[[repeatIn(objects,'voucher')]] [[voucher.partner_id.name]] [[ formatLang(voucher.date , date=True) or '' ]] [[ voucher.journal_id.use_preprint_check and voucher.chk_seq or '' ]] Due Date Description Original Amount Balance Due Discount Payment [[ repeatIn(get_lines(voucher.line_dr_ids),'l') ]] [[ formatLang(l['date_original'] ,date=True) or '' ]] [[ l['name'] ]] [[formatLang( l['amount_original']) ]] [[ formatLang( l['amount_due']) ]] [[ formatLang (l['amount']) ]] Check Amount [[ formatLang (voucher.amount) ]] [[voucher.partner_id.name]] [[ formatLang(voucher.date , date=True) or '' ]] [[ voucher.journal_id.use_preprint_check and voucher.chk_seq or '' ]] Due Date Description Original Amount Balance Due Discount Payment [[ repeatIn(get_lines(voucher.line_dr_ids),'l') ]] [[ formatLang(l['date_original'] ,date=True) or '' ]] [[ l['name'] ]] [[ formatLang (l['amount_original']) ]] [[ formatLang (l['amount_due']) ]] [[ formatLang (l['amount']) ]] Check Amount [[ formatLang (voucher.amount) ]] [[ voucher.journal_id.use_preprint_check and voucher.chk_seq or '' ]] [[ formatLang(voucher.date , date=True) or '' ]] [[ formatLang (voucher.amount) ]] [[ voucher.partner_id.name ]] [[ voucher.partner_id.address and voucher.partner_id.address[0] and voucher.partner_id.address[0].street or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ voucher.partner_id.address and voucher.partner_id.address[0] and voucher.partner_id.address[0].street2 or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_zip_line(voucher.partner_id.address) ]] [[ voucher.partner_id.address[0].country_id.name]] [[ fill_stars(voucher.amount_in_word) ]]