# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2010-Today OpenERP SA () # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # ############################################################################## import base64 import re from openerp import tools from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.osv import osv from openerp.osv import fields from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval from openerp.tools.translate import _ # main mako-like expression pattern EXPRESSION_PATTERN = re.compile('(\$\{.+?\})') class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel): """ Generic message composition wizard. You may inherit from this wizard at model and view levels to provide specific features. The behavior of the wizard depends on the composition_mode field: - 'comment': post on a record. The wizard is pre-populated via ``get_record_data`` - 'mass_mail': wizard in mass mailing mode where the mail details can contain template placeholders that will be merged with actual data before being sent to each recipient. """ _name = 'mail.compose.message' _inherit = 'mail.message' _description = 'Email composition wizard' _log_access = True _batch_size = 500 def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None): """ Handle composition mode. Some details about context keys: - comment: default mode, model and ID of a record the user comments - default_model or active_model - default_res_id or active_id - reply: active_id of a message the user replies to - default_parent_id or message_id or active_id: ID of the mail.message we reply to - message.res_model or default_model - message.res_id or default_res_id - mass_mail: model and IDs of records the user mass-mails - active_ids: record IDs - default_model or active_model """ if context is None: context = {} result = super(mail_compose_message, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context) # v6.1 compatibility mode result['composition_mode'] = result.get('composition_mode', context.get('mail.compose.message.mode', 'comment')) result['model'] = result.get('model', context.get('active_model')) result['res_id'] = result.get('res_id', context.get('active_id')) result['parent_id'] = result.get('parent_id', context.get('message_id')) if not result['model'] or not self.pool.get(result['model']) or not hasattr(self.pool[result['model']], 'message_post'): result['no_auto_thread'] = True # default values according to composition mode - NOTE: reply is deprecated, fall back on comment if result['composition_mode'] == 'reply': result['composition_mode'] = 'comment' vals = {} if 'active_domain' in context: # not context.get() because we want to keep global [] domains vals['use_active_domain'] = True vals['active_domain'] = '%s' % context.get('active_domain') if result['composition_mode'] == 'comment': vals.update(self.get_record_data(cr, uid, result, context=context)) for field in vals: if field in fields: result[field] = vals[field] # TDE HACK: as mailboxes used default_model='res.users' and default_res_id=uid # (because of lack of an accessible pid), creating a message on its own # profile may crash (res_users does not allow writing on it) # Posting on its own profile works (res_users redirect to res_partner) # but when creating the mail.message to create the mail.compose.message # access rights issues may rise # We therefore directly change the model and res_id if result['model'] == 'res.users' and result['res_id'] == uid: result['model'] = 'res.partner' result['res_id'] = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid).partner_id.id if fields is not None: [result.pop(field, None) for field in result.keys() if field not in fields] return result def _get_composition_mode_selection(self, cr, uid, context=None): return [('comment', 'Post on a document'), ('mass_mail', 'Email Mass Mailing'), ('mass_post', 'Post on Multiple Documents')] _columns = { 'composition_mode': fields.selection( lambda s, *a, **k: s._get_composition_mode_selection(*a, **k), string='Composition mode'), 'partner_ids': fields.many2many('res.partner', 'mail_compose_message_res_partner_rel', 'wizard_id', 'partner_id', 'Additional Contacts'), 'use_active_domain': fields.boolean('Use active domain'), 'active_domain': fields.char('Active domain', readonly=True), 'attachment_ids': fields.many2many('ir.attachment', 'mail_compose_message_ir_attachments_rel', 'wizard_id', 'attachment_id', 'Attachments'), 'is_log': fields.boolean('Log an Internal Note', help='Whether the message is an internal note (comment mode only)'), # mass mode options 'notify': fields.boolean('Notify followers', help='Notify followers of the document (mass post only)'), } _defaults = { 'composition_mode': 'comment', 'body': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: '', 'subject': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: False, 'partner_ids': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: [], } def check_access_rule(self, cr, uid, ids, operation, context=None): """ Access rules of mail.compose.message: - create: if - model, no res_id, I create a message in mass mail mode - then: fall back on mail.message acces rules """ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)): ids = [ids] # Author condition (CREATE (mass_mail)) if operation == 'create' and uid != SUPERUSER_ID: # read mail_compose_message.ids to have their values message_values = {} cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT id, model, res_id FROM "%s" WHERE id = ANY (%%s) AND res_id = 0' % self._table, (ids,)) for id, rmod, rid in cr.fetchall(): message_values[id] = {'model': rmod, 'res_id': rid} # remove from the set to check the ids that mail_compose_message accepts author_ids = [mid for mid, message in message_values.iteritems() if message.get('model') and not message.get('res_id')] ids = list(set(ids) - set(author_ids)) return super(mail_compose_message, self).check_access_rule(cr, uid, ids, operation, context=context) def _notify(self, cr, uid, newid, context=None, force_send=False, user_signature=True): """ Override specific notify method of mail.message, because we do not want that feature in the wizard. """ return def get_record_data(self, cr, uid, values, context=None): """ Returns a defaults-like dict with initial values for the composition wizard when sending an email related a previous email (parent_id) or a document (model, res_id). This is based on previously computed default values. """ if context is None: context = {} result, subject = {}, False if values.get('parent_id'): parent = self.pool.get('mail.message').browse(cr, uid, values.get('parent_id'), context=context) result['record_name'] = parent.record_name, subject = tools.ustr(parent.subject or parent.record_name or '') if not values.get('model'): result['model'] = parent.model if not values.get('res_id'): result['res_id'] = parent.res_id partner_ids = values.get('partner_ids', list()) + [partner.id for partner in parent.partner_ids] if context.get('is_private') and parent.author_id: # check message is private then add author also in partner list. partner_ids += [parent.author_id.id] result['partner_ids'] = partner_ids elif values.get('model') and values.get('res_id'): doc_name_get = self.pool[values.get('model')].name_get(cr, uid, [values.get('res_id')], context=context) result['record_name'] = doc_name_get and doc_name_get[0][1] or '' subject = tools.ustr(result['record_name']) re_prefix = _('Re:') if subject and not (subject.startswith('Re:') or subject.startswith(re_prefix)): subject = "%s %s" % (re_prefix, subject) result['subject'] = subject return result #------------------------------------------------------ # Wizard validation and send #------------------------------------------------------ def send_mail(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Process the wizard content and proceed with sending the related email(s), rendering any template patterns on the fly if needed. """ context = dict(context or {}) # clean the context (hint: mass mailing sets some default values that # could be wrongly interpreted by mail_mail) context.pop('default_email_to', None) context.pop('default_partner_ids', None) for wizard in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): mass_mode = wizard.composition_mode in ('mass_mail', 'mass_post') active_model_pool = self.pool[wizard.model if wizard.model else 'mail.thread'] if not hasattr(active_model_pool, 'message_post'): context['thread_model'] = wizard.model active_model_pool = self.pool['mail.thread'] # wizard works in batch mode: [res_id] or active_ids or active_domain if mass_mode and wizard.use_active_domain and wizard.model: res_ids = self.pool[wizard.model].search(cr, uid, eval(wizard.active_domain), context=context) elif mass_mode and wizard.model and context.get('active_ids'): res_ids = context['active_ids'] else: res_ids = [wizard.res_id] batch_size = int(self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'mail.batch_size')) or self._batch_size sliced_res_ids = [res_ids[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(res_ids), batch_size)] for res_ids in sliced_res_ids: all_mail_values = self.get_mail_values(cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=context) for res_id, mail_values in all_mail_values.iteritems(): if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail': self.pool['mail.mail'].create(cr, uid, mail_values, context=context) else: subtype = 'mail.mt_comment' if context.get('mail_compose_log') or (wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post' and not wizard.notify): # log a note: subtype is False subtype = False if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post': context = dict(context, mail_notify_force_send=False, # do not send emails directly but use the queue instead mail_create_nosubscribe=True) # add context key to avoid subscribing the author active_model_pool.message_post(cr, uid, [res_id], type='comment', subtype=subtype, context=context, **mail_values) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} def get_mail_values(self, cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=None): """Generate the values that will be used by send_mail to create mail_messages or mail_mails. """ results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False) rendered_values, default_recipients = {}, {} mass_mail_mode = wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail' # render all template-based value at once if mass_mail_mode and wizard.model: rendered_values = self.render_message_batch(cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=context) # compute alias-based reply-to in batch reply_to_value = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, None) if mass_mail_mode and not wizard.no_auto_thread: reply_to_value = self.pool['mail.thread'].message_get_reply_to(cr, uid, res_ids, default=wizard.email_from, context=dict(context, thread_model=wizard.model)) for res_id in res_ids: # static wizard (mail.message) values mail_values = { 'subject': wizard.subject, 'body': wizard.body, 'parent_id': wizard.parent_id and wizard.parent_id.id, 'partner_ids': [partner.id for partner in wizard.partner_ids], 'attachment_ids': [attach.id for attach in wizard.attachment_ids], 'author_id': wizard.author_id.id, 'email_from': wizard.email_from, 'record_name': wizard.record_name, 'no_auto_thread': wizard.no_auto_thread, } # mass mailing: rendering override wizard static values if mass_mail_mode and wizard.model: # always keep a copy, reset record name (avoid browsing records) mail_values.update(notification=True, model=wizard.model, res_id=res_id, record_name=False) # auto deletion of mail_mail if 'mail_auto_delete' in context: mail_values['auto_delete'] = context.get('mail_auto_delete') # rendered values using template email_dict = rendered_values[res_id] mail_values['partner_ids'] += email_dict.pop('partner_ids', []) mail_values.update(email_dict) if not wizard.no_auto_thread: mail_values.pop('reply_to') if reply_to_value.get(res_id): mail_values['reply_to'] = reply_to_value[res_id] if wizard.no_auto_thread and not mail_values.get('reply_to'): mail_values['reply_to'] = mail_values['email_from'] # mail_mail values: body -> body_html, partner_ids -> recipient_ids mail_values['body_html'] = mail_values.get('body', '') mail_values['recipient_ids'] = [(4, id) for id in mail_values.pop('partner_ids', [])] # process attachments: should not be encoded before being processed by message_post / mail_mail create mail_values['attachments'] = [(name, base64.b64decode(enc_cont)) for name, enc_cont in email_dict.pop('attachments', list())] attachment_ids = [] for attach_id in mail_values.pop('attachment_ids'): new_attach_id = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').copy(cr, uid, attach_id, {'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': wizard.id}, context=context) attachment_ids.append(new_attach_id) mail_values['attachment_ids'] = self.pool['mail.thread']._message_preprocess_attachments( cr, uid, mail_values.pop('attachments', []), attachment_ids, 'mail.message', 0, context=context) results[res_id] = mail_values return results #------------------------------------------------------ # Template rendering #------------------------------------------------------ def render_message_batch(self, cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=None): """Generate template-based values of wizard, for the document records given by res_ids. This method is meant to be inherited by email_template that will produce a more complete dictionary, using Jinja2 templates. Each template is generated for all res_ids, allowing to parse the template once, and render it multiple times. This is useful for mass mailing where template rendering represent a significant part of the process. Default recipients are also computed, based on mail_thread method message_get_default_recipients. This allows to ensure a mass mailing has always some recipients specified. :param browse wizard: current mail.compose.message browse record :param list res_ids: list of record ids :return dict results: for each res_id, the generated template values for subject, body, email_from and reply_to """ subjects = self.render_template_batch(cr, uid, wizard.subject, wizard.model, res_ids, context=context) bodies = self.render_template_batch(cr, uid, wizard.body, wizard.model, res_ids, context=context, post_process=True) emails_from = self.render_template_batch(cr, uid, wizard.email_from, wizard.model, res_ids, context=context) replies_to = self.render_template_batch(cr, uid, wizard.reply_to, wizard.model, res_ids, context=context) ctx = dict(context, thread_model=wizard.model) default_recipients = self.pool['mail.thread'].message_get_default_recipients(cr, uid, res_ids, context=ctx) results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False) for res_id in res_ids: results[res_id] = { 'subject': subjects[res_id], 'body': bodies[res_id], 'email_from': emails_from[res_id], 'reply_to': replies_to[res_id], } results[res_id].update(default_recipients.get(res_id, dict())) return results def render_template_batch(self, cr, uid, template, model, res_ids, context=None, post_process=False): """ Render the given template text, replace mako-like expressions ``${expr}`` with the result of evaluating these expressions with an evaluation context containing: * ``user``: browse_record of the current user * ``object``: browse_record of the document record this mail is related to * ``context``: the context passed to the mail composition wizard :param str template: the template text to render :param str model: model name of the document record this mail is related to :param list res_ids: list of record ids """ if context is None: context = {} results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False) for res_id in res_ids: def merge(match): exp = str(match.group()[2:-1]).strip() result = eval(exp, { 'user': self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context), 'object': self.pool[model].browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=context), 'context': dict(context), # copy context to prevent side-effects of eval }) return result and tools.ustr(result) or '' results[res_id] = template and EXPRESSION_PATTERN.sub(merge, template) return results # Compatibility methods def render_template(self, cr, uid, template, model, res_id, context=None): return self.render_template_batch(cr, uid, template, model, [res_id], context)[res_id] def render_message(self, cr, uid, wizard, res_id, context=None): return self.render_message_batch(cr, uid, wizard, [res_id], context)[res_id]