openerp.web.form = function (openerp) { var _t = openerp.web._t; var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb; openerp.web.views.add('form', 'openerp.web.FormView'); openerp.web.FormView = openerp.web.View.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.FormView# */{ /** * Indicates that this view is not searchable, and thus that no search * view should be displayed (if there is one active). */ searchable: false, form_template: "FormView", /** * @constructs openerp.web.FormView * @extends openerp.web.View * * @param {openerp.web.Session} session the current openerp session * @param {openerp.web.DataSet} dataset the dataset this view will work with * @param {String} view_id the identifier of the OpenERP view object * * @property {openerp.web.Registry} registry=openerp.web.form.widgets widgets registry for this form view instance */ init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, options) { this._super(parent); this.set_default_options(options); this.dataset = dataset; this.model = dataset.model; this.view_id = view_id; this.fields_view = {}; this.widgets = {}; this.widgets_counter = 0; this.fields = {}; this.datarecord = {}; this.ready = false; this.show_invalid = true; this.dirty_for_user = false; this.default_focus_field = null; this.default_focus_button = null; this.registry = openerp.web.form.widgets; this.has_been_loaded = $.Deferred(); this.$form_header = null; this.translatable_fields = []; _.defaults(this.options, {"always_show_new_button": true}); }, start: function() { this._super(); this.init_view(); }, init_view: function() { if (this.embedded_view) { var def = $.Deferred().then(this.on_loaded); var self = this; setTimeout(function() {def.resolve(self.embedded_view);}, 0); return def.promise(); } else { var context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext(this.dataset.get_context()); return this.rpc("/web/view/load", { "model": this.model, "view_id": this.view_id, "view_type": "form", toolbar: this.options.sidebar, context: context }, this.on_loaded); } }, stop: function() { if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.attachments.stop(); this.sidebar.stop(); } _.each(this.widgets, function(w) { w.stop(); }); }, on_loaded: function(data) { var self = this; this.fields_view = data; var frame = new (this.registry.get_object('frame'))(this, this.fields_view.arch); this.$element.html(QWeb.render(this.form_template, { 'frame': frame, 'view': this })); _.each(this.widgets, function(w) { w.start(); }); this.$form_header = this.$element.find('#' + this.element_id + '_header'); this.$form_header.find('div.oe_form_pager button[data-pager-action]').click(function() { var action = $(this).data('pager-action'); self.on_pager_action(action); }); this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_save').click(this.do_save); this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_save_edit').click(this.do_save_edit); this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_cancel').click(this.do_cancel); this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_new').click(this.on_button_new); this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_duplicate').click(this.on_button_duplicate); if (this.options.sidebar && this.options.sidebar_id) { this.sidebar = new openerp.web.Sidebar(this, this.options.sidebar_id); this.sidebar.start(); this.sidebar.do_unfold(); this.sidebar.attachments = new openerp.web.form.SidebarAttachments(this.sidebar, this.sidebar.add_section('attachments', "Attachments"), this); this.sidebar.add_toolbar(this.fields_view.toolbar); this.set_common_sidebar_sections(this.sidebar); } this.has_been_loaded.resolve(); }, do_show: function () { var promise; if (this.dataset.index === null) { // null index means we should start a new record promise = this.on_button_new(); } else { promise = this.dataset.read_index(_.keys(this.fields_view.fields), this.on_record_loaded); } this.$; if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.$; } return promise; }, do_hide: function () { this.$element.hide(); if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.$element.hide(); } }, on_record_loaded: function(record) { if (!record) { throw("Form: No record received"); } if (! { this.$form_header.find('.oe_form_on_create').show(); this.$form_header.find('.oe_form_on_update').hide(); if (!this.options["always_show_new_button"]) { this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_new').hide(); } } else { this.$form_header.find('.oe_form_on_create').hide(); this.$form_header.find('.oe_form_on_update').show(); this.$form_header.find('button.oe_form_button_new').show(); } this.dirty_for_user = false; this.datarecord = record; for (var f in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[f]; field.dirty = false; field.set_value(this.datarecord[f] || false); field.validate(); } if (! { // New record: Second pass in order to trigger the onchanges this.show_invalid = false; for (var f in record) { var field = this.fields[f]; if (field) { field.dirty = true; this.do_onchange(field); } } } this.on_form_changed(); this.show_invalid = this.ready = true; this.do_update_pager( == null); if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.attachments.do_update(); this.sidebar.$element.find('.oe_sidebar_translate').toggleClass('oe_hide', !; } if (this.default_focus_field && !this.embedded_view) { this.default_focus_field.focus(); } }, on_form_changed: function() { for (var w in this.widgets) { w = this.widgets[w]; w.process_modifiers(); w.update_dom(); } }, on_pager_action: function(action) { if (this.can_be_discarded()) { switch (action) { case 'first': this.dataset.index = 0; break; case 'previous': this.dataset.previous(); break; case 'next':; break; case 'last': this.dataset.index = this.dataset.ids.length - 1; break; } this.reload(); } }, do_update_pager: function(hide_index) { var $pager = this.$element.find('#' + this.element_id + '_header div.oe_form_pager'); var index = hide_index ? '-' : this.dataset.index + 1; $pager.find('span.oe_pager_index').html(index); $pager.find('span.oe_pager_count').html(this.dataset.ids.length); }, do_onchange: function(widget, processed) { processed = processed || []; if (widget.node.attrs.on_change) { var self = this; this.ready = false; var onchange = _.trim(widget.node.attrs.on_change); var call = onchange.match(/^\s?(.*?)\((.*?)\)\s?$/); if (call) { var method = call[1], args = []; var context_index = null; var argument_replacement = { 'False' : function() {return false;}, 'True' : function() {return true;}, 'None' : function() {return null;}, 'context': function(i) { context_index = i; var ctx = widget.build_context ? widget.build_context() : {}; return ctx; } }; var parent_fields = null; _.each(call[2].split(','), function(a, i) { var field = _.trim(a); if (field in argument_replacement) { args.push(argument_replacement[field](i)); return; } else if (self.fields[field]) { var value = self.fields[field].get_on_change_value(); args.push(value == null ? false : value); return; } else { var splitted = field.split('.'); if (splitted.length > 1 && _.trim(splitted[0]) === "parent" && self.dataset.parent_view) { if (parent_fields === null) { parent_fields = self.dataset.parent_view.get_fields_values(); } var p_val = parent_fields[_.trim(splitted[1])]; if (p_val !== undefined) { args.push(p_val == null ? false : p_val); return; } } } throw "Could not get field with name '" + field + "' for onchange '" + onchange + "'"; }); var ajax = { url: '/web/dataset/call', async: false }; return this.rpc(ajax, { model: this.dataset.model, method: method, args: [( == null ? [] : [])].concat(args), context_id: context_index === null ? null : context_index + 1 }, function(response) { self.on_processed_onchange(response, processed); }); } else { console.log("Wrong on_change format", on_change); } } }, on_processed_onchange: function(response, processed) { var result = response; if (result.value) { for (var f in result.value) { var field = this.fields[f]; // If field is not defined in the view, just ignore it if (field) { var value = result.value[f]; processed.push(; if (field.get_value() != value) { field.set_value(value); field.dirty = this.dirty_for_user = true; if (_.indexOf(processed, < 0) { this.do_onchange(field, processed); } } } } this.on_form_changed(); } if (!_.isEmpty(result.warning)) { $(QWeb.render("DialogWarning", result.warning)).dialog({ modal: true, buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); } if (result.domain) { // TODO: } this.ready = true; }, on_button_new: function() { var self = this; var def = $.Deferred(); $.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function() { if (self.can_be_discarded()) { self.dataset.default_get(_.keys(self.fields_view.fields)).then(self.on_record_loaded).then(function() { def.resolve(); }); } }); return def.promise(); }, on_button_duplicate: function() { var self = this; var def = $.Deferred(); $.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function() { if (self.can_be_discarded()) {'copy', [, {}, self.dataset.context]).then(function(new_id) { return self.on_created({ result : new_id }); }).then(function() { def.resolve(); }); } }); return def.promise(); }, can_be_discarded: function() { return !this.dirty_for_user || confirm(_t("Warning, the record has been modified, your changes will be discarded.")); }, /** * Triggers saving the form's record. Chooses between creating a new * record or saving an existing one depending on whether the record * already has an id property. * * @param {Function} success callback on save success * @param {Boolean} [prepend_on_create=false] if ``do_save`` creates a new record, should that record be inserted at the start of the dataset (by default, records are added at the end) */ do_save: function(success, prepend_on_create) { var self = this; if (!this.ready) { return false; } var form_dirty = false, form_invalid = false, values = {}, first_invalid_field = null; for (var f in this.fields) { f = this.fields[f]; if (!f.is_valid()) { form_invalid = true; f.update_dom(); if (!first_invalid_field) { first_invalid_field = f; } } else if (f.is_dirty()) { form_dirty = true; values[] = f.get_value(); } } if (form_invalid) { first_invalid_field.focus(); this.on_invalid(); return false; } else if (form_dirty) { console.log("About to save", values); if (! { return this.dataset.create(values, function(r) { self.on_created(r, success, prepend_on_create); }); } else { return this.dataset.write(, values, {}, function(r) { self.on_saved(r, success); }); } } else { setTimeout(function() { self.on_saved({ result: true }, success); }); return true; } }, do_save_edit: function() { this.do_save(); //this.switch_readonly(); Use promises }, switch_readonly: function() { }, switch_editable: function() { }, on_invalid: function() { var msg = ""; this.notification.warn("The following fields are invalid :", msg); }, on_saved: function(r, success) { if (!r.result) { // should not happen in the server, but may happen for internal purpose } else { console.debug(_.sprintf("The record #%s has been saved.",; if (success) { success(r); } this.reload(); } }, /** * Updates the form' dataset to contain the new record: * * * Adds the newly created record to the current dataset (at the end by * default) * * Selects that record (sets the dataset's index to point to the new * record's id). * * Updates the pager and sidebar displays * * @param {Object} r * @param {Function} success callback to execute after having updated the dataset * @param {Boolean} [prepend_on_create=false] adds the newly created record at the beginning of the dataset instead of the end */ on_created: function(r, success, prepend_on_create) { if (!r.result) { // should not happen in the server, but may happen for internal purpose } else { = r.result; if (!prepend_on_create) { this.dataset.ids.push(; this.dataset.index = this.dataset.ids.length - 1; } else { this.dataset.ids.unshift(; this.dataset.index = 0; } this.do_update_pager(); if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.attachments.do_update(); } console.debug("The record has been created with id #" +; if (success) { success(_.extend(r, {created: true})); } this.reload(); } }, do_search: function (domains, contexts, groupbys) { console.debug("Searching form"); }, on_action: function (action) { console.debug('Executing action', action); }, do_cancel: function () { console.debug("Cancelling form"); }, reload: function() { if (this.dataset.index == null || this.dataset.index < 0) { this.on_button_new(); } else { this.dataset.read_index(_.keys(this.fields_view.fields), this.on_record_loaded); } }, get_fields_values: function() { var values = {}; _.each(this.fields, function(value, key) { var val = value.get_value(); values[key] = val; }); return values; }, get_selected_ids: function() { var id = this.dataset.ids[this.dataset.index]; return id ? [id] : []; } }); openerp.web.FormDialog = openerp.web.Dialog.extend({ init: function(parent, options, view_id, dataset) { this._super(parent, options); this.dataset = dataset; this.view_id = view_id; return this; }, start: function() { this._super(); this.form = new openerp.web.FormView(this, this.dataset, this.view_id, { sidebar: false, pager: false }); this.form.appendTo(this.$element); this.form.on_created.add_last(this.on_form_dialog_saved); this.form.on_saved.add_last(this.on_form_dialog_saved); return this; }, load_id: function(id) { var self = this; return this.dataset.read_ids([id], _.keys(this.form.fields_view.fields), function(records) { self.form.on_record_loaded(records[0]); }); }, on_form_dialog_saved: function(r) { this.close(); } }); /** @namespace */ openerp.web.form = {}; openerp.web.form.SidebarAttachments = openerp.web.Widget.extend({ init: function(parent, element_id, form_view) { this._super(parent, element_id); this.view = form_view; }, do_update: function() { if (! { this.on_attachments_loaded([]); } else { (new openerp.web.DataSetSearch( this, 'ir.attachment', this.view.dataset.get_context(), [ ['res_model', '=', this.view.dataset.model], ['res_id', '=',], ['type', 'in', ['binary', 'url']] ])).read_slice(['name', 'url', 'type'], {}, this.on_attachments_loaded); } }, on_attachments_loaded: function(attachments) { this.attachments = attachments; this.$element.html(QWeb.render('FormView.sidebar.attachments', this)); this.$element.find('.oe-binary-file').change(this.on_attachment_changed); this.$element.find('.oe-sidebar-attachment-delete').click(this.on_attachment_delete); }, on_attachment_changed: function(e) { window[this.element_id + '_iframe'] = this.do_update; var $e = $(; if ($e.val() != '') { this.$element.find('form.oe-binary-form').submit(); $e.parent().find('input[type=file]').attr('disabled', 'true'); $e.parent().find('button').attr('disabled', 'true').find('img, span').toggle(); } }, on_attachment_delete: function(e) { var self = this, $e = $(e.currentTarget); var name = _.trim($e.parent().find('a.oe-sidebar-attachments-link').text()); if (confirm("Do you really want to delete the attachment " + name + " ?")) { this.rpc('/web/dataset/unlink', { model: 'ir.attachment', ids: [parseInt($e.attr('data-id'))] }, function(r) { $e.parent().remove(); self.notification.notify("Delete an attachment", "The attachment '" + name + "' has been deleted"); }); } } }); openerp.web.form.compute_domain = function(expr, fields) { var stack = []; for (var i = expr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var ex = expr[i]; if (ex.length == 1) { var top = stack.pop(); switch (ex) { case '|': stack.push(stack.pop() || top); continue; case '&': stack.push(stack.pop() && top); continue; case '!': stack.push(!top); continue; default: throw new Error('Unknown domain operator ' + ex); } } var field = fields[ex[0]]; if (!field) { throw new Error("Domain references unknown field : " + ex[0]); } var field_value = field.get_value ? fields[ex[0]].get_value() : fields[ex[0]].value; var op = ex[1]; var val = ex[2]; switch (op.toLowerCase()) { case '=': case '==': stack.push(field_value == val); break; case '!=': case '<>': stack.push(field_value != val); break; case '<': stack.push(field_value < val); break; case '>': stack.push(field_value > val); break; case '<=': stack.push(field_value <= val); break; case '>=': stack.push(field_value >= val); break; case 'in': stack.push(_(val).contains(field_value)); break; case 'not in': stack.push(!_(val).contains(field_value)); break; default: console.log("Unsupported operator in modifiers :", op); } } return _.all(stack, _.identity); }; openerp.web.form.Widget = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.form.Widget# */{ template: 'Widget', /** * @constructs openerp.web.form.Widget * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param view * @param node */ init: function(view, node) { this.view = view; this.node = node; this.modifiers = JSON.parse(this.node.attrs.modifiers || '{}'); this.type = this.type || node.tag; this.element_name = this.element_name || this.type; this.element_id = [this.view.element_id, this.element_name, this.view.widgets_counter++].join("_"); this._super(view, this.element_id); this.view.widgets[this.element_id] = this; this.children = node.children; this.colspan = parseInt(node.attrs.colspan || 1, 10); this.decrease_max_width = 0; this.string = this.string || node.attrs.string; = ||; this.invisible = this.modifiers['invisible'] === true; this.classname = 'oe_form_' + this.type; this.width = this.node.attrs.width; }, start: function() { this.$element = $('#' + this.element_id); }, stop: function() { if (this.$element) { this.$element.remove(); } }, process_modifiers: function() { var compute_domain = openerp.web.form.compute_domain; for (var a in this.modifiers) { this[a] = compute_domain(this.modifiers[a], this.view.fields); } }, update_dom: function() { this.$element.toggle(!this.invisible); }, render: function() { var template = this.template; return QWeb.render(template, { "widget": this }); } }); openerp.web.form.WidgetFrame = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend({ template: 'WidgetFrame', init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.columns = parseInt(node.attrs.col || 4, 10); this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.table = []; this.add_row(); for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { var n = node.children[i]; if (n.tag == "newline") { this.add_row(); } else { this.handle_node(n); } } this.set_row_cells_with(this.table[this.table.length - 1]); }, add_row: function(){ if (this.table.length) { this.set_row_cells_with(this.table[this.table.length - 1]); } var row = []; this.table.push(row); this.x = 0; this.y += 1; return row; }, set_row_cells_with: function(row) { var bypass = 0, max_width = 100; for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { bypass += row[i].width === undefined ? 0 : 1; max_width -= row[i].decrease_max_width; } var size_unit = Math.round(max_width / (this.columns - bypass)), colspan_sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { var w = row[i]; colspan_sum += w.colspan; if (w.width === undefined) { var width = (i === row.length - 1 && colspan_sum === this.columns) ? max_width : Math.round(size_unit * w.colspan); max_width -= width; w.width = width + '%'; } } }, handle_node: function(node) { var type = {}; if (node.tag == 'field') { type = this.view.fields_view.fields[] || {}; } var widget = new (this.view.registry.get_any( [node.attrs.widget, type.type, node.tag])) (this.view, node); if (node.tag == 'field') { if (!this.view.default_focus_field || node.attrs.default_focus == '1') { this.view.default_focus_field = widget; } if (node.attrs.nolabel != '1') { var label = new (this.view.registry.get_object('label')) (this.view, node); label["for"] = widget; this.add_widget(label, widget.colspan + 1); } } this.add_widget(widget); }, add_widget: function(widget, colspan) { colspan = colspan || widget.colspan; var current_row = this.table[this.table.length - 1]; if (current_row.length && (this.x + colspan) > this.columns) { current_row = this.add_row(); } current_row.push(widget); this.x += widget.colspan; return widget; } }); openerp.web.form.WidgetNotebook = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend({ template: 'WidgetNotebook', init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.pages = []; for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { var n = node.children[i]; if (n.tag == "page") { var page = new openerp.web.form.WidgetNotebookPage(this.view, n, this, this.pages.length); this.pages.push(page); } } }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.tabs(); this.view.on_button_new.add_last(this.do_select_first_visible_tab); }, do_select_first_visible_tab: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) { var page = this.pages[i]; if (page.invisible === false) { this.$element.tabs('select', page.index); break; } } } }); openerp.web.form.WidgetNotebookPage = openerp.web.form.WidgetFrame.extend({ template: 'WidgetNotebookPage', init: function(view, node, notebook, index) { this.notebook = notebook; this.index = index; this.element_name = 'page_' + index; this._super(view, node); this.element_tab_id = this.element_id + '_tab'; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element_tab = $('#' + this.element_tab_id); }, update_dom: function() { if (this.invisible && this.index === this.notebook.$element.tabs('option', 'selected')) { this.notebook.do_select_first_visible_tab(); } this.$element_tab.toggle(!this.invisible); this.$element.toggle(!this.invisible); } }); openerp.web.form.WidgetSeparator = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "WidgetSeparator"; this.orientation = node.attrs.orientation || 'horizontal'; if (this.orientation === 'vertical') { this.width = '1'; } this.classname += '_' + this.orientation; } }); openerp.web.form.WidgetButton = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "WidgetButton"; if (this.string) { // We don't have button key bindings in the webclient this.string = this.string.replace(/_/g, ''); } if (node.attrs.default_focus == '1') { // TODO fme: provide enter key binding to widgets this.view.default_focus_button = this; } }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$; }, on_click: function(saved) { var self = this; if ((!this.node.attrs.special && this.view.dirty_for_user && saved !== true) || ! { this.view.do_save(function() { self.on_click(true); }); } else { if (this.node.attrs.confirm) { var dialog = $('
' + this.node.attrs.confirm + '
').dialog({ title: 'Confirm', modal: true, buttons: { Ok: function() { self.on_confirmed(); $(this).dialog("close"); }, Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); } else { this.on_confirmed(); } } }, on_confirmed: function() { var self = this; this.view.do_execute_action( this.node.attrs, this.view.dataset,, function () { self.view.reload(); }); } }); openerp.web.form.WidgetLabel = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this.element_name = 'label_' +; this._super(view, node); // TODO fme: support for attrs.align if (this.node.tag == 'label' && (this.node.attrs.colspan || (this.string && this.string.length > 32))) { this.template = "WidgetParagraph"; this.colspan = parseInt(this.node.attrs.colspan || 1, 10); } else { this.template = "WidgetLabel"; this.colspan = 1; this.width = '1%'; this.decrease_max_width = 1; this.nowrap = true; } }, render: function () { if (this['for'] && this.type !== 'label') { return QWeb.render(this.template, {widget: this['for']}); } // Actual label widgets should not have a false and have type label return QWeb.render(this.template, {widget: this}); }, start: function() { this._super(); var self = this; this.$element.find("label").dblclick(function() { var widget = self['for'] || self; console.log(widget.element_id , widget); window.w = widget; }); } }); openerp.web.form.Field = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.form.Field# */{ /** * @constructs openerp.web.form.Field * @extends openerp.web.form.Widget * * @param view * @param node */ init: function(view, node) { =; this.value = undefined; view.fields[] = this; this.type = node.attrs.widget || view.fields_view.fields[].type; this.element_name = "field_" + + "_" + this.type; this._super(view, node); if (node.attrs.nolabel != '1' && this.colspan > 1) { this.colspan--; } this.field = view.fields_view.fields[] || {}; this.string = node.attrs.string || this.field.string; = ||; this.nolabel = (this.field.nolabel || node.attrs.nolabel) === '1'; this.readonly = this.modifiers['readonly'] === true; this.required = this.modifiers['required'] === true; this.invalid = false; this.dirty = false; this.classname = 'oe_form_field_' + this.type; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (this.field.translate) { this.view.translatable_fields.push(this); this.$element.find('.oe_field_translate').click(this.on_translate); } }, set_value: function(value) { this.value = value; this.invalid = false; this.update_dom(); this.on_value_changed(); }, set_value_from_ui: function() { this.on_value_changed(); }, on_value_changed: function() { }, on_translate: function() { this.view.open_translate_dialog(this); }, get_value: function() { return this.value; }, is_valid: function() { return !this.invalid; }, is_dirty: function() { return this.dirty; }, get_on_change_value: function() { return this.get_value(); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (this.field.translate) { this.$element.find('.oe_field_translate').toggle(!!; } if (!this.disable_utility_classes) { this.$element.toggleClass('disabled', this.readonly); this.$element.toggleClass('required', this.required); if (this.view.show_invalid) { this.$element.toggleClass('invalid', !this.is_valid()); } } }, on_ui_change: function() { this.dirty = this.view.dirty_for_user = true; this.validate(); if (this.is_valid()) { this.set_value_from_ui(); this.view.do_onchange(this); this.view.on_form_changed(); } else { this.update_dom(); } }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; }, focus: function() { }, _build_view_fields_values: function() { var a_dataset = this.view.dataset || {}; var fields_values = this.view.get_fields_values(); var parent_values = a_dataset.parent_view ? a_dataset.parent_view.get_fields_values() : {}; fields_values.parent = parent_values; return fields_values; }, /** * Builds a new context usable for operations related to fields by merging * the fields'context with the action's context. */ build_context: function() { // I previously belevied contexts should be herrited, but now I doubt it //var a_context = this.view.dataset.get_context() || {}; var f_context = this.field.context || null; // maybe the default_get should only be used when we do a default_get? var v_context1 = this.node.attrs.default_get || {}; var v_context2 = this.node.attrs.context || {}; var v_context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext(v_context1, v_context2); if (v_context1.__ref || v_context2.__ref || true) { //TODO niv: remove || true var fields_values = this._build_view_fields_values(); v_context.set_eval_context(fields_values); } // if there is a context on the node, overrides the model's context var ctx = f_context || v_context; return ctx; }, build_domain: function() { var f_domain = this.field.domain || null; var v_domain = this.node.attrs.domain || []; if (!(v_domain instanceof Array) || true) { //TODO niv: remove || true var fields_values = this._build_view_fields_values(); v_domain = new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(v_domain).set_eval_context(fields_values); } // if there is a domain on the node, overrides the model's domain return f_domain || v_domain; } }); openerp.web.form.FieldChar = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldChar"; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').change(this.on_ui_change); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var show_value = openerp.web.format_value(value, this, ''); this.$element.find('input').val(show_value); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').attr('disabled', this.readonly); }, set_value_from_ui: function() { this.value = openerp.web.parse_value(this.$element.find('input').val(), this); this._super(); }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; try { var value = openerp.web.parse_value(this.$element.find('input').val(), this, ''); this.invalid = this.required && value === ''; } catch(e) { this.invalid = true; } }, focus: function() { this.$element.find('input').focus(); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldEmail = openerp.web.form.FieldChar.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldEmail"; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('button').click(this.on_button_clicked); }, on_button_clicked: function() { if (!this.value || !this.is_valid()) { this.notification.warn("E-mail error", "Can't send email to invalid e-mail address"); } else { location.href = 'mailto:' + this.value; } }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('a').attr('href', 'mailto:' + this.$element.find('input').val()); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldUrl = openerp.web.form.FieldChar.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldUrl"; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('button').click(this.on_button_clicked); }, on_button_clicked: function() { if (!this.value) { this.notification.warn("Resource error", "This resource is empty"); } else {; } } }); openerp.web.form.FieldFloat = openerp.web.form.FieldChar.extend({ set_value: function(value) { if (value === false || value === undefined) { // As in GTK client, floats default to 0 value = 0; this.dirty = true; } this._super.apply(this, [value]); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldDatetime = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldDate"; this.jqueryui_object = 'datetimepicker'; }, start: function() { var self = this; this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').change(this.on_ui_change); this.picker({ onSelect: this.on_picker_select, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showWeek: true, showButtonPanel: false }); this.$element.find('img.oe_datepicker_trigger').click(function() { if (!self.readonly) { self.picker('setDate', self.value || new Date()); self.$element.find('.oe_datepicker').toggle(); } }); this.$element.find('.ui-datepicker-inline').removeClass('ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'); this.$element.find('button.oe_datepicker_close').click(function() { self.$element.find('.oe_datepicker').hide(); }); }, picker: function() { return $.fn[this.jqueryui_object].apply(this.$element.find('.oe_datepicker_container'), arguments); }, on_picker_select: function(text, instance) { var date = this.picker('getDate'); this.$element.find('input').val(date ? this.format_client(date) : '').change(); }, set_value: function(value) { value = this.parse(value); this._super(value); this.$element.find('input').val(value ? this.format_client(value) : ''); }, get_value: function() { return this.format(this.value); }, set_value_from_ui: function() { var value = this.$element.find('input').val() || false; this.value = this.parse_client(value); this._super(); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').attr('disabled', this.readonly); this.$element.find('img.oe_datepicker_trigger').toggleClass('oe_input_icon_disabled', this.readonly); }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; var value = this.$element.find('input').val(); if (value === "") { this.invalid = this.required; } else { try { this.parse_client(value); this.invalid = false; } catch(e) { this.invalid = true; } } }, focus: function() { this.$element.find('input').focus(); }, parse: openerp.web.auto_str_to_date, parse_client: function(v) { return openerp.web.parse_value(v, this.field); }, format: function(val) { return openerp.web.auto_date_to_str(val, this.field.type); }, format_client: function(v) { return openerp.web.format_value(v, this.field); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldDate = openerp.web.form.FieldDatetime.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.jqueryui_object = 'datepicker'; }, on_picker_select: function(text, instance) { this._super(text, instance); this.$element.find('.oe_datepicker').hide(); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldText = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldText"; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('textarea').change(this.on_ui_change); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var show_value = openerp.web.format_value(value, this, ''); this.$element.find('textarea').val(show_value); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('textarea').attr('disabled', this.readonly); }, set_value_from_ui: function() { this.value = openerp.web.parse_value(this.$element.find('textarea').val(), this); this._super(); }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; try { var value = openerp.web.parse_value(this.$element.find('textarea').val(), this, ''); this.invalid = this.required && value === ''; } catch(e) { this.invalid = true; } }, focus: function() { this.$element.find('textarea').focus(); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldBoolean = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldBoolean"; }, start: function() { var self = this; this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').click(function() { if ($(this).is(':checked') != self.value) { self.on_ui_change(); } }); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input')[0].checked = value; }, set_value_from_ui: function() { this.value = this.$element.find('input').is(':checked'); this._super(); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').attr('disabled', this.readonly); }, validate: function() { this.invalid = this.required && !this.$element.find('input').is(':checked'); }, focus: function() { this.$element.find('input').focus(); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldProgressBar = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldProgressBar"; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('div').progressbar({ value: this.value, disabled: this.readonly }); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var show_value = Number(value); if (isNaN(show_value)) { show_value = 0; } this.$element.find('div').progressbar('option', 'value', show_value).find('span').html(show_value + '%'); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldTextXml = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ // to replace view editor }); openerp.web.form.FieldSelection = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { var self = this; this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldSelection"; this.values = this.field.selection; _.each(this.values, function(v, i) { if (v[0] === false && v[1] === '') { self.values.splice(i, 1); } }); this.values.unshift([false, '']); }, start: function() { // Flag indicating whether we're in an event chain containing a change // event on the select, in order to know what to do on keyup[RETURN]: // * If the user presses [RETURN] as part of changing the value of a // selection, we should just let the value change and not let the // event broadcast further (e.g. to validating the current state of // the form in editable list view, which would lead to saving the // current row or switching to the next one) // * If the user presses [RETURN] with a select closed (side-effect: // also if the user opened the select and pressed [RETURN] without // changing the selected value), takes the action as validating the // row var ischanging = false; this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('select') .change(this.on_ui_change) .change(function () { ischanging = true; }) .click(function () { ischanging = false; }) .keyup(function (e) { if (e.which !== 13 || !ischanging) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); ischanging = false; }); }, set_value: function(value) { value = value === null ? false : value; value = value instanceof Array ? value[0] : value; this._super(value); var index = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = this.values.length; i < ii; i++) { if (this.values[i][0] === value) index = i; } this.$element.find('select')[0].selectedIndex = index; }, set_value_from_ui: function() { this.value = this.values[this.$element.find('select')[0].selectedIndex][0]; this._super(); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('select').attr('disabled', this.readonly); }, validate: function() { var value = this.values[this.$element.find('select')[0].selectedIndex]; this.invalid = !(value && !(this.required && value[0] === false)); }, focus: function() { this.$element.find('select').focus(); } }); // jquery autocomplete tweak to allow html (function() { var proto = $.ui.autocomplete.prototype, initSource = proto._initSource; function filter( array, term ) { var matcher = new RegExp( $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), "i" ); return $.grep( array, function(value) { return matcher.test( $( "
" ).html( value.label || value.value || value ).text() ); }); } $.extend( proto, { _initSource: function() { if ( this.options.html && $.isArray(this.options.source) ) { this.source = function( request, response ) { response( filter( this.options.source, request.term ) ); }; } else { this ); } }, _renderItem: function( ul, item) { return $( "
  • " ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( $( "" )[ this.options.html ? "html" : "text" ]( item.label ) ) .appendTo( ul ); } }); })(); openerp.web.form.dialog = function(content, options) { options = _.extend({ autoOpen: true, width: '90%', height: '90%', min_width: '800px', min_height: '600px' }, options || {}); options.autoOpen = true; var dialog = new openerp.web.Dialog(null, options); dialog.$dialog = $(content).dialog(dialog.dialog_options); return dialog.$dialog; }; openerp.web.form.FieldMany2One = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldMany2One"; this.limit = 7; this.value = null; this.cm_id = _.uniqueId('m2o_cm_'); this.last_search = []; this.tmp_value = undefined; }, start: function() { this._super(); var self = this; this.$input = this.$element.find("input"); this.$drop_down = this.$element.find(".oe-m2o-drop-down-button"); this.$menu_btn = this.$element.find(".oe-m2o-cm-button"); // context menu var init_context_menu_def = $.Deferred().then(function(e) { var rdataset = new openerp.web.DataSetStatic(self, "ir.values", self.build_context());"get", ['action', 'client_action_relate', [[self.field.relation, false]], false, rdataset.get_context()], false, 0) .then(function(result) { self.related_entries = result; var $cmenu = $("#" + self.cm_id); $cmenu.append(QWeb.render("FieldMany2One.context_menu", {widget: self})); var bindings = {}; bindings[self.cm_id + "_search"] = function() { self._search_create_popup("search"); }; bindings[self.cm_id + "_create"] = function() { self._search_create_popup("form"); }; bindings[self.cm_id + "_open"] = function() { if (!self.value) { return; } var pop = new openerp.web.form.FormOpenPopup(self.view); pop.show_element(self.field.relation, self.value[0],self.build_context(), {}); pop.on_write_completed.add_last(function() { self.set_value(self.value[0]); }); }; _.each(_.range(self.related_entries.length), function(i) { bindings[self.cm_id + "_related_" + i] = function() { self.open_related(self.related_entries[i]); }; }); var cmenu = self.$menu_btn.contextMenu(self.cm_id, {'leftClickToo': true, bindings: bindings, itemStyle: {"color": ""}, onContextMenu: function() { if(self.value) { $("#" + self.cm_id + " .oe_m2o_menu_item_mandatory").removeClass("oe-m2o-disabled-cm"); } else { $("#" + self.cm_id + " .oe_m2o_menu_item_mandatory").addClass("oe-m2o-disabled-cm"); } return true; }, menuStyle: {width: "200px"} }); setTimeout(function() {self.$menu_btn.trigger(e);}, 0); }); }); var ctx_callback = function(e) {init_context_menu_def.resolve(e); e.preventDefault()}; this.$menu_btn.bind('contextmenu', ctx_callback); this.$; // some behavior for input this.$input.keyup(function() { if (self.$input.val() === "") { self._change_int_value(null); } else if (self.value === null || (self.value && self.$input.val() !== self.value[1])) { self._change_int_value(undefined); } }); this.$ { if (self.$input.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible")) { self.$input.autocomplete("close"); } else { if (self.value) { self.$input.autocomplete("search", ""); } else { self.$input.autocomplete("search"); } self.$input.focus(); } }); var anyoneLoosesFocus = function() { if (!self.$":focus") && !self.$input.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible") && !self.value) { if (self.value === undefined && self.last_search.length > 0) { self._change_int_ext_value(self.last_search[0]); } else { self._change_int_ext_value(null); } } }; this.$input.focusout(anyoneLoosesFocus); var isSelecting = false; // autocomplete this.$input.autocomplete({ source: function(req, resp) { self.get_search_result(req, resp); }, select: function(event, ui) { isSelecting = true; var item = ui.item; if ( { self._change_int_value([,]); } else if (item.action) { self._change_int_value(undefined); item.action(); return false; } }, focus: function(e, ui) { e.preventDefault(); }, html: true, close: anyoneLoosesFocus, minLength: 0, delay: 0 }); // used to correct a bug when selecting an element by pushing 'enter' in an editable list this.$input.keyup(function(e) { if (e.which === 13) { if (isSelecting) e.stopPropagation(); } isSelecting = false; }); }, // autocomplete component content handling get_search_result: function(request, response) { var search_val = request.term; var self = this; var dataset = new openerp.web.DataSetStatic(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context()); dataset.name_search(search_val, self.build_domain(), 'ilike', this.limit + 1, function(data) { self.last_search = data; // possible selections for the m2o var values =, function(x) { return {label: $('').text(x[1]).html(), name:x[1], id:x[0]}; }); // search more... if more results that max if (values.length > self.limit) { values = values.slice(0, self.limit); values.push({label: _t("   Search More..."), action: function() { dataset.name_search(search_val, self.build_domain(), 'ilike' , false, function(data) { self._change_int_value(null); self._search_create_popup("search", data); }); }}); } // quick create var raw_result = _(data.result).map(function(x) {return x[1];}); if (search_val.length > 0 && !_.include(raw_result, search_val) && (!self.value || search_val !== self.value[1])) { values.push({label: _.sprintf(_t('   Create "%s"'), $('').text(search_val).html()), action: function() { self._quick_create(search_val); }}); } // create... values.push({label: _t("   Create and Edit..."), action: function() { self._change_int_value(null); self._search_create_popup("form", undefined, {"default_name": search_val}); }}); response(values); }); }, _quick_create: function(name) { var self = this; var dataset = new openerp.web.DataSetStatic(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context()); dataset.name_create(name, function(data) { self._change_int_ext_value(data); }).fail(function(error, event) { event.preventDefault(); self._change_int_value(null); self._search_create_popup("form", undefined, {"default_name": name}); }); }, // all search/create popup handling _search_create_popup: function(view, ids, context) { var self = this; var pop = new openerp.web.form.SelectCreatePopup(this); pop.select_element(self.field.relation,{ initial_ids: ids ?, function(x) {return x[0]}) : undefined, initial_view: view, disable_multiple_selection: true }, self.build_domain(), new openerp.web.CompoundContext(self.build_context(), context || {})); pop.on_select_elements.add(function(element_ids) { var dataset = new openerp.web.DataSetStatic(self, self.field.relation, self.build_context()); dataset.name_get([element_ids[0]], function(data) { self._change_int_ext_value(data[0]); }); }); }, _change_int_ext_value: function(value) { this._change_int_value(value); this.$input.val(this.value ? this.value[1] : ""); }, _change_int_value: function(value) { this.value = value; var back_orig_value = this.original_value; if (this.value === null || this.value) { this.original_value = this.value; } if (back_orig_value === undefined) { // first use after a set_value() return; } if (this.value !== undefined && ((back_orig_value ? back_orig_value[0] : null) !== (this.value ? this.value[0] : null))) { this.on_ui_change(); } }, set_value: function(value) { value = value || null; this.invalid = false; var self = this; this.tmp_value = value; self.update_dom(); self.on_value_changed(); var real_set_value = function(rval) { self.tmp_value = undefined; self.value = rval; self.original_value = undefined; self._change_int_ext_value(rval); }; if(typeof(value) === "number") { var dataset = new openerp.web.DataSetStatic(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context()); dataset.name_get([value], function(data) { real_set_value(data[0]); }).fail(function() {self.tmp_value = undefined;}); } else { setTimeout(function() {real_set_value(value);}, 0); } }, get_value: function() { if (this.tmp_value !== undefined) { if (this.tmp_value instanceof Array) { return this.tmp_value[0]; } return this.tmp_value ? this.tmp_value : false; } if (this.value === undefined) return this.original_value ? this.original_value[0] : false; return this.value ? this.value[0] : false; }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; var val = this.tmp_value !== undefined ? this.tmp_value : this.value; if (val === null) { this.invalid = this.required; } }, open_related: function(related) { var self = this; if (!self.value) return; var additional_context = { active_id: self.value[0], active_ids: [self.value[0]], active_model: self.field.relation }; self.rpc("/web/action/load", { action_id: related[2].id, context: additional_context }, function(result) { result.result.context = _.extend(result.result.context || {}, additional_context); self.do_action(result.result); }); } }); /* # Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create # (1, ID, { fields }) update # (2, ID) remove (delete) # (3, ID) unlink one (target id or target of relation) # (4, ID) link # (5) unlink all (only valid for one2many) */ var commands = { // (0, _, {values}) CREATE: 0, 'create': function (values) { return [commands.CREATE, false, values]; }, // (1, id, {values}) UPDATE: 1, 'update': function (id, values) { return [commands.UPDATE, id, values]; }, // (2, id[, _]) DELETE: 2, 'delete': function (id) { return [commands.DELETE, id, false]; }, // (3, id[, _]) removes relation, but not linked record itself FORGET: 3, 'forget': function (id) { return [commands.FORGET, id, false]; }, // (4, id[, _]) LINK_TO: 4, 'link_to': function (id) { return [commands.LINK_TO, id, false]; }, // (5[, _[, _]]) DELETE_ALL: 5, 'delete_all': function () { return [5, false, false]; }, // (6, _, ids) replaces all linked records with provided ids REPLACE_WITH: 6, 'replace_with': function (ids) { return [6, false, ids]; } }; openerp.web.form.FieldOne2Many = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ multi_selection: false, init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldOne2Many"; this.is_started = $.Deferred(); this.form_last_update = $.Deferred(); this.disable_utility_classes = true; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.dataset = new openerp.web.form.One2ManyDataSet(this, this.field.relation); this.dataset.o2m = this; this.dataset.parent_view = this.view; this.dataset.on_change.add_last(function() { self.on_ui_change(); }); var modes = this.node.attrs.mode; modes = !!modes ? modes.split(",") : ["tree", "form"]; var views = []; _.each(modes, function(mode) { var view = { view_id: false, view_type: mode == "tree" ? "list" : mode, options: { sidebar : false } }; if (self.field.views && self.field.views[mode]) { view.embedded_view = self.field.views[mode]; } if(view.view_type === "list") { view.options.selectable = self.multi_selection; } views.push(view); }); this.views = views; this.viewmanager = new openerp.web.ViewManager(this, this.dataset, views); this.viewmanager.registry = openerp.web.views.clone({ list: 'openerp.web.form.One2ManyListView', form: 'openerp.web.form.One2ManyFormView' }); var once = $.Deferred().then(function() { self.form_last_update.resolve(); }); this.viewmanager.on_controller_inited.add_last(function(view_type, controller) { if (view_type == "list") { controller.o2m = self; } else if (view_type == "form") { controller.on_record_loaded.add_last(function() { once.resolve(); }); controller.on_pager_action.add_first(function() { self.save_form_view(); }); controller.$element.find(".oe_form_button_save_edit").hide(); } self.is_started.resolve(); }); this.viewmanager.on_mode_switch.add_first(function() { self.save_form_view(); }); setTimeout(function () { self.viewmanager.appendTo(self.$element); }, 0); }, reload_current_view: function() { var self = this; var view = self.viewmanager.views[self.viewmanager.active_view].controller; if(self.viewmanager.active_view === "list") { view.reload_content(); } else if (self.viewmanager.active_view === "form") { if (this.dataset.index === null && this.dataset.ids.length >= 1) { this.dataset.index = 0; } this.form_last_update.then(function() { this.form_last_update = view.do_show(); }); } }, set_value: function(value) { value = value || []; var self = this; this.dataset.reset_ids([]); if(value.length >= 1 && value[0] instanceof Array) { var ids = []; _.each(value, function(command) { var obj = {values: command[2]}; switch (command[0]) { case commands.CREATE: obj['id'] = _.uniqueId(self.dataset.virtual_id_prefix); self.dataset.to_create.push(obj); self.dataset.cache.push(_.clone(obj)); ids.push(; return; case commands.UPDATE: obj['id'] = command[1]; self.dataset.to_write.push(obj); self.dataset.cache.push(_.clone(obj)); ids.push(; return; case commands.DELETE: self.dataset.to_delete.push({id: command[1]}); return; case commands.LINK_TO: ids.push(command[1]); return; case commands.DELETE_ALL: self.dataset.delete_all = true; return; } }); this._super(ids); this.dataset.set_ids(ids); } else if (value.length >= 1 && typeof(value[0]) === "object") { var ids = []; this.dataset.delete_all = true; _.each(value, function(command) { var obj = {values: command}; obj['id'] = _.uniqueId(self.dataset.virtual_id_prefix); self.dataset.to_create.push(obj); self.dataset.cache.push(_.clone(obj)); ids.push(; }); this._super(ids); this.dataset.set_ids(ids); } else { this._super(value); this.dataset.reset_ids(value); } if (this.dataset.index === null && this.dataset.ids.length > 0) { this.dataset.index = 0; } $.when(this.is_started).then(function() { self.reload_current_view(); }); }, get_value: function() { var self = this; if (!this.dataset) return []; var val = this.dataset.delete_all ? [commands.delete_all()] : []; val = val.concat(, function(id) { var alter_order = _.detect(self.dataset.to_create, function(x) {return === id;}); if (alter_order) { return commands.create(alter_order.values); } alter_order = _.detect(self.dataset.to_write, function(x) {return === id;}); if (alter_order) { return commands.update(, alter_order.values); } return commands.link_to(id); })); return val.concat( this.dataset.to_delete, function(x) { return commands['delete'](;})); }, save_form_view: function() { if (this.viewmanager && this.viewmanager.views && this.viewmanager.active_view && this.viewmanager.views[this.viewmanager.active_view] && this.viewmanager.views[this.viewmanager.active_view].controller) { var view = this.viewmanager.views[this.viewmanager.active_view].controller; if (this.viewmanager.active_view === "form") { var res = $.when(view.do_save()); if (res === false) { // ignore } else if (res.isRejected()) { throw "Save or create on one2many dataset is not supposed to fail."; } else if (!res.isResolved()) { throw "Asynchronous get_value() is not supported in form view."; } return res; } } return false; }, is_valid: function() { this.validate(); return this._super(); }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; var self = this; var view = self.viewmanager.views[self.viewmanager.active_view].controller; if (self.viewmanager.active_view === "form") { for (var f in view.fields) { f = view.fields[f]; if (!f.is_valid()) { this.invalid = true; return; } } } }, is_dirty: function() { this.save_form_view(); return this._super(); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.toggleClass('disabled', this.readonly); } }); openerp.web.form.One2ManyDataSet = openerp.web.BufferedDataSet.extend({ get_context: function() { this.context = this.o2m.build_context(); return this.context; } }); openerp.web.form.One2ManyFormView = openerp.web.FormView.extend({ }); openerp.web.form.One2ManyListView = openerp.web.ListView.extend({ do_add_record: function () { if (this.options.editable) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); } else { var self = this; var pop = new openerp.web.form.SelectCreatePopup(this); pop.select_element(self.o2m.field.relation,{ initial_view: "form", alternative_form_view: self.o2m.field.views ? self.o2m.field.views["form"] : undefined, create_function: function(data) { return self.o2m.dataset.create(data, function(r) { self.o2m.dataset.set_ids(self.o2m.dataset.ids.concat([r.result])); self.o2m.dataset.on_change(); }); }, parent_view: self.o2m.view }, self.o2m.build_domain(), self.o2m.build_context()); pop.on_select_elements.add_last(function() { self.o2m.reload_current_view(); }); } }, do_activate_record: function(index, id) { var self = this; var pop = new openerp.web.form.FormOpenPopup(self.o2m.view); pop.show_element(self.o2m.field.relation, id, self.o2m.build_context(),{ auto_write: false, alternative_form_view: self.o2m.field.views ? self.o2m.field.views["form"] : undefined, parent_view: self.o2m.view, read_function: function() { return self.o2m.dataset.read_ids.apply(self.o2m.dataset, arguments); } }); pop.on_write.add(function(id, data) { self.o2m.dataset.write(id, data, {}, function(r) { self.o2m.reload_current_view(); }); }); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldMany2Many = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ multi_selection: false, init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldMany2Many"; this.list_id = _.uniqueId("many2many"); this.is_started = $.Deferred(); }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.dataset = new openerp.web.form.Many2ManyDataSet(this, this.field.relation); this.dataset.m2m = this; this.dataset.on_unlink.add_last(function(ids) { self.on_ui_change(); }); this.list_view = new openerp.web.form.Many2ManyListView(this, this.dataset, false, { 'addable': 'Add', 'selectable': self.multi_selection }); this.list_view.m2m_field = this; this.list_view.on_loaded.add_last(function() { self.is_started.resolve(); }); setTimeout(function () { self.list_view.appendTo($("#" + self.list_id)); }, 0); }, set_value: function(value) { value = value || []; if (value.length >= 1 && value[0] instanceof Array) { value = value[0][2]; } this._super(value); this.dataset.set_ids(value); var self = this; $.when(this.is_started).then(function() { self.list_view.reload_content(); }); }, get_value: function() { return [commands.replace_with(this.dataset.ids)]; }, validate: function() { this.invalid = false; // TODO niv } }); openerp.web.form.Many2ManyDataSet = openerp.web.DataSetStatic.extend({ get_context: function() { this.context = this.m2m.build_context(); return this.context; } }); /** * @class * @extends openerp.web.ListView */ openerp.web.form.Many2ManyListView = openerp.web.ListView.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.form.Many2ManyListView# */{ do_add_record: function () { var pop = new openerp.web.form.SelectCreatePopup(this); pop.select_element(this.model, {}, new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(this.m2m_field.build_domain(), ["!", ["id", "in", this.m2m_field.dataset.ids]]), this.m2m_field.build_context()); var self = this; pop.on_select_elements.add(function(element_ids) { _.each(element_ids, function(element_id) { if(! _.detect(self.dataset.ids, function(x) {return x == element_id;})) { self.dataset.set_ids([].concat(self.dataset.ids, [element_id])); self.m2m_field.on_ui_change(); self.reload_content(); } }); }); }, do_activate_record: function(index, id) { var self = this; var pop = new openerp.web.form.FormOpenPopup(this); pop.show_element(this.dataset.model, id, this.m2m_field.build_context(), {}); pop.on_write_completed.add_last(function() { self.reload_content(); }); } }); /** * @class * @extends openerp.web.OldWidget */ openerp.web.form.SelectCreatePopup = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.form.SelectCreatePopup# */{ identifier_prefix: "selectcreatepopup", template: "SelectCreatePopup", /** * options: * - initial_ids * - initial_view: form or search (default search) * - disable_multiple_selection * - alternative_form_view * - create_function (defaults to a naive saving behavior) * - parent_view */ select_element: function(model, options, domain, context) { var self = this; this.model = model; this.domain = domain || []; this.context = context || {}; this.options = _.defaults(options || {}, {"initial_view": "search", "create_function": function() { return self.create_row.apply(self, arguments); }}); this.initial_ids = this.options.initial_ids; this.created_elements = []; openerp.web.form.dialog(this.render(), {close:function() { self.check_exit(); }}); this.start(); }, start: function() { this._super(); this.dataset = new openerp.web.ReadOnlyDataSetSearch(this, this.model, this.context); this.dataset.parent_view = this.options.parent_view; if (this.options.initial_view == "search") { this.setup_search_view(); } else { // "form" this.new_object(); } }, setup_search_view: function() { var self = this; if (this.searchview) { this.searchview.stop(); } this.searchview = new openerp.web.SearchView(this, this.dataset, false, { "selectable": !this.options.disable_multiple_selection, "deletable": false }); this.searchview.on_search.add(function(domains, contexts, groupbys) { if (self.initial_ids) {, domains.concat([[["id", "in", self.initial_ids]], self.domain]), contexts, groupbys); self.initial_ids = undefined; } else {, domains.concat([self.domain]), contexts, groupbys); } }); this.searchview.on_loaded.add_last(function () { var $buttons = self.searchview.$element.find(".oe_search-view-buttons"); $buttons.append(QWeb.render("")); var $cbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-search-close"); $ { self.stop(); }); var $sbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-search-select"); if(self.options.disable_multiple_selection) { $sbutton.hide(); } $ { self.on_select_elements(self.selected_ids); self.stop(); }); self.view_list = new openerp.web.form.SelectCreateListView(self, self.dataset, false, {'deletable': false}); self.view_list.popup = self; self.view_list.do_show(); self.view_list.appendTo($("#" + self.element_id + "_view_list")).then(function() { self.searchview.do_search(); }); }); this.searchview.appendTo($("#" + this.element_id + "_search")); }, create_row: function(data) { var self = this; var wdataset = new openerp.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.model, this.context, this.domain); wdataset.parent_view = this.options.parent_view; return wdataset.create(data); }, on_select_elements: function(element_ids) { }, on_click_element: function(ids) { this.selected_ids = ids || []; if(this.selected_ids.length > 0) { this.$element.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-search-select").removeAttr('disabled'); } else { this.$element.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-search-select").attr('disabled', "disabled"); } }, new_object: function() { var self = this; if (this.searchview) { this.searchview.hide(); } if (this.view_list) { this.view_list.$element.hide(); } this.dataset.index = null; this.view_form = new openerp.web.FormView(this, this.dataset, false); if (this.options.alternative_form_view) { this.view_form.set_embedded_view(this.options.alternative_form_view); } this.view_form.appendTo(this.$element.find("#" + this.element_id + "_view_form")); this.view_form.on_loaded.add_last(function() { var $buttons = self.view_form.$element.find(".oe_form_buttons"); $buttons.html(QWeb.render("SelectCreatePopup.form.buttons", {widget:self})); var $nbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-form-save-new"); $ { self._created = $.Deferred().then(function() { self._created = undefined; self.view_form.on_button_new(); }); self.view_form.do_save(); }); var $nbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-form-save"); $ { self._created = $.Deferred().then(function() { self._created = undefined; self.check_exit(); }); self.view_form.do_save(); }); var $cbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-form-close"); $ { self.check_exit(); }); }); this.dataset.on_create.add(function(data) { self.options.create_function(data).then(function(r) { self.created_elements.push(r.result); if (self._created) { self._created.resolve(); } }); }); this.view_form.do_show(); }, check_exit: function() { if (this.created_elements.length > 0) { this.on_select_elements(this.created_elements); } this.stop(); } }); openerp.web.form.SelectCreateListView = openerp.web.ListView.extend({ do_add_record: function () { this.popup.new_object(); }, select_record: function(index) { this.popup.on_select_elements([this.dataset.ids[index]]); this.popup.stop(); }, do_select: function(ids, records) { this._super(ids, records); this.popup.on_click_element(ids); } }); /** * @class * @extends openerp.web.OldWidget */ openerp.web.form.FormOpenPopup = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.form.FormOpenPopup# */{ identifier_prefix: "formopenpopup", template: "FormOpenPopup", /** * options: * - alternative_form_view * - auto_write (default true) * - read_function * - parent_view */ show_element: function(model, row_id, context, options) { this.model = model; this.row_id = row_id; this.context = context || {}; this.options = _.defaults(options || {}, {"auto_write": true}); jQuery(this.render()).dialog({title: '', modal: true, width: 960, height: 600}); this.start(); }, start: function() { this._super(); this.dataset = new openerp.web.form.FormOpenDataset(this, this.model, this.context); this.dataset.fop = this; this.dataset.ids = [this.row_id]; this.dataset.index = 0; this.dataset.parent_view = this.options.parent_view; this.setup_form_view(); }, on_write: function(id, data) { this.stop(); if (!this.options.auto_write) return; var self = this; var wdataset = new openerp.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.model, this.context, this.domain); wdataset.parent_view = this.options.parent_view; wdataset.write(id, data, {}, function(r) { self.on_write_completed(); }); }, on_write_completed: function() {}, setup_form_view: function() { var self = this; this.view_form = new openerp.web.FormView(this, this.dataset, false); if (this.options.alternative_form_view) { this.view_form.set_embedded_view(this.options.alternative_form_view); } this.view_form.appendTo(this.$element.find("#" + this.element_id + "_view_form")); this.view_form.on_loaded.add_last(function() { var $buttons = self.view_form.$element.find(".oe_form_buttons"); $buttons.html(QWeb.render("FormOpenPopup.form.buttons")); var $nbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_formopenpopup-form-save"); $ { self.view_form.do_save(); }); var $cbutton = $buttons.find(".oe_formopenpopup-form-close"); $ { self.stop(); }); self.view_form.do_show(); }); this.dataset.on_write.add(this.on_write); } }); openerp.web.form.FormOpenDataset = openerp.web.ReadOnlyDataSetSearch.extend({ read_ids: function() { if (this.fop.options.read_function) { return this.fop.options.read_function.apply(null, arguments); } else { return this._super.apply(this, arguments); } } }); openerp.web.form.FieldReference = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldReference"; this.fields_view = { fields: { selection: { selection: view.fields_view.fields[].selection }, m2o: { relation: null } } }; this.get_fields_values = view.get_fields_values; this.do_onchange = this.on_form_changed = this.on_nop; this.widgets = {}; this.fields = {}; this.selection = new openerp.web.form.FieldSelection(this, { attrs: { name: 'selection', widget: 'selection' }}); this.selection.on_value_changed.add_last(this.on_selection_changed); this.m2o = new openerp.web.form.FieldMany2One(this, { attrs: { name: 'm2o', widget: 'many2one' }}); }, on_nop: function() { }, on_selection_changed: function() { this.m2o.field.relation = this.selection.get_value(); this.m2o.set_value(null); }, start: function() { this._super(); this.selection.start(); this.m2o.start(); }, is_valid: function() { return this.required === false || typeof(this.get_value()) === 'string'; }, is_dirty: function() { return this.selection.is_dirty() || this.m2o.is_dirty(); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super(value); if (typeof(value) === 'string') { var vals = value.split(','); this.selection.set_value(vals[0]); this.m2o.set_value(parseInt(vals[1], 10)); } }, get_value: function() { var model = this.selection.get_value(), id = this.m2o.get_value(); if (typeof(model) === 'string' && typeof(id) === 'number') { return model + ',' + id; } else { return false; } } }); openerp.web.form.FieldBinary = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.iframe = this.element_id + '_iframe'; this.binary_value = false; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input.oe-binary-file').change(this.on_file_change); this.$element.find('button.oe-binary-file-save').click(this.on_save_as); this.$element.find('.oe-binary-file-clear').click(this.on_clear); }, update_dom: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('.oe-binary').toggle(!this.readonly); }, human_filesize : function(size) { var units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; var i = 0; while (size >= 1024) { size /= 1024; ++i; } return size.toFixed(2) + ' ' + units[i]; }, on_file_change: function(e) { // TODO: on modern browsers, we could directly read the file locally on client ready to be used on image cropper // // window[this.iframe] = this.on_file_uploaded; if ($( != '') { this.$element.find('form.oe-binary-form input[name=session_id]').val(this.session.session_id); this.$element.find('form.oe-binary-form').submit(); this.toggle_progress(); } }, toggle_progress: function() { this.$element.find('.oe-binary-progress, .oe-binary').toggle(); }, on_file_uploaded: function(size, name, content_type, file_base64) { delete(window[this.iframe]); if (size === false) { this.notification.warn("File Upload", "There was a problem while uploading your file"); // TODO: use openerp web crashmanager console.warn("Error while uploading file : ", name); } else { this.on_file_uploaded_and_valid.apply(this, arguments); this.on_ui_change(); } this.toggle_progress(); }, on_file_uploaded_and_valid: function(size, name, content_type, file_base64) { }, on_save_as: function() { if (! { this.notification.warn("Can't save file", "The record has not yet been saved"); } else { var url = '/web/binary/saveas?session_id=' + this.session.session_id + '&model=' + this.view.dataset.model +'&id=' + ( || '') + '&field=' + + '&fieldname=' + (this.node.attrs.filename || '') + '&t=' + (new Date().getTime());; } }, on_clear: function() { if (this.value !== false) { this.value = false; this.binary_value = false; this.on_ui_change(); } return false; } }); openerp.web.form.FieldBinaryFile = openerp.web.form.FieldBinary.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldBinaryFile"; }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var show_value = (value != null && value !== false) ? value : ''; this.$element.find('input').eq(0).val(show_value); }, on_file_uploaded_and_valid: function(size, name, content_type, file_base64) { this.value = file_base64; this.binary_value = true; var show_value = this.human_filesize(size); this.$element.find('input').eq(0).val(show_value); this.set_filename(name); }, set_filename: function(value) { var filename = this.node.attrs.filename; if (this.view.fields[filename]) { this.view.fields[filename].set_value(value); this.view.fields[filename].on_ui_change(); } }, on_clear: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('input').eq(0).val(''); this.set_filename(''); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldBinaryImage = openerp.web.form.FieldBinary.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = "FieldBinaryImage"; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$image = this.$element.find('img.oe-binary-image'); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.set_image_maxwidth(); var url = '/web/binary/image?session_id=' + this.session.session_id + '&model=' + this.view.dataset.model +'&id=' + ( || '') + '&field=' + + '&t=' + (new Date().getTime()); this.$image.attr('src', url); }, set_image_maxwidth: function() { this.$image.css('max-width', this.$element.width()); }, on_file_change: function() { this.set_image_maxwidth(); this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, on_file_uploaded_and_valid: function(size, name, content_type, file_base64) { this.value = file_base64; this.binary_value = true; this.$image.attr('src', 'data:' + (content_type || 'image/png') + ';base64,' + file_base64); }, on_clear: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$image.attr('src', '/web/static/src/img/placeholder.png'); } }); openerp.web.form.FieldStatus = openerp.web.form.Field.extend({ template: "FieldStatus", start: function() { this._super(); this.selected_value = null; this.render_list(); }, set_value: function(value) { this._super(value); this.selected_value = value; this.render_list(); }, render_list: function() { var self = this; var shown = || {}).statusbar_visible || "").split(","), function(x) { return x.trim(); }); shown =, function(x) { return x.length > 0; 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