDF documents." _invalidInitArgs = ('pageTemplates',) def __init__(self, filename, **kw): frame1 = Frame(2.5*cm, 2.5*cm, 15*cm, 25*cm, id='F1') self.allowSplitting = 0 apply(BaseDocTemplate.__init__, (self, filename), kw) self.addPageTemplates(PageTemplate('normal', [frame1], mainPageFrame)) def afterFlowable(self, flowable): "Takes care of header line, TOC and outline entries." if flowable.__class__.__name__ == 'Paragraph': f = flowable # Build a list of heading parts. # So far, this is the *last* item on the *previous* page... if f.style.name[:8] == 'Heading0': self.canv.headerLine = [f.text] # hackish elif f.style.name[:8] == 'Heading1': if len(self.canv.headerLine) == 2: del self.canv.headerLine[-1] elif len(self.canv.headerLine) == 3: del self.canv.headerLine[-1] del self.canv.headerLine[-1] self.canv.headerLine.append(f.text) elif f.style.name[:8] == 'Heading2': if len(self.canv.headerLine) == 3: del self.canv.headerLine[-1] self.canv.headerLine.append(f.text) if f.style.name[:7] == 'Heading': # Register TOC entries. headLevel = int(f.style.name[7:]) self.notify('TOCEntry', (headLevel, flowable.getPlainText(), self.page)) # Add PDF outline entries. c = self.canv title = f.text key = str(hash(f)) lev = int(f.style.name[7:]) try: if lev == 0: isClosed = 0 else: isClosed = 1 c.bookmarkPage(key) c.addOutlineEntry(title, key, level=lev, closed=isClosed) c.showOutline() except: if VERBOSE: # AR hacking in exception handlers print 'caught exception in MyTemplate.afterFlowable with heading text %s' % f.text traceback.print_exc() else: pass #################################################################### # # Utility functions # #################################################################### def indentLevel(line, spacesPerTab=4): """Counts the indent levels on the front. It is assumed that one tab equals 4 spaces. """ x = 0 nextTab = 4 for ch in line: if ch == ' ': x = x + 1 elif ch == '\t': x = nextTab nextTab = x + spacesPerTab else: return x assert indentLevel('hello') == 0, 'error in indentLevel' assert indentLevel(' hello') == 1, 'error in indentLevel' assert indentLevel(' hello') == 2, 'error in indentLevel' assert indentLevel(' hello') == 3, 'error in indentLevel' assert indentLevel('\thello') == 4, 'error in indentLevel' assert indentLevel(' \thello') == 4, 'error in indentLevel' assert indentLevel('\t hello') == 5, 'error in indentLevel' #################################################################### # # Special-purpose document builders # #################################################################### class GraphPdfDocBuilder0(PdfDocBuilder0): """A PDF document builder displaying widgets and drawings. This generates a PDF file where only methods named 'demo' are listed for any class C. If C happens to be a subclass of Widget and has a 'demo' method, this method is assumed to generate and return a sample widget instance, that is then appended graphi- cally to the Platypus story. Something similar happens for functions. If their names start with 'sample' they are supposed to generate and return a sample drawing. This is then taken and appended graphically to the Platypus story, as well. """ fileSuffix = '.pdf' def begin(self, name='', typ=''): styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() self.code = styleSheet['Code'] self.bt = styleSheet['BodyText'] self.story = [] # Cover page t = time.gmtime(time.time()) timeString = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", t) self.story.append(Paragraph('Documentation for %s "%s"' % (typ, name), self.bt)) self.story.append(Paragraph('Generated by: graphdocpy.py version %s' % __version__, self.bt)) self.story.append(Paragraph('Date generated: %s' % timeString, self.bt)) self.story.append(Paragraph('Format: PDF', self.bt)) self.story.append(PageBreak()) # Table of contents toc = TableOfContents() self.story.append(toc) self.story.append(PageBreak()) def end(self, fileName=None): if fileName: # overrides output path self.outPath = fileName elif self.packageName: self.outPath = self.packageName + self.fileSuffix elif self.skeleton: self.outPath = self.skeleton.getModuleName() + self.fileSuffix else: self.outPath = '' if self.outPath: doc = MyTemplate(self.outPath) doc.multiBuild(self.story) def beginModule(self, name, doc, imported): story = self.story bt = self.bt # Defer displaying the module header info to later... self.shouldDisplayModule = (name, doc, imported) self.hasDisplayedModule = 0 def endModule(self, name, doc, imported): if self.hasDisplayedModule: DocBuilder0.endModule(self, name, doc, imported) def beginClasses(self, names): # Defer displaying the module header info to later... if self.shouldDisplayModule: self.shouldDisplayClasses = names # Skip all methods. def beginMethod(self, name, doc, sig): pass def endMethod(self, name, doc, sig): pass def beginClass(self, name, doc, bases): "Append a graphic demo of a Widget or Drawing at the end of a class." if VERBOSE: print 'GraphPdfDocBuilder.beginClass(%s...)' % name aClass = eval('self.skeleton.moduleSpace.' + name) if issubclass(aClass, Widget): if self.shouldDisplayModule: modName, modDoc, imported = self.shouldDisplayModule self.story.append(Paragraph(modName, self.makeHeadingStyle(self.indentLevel-2, 'module'))) self.story.append(XPreformatted(modDoc, self.bt)) self.shouldDisplayModule = 0 self.hasDisplayedModule = 1 if self.shouldDisplayClasses: self.story.append(Paragraph('Classes', self.makeHeadingStyle(self.indentLevel-1))) self.shouldDisplayClasses = 0 PdfDocBuilder0.beginClass(self, name, doc, bases) self.beginAttributes(aClass) elif issubclass(aClass, Drawing): if self.shouldDisplayModule: modName, modDoc, imported = self.shouldDisplayModule self.story.append(Paragraph(modName, self.makeHeadingStyle(self.indentLevel-2, 'module'))) self.story.append(XPreformatted(modDoc, self.bt)) self.shouldDisplayModule = 0 self.hasDisplayedModule = 1 if self.shouldDisplayClasses: self.story.append(Paragraph('Classes', self.makeHeadingStyle(self.indentLevel-1))) self.shouldDisplayClasses = 0 PdfDocBuilder0.beginClass(self, name, doc, bases) def beginAttributes(self, aClass): "Append a list of annotated attributes of a class." self.story.append(Paragraph( 'Public Attributes', self.makeHeadingStyle(self.indentLevel+1))) map = aClass._attrMap if map: map = map.items() map.sort() else: map = [] for name, typ in map: if typ != None: if hasattr(typ, 'desc'): desc = typ.desc else: desc = '%s' % typ.__class__.__name__ else: desc = 'None' self.story.append(Paragraph( "%s %s" % (name, desc), self.bt)) self.story.append(Paragraph("", self.bt)) def endClass(self, name, doc, bases): "Append a graphic demo of a Widget or Drawing at the end of a class." PdfDocBuilder0.endClass(self, name, doc, bases) aClass = eval('self.skeleton.moduleSpace.' + name) if hasattr(aClass, '_nodoc'): pass elif issubclass(aClass, Widget): try: widget = aClass() except AssertionError, err: if _abstractclasserr_re.match(str(err)): return raise self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showWidgetDemoCode(widget) self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showWidgetDemo(widget) self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showWidgetProperties(widget) self.story.append(PageBreak()) elif issubclass(aClass, Drawing): drawing = aClass() self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showDrawingCode(drawing) self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showDrawingDemo(drawing) self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) def beginFunctions(self, names): srch = string.join(names, ' ') if string.find(string.join(names, ' '), ' sample') > -1: PdfDocBuilder0.beginFunctions(self, names) # Skip non-sample functions. def beginFunction(self, name, doc, sig): "Skip function for 'uninteresting' names." if name[:6] == 'sample': PdfDocBuilder0.beginFunction(self, name, doc, sig) def endFunction(self, name, doc, sig): "Append a drawing to the story for special function names." if name[:6] != 'sample': return if VERBOSE: print 'GraphPdfDocBuilder.endFunction(%s...)' % name PdfDocBuilder0.endFunction(self, name, doc, sig) aFunc = eval('self.skeleton.moduleSpace.' + name) drawing = aFunc() self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showFunctionDemoCode(aFunc) self.story.append(Spacer(0*cm, 0.5*cm)) self._showDrawingDemo(drawing) self.story.append(PageBreak()) def _showFunctionDemoCode(self, function): """Show a demo code of the function generating the drawing.""" # Heading self.story.append(Paragraph("Example", self.bt)) self.story.append(Paragraph("", self.bt)) # Sample code codeSample = inspect.getsource(function) self.story.append(Preformatted(codeSample, self.code)) def _showDrawingCode(self, drawing): """Show code of the drawing class.""" # Heading #className = drawing.__class__.__name__ self.story.append(Paragraph("Example", self.bt)) # Sample code codeSample = inspect.getsource(drawing.__class__.__init__) self.story.append(Preformatted(codeSample, self.code)) def _showDrawingDemo(self, drawing): """Show a graphical demo of the drawing.""" # Add the given drawing to the story. # Ignored if no GD rendering available # or the demo method does not return a drawing. try: flo = renderPDF.GraphicsFlowable(drawing) self.story.append(Spacer(6,6)) self.story.append(flo) self.story.append(Spacer(6,6)) except: if VERBOSE: print 'caught exception in _showDrawingDemo' traceback.print_exc() else: pass def _showWidgetDemo(self, widget): """Show a graphical demo of the widget.""" # Get a demo drawing from the widget and add it to the story. # Ignored if no GD rendering available # or the demo method does not return a drawing. try: if VERIFY: widget.verify() drawing = widget.demo() flo = renderPDF.GraphicsFlowable(drawing) self.story.append(Spacer(6,6)) self.story.append(flo) self.story.append(Spacer(6,6)) except: if VERBOSE: print 'caught exception in _showWidgetDemo' traceback.print_exc() else: pass def _showWidgetDemoCode(self, widget): """Show a demo code of the widget.""" # Heading #className = widget.__class__.__name__ self.story.append(Paragraph("Example", self.bt)) # Sample code codeSample = inspect.getsource(widget.__class__.demo) self.story.append(Preformatted(codeSample, self.code)) def _showWidgetProperties(self, widget): """Dump all properties of a widget.""" props = widget.getProperties() keys = props.keys() keys.sort() lines = [] for key in keys: value = props[key] f = getStringIO() pprint.pprint(value, f) value = f.getvalue()[:-1] valueLines = string.split(value, '\n') for i in range(1, len(valueLines)): valueLines[i] = ' '*(len(key)+3) + valueLines[i] value = string.join(valueLines, '\n') lines.append('%s = %s' % (key, value)) text = join(lines, '\n') self.story.append(Paragraph("Properties of Example Widget", self.bt)) self.story.append(Paragraph("", self.bt)) self.story.append(Preformatted(text, self.code)) class GraphHtmlDocBuilder0(HtmlDocBuilder0): "A class to write the skeleton of a Python source." fileSuffix = '.html' def beginModule(self, name, doc, imported): # Defer displaying the module header info to later... self.shouldDisplayModule = (name, doc, imported) self.hasDisplayedModule = 0 def endModule(self, name, doc, imported): if self.hasDisplayedModule: HtmlDocBuilder0.endModule(self, name, doc, imported) def beginClasses(self, names): # Defer displaying the module header info to later... if self.shouldDisplayModule: self.shouldDisplayClasses = names # Skip all methods. def beginMethod(self, name, doc, sig): pass def endMethod(self, name, doc, sig): pass def beginClass(self, name, doc, bases): "Append a graphic demo of a widget at the end of a class." aClass = eval('self.skeleton.moduleSpace.' + name) if issubclass(aClass, Widget): if self.shouldDisplayModule: modName, modDoc, imported = self.shouldDisplayModule self.outLines.append('


' % modName) self.outLines.append('
' % modDoc) self.shouldDisplayModule = 0 self.hasDisplayedModule = 1 if self.shouldDisplayClasses: self.outLines.append('


') self.shouldDisplayClasses = 0 HtmlDocBuilder0.beginClass(self, name, doc, bases) def endClass(self, name, doc, bases): "Append a graphic demo of a widget at the end of a class." HtmlDocBuilder0.endClass(self, name, doc, bases) aClass = eval('self.skeleton.moduleSpace.' + name) if issubclass(aClass, Widget): widget = aClass() self._showWidgetDemoCode(widget) self._showWidgetDemo(widget) self._showWidgetProperties(widget) def beginFunctions(self, names): if string.find(string.join(names, ' '), ' sample') > -1: HtmlDocBuilder0.beginFunctions(self, names) # Skip non-sample functions. def beginFunction(self, name, doc, sig): "Skip function for 'uninteresting' names." if name[:6] == 'sample': HtmlDocBuilder0.beginFunction(self, name, doc, sig) def endFunction(self, name, doc, sig): "Append a drawing to the story for special function names." if name[:6] != 'sample': return HtmlDocBuilder0.endFunction(self, name, doc, sig) aFunc = eval('self.skeleton.moduleSpace.' + name) drawing = aFunc() self._showFunctionDemoCode(aFunc) self._showDrawingDemo(drawing, aFunc.__name__) def _showFunctionDemoCode(self, function): """Show a demo code of the function generating the drawing.""" # Heading self.outLines.append('


') # Sample code codeSample = inspect.getsource(function) self.outLines.append('
' % codeSample) def _showDrawingDemo(self, drawing, name): """Show a graphical demo of the drawing.""" # Add the given drawing to the story. # Ignored if no GD rendering available # or the demo method does not return a drawing. try: from reportlab.graphics import renderPM modName = self.skeleton.getModuleName() path = '%s-%s.jpg' % (modName, name) renderPM.drawToFile(drawing, path, fmt='JPG') self.outLines.append('


') self.outLines.append(makeHtmlInlineImage(path)) except: if VERBOSE: print 'caught exception in GraphHTMLDocBuilder._showDrawingDemo' traceback.print_exc() else: pass def _showWidgetDemo(self, widget): """Show a graphical demo of the widget.""" # Get a demo drawing from the widget and add it to the story. # Ignored if no GD rendering available # or the demo method does not return a drawing. try: from reportlab.graphics import renderPM drawing = widget.demo() if VERIFY: widget.verify() modName = self.skeleton.getModuleName() path = '%s-%s.jpg' % (modName, widget.__class__.__name__) renderPM.drawToFile(drawing, path, fmt='JPG') self.outLines.append('


') self.outLines.append(makeHtmlInlineImage(path)) except: if VERBOSE: print 'caught exception in GraphHTMLDocBuilder._showWidgetDemo' traceback.print_exc() else: pass def _showWidgetDemoCode(self, widget): """Show a demo code of the widget.""" # Heading #className = widget.__class__.__name__ self.outLines.append('

Example Code

') # Sample code codeSample = inspect.getsource(widget.__class__.demo) self.outLines.append('
' % codeSample) self.outLines.append('') def _showWidgetProperties(self, widget): """Dump all properties of a widget.""" props = widget.getProperties() keys = props.keys() keys.sort() lines = [] for key in keys: value = props[key] # Method 3 f = getStringIO() pprint.pprint(value, f) value = f.getvalue()[:-1] valueLines = string.split(value, '\n') for i in range(1, len(valueLines)): valueLines[i] = ' '*(len(key)+3) + valueLines[i] value = string.join(valueLines, '\n') lines.append('%s = %s' % (key, value)) text = join(lines, '\n') self.outLines.append('

Properties of Example Widget

') self.outLines.append('
' % text) self.outLines.append('') # Highly experimental! class PlatypusDocBuilder0(DocBuilder0): "Document the skeleton of a Python module as a Platypus story." fileSuffix = '.pps' # A pickled Platypus story. def begin(self, name='', typ=''): styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() self.code = styleSheet['Code'] self.bt = styleSheet['BodyText'] self.story = [] def end(self): if self.packageName: self.outPath = self.packageName + self.fileSuffix elif self.skeleton: self.outPath = self.skeleton.getModuleName() + self.fileSuffix else: self.outPath = '' if self.outPath: f = open(self.outPath, 'w') pickle.dump(self.story, f) def beginPackage(self, name): DocBuilder0.beginPackage(self, name) self.story.append(Paragraph(name, self.bt)) def beginModule(self, name, doc, imported): story = self.story bt = self.bt story.append(Paragraph(name, bt)) story.append(XPreformatted(doc, bt)) def beginClasses(self, names): self.story.append(Paragraph('Classes', self.bt)) def beginClass(self, name, doc, bases): bt = self.bt story = self.story if bases: bases = map(lambda b:b.__name__, bases) # hack story.append(Paragraph('%s(%s)' % (name, join(bases, ', ')), bt)) else: story.append(Paragraph(name, bt)) story.append(XPreformatted(doc, bt)) def beginMethod(self, name, doc, sig): bt = self.bt story = self.story story.append(Paragraph(name+sig, bt)) story.append(XPreformatted(doc, bt)) def beginFunctions(self, names): if names: self.story.append(Paragraph('Functions', self.bt)) def beginFunction(self, name, doc, sig): bt = self.bt story = self.story story.append(Paragraph(name+sig, bt)) story.append(XPreformatted(doc, bt)) #################################################################### # # Main # #################################################################### def printUsage(): """graphdocpy.py - Automated documentation for the RL Graphics library. Usage: python graphdocpy.py [options] [options] -h Print this help message. -f name Use the document builder indicated by 'name', e.g. Html, Pdf. -m module Generate document for module named 'module'. 'module' may follow any of these forms: - docpy.py - docpy - c:\\test\\docpy and can be any of these: - standard Python modules - modules in the Python search path - modules in the current directory -p package Generate document for package named 'package' (default is 'reportlab.graphics'). 'package' may follow any of these forms: - reportlab - reportlab.graphics.charts - c:\\test\\reportlab and can be any of these: - standard Python packages (?) - packages in the Python search path - packages in the current directory -s Silent mode (default is unset). Examples: python graphdocpy.py reportlab.graphics python graphdocpy.py -m signsandsymbols.py -f Pdf python graphdocpy.py -m flags.py -f Html python graphdocpy.py -m barchart1.py """ # The following functions, including main(), are actually # the same as in docpy.py (except for some defaults). def documentModule0(pathOrName, builder, opts={}): """Generate documentation for one Python file in some format. This handles Python standard modules like string, custom modules on the Python search path like e.g. docpy as well as modules specified with their full path like C:/tmp/junk.py. The doc file will always be saved in the current directory with a basename equal to that of the module, e.g. docpy. """ cwd = os.getcwd() # Append directory to Python search path if we get one. dirName = os.path.dirname(pathOrName) if dirName: sys.path.append(dirName) # Remove .py extension from module name. if pathOrName[-3:] == '.py': modname = pathOrName[:-3] else: modname = pathOrName # Remove directory paths from module name. if dirName: modname = os.path.basename(modname) # Load the module. try: module = __import__(modname) except: print 'Failed to import %s.' % modname os.chdir(cwd) return # Do the real documentation work. s = ModuleSkeleton0() s.inspect(module) builder.write(s) # Remove appended directory from Python search path if we got one. if dirName: del sys.path[-1] os.chdir(cwd) def _packageWalkCallback((builder, opts), dirPath, files): "A callback function used when waking over a package tree." #must CD into a directory to document the module correctly cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dirPath) # Skip __init__ files. files = filter(lambda f:f != '__init__.py', files) files = filter(lambda f:f[-3:] == '.py', files) for f in files: path = os.path.join(dirPath, f) ## if not opts.get('isSilent', 0): ## print path builder.indentLevel = builder.indentLevel + 1 #documentModule0(path, builder) documentModule0(f, builder) builder.indentLevel = builder.indentLevel - 1 #CD back out os.chdir(cwd) def documentPackage0(pathOrName, builder, opts={}): """Generate documentation for one Python package in some format. 'pathOrName' can be either a filesystem path leading to a Python package or package name whose path will be resolved by importing the top-level module. The doc file will always be saved in the current directory with a basename equal to that of the package, e.g. reportlab.lib. """ # Did we get a package path with OS-dependant seperators...? if os.sep in pathOrName: path = pathOrName name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] # ... or rather a package name? else: name = pathOrName package = __import__(name) # Some special care needed for dotted names. if '.' in name: subname = 'package' + name[find(name, '.'):] package = eval(subname) path = os.path.dirname(package.__file__) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) builder.beginPackage(name) os.path.walk(path, _packageWalkCallback, (builder, opts)) builder.endPackage(name) os.chdir(cwd) def makeGraphicsReference(outfilename): "Make graphics_reference.pdf" builder = GraphPdfDocBuilder0() builder.begin(name='reportlab.graphics', typ='package') documentPackage0('reportlab.graphics', builder, {'isSilent': 0}) builder.end(outfilename) print 'made graphics reference in %s' % outfilename def main(): "Handle command-line options and trigger corresponding action." opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hsf:m:p:') # Make an options dictionary that is easier to use. optsDict = {} for k, v in opts: optsDict[k] = v hasOpt = optsDict.has_key # On -h print usage and exit immediately. if hasOpt('-h'): print printUsage.__doc__ sys.exit(0) # On -s set silent mode. isSilent = hasOpt('-s') # On -f set the appropriate DocBuilder to use or a default one. builder = { 'Pdf': GraphPdfDocBuilder0, 'Html': GraphHtmlDocBuilder0, }[optsDict.get('-f', 'Pdf')]() # Set default module or package to document. if not hasOpt('-p') and not hasOpt('-m'): optsDict['-p'] = 'reportlab.graphics' # Save a few options for further use. options = {'isSilent':isSilent} # Now call the real documentation functions. if hasOpt('-m'): nameOrPath = optsDict['-m'] if not isSilent: print "Generating documentation for module %s..." % nameOrPath builder.begin(name=nameOrPath, typ='module') documentModule0(nameOrPath, builder, options) elif hasOpt('-p'): nameOrPath = optsDict['-p'] if not isSilent: print "Generating documentation for package %s..." % nameOrPath builder.begin(name=nameOrPath, typ='package') documentPackage0(nameOrPath, builder, options) builder.end() if not isSilent: print "Saved %s." % builder.outPath #if doing the usual, put a copy in docs if builder.outPath == 'reportlab.graphics.pdf': import shutil, reportlab dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(reportlab.__file__),'docs','graphics_reference.pdf') shutil.copyfile('reportlab.graphics.pdf', dst) if not isSilent: print 'copied to '+dst def makeSuite(): "standard test harness support - run self as separate process" from reportlab.test.utils import ScriptThatMakesFileTest return ScriptThatMakesFileTest('tools/docco', 'graphdocpy.py', 'reportlab.graphics.pdf') if __name__ == '__main__': main()