######################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Danny Brewer d29583@groovegarden.com # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenERP SA (). # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # See: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html # ############################################################################# import uno import unohelper import string import re import base64 from com.sun.star.task import XJobExecutor if __name__<>"package": from lib.gui import * from LoginTest import * from lib.logreport import * from lib.rpc import * database="test" uid = 1 class ConvertBracesToField( unohelper.Base, XJobExecutor ): def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx self.module = "openerp_report" self.version = "0.1" LoginTest() self.logobj=Logger() if not loginstatus and __name__=="package": exit(1) global passwd self.password = passwd global url self.sock=RPCSession(url) self.aReportSyntex=[] self.getBraces(self.aReportSyntex) self.setValue() def setValue(self): desktop=getDesktop() doc = desktop.getCurrentComponent() docinfo= doc.getDocumentInfo() count = 0 regexes = [ ['[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+',"Field"], ['\\[\\[ *repeatIn\\( *([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+), *\'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\' *\\) *\\]\\]', "RepeatIn"], ['\\[\\[ *([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) *\\]\\]', "Field"] # ['\\[\\[ ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.[a-zA-Z1-9]) \\]\\]',"Field"], # ['\\[\\[ [a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+ and ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) or .+? \\]\\]',"Field"], # ['\\[\\[ ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) or .+? \\]\\]',"Field"], # ['\\[\\[ ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) and .+? \\]\\]',"Field"], # ['\\[\\[ .+? or ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) \\]\\]',"Field"], # ['\\[\\[ (.+?) and ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) \\]\\]',"Field"], # ['\\[\\[ .+? % ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) \\]\\]',"Field"] ] oFieldObject = [] oRepeatInObjects = [] saRepeatInList = [] sHost = docinfo.getUserFieldValue(0) nCount = 0 oParEnum = doc.getTextFields().createEnumeration() while oParEnum.hasMoreElements(): oPar = oParEnum.nextElement() nCount += 1 getList(oRepeatInObjects,sHost,nCount) for ro in oRepeatInObjects: if ro.find("(")<>-1: saRepeatInList.append( [ ro[:ro.find("(")], ro[ro.find("(")+1:ro.find(")")] ]) try: oParEnum = doc.getTextFields().createEnumeration() while oParEnum.hasMoreElements(): oPar = oParEnum.nextElement() if oPar.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DropDown"): for reg in regexes: res=re.findall(reg[0],oPar.Items[1]) if len(res) <> 0: if res[0][0] == "objects": sTemp = docinfo.getUserFieldValue(3) sTemp = "|-." + sTemp[sTemp.rfind(".")+1:] + ".-|" oPar.Items=(sTemp.encode("utf-8"),oPar.Items[1].replace(' ',"")) oPar.update() elif type(res[0]) <> type(u''): sObject = self.getRes(self.sock, docinfo.getUserFieldValue(3), res[0][0][res[0][0].find(".")+1:].replace(".","/")) r = self.sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, docinfo.getUserFieldValue(3) , 'fields_get') sExpr="|-." + r[res[0][0][res[0][0].rfind(".")+1:]]["string"] + ".-|" oPar.Items=(sExpr.encode("utf-8"),oPar.Items[1].replace(' ',"")) oPar.update() else: obj = None for rl in saRepeatInList: if rl[0] == res[0][:res[0].find(".")]: obj=rl[1] try: sObject = self.getRes(self.sock, obj, res[0][res[0].find(".")+1:].replace(".","/")) r = self.sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, sObject , 'read',[1]) except Exception,e: r = "TTT" self.logobj.log_write('ConvertBracesToField', LOG_ERROR, str(e)) if len(r) <> 0: if r <> "TTT": if len(res)>1: sExpr="" print res if reg[1] == 'Field': for ires in res: try: sExpr=r[0][ires[ires.rfind(".")+1:]] break except Exception,e: import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('ConvertBracesToField', LOG_ERROR,info) try: oPar.Items=(sExpr.encode("utf-8") ,oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() except: oPar.Items=(str(sExpr) ,oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('ConvertBracesToField', LOG_ERROR, info) else: sExpr=r[0][res[0][res[0].rfind(".")+1:]] try: if sExpr: oPar.Items=(sExpr.encode("utf-8") ,oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() else: oPar.Items=(u"/",oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() except: oPar.Items=(str(sExpr) ,oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('ConvertBracesToField', LOG_ERROR,info) else: oPar.Items=(u""+r,oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() else: oPar.Items=(u"TTT",oPar.Items[1]) oPar.update() except: import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('ConvertBraceToField', LOG_ERROR, info) def getRes(self, sock, sObject, sVar): desktop=getDesktop() doc =desktop.getCurrentComponent() docinfo=doc.getDocumentInfo() res = sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, sObject , 'fields_get') key = res.keys() key.sort() myval=None if not sVar.find("/")==-1: myval=sVar[:sVar.find("/")] else: myval=sVar for k in key: if (res[k]['type'] in ['many2one']) and k==myval: sObject = self.getRes(sock,res[myval]['relation'], sVar[sVar.find("/")+1:]) return sObject def getBraces(self, aReportSyntex=None): if aReportSyntex is None: aReportSyntex = [] desktop=getDesktop() doc = desktop.getCurrentComponent() aSearchString=[] aReplaceString=[] aRes=[] try: regexes = [ ['\\[\\[ *repeatIn\\( *([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+), *\'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\' *\\) *\\]\\]', "RepeatIn"], ['\\[\\[ *([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) *\\]\\]', "Field"], ['\\[\\[ *.+? *\\]\\]', "Expression"] ] search = doc.createSearchDescriptor() search.SearchRegularExpression = True for reg in regexes: search.SearchString = reg[0] found = doc.findFirst( search ) while found: res=re.findall(reg[0],found.String) print len(res) if found.String not in [r[0] for r in aReportSyntex] and len(res) == 1 : text=found.getText() oInputList = doc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DropDown") if reg[1]<>"Expression": oInputList.Items=(u""+found.String,u""+found.String) else: oInputList.Items=(u"?",u""+found.String) aReportSyntex.append([oInputList,reg[1]]) text.insertTextContent(found,oInputList,False) found.String ="" else: aRes.append([res,reg[1]]) found = doc.findNext(found.End, search) search = doc.createSearchDescriptor() search.SearchRegularExpression = False for res in aRes: for r in res[0]: search.SearchString=r found=doc.findFirst(search) while found: text=found.getText() oInputList = doc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DropDown") if res[1]<>"Expression": oInputList.Items=(u""+found.String,u""+found.String) else: oInputList.Items=(u"?",u""+found.String) aReportSyntex.append([oInputList,res[1]]) text.insertTextContent(found,oInputList,False) found.String ="" found = doc.findNext(found.End, search) except: import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('ConvertBraceToField', LOG_ERROR, info) if __name__<>"package": ConvertBracesToField(None) else: g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( ConvertBracesToField, "org.openoffice.openerp.report.convertBF", ("com.sun.star.task.Job",),) # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: