/* This software is allowed to use under GPL or you need to obtain Commercial or Enterise License to use it in non-GPL project. Please contact sales@dhtmlx.com for details */ if (!window.dhtmlx) { dhtmlx = function(obj){ for (var a in obj) dhtmlx[a]=obj[a]; return dhtmlx; //simple singleton }; } dhtmlx.extend_api=function(name,map,ext){ var t = window[name]; if (!t) return; //component not defined window[name]=function(obj){ if (obj && typeof obj == "object" && !obj.tagName){ var that = t.apply(this,(map._init?map._init(obj):arguments)); //global settings for (var a in dhtmlx) if (map[a]) this[map[a]](dhtmlx[a]); //local settings for (var a in obj){ if (map[a]) this[map[a]](obj[a]); else if (a.indexOf("on")==0){ this.attachEvent(a,obj[a]); } } } else var that = t.apply(this,arguments); if (map._patch) map._patch(this); return that||this; }; window[name].prototype=t.prototype; if (ext) dhtmlXHeir(window[name].prototype,ext); }; dhtmlxAjax={ get:function(url,callback){ var t=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(true); t.async=(arguments.length<3); t.waitCall=callback; t.loadXML(url) return t; }, post:function(url,post,callback){ var t=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(true); t.async=(arguments.length<4); t.waitCall=callback; t.loadXML(url,true,post) return t; }, getSync:function(url){ return this.get(url,null,true) }, postSync:function(url,post){ return this.post(url,post,null,true); } } /** * @desc: xmlLoader object * @type: private * @param: funcObject - xml parser function * @param: object - jsControl object * @param: async - sync/async mode (async by default) * @param: rSeed - enable/disable random seed ( prevent IE caching) * @topic: 0 */ function dtmlXMLLoaderObject(funcObject, dhtmlObject, async, rSeed){ this.xmlDoc=""; if (typeof (async) != "undefined") this.async=async; else this.async=true; this.onloadAction=funcObject||null; this.mainObject=dhtmlObject||null; this.waitCall=null; this.rSeed=rSeed||false; return this; }; dtmlXMLLoaderObject.count = 0; /** * @desc: xml loading handler * @type: private * @param: dtmlObject - xmlLoader object * @topic: 0 */ dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.waitLoadFunction=function(dhtmlObject){ var once = true; this.check=function (){ if ((dhtmlObject)&&(dhtmlObject.onloadAction != null)){ if ((!dhtmlObject.xmlDoc.readyState)||(dhtmlObject.xmlDoc.readyState == 4)){ if (!once) return; once=false; //IE 5 fix dtmlXMLLoaderObject.count++; if (typeof dhtmlObject.onloadAction == "function") dhtmlObject.onloadAction(dhtmlObject.mainObject, null, null, null, dhtmlObject); if (dhtmlObject.waitCall){ dhtmlObject.waitCall.call(this,dhtmlObject); dhtmlObject.waitCall=null; } } } }; return this.check; }; /** * @desc: return XML top node * @param: tagName - top XML node tag name (not used in IE, required for Safari and Mozilla) * @type: private * @returns: top XML node * @topic: 0 */ dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.getXMLTopNode=function(tagName, oldObj){ if (this.xmlDoc.responseXML){ var temp = this.xmlDoc.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(tagName); if(temp.length==0 && tagName.indexOf(":")!=-1) var temp = this.xmlDoc.responseXML.getElementsByTagName((tagName.split(":"))[1]); var z = temp[0]; } else var z = this.xmlDoc.documentElement; if (z){ this._retry=false; return z; } if (!this._retry){ this._retry=true; var oldObj = this.xmlDoc; this.loadXMLString(this.xmlDoc.responseText.replace(/^[\s]+/,""), true); return this.getXMLTopNode(tagName, oldObj); } dhtmlxError.throwError("LoadXML", "Incorrect XML", [ (oldObj||this.xmlDoc), this.mainObject ]); return document.createElement("DIV"); }; /** * @desc: load XML from string * @type: private * @param: xmlString - xml string * @topic: 0 */ dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.loadXMLString=function(xmlString, silent){ if (!_isIE){ var parser = new DOMParser(); this.xmlDoc=parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); } else { this.xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); this.xmlDoc.async=this.async; this.xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = function(){}; this.xmlDoc["loadXM"+"L"](xmlString); } if (silent) return; if (this.onloadAction) this.onloadAction(this.mainObject, null, null, null, this); if (this.waitCall){ this.waitCall(); this.waitCall=null; } } /** * @desc: load XML * @type: private * @param: filePath - xml file path * @param: postMode - send POST request * @param: postVars - list of vars for post request * @topic: 0 */ dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.loadXML=function(filePath, postMode, postVars, rpc){ if (this.rSeed) filePath+=((filePath.indexOf("?") != -1) ? "&" : "?")+"a_dhx_rSeed="+(new Date()).valueOf(); this.filePath=filePath; if ((!_isIE)&&(window.XMLHttpRequest)) this.xmlDoc=new XMLHttpRequest(); else { this.xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (this.async) this.xmlDoc.onreadystatechange=new this.waitLoadFunction(this); this.xmlDoc.open(postMode ? "POST" : "GET", filePath, this.async); if (rpc){ this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", "dhtmlxRPC v0.1 ("+navigator.userAgent+")"); this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml"); } else if (postMode) this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest"); this.xmlDoc.send(null||postVars); if (!this.async) (new this.waitLoadFunction(this))(); }; /** * @desc: destructor, cleans used memory * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.destructor=function(){ this._filterXPath = null; this._getAllNamedChilds = null; this._retry = null; this.async = null; this.rSeed = null; this.filePath = null; this.onloadAction = null; this.mainObject = null; this.xmlDoc = null; this.doXPath = null; this.doXPathOpera = null; this.doXSLTransToObject = null; this.doXSLTransToString = null; this.loadXML = null; this.loadXMLString = null; // this.waitLoadFunction = null; this.doSerialization = null; this.xmlNodeToJSON = null; this.getXMLTopNode = null; this.setXSLParamValue = null; return null; } dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.xmlNodeToJSON = function(node){ var t={}; for (var i=0; i-1) _isChrome=true; if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1)||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Konqueror') != -1)){ _KHTMLrv = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari')+7, 5)); if (_KHTMLrv > 525){ //mimic FF behavior for Safari 3.1+ _isFF=true; _FFrv = 1.9; } else _isKHTML=true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1){ _isOpera=true; _OperaRv=parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')+6, 3)); } else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1){ _isIE=true; if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 8.0")!= -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 9.0")!= -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10.0")!= -1 ) && document.compatMode != "BackCompat"){ _isIE=8; } } else { _isFF=true; _FFrv = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("rv:")[1]) } //multibrowser Xpath processor dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXPath=function(xpathExp, docObj, namespace, result_type){ if (_isKHTML || (!_isIE && !window.XPathResult)) return this.doXPathOpera(xpathExp, docObj); if (_isIE){ //IE if (!docObj) if (!this.xmlDoc.nodeName) docObj=this.xmlDoc.responseXML else docObj=this.xmlDoc; if (!docObj) dhtmlxError.throwError("LoadXML", "Incorrect XML", [ (docObj||this.xmlDoc), this.mainObject ]); if (namespace != null) docObj.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:xsl='"+namespace+"'"); // if (result_type == 'single'){ return docObj.selectSingleNode(xpathExp); } else { return docObj.selectNodes(xpathExp)||new Array(0); } } else { //Mozilla var nodeObj = docObj; if (!docObj){ if (!this.xmlDoc.nodeName){ docObj=this.xmlDoc.responseXML } else { docObj=this.xmlDoc; } } if (!docObj) dhtmlxError.throwError("LoadXML", "Incorrect XML", [ (docObj||this.xmlDoc), this.mainObject ]); if (docObj.nodeName.indexOf("document") != -1){ nodeObj=docObj; } else { nodeObj=docObj; docObj=docObj.ownerDocument; } var retType = XPathResult.ANY_TYPE; if (result_type == 'single') retType=XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE var rowsCol = new Array(); var col = docObj.evaluate(xpathExp, nodeObj, function(pref){ return namespace }, retType, null); if (retType == XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE){ return col.singleNodeValue; } var thisColMemb = col.iterateNext(); while (thisColMemb){ rowsCol[rowsCol.length]=thisColMemb; thisColMemb=col.iterateNext(); } return rowsCol; } } function _dhtmlxError(type, name, params){ if (!this.catches) this.catches=new Array(); return this; } _dhtmlxError.prototype.catchError=function(type, func_name){ this.catches[type]=func_name; } _dhtmlxError.prototype.throwError=function(type, name, params){ if (this.catches[type]) return this.catches[type](type, name, params); if (this.catches["ALL"]) return this.catches["ALL"](type, name, params); alert("Error type: "+arguments[0]+"\nDescription: "+arguments[1]); return null; } window.dhtmlxError=new _dhtmlxError(); //opera fake, while 9.0 not released //multibrowser Xpath processor dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXPathOpera=function(xpathExp, docObj){ //this is fake for Opera var z = xpathExp.replace(/[\/]+/gi, "/").split('/'); var obj = null; var i = 1; if (!z.length) return []; if (z[0] == ".") obj=[docObj]; else if (z[0] == ""){ obj=(this.xmlDoc.responseXML||this.xmlDoc).getElementsByTagName(z[i].replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/g, "")); i++; } else return []; for (i; i < z.length; i++)obj=this._getAllNamedChilds(obj, z[i]); if (z[i-1].indexOf("[") != -1) obj=this._filterXPath(obj, z[i-1]); return obj; } dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype._filterXPath=function(a, b){ var c = new Array(); var b = b.replace(/[^\[]*\[\@/g, "").replace(/[\[\]\@]*/g, ""); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (a[i].getAttribute(b)) c[c.length]=a[i]; return c; } dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype._getAllNamedChilds=function(a, b){ var c = new Array(); if (_isKHTML) b=b.toUpperCase(); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)for (var j = 0; j < a[i].childNodes.length; j++){ if (_isKHTML){ if (a[i].childNodes[j].tagName&&a[i].childNodes[j].tagName.toUpperCase() == b) c[c.length]=a[i].childNodes[j]; } else if (a[i].childNodes[j].tagName == b) c[c.length]=a[i].childNodes[j]; } return c; } function dhtmlXHeir(a, b){ for (var c in b) if (typeof (b[c]) == "function") a[c]=b[c]; return a; } function dhtmlxEvent(el, event, handler){ if (el.addEventListener) el.addEventListener(event, handler, false); else if (el.attachEvent) el.attachEvent("on"+event, handler); } //============= XSL Extension =================================== dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.xslDoc=null; dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.setXSLParamValue=function(paramName, paramValue, xslDoc){ if (!xslDoc) xslDoc=this.xslDoc if (xslDoc.responseXML) xslDoc=xslDoc.responseXML; var item = this.doXPath("/xsl:stylesheet/xsl:variable[@name='"+paramName+"']", xslDoc, "http:/\/www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform", "single"); if (item != null) item.firstChild.nodeValue=paramValue } dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXSLTransToObject=function(xslDoc, xmlDoc){ if (!xslDoc) xslDoc=this.xslDoc; if (xslDoc.responseXML) xslDoc=xslDoc.responseXML if (!xmlDoc) xmlDoc=this.xmlDoc; if (xmlDoc.responseXML) xmlDoc=xmlDoc.responseXML //MOzilla if (!_isIE){ if (!this.XSLProcessor){ this.XSLProcessor=new XSLTProcessor(); this.XSLProcessor.importStylesheet(xslDoc); } var result = this.XSLProcessor.transformToDocument(xmlDoc); } else { var result = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0"); try{ xmlDoc.transformNodeToObject(xslDoc, result); }catch(e){ result = xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc); } } return result; } dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXSLTransToString=function(xslDoc, xmlDoc){ var res = this.doXSLTransToObject(xslDoc, xmlDoc); if(typeof(res)=="string") return res; return this.doSerialization(res); } dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doSerialization=function(xmlDoc){ if (!xmlDoc) xmlDoc=this.xmlDoc; if (xmlDoc.responseXML) xmlDoc=xmlDoc.responseXML if (!_isIE){ var xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer(); return xmlSerializer.serializeToString(xmlDoc); } else return xmlDoc.xml; } /** * @desc: * @type: private */ dhtmlxEventable=function(obj){ obj.attachEvent=function(name, catcher, callObj){ name='ev_'+name.toLowerCase(); if (!this[name]) this[name]=new this.eventCatcher(callObj||this); return(name+':'+this[name].addEvent(catcher)); //return ID (event name & event ID) } obj.callEvent=function(name, arg0){ name='ev_'+name.toLowerCase(); if (this[name]) return this[name].apply(this, arg0); return true; } obj.checkEvent=function(name){ return (!!this['ev_'+name.toLowerCase()]) } obj.eventCatcher=function(obj){ var dhx_catch = []; var z = function(){ var res = true; for (var i = 0; i < dhx_catch.length; i++){ if (dhx_catch[i] != null){ var zr = dhx_catch[i].apply(obj, arguments); res=res&&zr; } } return res; } z.addEvent=function(ev){ if (typeof (ev) != "function") ev=eval(ev); if (ev) return dhx_catch.push(ev)-1; return false; } z.removeEvent=function(id){ dhx_catch[id]=null; } return z; } obj.detachEvent=function(id){ if (id != false){ var list = id.split(':'); //get EventName and ID this[list[0]].removeEvent(list[1]); //remove event } } obj.detachAllEvents = function(){ for (var name in this){ if (name.indexOf("ev_")==0) delete this[name]; } } obj = null; }; if(!window.dhtmlx) window.dhtmlx = {}; (function(){ var _dhx_msg_cfg = null; function callback(config, result){ var usercall = config.callback; modality(false); config.box.parentNode.removeChild(config.box); _dhx_msg_cfg = config.box = null; if (usercall) usercall(result); } function modal_key(e){ if (_dhx_msg_cfg){ e = e||event; var code = e.which||event.keyCode; if (dhtmlx.message.keyboard){ if (code == 13 || code == 32) callback(_dhx_msg_cfg, true); if (code == 27) callback(_dhx_msg_cfg, false); } if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); return !(e.cancelBubble = true); } } if (document.attachEvent) document.attachEvent("onkeydown", modal_key); else document.addEventListener("keydown", modal_key, true); function modality(mode){ if(!modality.cover){ modality.cover = document.createElement("DIV"); //necessary for IE only modality.cover.onkeydown = modal_key; modality.cover.className = "dhx_modal_cover"; document.body.appendChild(modality.cover); } var height = document.body.scrollHeight; modality.cover.style.display = mode?"inline-block":"none"; } function button(text, result){ var button_css = "dhtmlx_"+text.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_")+"_button"; // dhtmlx_ok_button, dhtmlx_click_me_button return "
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"&dhx_no_header=1":""); }; var combine_urls=function(url){ return clear_url.call(this,url)+(this._connector_sorting||"")+(this._connector_filter||""); }; var sorting_url=function(url,ind,dir){ this._connector_sorting="&dhx_sort["+ind+"]="+dir; return combine_urls.call(this,url); }; var filtering_url=function(url,inds,vals){ for (var i=0; i 0) this.xy.nav_height = actual_height; var data_y=this.xy.scale_height+this.xy.nav_height+(this._quirks?-2:0); this.set_xy(this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0],w,h-(data_y+2),0,data_y+2); }; scheduler.set_xy=function(node,w,h,x,y){ node.style.width=Math.max(0,w)+"px"; node.style.height=Math.max(0,h)+"px"; if (arguments.length>3){ node.style.left=x+"px"; node.style.top=y+"px"; } }; scheduler.get_elements=function(){ //get all child elements as named hash var els=this._obj.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++){ var name=els[i].className; if (name) name = name.split(" ")[0]; if (!this._els[name]) this._els[name]=[]; this._els[name].push(els[i]); //check if name need to be changed var t=scheduler.locale.labels[els[i].getAttribute("name")||name]; if (t) els[i].innerHTML=t; } }; scheduler.set_actions=function(){ for (var a in this._els) if (this._click[a]) for (var i=0; i < this._els[a].length; i++) this._els[a][i].onclick=scheduler._click[a]; this._obj.onselectstart=function(e){ return false; }; this._obj.onmousemove=function(e){ scheduler._on_mouse_move(e||event); }; this._obj.onmousedown=function(e){ scheduler._on_mouse_down(e||event); }; this._obj.onmouseup=function(e){ scheduler._on_mouse_up(e||event); }; this._obj.ondblclick=function(e){ scheduler._on_dbl_click(e||event); }; this._obj.oncontextmenu = function(e) { var ev = e||event; var src = ev.target||ev.srcElement; var returnValue = scheduler.callEvent("onContextMenu", [scheduler._locate_event(src), ev]); return returnValue; }; }; scheduler.select=function(id){ if (this._select_id==id) return; this.editStop(false); this.unselect(); this._select_id = id; this.updateEvent(id); }; scheduler.unselect=function(id){ if (id && id!=this._select_id) return; var t=this._select_id; this._select_id = null; if (t) this.updateEvent(t); }; scheduler.getState=function(){ return { mode: this._mode, date: this._date, min_date: this._min_date, max_date: this._max_date, editor_id: this._edit_id, lightbox_id: this._lightbox_id, new_event: this._new_event, select_id: this._select_id, expanded: this.expanded, drag_id: this._drag_id, drag_mode: this._drag_mode }; }; scheduler._click={ dhx_cal_data:function(e){ var trg = e?e.target:event.srcElement; var id = scheduler._locate_event(trg); e = e || event; if (!id) { scheduler.callEvent("onEmptyClick",[scheduler.getActionData(e).date, e]); } else { if ( !scheduler.callEvent("onClick",[id,e]) || scheduler.config.readonly ) return; } if (id && scheduler.config.select) { scheduler.select(id); var mask = trg.className; if (mask.indexOf("_icon")!=-1) scheduler._click.buttons[mask.split(" ")[1].replace("icon_","")](id); } else scheduler._close_not_saved(); }, dhx_cal_prev_button:function(){ scheduler._click.dhx_cal_next_button(0,-1); }, dhx_cal_next_button:function(dummy,step){ scheduler.setCurrentView(scheduler.date.add( //next line changes scheduler._date , but seems it has not side-effects scheduler.date[scheduler._mode+"_start"](scheduler._date),(step||1),scheduler._mode)); }, dhx_cal_today_button:function(){ scheduler.setCurrentView(new Date()); }, dhx_cal_tab:function(){ var name = this.getAttribute("name"); var mode = name.substring(0, name.search("_tab")); scheduler.setCurrentView(scheduler._date,mode); }, buttons:{ "delete":function(id){ var c = scheduler.locale.labels.confirm_deleting; scheduler._dhtmlx_confirm(c, scheduler.locale.labels.title_confirm_deleting, function(){ scheduler.deleteEvent(id) }); }, edit:function(id){ scheduler.edit(id); }, save:function(id){ scheduler.editStop(true); }, details:function(id){ scheduler.showLightbox(id); }, cancel:function(id){ scheduler.editStop(false); } } }; scheduler._dhtmlx_confirm = function(message, title, callback) { if (!message) return callback(); var opts = { text: message }; if (title) opts.title = title; if (callback) { opts.callback = function(result) { if (result) callback(); }; } dhtmlx.confirm(opts); }; scheduler.addEventNow=function(start,end,e){ var base = {}; if (start && start.constructor.toString().match(/object/i) !== null){ base = start; start = null; } var d = (this.config.event_duration||this.config.time_step)*60000; if (!start) start = Math.round((new Date()).valueOf()/d)*d; var start_date = new Date(start); if (!end){ var start_hour = this.config.first_hour; if (start_hour > start_date.getHours()){ start_date.setHours(start_hour); start = start_date.valueOf(); } end = start.valueOf()+d; } var end_date = new Date(end); // scheduler.addEventNow(new Date(), new Date()) + collision though get_visible events defect (such event was not retrieved) if(start_date.valueOf() == end_date.valueOf()) end_date.setTime(end_date.valueOf()+d); base.start_date = base.start_date||start_date; base.end_date = base.end_date||end_date; base.text = base.text||this.locale.labels.new_event; base.id = this._drag_id = this.uid(); this._drag_mode="new-size"; this._loading=true; this.addEvent(base); this.callEvent("onEventCreated",[this._drag_id,e]); this._loading=false; this._drag_event={}; //dummy , to trigger correct event updating logic this._on_mouse_up(e); }; scheduler._on_dbl_click=function(e,src){ src = src||(e.target||e.srcElement); if (this.config.readonly) return; var name = src.className.split(" ")[0]; switch(name){ case "dhx_scale_holder": case "dhx_scale_holder_now": case "dhx_month_body": case "dhx_wa_day_data": case "dhx_marked_timespan": if (!scheduler.config.dblclick_create) break; this.addEventNow(this.getActionData(e).date,null,e); break; case "dhx_cal_event": case "dhx_wa_ev_body": case "dhx_agenda_line": case "dhx_grid_event": case "dhx_cal_event_line": case "dhx_cal_event_clear": var id = this._locate_event(src); if (!this.callEvent("onDblClick",[id,e])) return; if (this.config.details_on_dblclick || this._table_view || !this.getEvent(id)._timed || !this.config.select) this.showLightbox(id); else this.edit(id); break; case "dhx_time_block": case "dhx_cal_container": return; break; default: var t = this["dblclick_"+name]; if (t) { t.call(this,e); } else { if (src.parentNode && src != this) return scheduler._on_dbl_click(e,src.parentNode); } break; } }; scheduler._mouse_coords=function(ev){ var pos; var b=document.body; var d = document.documentElement; if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY) pos={x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY}; else pos={ x:ev.clientX + (b.scrollLeft||d.scrollLeft||0) - b.clientLeft, y:ev.clientY + (b.scrollTop||d.scrollTop||0) - b.clientTop }; //apply layout pos.x-=getAbsoluteLeft(this._obj)+(this._table_view?0:this.xy.scale_width); pos.y-=getAbsoluteTop(this._obj)+this.xy.nav_height+(this._dy_shift||0)+this.xy.scale_height-this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].scrollTop; pos.ev = ev; var handler = this["mouse_"+this._mode]; if (handler) return handler.call(this,pos); //transform to date if (!this._table_view) { pos.x=Math.min(this._cols.length-1, Math.max(0,Math.ceil(pos.x/this._cols[0])-1)); pos.y=Math.max(0,Math.ceil(pos.y*60/(this.config.time_step*this.config.hour_size_px))-1)+this.config.first_hour*(60/this.config.time_step); } else { if (!this._cols || !this._colsS) // agenda/map views return pos; var dy=0; for (dy=1; dy < this._colsS.heights.length; dy++) if (this._colsS.heights[dy]>pos.y) break; pos.y=Math.ceil( (Math.max(0, pos.x/this._cols[0])+Math.max(0,dy-1)*7)*24*60/this.config.time_step ); if (scheduler._drag_mode || this._mode == "month") pos.y=(Math.max(0,Math.ceil(pos.x/this._cols[0])-1)+Math.max(0,dy-1)*7)*24*60/this.config.time_step; pos.x=0; } return pos; }; scheduler._close_not_saved=function(){ if (new Date().valueOf()-(scheduler._new_event||0) > 500 && scheduler._edit_id){ var c=scheduler.locale.labels.confirm_closing; scheduler._dhtmlx_confirm(c, scheduler.locale.labels.title_confirm_closing, function() { scheduler.editStop(scheduler.config.positive_closing); }); } }; scheduler._correct_shift=function(start, back){ return start-=((new Date(scheduler._min_date)).getTimezoneOffset()-(new Date(start)).getTimezoneOffset())*60000*(back?-1:1); }; scheduler._on_mouse_move=function(e){ if (this._drag_mode){ var pos=this._mouse_coords(e); if (!this._drag_pos || pos.custom || this._drag_pos.x!=pos.x || this._drag_pos.y!=pos.y){ var start, end; if (this._edit_id!=this._drag_id) this._close_not_saved(); this._drag_pos=pos; if (this._drag_mode=="create"){ this._close_not_saved(); this._loading=true; //will be ignored by dataprocessor start = this._get_date_from_pos(pos).valueOf(); var res = this.callEvent("onBeforeEventCreated", [e]); if (!res) return; if (!this._drag_start){ this._drag_start=start; return; } end = start; if (end==this._drag_start) return; this._drag_id=this.uid(); this.addEvent(new Date(this._drag_start), new Date(end),this.locale.labels.new_event,this._drag_id, pos.fields); this.callEvent("onEventCreated",[this._drag_id,e]); this._loading=false; this._drag_mode="new-size"; } var ev=this.getEvent(this._drag_id); if (this._drag_mode=="move"){ start = this._min_date.valueOf()+(pos.y*this.config.time_step+pos.x*24*60)*60000; if (!pos.custom && this._table_view) start+=this.date.time_part(ev.start_date)*1000; start = this._correct_shift(start); end = ev.end_date.valueOf()-(ev.start_date.valueOf()-start); } else { // resize start = ev.start_date.valueOf(); end = ev.end_date.valueOf(); if (this._table_view) { var resize_date = this._min_date.valueOf()+pos.y*this.config.time_step*60000 + (pos.custom?0:24*60*60000); if (this._mode == "month") resize_date = this._correct_shift(resize_date, false); if (pos.resize_from_start) start = resize_date; else end = resize_date; } else { end = this.date.date_part(new Date(ev.end_date)).valueOf()+pos.y*this.config.time_step*60000; this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].style.cursor="s-resize"; if (this._mode == "week" || this._mode == "day") end = this._correct_shift(end); } if (this._drag_mode == "new-size") { if (end <= this._drag_start){ var shift = pos.shift||((this._table_view && !pos.custom)?24*60*60000:0); start = end-(pos.shift?0:shift); end = this._drag_start+(shift||(this.config.time_step*60000)); } else { start = this._drag_start; } } else { if (end<=start) end=start+this.config.time_step*60000; } } var new_end = new Date(end-1); var new_start = new Date(start); //prevent out-of-borders situation for day|week view if ( this._table_view || (new_end.getDate()==new_start.getDate() && new_end.getHours()=ed) cls='dhx_after'; else if (sd.valueOf()==cd.valueOf()) cls='dhx_now'; html+=" class='"+cls+" "+this.templates.month_date_class(sd,cd)+"' "; html+=">
"; rendered_dates.push(sd); sd=this.date.add(sd,1,"day"); } html+=""; h[i] = cellheight; cellheight+=this._colsS.height; } html+=""; this._max_date=sd; b.innerHTML=html; this._scales = {}; var divs = b.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i=0; i11?\"pm\":\"am\")+\""; case "%A": return "\"+(date.getHours()>11?\"PM\":\"AM\")+\""; case "%s": return "\"+scheduler.date.to_fixed(date.getSeconds())+\""; case "%W": return "\"+scheduler.date.to_fixed(scheduler.date.getISOWeek(date))+\""; default: return a; } }); if (utc) format=format.replace(/date\.get/g,"date.getUTC"); return new Function("date","return \""+format+"\";"); }, str_to_date:function(format,utc){ var splt="var temp=date.match(/[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]+/g);"; var mask=format.match(/%[a-zA-Z]/g); for (var i=0; i50?1900:2000);"; break; case "%g": case "%G": case "%h": case "%H": splt+="set[3]=temp["+i+"]||0;"; break; case "%i": splt+="set[4]=temp["+i+"]||0;"; break; case "%Y": splt+="set[0]=temp["+i+"]||0;"; break; case "%a": case "%A": splt+="set[3]=set[3]%12+((temp["+i+"]||'').toLowerCase()=='am'?0:12);"; break; case "%s": splt+="set[5]=temp["+i+"]||0;"; break; case "%M": splt+="set[1]=scheduler.locale.date.month_short_hash[temp["+i+"]]||0;"; break; case "%F": splt+="set[1]=scheduler.locale.date.month_full_hash[temp["+i+"]]||0;"; break; default: break; } } var code ="set[0],set[1],set[2],set[3],set[4],set[5]"; if (utc) code =" Date.UTC("+code+")"; return new Function("date","var set=[0,0,1,0,0,0]; "+splt+" return new Date("+code+");"); }, getISOWeek: function(ndate) { if(!ndate) return false; var nday = ndate.getDay(); if (nday === 0) { nday = 7; } var first_thursday = new Date(ndate.valueOf()); first_thursday.setDate(ndate.getDate() + (4 - nday)); var year_number = first_thursday.getFullYear(); // year of the first Thursday var ordinal_date = Math.round( (first_thursday.getTime() - new Date(year_number, 0, 1).getTime()) / 86400000); //ordinal date of the first Thursday - 1 (so not really ordinal date) var week_number = 1 + Math.floor( ordinal_date / 7); return week_number; }, getUTCISOWeek: function(ndate){ return this.getISOWeek(ndate); }, convert_to_utc: function(date) { return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds()); } }; scheduler.locale = { date:{ month_full:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], month_short:["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], day_full:["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], day_short:["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] }, labels:{ dhx_cal_today_button:"Today", day_tab:"Day", week_tab:"Week", month_tab:"Month", new_event:"New event", icon_save:"Save", icon_cancel:"Cancel", icon_details:"Details", icon_edit:"Edit", icon_delete:"Delete", confirm_closing:"",//Your changes will be lost, are your sure ? confirm_deleting:"Event will be deleted permanently, are you sure?", section_description:"Description", section_time:"Time period", full_day:"Full day", /*recurring events*/ confirm_recurring:"Do you want to edit the whole set of repeated events?", section_recurring:"Repeat event", button_recurring:"Disabled", button_recurring_open:"Enabled", button_edit_series: "Edit series", button_edit_occurrence: "Edit occurrence", /*agenda view extension*/ agenda_tab:"Agenda", date:"Date", description:"Description", /*year view extension*/ year_tab:"Year", /* week agenda extension */ week_agenda_tab: "Agenda", /*grid view extension*/ grid_tab: "Grid" } }; /* %e Day of the month without leading zeros (01..31) %d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01..31) %j Day of the year, 3 digits with leading zeros (001..366) %a A textual representation of a day, two letters %W A full textual representation of the day of the week %c Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (0..12) %m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (00..12) %b A short textual representation of a month, three letters (Jan..Dec) %M A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March (January..December) %y A two digit representation of a year (93..03) %Y A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits (1993..03) */ scheduler.config={ default_date: "%j %M %Y", month_date: "%F %Y", load_date: "%Y-%m-%d", week_date: "%l", day_date: "%D, %F %j", hour_date: "%H:%i", month_day: "%d", xml_date: "%m/%d/%Y %H:%i", api_date: "%d-%m-%Y %H:%i", hour_size_px: 42, time_step: 5, start_on_monday: 1, first_hour: 0, last_hour: 24, readonly: false, drag_resize: 1, drag_move: 1, drag_create: 1, dblclick_create: 1, edit_on_create: 1, details_on_create: 0, click_form_details: 0, cascade_event_display: false, cascade_event_count: 4, cascade_event_margin: 30, drag_lightbox: true, preserve_scroll: true, select: true, server_utc: false, positive_closing: false, icons_edit: ["icon_save", "icon_cancel"], icons_select: ["icon_details", "icon_edit", "icon_delete"], buttons_left: ["dhx_save_btn", "dhx_cancel_btn"], buttons_right: ["dhx_delete_btn"], lightbox: { sections: [ {name: "description", height: 200, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true}, {name: "time", height: 72, type: "time", map_to: "auto"} ] }, highlight_displayed_event: true, displayed_event_color: "#ffc5ab", displayed_event_text_color: "#7e2727" }; scheduler.templates={}; scheduler.init_templates=function(){ var labels = scheduler.locale.labels; labels.dhx_save_btn = labels.icon_save; labels.dhx_cancel_btn = labels.icon_cancel; labels.dhx_delete_btn = labels.icon_delete; var d=scheduler.date.date_to_str; var c=scheduler.config; var f = function(a,b){ for (var c in b) if (!a[c]) a[c]=b[c]; }; f(scheduler.templates,{ day_date:d(c.default_date), month_date:d(c.month_date), week_date:function(d1,d2){ return scheduler.templates.day_date(d1)+" – "+scheduler.templates.day_date(scheduler.date.add(d2,-1,"day")); }, day_scale_date:d(c.default_date), month_scale_date:d(c.week_date), week_scale_date:d(c.day_date), hour_scale:d(c.hour_date), time_picker:d(c.hour_date), event_date:d(c.hour_date), month_day:d(c.month_day), xml_date:scheduler.date.str_to_date(c.xml_date,c.server_utc), load_format:d(c.load_date,c.server_utc), xml_format:d(c.xml_date,c.server_utc), api_date:scheduler.date.str_to_date(c.api_date), event_header:function(start,end,ev){ return scheduler.templates.event_date(start)+" - "+scheduler.templates.event_date(end); }, event_text:function(start,end,ev){ return ev.text; }, event_class:function(start,end,ev){ return ""; }, month_date_class:function(d){ return ""; }, week_date_class:function(d){ return ""; }, event_bar_date:function(start,end,ev){ return scheduler.templates.event_date(start)+" "; }, event_bar_text:function(start,end,ev){ return ev.text; } }); this.callEvent("onTemplatesReady",[]); }; scheduler.uid = function() { if (!this._seed) this._seed = (new Date).valueOf(); return this._seed++; }; scheduler._events = {}; scheduler.clearAll = function() { this._events = {}; this._loaded = {}; this.clear_view(); }; scheduler.addEvent = function(start_date, end_date, text, id, extra_data) { if (!arguments.length) return this.addEventNow(); var ev = start_date; if (arguments.length != 1) { ev = extra_data || {}; ev.start_date = start_date; ev.end_date = end_date; ev.text = text; ev.id = id; } ev.id = ev.id || scheduler.uid(); ev.text = ev.text || ""; if (typeof ev.start_date == "string") ev.start_date = this.templates.api_date(ev.start_date); if (typeof ev.end_date == "string") ev.end_date = this.templates.api_date(ev.end_date); var d = (this.config.event_duration || this.config.time_step) * 60000; if (ev.start_date.valueOf() == ev.end_date.valueOf()) ev.end_date.setTime(ev.end_date.valueOf() + d); ev._timed = this.is_one_day_event(ev); var is_new = !this._events[ev.id]; this._events[ev.id] = ev; this.event_updated(ev); if (!this._loading) this.callEvent(is_new ? "onEventAdded" : "onEventChanged", [ev.id, ev]); return ev.id; }; scheduler.deleteEvent = function(id, silent) { var ev = this._events[id]; if (!silent && (!this.callEvent("onBeforeEventDelete", [id, ev]) || !this.callEvent("onConfirmedBeforeEventDelete", [id, ev]))) return; if (ev) { delete this._events[id]; this.unselect(id); this.event_updated(ev); } this.callEvent("onEventDeleted", [id, ev]); }; scheduler.getEvent = function(id) { return this._events[id]; }; scheduler.setEvent = function(id, hash) { this._events[id] = hash; }; scheduler.for_rendered = function(id, method) { for (var i = this._rendered.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (this._rendered[i].getAttribute("event_id") == id) method(this._rendered[i], i); }; scheduler.changeEventId = function(id, new_id) { if (id == new_id) return; var ev = this._events[id]; if (ev) { ev.id = new_id; this._events[new_id] = ev; delete this._events[id]; } this.for_rendered(id, function(r) { r.setAttribute("event_id", new_id); }); if (this._select_id == id) this._select_id = new_id; if (this._edit_id == id) this._edit_id = new_id; //if (this._drag_id==id) this._drag_id=new_id; this.callEvent("onEventIdChange", [id, new_id]); }; (function() { var attrs = ["text", "Text", "start_date", "StartDate", "end_date", "EndDate"]; var create_getter = function(name) { return function(id) { return (scheduler.getEvent(id))[name]; }; }; var create_setter = function(name) { return function(id, value) { var ev = scheduler.getEvent(id); ev[name] = value; ev._changed = true; ev._timed = this.is_one_day_event(ev); scheduler.event_updated(ev, true); }; }; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i += 2) { scheduler["getEvent" + attrs[i + 1]] = create_getter(attrs[i]); scheduler["setEvent" + attrs[i + 1]] = create_setter(attrs[i]); } })(); scheduler.event_updated = function(ev, force) { if (this.is_visible_events(ev)) this.render_view_data(); else this.clear_event(ev.id); }; scheduler.is_visible_events = function(ev) { return (ev.start_date < this._max_date && this._min_date < ev.end_date); }; scheduler.is_one_day_event = function(ev) { var delta = ev.end_date.getDate() - ev.start_date.getDate(); if (!delta) return ev.start_date.getMonth() == ev.end_date.getMonth() && ev.start_date.getFullYear() == ev.end_date.getFullYear(); else { if (delta < 0) delta = Math.ceil((ev.end_date.valueOf() - ev.start_date.valueOf()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); return (delta == 1 && !ev.end_date.getHours() && !ev.end_date.getMinutes() && (ev.start_date.getHours() || ev.start_date.getMinutes() )); } }; scheduler.get_visible_events = function(only_timed) { //not the best strategy for sure var stack = []; for (var id in this._events) if (this.is_visible_events(this._events[id])) if (!only_timed || this._events[id]._timed) if (this.filter_event(id, this._events[id])) stack.push(this._events[id]); return stack; }; scheduler.filter_event = function(id, ev) { var filter = this["filter_" + this._mode]; return (filter) ? filter(id, ev) : true; }; scheduler.render_view_data = function(evs, hold) { if (!evs) { if (this._not_render) { this._render_wait = true; return; } this._render_wait = false; this.clear_view(); evs = this.get_visible_events(!(this._table_view || this.config.multi_day)); } if (this.config.multi_day && !this._table_view) { var tvs = []; var tvd = []; for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) { if (evs[i]._timed) tvs.push(evs[i]); else tvd.push(evs[i]); } // multiday events this._rendered_location = this._els['dhx_multi_day'][0]; this._table_view = true; this.render_data(tvd, hold); this._table_view = false; // normal events this._rendered_location = this._els['dhx_cal_data'][0]; this._table_view = false; this.render_data(tvs, hold); } else { this._rendered_location = this._els['dhx_cal_data'][0]; this.render_data(evs, hold); } }; scheduler.render_data = function(evs, hold) { evs = this._pre_render_events(evs, hold); for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) if (this._table_view) this.render_event_bar(evs[i]); else this.render_event(evs[i]); }; scheduler._pre_render_events = function(evs, hold) { var hb = this.xy.bar_height; var h_old = this._colsS.heights; var h = this._colsS.heights = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var data = this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0]; if (!this._table_view) evs = this._pre_render_events_line(evs, hold); //ignore long events for now else evs = this._pre_render_events_table(evs, hold); if (this._table_view) { if (hold) this._colsS.heights = h_old; else { var evl = data.firstChild; if (evl.rows) { for (var i = 0; i < evl.rows.length; i++) { h[i]++; if ((h[i]) * hb > this._colsS.height - 22) { // 22 - height of cell's header //we have overflow, update heights var cells = evl.rows[i].cells; for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) { cells[j].childNodes[1].style.height = h[i] * hb + "px"; } h[i] = (h[i - 1] || 0) + cells[0].offsetHeight; } h[i] = (h[i - 1] || 0) + evl.rows[i].cells[0].offsetHeight; } h.unshift(0); if (evl.parentNode.offsetHeight < evl.parentNode.scrollHeight && !evl._h_fix) { //we have v-scroll, decrease last day cell for (var i = 0; i < evl.rows.length; i++) { var cell = evl.rows[i].cells[6].childNodes[0]; var w = cell.offsetWidth - scheduler.xy.scroll_width + "px"; cell.style.width = w; cell.nextSibling.style.width = w; } evl._h_fix = true; } } else { if (!evs.length && this._els["dhx_multi_day"][0].style.visibility == "visible") h[0] = -1; if (evs.length || h[0] == -1) { //shift days to have space for multiday events var childs = evl.parentNode.childNodes; var dh = ((h[0] + 1) * hb + 1) + "px"; // +1 so multiday events would have 2px from top and 2px from bottom by default data.style.top = (this._els["dhx_cal_navline"][0].offsetHeight + this._els["dhx_cal_header"][0].offsetHeight + parseInt(dh, 10)) + 'px'; data.style.height = (this._obj.offsetHeight - parseInt(data.style.top, 10) - (this.xy.margin_top || 0)) + 'px'; var last = this._els["dhx_multi_day"][0]; last.style.height = dh; last.style.visibility = (h[0] == -1 ? "hidden" : "visible"); last = this._els["dhx_multi_day"][1]; last.style.height = dh; last.style.visibility = (h[0] == -1 ? "hidden" : "visible"); last.className = h[0] ? "dhx_multi_day_icon" : "dhx_multi_day_icon_small"; this._dy_shift = (h[0] + 1) * hb; h[0] = 0; } } } } return evs; }; scheduler._get_event_sday = function(ev) { return Math.floor((ev.start_date.valueOf() - this._min_date.valueOf()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); }; scheduler._get_event_mapped_end_date = function(ev) { var end_date = ev.end_date; if (this.config.separate_short_events) { var ev_duration = (ev.end_date - ev.start_date) / 60000; // minutes if (ev_duration < this._min_mapped_duration) { end_date = this.date.add(end_date, this._min_mapped_duration - ev_duration, "minute"); } } return end_date; }; scheduler._pre_render_events_line = function(evs, hold) { evs.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.start_date.valueOf() == b.start_date.valueOf()) return a.id > b.id ? 1 : -1; return a.start_date > b.start_date ? 1 : -1; }); var days = []; //events by weeks var evs_originals = []; this._min_mapped_duration = Math.ceil(this.xy.min_event_height * 60 / this.config.hour_size_px); // values could change along the way for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) { var ev = evs[i]; //check date overflow var sd = ev.start_date; var ed = ev.end_date; //check scale overflow var sh = sd.getHours(); var eh = ed.getHours(); ev._sday = this._get_event_sday(ev); // sday based on event start_date if (!days[ev._sday]) days[ev._sday] = []; if (!hold) { ev._inner = false; var stack = days[ev._sday]; while (stack.length) { var t_ev = stack[stack.length - 1]; var t_end_date = this._get_event_mapped_end_date(t_ev); if (t_end_date.valueOf() <= ev.start_date.valueOf()) { stack.splice(stack.length - 1, 1); } else { break; } } var sorderSet = false; for (var j = 0; j < stack.length; j++) { var t_ev = stack[j]; var t_end_date = this._get_event_mapped_end_date(t_ev); if (t_end_date.valueOf() <= ev.start_date.valueOf()) { sorderSet = true; ev._sorder = t_ev._sorder; stack.splice(j, 1); ev._inner = true; break; } } if (stack.length) stack[stack.length - 1]._inner = true; if (!sorderSet) { if (stack.length) { if (stack.length <= stack[stack.length - 1]._sorder) { if (!stack[stack.length - 1]._sorder) ev._sorder = 0; else for (j = 0; j < stack.length; j++) { var _is_sorder = false; for (var k = 0; k < stack.length; k++) { if (stack[k]._sorder == j) { _is_sorder = true; break; } } if (!_is_sorder) { ev._sorder = j; break; } } ev._inner = true; } else { var _max_sorder = stack[0]._sorder; for (j = 1; j < stack.length; j++) { if (stack[j]._sorder > _max_sorder) _max_sorder = stack[j]._sorder; } ev._sorder = _max_sorder + 1; ev._inner = false; } } else ev._sorder = 0; } stack.push(ev); if (stack.length > (stack.max_count || 0)) { stack.max_count = stack.length; ev._count = stack.length; } else { ev._count = (ev._count) ? ev._count : 1; } } if (sh < this.config.first_hour || eh >= this.config.last_hour) { // Need to create copy of event as we will be changing it's start/end date // e.g. first_hour = 11 and event.start_date hours = 9. Need to preserve that info evs_originals.push(ev); evs[i] = ev = this._copy_event(ev); if (sh < this.config.first_hour) { ev.start_date.setHours(this.config.first_hour); ev.start_date.setMinutes(0); } if (eh >= this.config.last_hour) { ev.end_date.setMinutes(0); ev.end_date.setHours(this.config.last_hour); } if (ev.start_date > ev.end_date || sh == this.config.last_hour) { evs.splice(i, 1); i--; continue; } } } if (!hold) { for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) { evs[i]._count = days[evs[i]._sday].max_count; } for (var i = 0; i < evs_originals.length; i++) evs_originals[i]._count = days[evs_originals[i]._sday].max_count; } return evs; }; scheduler._time_order = function(evs) { evs.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.start_date.valueOf() == b.start_date.valueOf()) { if (a._timed && !b._timed) return 1; if (!a._timed && b._timed) return -1; return a.id > b.id ? 1 : -1; } return a.start_date > b.start_date ? 1 : -1; }); }; scheduler._pre_render_events_table = function(evs, hold) { // max - max height of week slot this._time_order(evs); var out = []; var weeks = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]; //events by weeks var max = this._colsS.heights; var start_date; var cols = this._cols.length; var chunks_info = {}; for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) { var ev = evs[i]; var id = ev.id; if (!chunks_info[id]) { chunks_info[id] = { first_chunk: true, last_chunk: true }; } var chunk_info = chunks_info[id]; var sd = (start_date || ev.start_date); var ed = ev.end_date; //trim events which are crossing through current view if (sd < this._min_date) { chunk_info.first_chunk = false; sd = this._min_date; } if (ed > this._max_date) { chunk_info.last_chunk = false; ed = this._max_date; } var locate_s = this.locate_holder_day(sd, false, ev); ev._sday = locate_s % cols; var locate_e = this.locate_holder_day(ed, true, ev) || cols; ev._eday = (locate_e % cols) || cols; //cols used to fill full week, when event end on monday ev._length = locate_e - locate_s; //3600000 - compensate 1 hour during winter|summer time shift ev._sweek = Math.floor((this._correct_shift(sd.valueOf(), 1) - this._min_date.valueOf()) / (60 * 60 * 1000 * 24 * cols)); //current slot var stack = weeks[ev._sweek]; //check order position var stack_line; for (stack_line = 0; stack_line < stack.length; stack_line++) if (stack[stack_line]._eday <= ev._sday) break; if (!ev._sorder || !hold) { ev._sorder = stack_line; } if (ev._sday + ev._length <= cols) { start_date = null; out.push(ev); stack[stack_line] = ev; //get max height of slot max[ev._sweek] = stack.length - 1; ev._first_chunk = chunk_info.first_chunk; ev._last_chunk = chunk_info.last_chunk; } else { // split long event in chunks var copy = this._copy_event(ev); copy.id = ev.id; copy._length = cols - ev._sday; copy._eday = cols; copy._sday = ev._sday; copy._sweek = ev._sweek; copy._sorder = ev._sorder; copy.end_date = this.date.add(sd, copy._length, "day"); copy._first_chunk = chunk_info.first_chunk; if (chunk_info.first_chunk) { chunk_info.first_chunk = false; } out.push(copy); stack[stack_line] = copy; start_date = copy.end_date; //get max height of slot max[ev._sweek] = stack.length - 1; i--; continue; //repeat same step } } return out; }; scheduler._copy_dummy = function() { var a = new Date(this.start_date); var b = new Date(this.end_date); this.start_date = a; this.end_date = b; }; scheduler._copy_event = function(ev) { this._copy_dummy.prototype = ev; return new this._copy_dummy(); //return {start_date:ev.start_date, end_date:ev.end_date, text:ev.text, id:ev.id} }; scheduler._rendered = []; scheduler.clear_view = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._rendered.length; i++) { var obj = this._rendered[i]; if (obj.parentNode) obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); } this._rendered = []; }; scheduler.updateEvent = function(id) { var ev = this.getEvent(id); this.clear_event(id); if (ev && this.is_visible_events(ev) && this.filter_event(id, ev) && (this._table_view || this.config.multi_day || ev._timed)) { if (this.config.update_render) this.render_view_data(); else this.render_view_data([ev], true); } }; scheduler.clear_event = function(id) { this.for_rendered(id, function(node, i) { if (node.parentNode) node.parentNode.removeChild(node); scheduler._rendered.splice(i, 1); }); }; scheduler.render_event = function(ev) { var menu = scheduler.xy.menu_width; if (ev._sday < 0) return; //can occur in case of recurring event during time shift var parent = scheduler.locate_holder(ev._sday); if (!parent) return; //attempt to render non-visible event var sm = ev.start_date.getHours() * 60 + ev.start_date.getMinutes(); var em = (ev.end_date.getHours() * 60 + ev.end_date.getMinutes()) || (scheduler.config.last_hour * 60); var ev_count = ev._count || 1; var ev_sorder = ev._sorder || 0; var top = (Math.round((sm * 60 * 1000 - this.config.first_hour * 60 * 60 * 1000) * this.config.hour_size_px / (60 * 60 * 1000))) % (this.config.hour_size_px * 24); //42px/hour var height = Math.max(scheduler.xy.min_event_height, (em - sm) * this.config.hour_size_px / 60); //42px/hour var width = Math.floor((parent.clientWidth - menu) / ev_count); var left = ev_sorder * width + 1; if (!ev._inner) width = width * (ev_count - ev_sorder); if (this.config.cascade_event_display) { var limit = this.config.cascade_event_count; var margin = this.config.cascade_event_margin; left = ev_sorder % limit * margin; var right = (ev._inner) ? (ev_count - ev_sorder - 1) % limit * margin / 2 : 0; width = Math.floor(parent.clientWidth - menu - left - right); } var d = this._render_v_bar(ev.id, menu + left, top, width, height, ev._text_style, scheduler.templates.event_header(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev), scheduler.templates.event_text(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev)); this._rendered.push(d); parent.appendChild(d); left = left + parseInt(parent.style.left, 10) + menu; if (this._edit_id == ev.id) { d.style.zIndex = 1; //fix overlapping issue width = Math.max(width - 4, scheduler.xy.editor_width); d = document.createElement("DIV"); d.setAttribute("event_id", ev.id); this.set_xy(d, width, height - 20, left, top + 14); d.className = "dhx_cal_editor"; var d2 = document.createElement("DIV"); this.set_xy(d2, width - 6, height - 26); d2.style.cssText += ";margin:2px 2px 2px 2px;overflow:hidden;"; d.appendChild(d2); this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].appendChild(d); this._rendered.push(d); d2.innerHTML = ""; if (this._quirks7) d2.firstChild.style.height = height - 12 + "px"; //IEFIX this._editor = d2.firstChild; this._editor.onkeydown = function(e) { if ((e || event).shiftKey) return true; var code = (e || event).keyCode; if (code == scheduler.keys.edit_save) scheduler.editStop(true); if (code == scheduler.keys.edit_cancel) scheduler.editStop(false); }; this._editor.onselectstart = function (e) { return (e || event).cancelBubble = true; }; d2.firstChild.focus(); //IE and opera can add x-scroll during focusing this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].scrollLeft = 0; d2.firstChild.select(); } if (this.xy.menu_width !== 0 && this._select_id == ev.id) { if (this.config.cascade_event_display && this._drag_mode) d.style.zIndex = 1; //fix overlapping issue for cascade view in case of dnd of selected event var icons = this.config["icons_" + ((this._edit_id == ev.id) ? "edit" : "select")]; var icons_str = ""; var bg_color = (ev.color ? ("background-color: " + ev.color + ";") : ""); var color = (ev.textColor ? ("color: " + ev.textColor + ";") : ""); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) icons_str += "
"; var obj = this._render_v_bar(ev.id, left - menu + 1, top, menu, icons.length * 20 + 26 - 2, "", "
", icons_str, true); obj.style.left = left - menu + 1; this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].appendChild(obj); this._rendered.push(obj); } }; scheduler._render_v_bar = function (id, x, y, w, h, style, contentA, contentB, bottom) { var d = document.createElement("DIV"); var ev = this.getEvent(id); var cs = (bottom) ? "dhx_cal_event dhx_cal_select_menu" : "dhx_cal_event"; var cse = scheduler.templates.event_class(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev); if (cse) cs = cs + " " + cse; var bg_color = (ev.color ? ("background:" + ev.color + ";") : ""); var color = (ev.textColor ? ("color:" + ev.textColor + ";") : ""); var html = '
'; d.innerHTML = html; var container = d.cloneNode(true).firstChild; if (scheduler.renderEvent && !bottom && scheduler.renderEvent(container, ev)) { return container; } else { container = d.firstChild; var inner_html = '
'; inner_html += '
' + contentA + '
'; inner_html += '
' + contentB + '
'; // +2 css specific, moved from render_event var footer_class = "dhx_event_resize dhx_footer"; if (bottom) footer_class = "dhx_resize_denied " + footer_class; inner_html += ''; container.innerHTML = inner_html; } return container; }; scheduler.locate_holder = function(day) { if (this._mode == "day") return this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].firstChild; //dirty return this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].childNodes[day]; }; scheduler.locate_holder_day = function(date, past) { var day = Math.floor((this._correct_shift(date, 1) - this._min_date) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)); //when locating end data of event , we need to use next day if time part was defined if (past && this.date.time_part(date)) day++; return day; }; scheduler.render_event_bar = function (ev) { var parent = this._rendered_location; var x = this._colsS[ev._sday]; var x2 = this._colsS[ev._eday]; if (x2 == x) x2 = this._colsS[ev._eday + 1]; var hb = this.xy.bar_height; var y = this._colsS.heights[ev._sweek] + (this._colsS.height ? (this.xy.month_scale_height + 2) : 2 ) + (ev._sorder * hb); var d = document.createElement("DIV"); var cs = "dhx_cal_event_clear"; if (!ev._timed) { cs = "dhx_cal_event_line"; if (ev.hasOwnProperty("_first_chunk") && ev._first_chunk) cs += " dhx_cal_event_line_start"; if (ev.hasOwnProperty("_last_chunk") && ev._last_chunk) cs += " dhx_cal_event_line_end"; } var cse = scheduler.templates.event_class(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev); if (cse) cs = cs + " " + cse; var bg_color = (ev.color ? ("background:" + ev.color + ";") : ""); var color = (ev.textColor ? ("color:" + ev.textColor + ";") : ""); var html = '
'; ev = scheduler.getEvent(ev.id); // ev at this point could be a part of a larged event if (ev._timed) html += scheduler.templates.event_bar_date(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev); html += scheduler.templates.event_bar_text(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev) + '
'; html += '
'; d.innerHTML = html; this._rendered.push(d.firstChild); parent.appendChild(d.firstChild); }; scheduler._locate_event = function(node) { var id = null; while (node && !id && node.getAttribute) { id = node.getAttribute("event_id"); node = node.parentNode; } return id; }; scheduler.edit = function(id) { if (this._edit_id == id) return; this.editStop(false, id); this._edit_id = id; this.updateEvent(id); }; scheduler.editStop = function(mode, id) { if (id && this._edit_id == id) return; var ev = this.getEvent(this._edit_id); if (ev) { if (mode) ev.text = this._editor.value; this._edit_id = null; this._editor = null; this.updateEvent(ev.id); this._edit_stop_event(ev, mode); } }; scheduler._edit_stop_event = function(ev, mode) { if (this._new_event) { if (!mode) { if (ev) // in case of custom lightbox user can already delete event this.deleteEvent(ev.id, true); } else { this.callEvent("onEventAdded", [ev.id, ev]); } this._new_event = null; } else { if (mode) this.callEvent("onEventChanged", [ev.id, ev]); } }; scheduler.getEvents = function(from, to) { var result = []; for (var a in this._events) { var ev = this._events[a]; if (ev && ( (!from && !to) || (ev.start_date < to && ev.end_date > from) )) result.push(ev); } return result; }; scheduler.getRenderedEvent = function(id) { if (!id) return; var rendered_events = scheduler._rendered; for (var i=0; ithis._min_date) from=this.date.add(from,-1,this._load_mode); to = from; var cache_line = true; while (tofrom && this._loaded[lf(temp_to)]); if (to<=from) return false; //already loaded dhtmlxAjax.get(url+"&from="+lf(from)+"&to="+lf(to),function(l){scheduler.on_load(l);}); while(from"; }, set_value:function(node,value,ev,config){ node.innerHTML = value||""; }, get_value:function(node,ev,config){ return node.innerHTML||""; }, focus: function(node){ } }, textarea:{ render:function(sns){ var height=(sns.height||"130")+"px"; return "
"; }, set_value:function(node,value,ev){ node.firstChild.value=value||""; }, get_value:function(node,ev){ return node.firstChild.value; }, focus:function(node){ var a=node.firstChild; a.select(); a.focus(); } }, select:{ render:function(sns){ var height=(sns.height||"23")+"px"; var html="
"; return html; }, set_value:function(node,value,ev,sns){ var select = node.firstChild; if (!select._dhx_onchange && sns.onchange) { select.onchange = sns.onchange; select._dhx_onchange = true; } if (typeof value == "undefined") value = (select.options[0]||{}).value; select.value=value||""; }, get_value:function(node,ev){ return node.firstChild.value; }, focus:function(node){ var a=node.firstChild; if (a.select) a.select(); a.focus(); } }, time:{ render:function(sns){ //hours var cfg = scheduler.config; var dt = this.date.date_part(new Date()); var last = 24*60, first = 0; if(scheduler.config.limit_time_select){ last = 60*cfg.last_hour+1; first = 60*cfg.first_hour; dt.setHours(cfg.first_hour); } var html=" "; return "
"+html+"  –  "+html+"
"; }, set_value:function(node,value,ev,config){ var cfg = scheduler.config; var s=node.getElementsByTagName("select"); if(cfg.full_day) { if (!node._full_day){ var html = ""; if (!scheduler.config.wide_form) html = node.previousSibling.innerHTML+html; node.previousSibling.innerHTML=html; node._full_day=true; } var input=node.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; input.checked = (scheduler.date.time_part(ev.start_date)===0 && scheduler.date.time_part(ev.end_date)===0); s[0].disabled=input.checked; s[ s.length/2 ].disabled=input.checked; input.onclick = function(){ if(input.checked) { var obj = {}; scheduler.form_blocks.time.get_value(node,obj); var start_date = scheduler.date.date_part(obj.start_date); var end_date = scheduler.date.date_part(obj.end_date); if (+end_date == +start_date || (+end_date >= +start_date && (ev.end_date.getHours() != 0 || ev.end_date.getMinutes() != 0))) end_date = scheduler.date.add(end_date, 1, "day"); } s[0].disabled=input.checked; s[ s.length/2 ].disabled=input.checked; _fill_lightbox_select(s,0,start_date||ev.start_date); _fill_lightbox_select(s,4,end_date||ev.end_date); }; } if(cfg.auto_end_date && cfg.event_duration) { function _update_lightbox_select() { var start_date = new Date(s[3].value,s[2].value,s[1].value,0,s[0].value); var end_date = new Date(start_date.getTime() + (scheduler.config.event_duration * 60 * 1000)); _fill_lightbox_select(s, 4, end_date); } for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { s[i].onchange = _update_lightbox_select; } } function _fill_lightbox_select(s,i,d) { var time_values = config._time_values; var direct_value = d.getHours()*60+d.getMinutes(); var fixed_value = direct_value; var value_found = false; for (var k=0; k document.body.offsetWidth) // if horizontal scroll on the window box.style.left=Math.round(scroll_left+(document.body.offsetWidth-box.offsetWidth)/2)+"px"; else // horizontal scroll on the body box.style.left=Math.round((document.body.offsetWidth-box.offsetWidth)/2)+"px"; } this.show_cover(); }; scheduler.showLightbox=function(id){ if (!id) return; if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeLightbox",[id])) { if (this._new_event) this._new_event = null; return; } var box = this.getLightbox(); this.showCover(box); this._fill_lightbox(id,box); this.callEvent("onLightbox",[id]); }; scheduler._fill_lightbox = function(id, box) { var ev = this.getEvent(id); var s = box.getElementsByTagName("span"); if (scheduler.templates.lightbox_header) { s[1].innerHTML = ""; s[2].innerHTML = scheduler.templates.lightbox_header(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev); } else { s[1].innerHTML = this.templates.event_header(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev); s[2].innerHTML = (this.templates.event_bar_text(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev) || "").substr(0, 70); //IE6 fix } var sns = this.config.lightbox.sections; for (var i = 0; i < sns.length; i++) { var current_sns = sns[i]; var node = document.getElementById(current_sns.id).nextSibling; var block = this.form_blocks[current_sns.type]; var value = (ev[current_sns.map_to] !== undefined) ? ev[current_sns.map_to] : current_sns.default_value; block.set_value.call(this, node, value, ev, current_sns); if (sns[i].focus) block.focus.call(this, node); } scheduler._lightbox_id = id; }; scheduler._lightbox_out=function(ev){ var sns = this.config.lightbox.sections; for (var i=0; i < sns.length; i++) { var node = document.getElementById(sns[i].id); node=(node?node.nextSibling:node); var block=this.form_blocks[sns[i].type]; var res=block.get_value.call(this,node,ev, sns[i]); if (sns[i].map_to!="auto") ev[sns[i].map_to]=res; } return ev; }; scheduler._empty_lightbox=function(data){ var id=scheduler._lightbox_id; var ev=this.getEvent(id); var box=this.getLightbox(); this._lame_copy(ev, data); ev._timed=this.is_one_day_event(ev); this.setEvent(ev.id,ev); this._edit_stop_event(ev,true); this.render_view_data(); }; scheduler.hide_lightbox=function(id){ this.hideCover(this.getLightbox()); this._lightbox_id=null; this.callEvent("onAfterLightbox",[]); }; scheduler.hideCover=function(box){ if (box) box.style.display="none"; this.hide_cover(); }; scheduler.hide_cover=function(){ if (this._cover) this._cover.parentNode.removeChild(this._cover); this._cover=null; }; scheduler.show_cover=function(){ this._cover=document.createElement("DIV"); this._cover.className="dhx_cal_cover"; var _document_height = ((document.height !== undefined) ? 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