(function(window){ // this serves as the end of an edge when creating a link function EdgeEnd(pos_x,pos_y){ this.x = pos_x; this.y = pos_y; this.get_pos = function(){ return new Vec2(this.x,this.y); } } // A close button, // if entity_type == "node": // GraphNode.destruction_callback(entity) is called where entity is a node. // If it returns true the node and all connected edges are destroyed. // if entity_type == "edge": // GraphEdge.destruction_callback(entity) is called where entity is an edge // If it returns true the edge is destroyed // pos_x,pos_y is the relative position of the close button to the entity position (entity.get_pos()) function CloseButton(graph, entity, entity_type, pos_x,pos_y){ var self = this; var visible = false; var close_button_radius = graph.style.close_button_radius || 8; var close_circle = graph.r.circle( entity.get_pos().x + pos_x, entity.get_pos().y + pos_y, close_button_radius ); //the outer gray circle close_circle.attr({ 'opacity': 0, 'fill': graph.style.close_button_color || "black", 'cursor': 'pointer', 'stroke': 'none' }); close_circle.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(close_circle); //the 'x' inside the circle var close_label = graph.r.text( entity.get_pos().x + pos_x, entity.get_pos().y + pos_y,"x"); close_label.attr({ 'fill': graph.style.close_button_x_color || "white", 'font-size': close_button_radius, 'cursor': 'pointer' }); close_label.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(close_label); // the dummy_circle is used to catch events, and avoid hover in/out madness // between the 'x' and the button var dummy_circle = graph.r.circle( entity.get_pos().x + pos_x, entity.get_pos().y + pos_y, close_button_radius ); dummy_circle.attr({'opacity':1, 'fill': 'transparent', 'stroke':'none', 'cursor':'pointer'}); dummy_circle.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(dummy_circle); this.get_pos = function(){ return entity.get_pos().add_xy(pos_x,pos_y); }; this.update_pos = function(){ var pos = self.get_pos(); close_circle.attr({'cx':pos.x, 'cy':pos.y}); dummy_circle.attr({'cx':pos.x, 'cy':pos.y}); close_label.attr({'x':pos.x, 'y':pos.y}); }; function hover_in(){ if(!visible){ return; } close_circle.animate({'r': close_button_radius * 1.5}, 300, 'elastic'); dummy_circle.animate({'r': close_button_radius * 1.5}, 300, 'elastic'); } function hover_out(){ if(!visible){ return; } close_circle.animate({'r': close_button_radius},400,'linear'); dummy_circle.animate({'r': close_button_radius},400,'linear'); } dummy_circle.hover(hover_in,hover_out); close_circle.hover(hover_in,hover_out); close_label.hover(hover_in,hover_out); function click_action(){ if(!visible){ return; } close_circle.attr({'r': close_button_radius * 2 }); dummy_circle.attr({'r': close_button_radius * 2 }); close_circle.animate({'r': close_button_radius }, 400, 'linear'); dummy_circle.animate({'r': close_button_radius }, 400, 'linear'); if(entity_type == "node"){ $.when(GraphNode.destruction_callback(entity)).done(function () { //console.log("remove node",entity); entity.remove(); }); }else if(entity_type == "edge"){ $.when(GraphEdge.destruction_callback(entity)).done(function () { //console.log("remove edge",entity); entity.remove(); }); } } dummy_circle.click(click_action); close_circle.click(click_action); close_label.click(click_action); this.show = function(){ if(!visible){ close_circle.animate({'opacity':1}, 100, 'linear'); close_label.animate({'opacity':1}, 100, 'linear'); visible = true; } } this.hide = function(){ if(visible){ close_circle.animate({'opacity':0}, 100, 'linear'); close_label.animate({'opacity':0}, 100, 'linear'); visible = false; } } //destroy this object and remove it from the graph this.remove = function(){ if(visible){ visible = false; close_circle.animate({'opacity':0}, 100, 'linear'); close_label.animate({'opacity':0}, 100, 'linear',self.remove); }else{ close_circle.remove(); close_label.remove(); dummy_circle.remove(); } } } // connectors are start and end point of edge creation drags. function Connector(graph,node,pos_x,pos_y){ var visible = false; var conn_circle = graph.r.circle(node.get_pos().x + pos_x, node.get_pos().y + pos_y,4); conn_circle.attr({ 'opacity': 0, 'fill': graph.style.node_outline_color, 'stroke': 'none' }); conn_circle.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(conn_circle); var self = this; this.update_pos = function(){ conn_circle.attr({'cx':node.get_pos().x + pos_x, 'cy':node.get_pos().y + pos_y}); }; this.get_pos = function(){ return new node.get_pos().add_xy(pos_x,pos_y); }; this.remove = function(){ conn_circle.remove(); } function hover_in(){ if(!visible){ return;} conn_circle.animate({'r':8},300,'elastic'); if(graph.creating_edge){ graph.target_node = node; conn_circle.animate({ 'fill': graph.style.connector_active_color, 'stroke': graph.style.node_outline_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.node_selected_width, },100,'linear'); } } function hover_out(){ if(!visible){ return;} conn_circle.animate({ 'r':graph.style.connector_radius, 'fill':graph.style.node_outline_color, 'stroke':'none'},400,'linear'); graph.target_node = null; } conn_circle.hover(hover_in,hover_out); var drag_down = function(){ if(!visible){ return; } self.ox = conn_circle.attr("cx"); self.oy = conn_circle.attr("cy"); self.edge_start = new EdgeEnd(self.ox,self.oy); self.edge_end = new EdgeEnd(self.ox, self.oy); self.edge_tmp = new GraphEdge(graph,'',self.edge_start,self.edge_end,true); graph.creating_edge = true; }; var drag_move = function(dx,dy){ if(!visible){ return; } self.edge_end.x = self.ox + dx; self.edge_end.y = self.oy + dy; self.edge_tmp.update(); }; var drag_up = function(){ if(!visible){ return; } graph.creating_edge = false; self.edge_tmp.remove(); if(graph.target_node){ var edge_prop = GraphEdge.creation_callback(node,graph.target_node); if(edge_prop){ var new_edge = new GraphEdge(graph,edge_prop.label, node,graph.target_node); GraphEdge.new_edge_callback(new_edge); } } }; conn_circle.drag(drag_move,drag_down,drag_up); function show(){ if(!visible){ conn_circle.animate({'opacity':1}, 100, 'linear'); visible = true; } } function hide(){ if(visible){ conn_circle.animate({'opacity':0}, 100, 'linear'); visible = false; } } this.show = show; this.hide = hide; } //Creates a new graph on raphael document r. //style is a dictionary containing the style definitions //viewport (optional) is the dom element representing the viewport of the graph. It is used //to prevent scrolling to scroll the graph outside the viewport. function Graph(r,style,viewport){ var self = this; var nodes = []; // list of all nodes in the graph var edges = []; // list of all edges in the graph var graph = {}; // graph[n1.uid][n2.uid] -> list of all edges from n1 to n2 var links = {}; // links[n.uid] -> list of all edges from or to n var uid = 1; // all nodes and edges have an uid used to order their display when they are curved var selected_entity = null; //the selected entity (node or edge) self.creating_edge = false; // true if we are dragging a new edge onto a node self.target_node = null; // this holds the target node when creating an edge and hovering a connector self.r = r; // the raphael instance self.style = style; // definition of the colors, spacing, fonts, ... used by the elements var tr_x = 0, tr_y = 0; // global translation coordinate var background = r.rect(0,0,'100%','100%').attr({'fill':'white', 'stroke':'none', 'opacity':0, 'cursor':'move'}); // return the global transform of the scene this.get_transform = function(){ return "T"+tr_x+","+tr_y }; // translate every element of the graph except the background. // elements inserted in the graph after a translate_all() must manually apply transformation // via get_transform() var translate_all = function(dx,dy){ tr_x += dx; tr_y += dy; var tstr = self.get_transform(); r.forEach(function(el){ if(el != background){ el.transform(tstr); } }); }; //returns {minx, miny, maxx, maxy}, the translated bounds containing all nodes var get_bounds = function(){ var minx = Number.MAX_VALUE; var miny = Number.MAX_VALUE; var maxx = Number.MIN_VALUE; var maxy = Number.MIN_VALUE; for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var pos = nodes[i].get_pos(); minx = Math.min(minx,pos.x); miny = Math.min(miny,pos.y); maxx = Math.max(maxx,pos.x); maxy = Math.max(maxy,pos.y); } minx = minx - style.node_size_x / 2 + tr_x; miny = miny - style.node_size_y / 2 + tr_y; maxx = maxx + style.node_size_x / 2 + tr_x; maxy = maxy + style.node_size_y / 2 + tr_y; return { minx:minx, miny:miny, maxx:maxx, maxy:maxy }; }; // returns false if the translation dx,dy of the viewport // hides the graph (with optional margin) var translation_respects_viewport = function(dx,dy,margin){ if(!viewport){ return true; } margin = margin || 0; var b = get_bounds(); var width = viewport.offsetWidth; var height = viewport.offsetHeight; if( ( dy < 0 && b.maxy + dy < margin ) || ( dy > 0 && b.miny + dy > height - margin ) || ( dx < 0 && b.maxx + dx < margin ) || ( dx > 0 && b.minx + dx > width - margin ) ){ return false; } return true; } //Adds a mousewheel event callback to raph_element that scrolls the viewport this.set_scrolling = function(raph_element){ $(raph_element.node).bind('mousewheel',function(event,delta){ var dy = delta * 20; if( translation_respects_viewport(0,dy, style.viewport_margin) ){ translate_all(0,dy); } }); }; var px, py; // Graph translation when background is dragged var bg_drag_down = function(){ px = py = 0; }; var bg_drag_move = function(x,y){ var dx = x - px; var dy = y - py; px = x; py = y; if( translation_respects_viewport(dx,dy, style.viewport_margin) ){ translate_all(dx,dy); } }; var bg_drag_up = function(){}; background.drag( bg_drag_move, bg_drag_down, bg_drag_up); this.set_scrolling(background); //adds a node to the graph and sets its uid. this.add_node = function (n){ nodes.push(n); n.uid = uid++; }; //return the list of all nodes in the graph this.get_node_list = function(){ return nodes; }; //adds an edge to the graph and sets its uid this.add_edge = function (n1,n2,e){ edges.push(e); e.uid = uid++; if(!graph[n1.uid]) graph[n1.uid] = {}; if(!graph[n1.uid][n2.uid]) graph[n1.uid][n2.uid] = []; if(!links[n1.uid]) links[n1.uid] = []; if(!links[n2.uid]) links[n2.uid] = []; graph[n1.uid][n2.uid].push(e); links[n1.uid].push(e); if(n1 != n2){ links[n2.uid].push(e); } }; //removes an edge from the graph this.remove_edge = function(edge){ edges = _.without(edges,edge); var n1 = edge.get_start(); var n2 = edge.get_end(); links[n1.uid] = _.without(links[n1.uid],edge); links[n2.uid] = _.without(links[n2.uid],edge); graph[n1.uid][n2.uid] = _.without(graph[n1.uid][n2.uid],edge); if ( selected_entity == edge ){ selected_entity = null; } }; //removes a node and all connected edges from the graph this.remove_node = function(node){ var linked_edges = self.get_linked_edge_list(node); for(var i = 0; i < linked_edges.length; i++){ linked_edges[i].remove(); } nodes = _.without(nodes,node); if ( selected_entity == node ){ selected_entity = null; } } //return the list of edges from n1 to n2 this.get_edge_list = function(n1,n2){ var list = []; if(!graph[n1.uid]) return list; if(!graph[n1.uid][n2.uid]) return list; return graph[n1.uid][n2.uid]; }; //returns the list of all edge connected to n this.get_linked_edge_list = function(n){ if(!links[n.uid]) return []; return links[n.uid]; }; //return a curvature index so that all edges connecting n1,n2 have different curvatures this.get_edge_curvature = function(n1,n2,e){ var el_12 = this.get_edge_list(n1,n2); var c12 = el_12.length; var el_21 = this.get_edge_list(n2,n1); var c21 = el_21.length; if(c12 + c21 == 1){ // only one edge return 0; }else{ var index = 0; for(var i = 0; i < c12; i++){ if (el_12[i].uid < e.uid){ index++; } } if(c21 == 0){ // all edges in the same direction return index - (c12-1)/2.0; }else{ return index + 0.5; } } }; // Returns the angle in degrees of the edge loop. We do not support more than 8 loops on one node this.get_loop_angle = function(n,e){ var loop_list = this.get_edge_list(n,n); var slots = []; // the 8 angles where we can put the loops for(var angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 45){ slots.push(Vec2.new_polar_deg(1,angle)); } //we assign to each slot a score. The higher the score, the closer it is to other edges. var links = this.get_linked_edge_list(n); for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){ var edge = links[i]; if(!edge.is_loop || edge.is_loop()){ continue; } var end = edge.get_end(); if (end == n){ end = edge.get_start(); } var dir = end.get_pos().sub(n.get_pos()).normalize(); for(var s = 0; s < slots.length; s++){ var score = slots[s].dot(dir); if(score < 0){ score = -0.2*Math.pow(score,2); }else{ score = Math.pow(score,2); } if(!slots[s].score){ slots[s].score = score; }else{ slots[s].score += score; } } } //we want the loops with lower uid to get the slots with the lower score slots.sort(function(a,b){ return a.score < b.score ? -1: 1; }); var index = 0; for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){ var edge = links[i]; if(!edge.is_loop || !edge.is_loop()){ continue; } if(edge.uid < e.uid){ index++; } } index %= slots.length; return slots[index].angle_deg(); } //selects a node or an edge and deselects everything else this.select = function(entity){ if(selected_entity){ if(selected_entity == entity){ return; }else{ if(selected_entity.set_not_selected){ selected_entity.set_not_selected(); } selected_entity = null; } } selected_entity = entity; if(entity && entity.set_selected){ entity.set_selected(); } }; } // creates a new Graph Node on Raphael document r, centered on [pos_x,pos_y], with label 'label', // and of type 'circle' or 'rect', and of color 'color' function GraphNode(graph,pos_x, pos_y,label,type,color){ var self = this; var r = graph.r; var sy = graph.style.node_size_y; var sx = graph.style.node_size_x; var node_fig = null; var selected = false; this.connectors = []; this.close_button = null; this.uid = 0; graph.add_node(this); if(type == 'circle'){ node_fig = r.ellipse(pos_x,pos_y,sx/2,sy/2); }else{ node_fig = r.rect(pos_x-sx/2,pos_y-sy/2,sx,sy); } node_fig.attr({ 'fill': color, 'stroke': graph.style.node_outline_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.node_outline_width, 'cursor':'pointer' }); node_fig.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(node_fig); var node_label = r.text(pos_x,pos_y,label); node_label.attr({ 'fill': graph.style.node_label_color, 'font-size': graph.style.node_label_font_size, 'cursor': 'pointer' }); node_label.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(node_label); // redraws all edges linked to this node var update_linked_edges = function(){ var edges = graph.get_linked_edge_list(self); for(var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++){ edges[i].update(); } }; // sets the center position of the node var set_pos = function(pos){ if(type == 'circle'){ node_fig.attr({'cx':pos.x,'cy':pos.y}); }else{ node_fig.attr({'x':pos.x-sx/2,'y':pos.y-sy/2}); } node_label.attr({'x':pos.x,'y':pos.y}); for(var i = 0; i < self.connectors.length; i++){ self.connectors[i].update_pos(); } if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.update_pos(); } update_linked_edges(); }; // returns the figure used to draw the node var get_fig = function(){ return node_fig; }; // returns the center coordinates var get_pos = function(){ if(type == 'circle'){ return new Vec2(node_fig.attr('cx'), node_fig.attr('cy')); }else{ return new Vec2(node_fig.attr('x') + sx/2, node_fig.attr('y') + sy/2); } }; // return the label string var get_label = function(){ return node_label.attr("text"); }; // sets the label string var set_label = function(text){ node_label.attr({'text':text}); }; var get_bound = function(){ if(type == 'circle'){ return new BEllipse(get_pos().x,get_pos().y,sx/2,sy/2); }else{ return BRect.new_centered(get_pos().x,get_pos().y,sx,sy); } }; // selects this node and deselects all other nodes var set_selected = function(){ if(!selected){ selected = true; node_fig.attr({ 'stroke': graph.style.node_selected_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.node_selected_width }); if(!self.close_button){ self.close_button = new CloseButton(graph,self, "node" ,sx/2 , - sy/2); self.close_button.show(); } for(var i = 0; i < self.connectors.length; i++){ self.connectors[i].show(); } } }; // deselect this node var set_not_selected = function(){ if(selected){ node_fig.animate({ 'stroke': graph.style.node_outline_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.node_outline_width }, 100,'linear'); if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.remove(); self.close_button = null; } selected = false; } for(var i = 0; i < self.connectors.length; i++){ self.connectors[i].hide(); } }; var remove = function(){ if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.remove(); } for(var i = 0; i < self.connectors.length; i++){ self.connectors[i].remove(); } graph.remove_node(self); node_fig.remove(); node_label.remove(); } this.set_pos = set_pos; this.get_pos = get_pos; this.set_label = set_label; this.get_label = get_label; this.get_bound = get_bound; this.get_fig = get_fig; this.set_selected = set_selected; this.set_not_selected = set_not_selected; this.update_linked_edges = update_linked_edges; this.remove = remove; //select the node and play an animation when clicked var click_action = function(){ if(type == 'circle'){ node_fig.attr({'rx':sx/2 + 3, 'ry':sy/2+ 3}); node_fig.animate({'rx':sx/2, 'ry':sy/2},500,'elastic'); }else{ var cx = get_pos().x; var cy = get_pos().y; node_fig.attr({'x':cx - (sx/2) - 3, 'y':cy - (sy/2) - 3, 'ẃidth':sx+6, 'height':sy+6}); node_fig.animate({'x':cx - sx/2, 'y':cy - sy/2, 'ẃidth':sx, 'height':sy},500,'elastic'); } graph.select(self); }; node_fig.click(click_action); node_label.click(click_action); //move the node when dragged var drag_down = function(){ this.opos = get_pos(); }; var drag_move = function(dx,dy){ // we disable labels when moving for performance reasons, // updating the label position is quite expensive // we put this here because drag_down is also called on simple clicks ... and this causes unwanted flicker var edges = graph.get_linked_edge_list(self); for(var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++){ edges[i].label_disable(); } if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.hide(); } set_pos(this.opos.add_xy(dx,dy)); }; var drag_up = function(){ //we re-enable the var edges = graph.get_linked_edge_list(self); for(var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++){ edges[i].label_enable(); } if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.show(); } }; node_fig.drag(drag_move,drag_down,drag_up); node_label.drag(drag_move,drag_down,drag_up); //allow the user to create edges by dragging onto the node function hover_in(){ if(graph.creating_edge){ graph.target_node = self; } } function hover_out(){ graph.target_node = null; } node_fig.hover(hover_in,hover_out); node_label.hover(hover_in,hover_out); function double_click(){ GraphNode.double_click_callback(self); } node_fig.dblclick(double_click); node_label.dblclick(double_click); this.connectors.push(new Connector(graph,this,-sx/2,0)); this.connectors.push(new Connector(graph,this,sx/2,0)); this.connectors.push(new Connector(graph,this,0,-sy/2)); this.connectors.push(new Connector(graph,this,0,sy/2)); this.close_button = new CloseButton(graph,this,"node",sx/2 , - sy/2 ); } GraphNode.double_click_callback = function(node){ console.log("double click from node:",node); }; // this is the default node destruction callback. It is called before the node is removed from the graph // and before the connected edges are destroyed GraphNode.destruction_callback = function(node){ return true; }; // creates a new edge with label 'label' from start to end. start and end must implement get_pos_*, // if tmp is true, the edge is not added to the graph, used for drag edges. // replace tmp == false by graph == null function GraphEdge(graph,label,start,end,tmp){ var self = this; var r = graph.r; var curvature = 0; // 0 = straight, != 0 curved var s,e; // positions of the start and end point of the line between start and end var mc; // position of the middle of the curve (bezier control point) var mc1,mc2; // control points of the cubic bezier for the loop edges var elfs = graph.style.edge_label_font_size || 10 ; var label_enabled = true; this.uid = 0; // unique id used to order the curved edges var edge_path = ""; // svg definition of the edge vector path var selected = false; if(!tmp){ graph.add_edge(start,end,this); } //Return the position of the label function get_label_pos(path){ var cpos = path.getTotalLength() * 0.5; var cindex = Math.abs(Math.floor(curvature)); var mod = ((cindex % 3)) * (elfs * 3.1) - (elfs * 0.5); var verticality = Math.abs(end.get_pos().sub(start.get_pos()).normalize().dot_xy(0,1)); verticality = Math.max(verticality-0.5,0)*2; var lpos = path.getPointAtLength(cpos + mod * verticality); return new Vec2(lpos.x,lpos.y - elfs *(1-verticality)); } //used by close_button this.get_pos = function(){ if(!edge){ return start.get_pos().lerp(end.get_pos(),0.5); } return get_label_pos(edge); /* var bbox = edge_label.getBBox(); Does not work... :( return new Vec2(bbox.x + bbox.width, bbox.y);*/ } //Straight line from s to e function make_line(){ return "M" + s.x + "," + s.y + "L" + e.x + "," + e.y ; } //Curved line from s to e by mc function make_curve(){ return "M" + s.x + "," + s.y + "Q" + mc.x + "," + mc.y + " " + e.x + "," + e.y; } //Curved line from s to e by mc1 mc2 function make_loop(){ return "M" + s.x + " " + s.y + "C" + mc1.x + " " + mc1.y + " " + mc2.x + " " + mc2.y + " " + e.x + " " + e.y; } //computes new start and end line coordinates function update_curve(){ if(start != end){ if(!tmp){ curvature = graph.get_edge_curvature(start,end,self); }else{ curvature = 0; } s = start.get_pos(); e = end.get_pos(); mc = s.lerp(e,0.5); //middle of the line s->e var se = e.sub(s); se = se.normalize(); se = se.rotate_deg(-90); se = se.scale(curvature * graph.style.edge_spacing); mc = mc.add(se); if(start.get_bound){ var col = start.get_bound().collide_segment(s,mc); if(col.length > 0){ s = col[0]; } } if(end.get_bound){ var col = end.get_bound().collide_segment(mc,e); if(col.length > 0){ e = col[0]; } } if(curvature != 0){ edge_path = make_curve(); }else{ edge_path = make_line(); } }else{ // start == end var rad = graph.style.edge_loop_radius || 100; s = start.get_pos(); e = end.get_pos(); var r = Vec2.new_polar_deg(rad,graph.get_loop_angle(start,self)); mc = s.add(r); var p = r.rotate_deg(90); mc1 = mc.add(p.set_len(rad*0.5)); mc2 = mc.add(p.set_len(-rad*0.5)); if(start.get_bound){ var col = start.get_bound().collide_segment(s,mc1); if(col.length > 0){ s = col[0]; } var col = start.get_bound().collide_segment(e,mc2); if(col.length > 0){ e = col[0]; } } edge_path = make_loop(); } } update_curve(); var edge = r.path(edge_path).attr({ 'stroke': graph.style.edge_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.edge_width, 'arrow-end': 'block-wide-long', 'cursor':'pointer' }).insertBefore(graph.get_node_list()[0].get_fig()); var labelpos = get_label_pos(edge); var edge_label = r.text(labelpos.x, labelpos.y - elfs, label).attr({ 'fill': graph.style.edge_label_color, 'cursor': 'pointer', 'font-size': elfs }); edge.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(edge); edge_label.transform(graph.get_transform()); graph.set_scrolling(edge_label); //since we create an edge we need to recompute the edges that have the same start and end positions as this one if(!tmp){ var edges_start = graph.get_linked_edge_list(start); var edges_end = graph.get_linked_edge_list(end); var edges = edges_start.length < edges_end.length ? edges_start : edges_end; for(var i = 0; i < edges.length; i ++){ if(edges[i] != self){ edges[i].update(); } } } function label_enable(){ if(!label_enabled){ label_enabled = true; edge_label.animate({'opacity':1},100,'linear'); if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.show(); } self.update(); } } function label_disable(){ if(label_enabled){ label_enabled = false; edge_label.animate({'opacity':0},100,'linear'); if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.hide(); } } } //update the positions function update(){ update_curve(); edge.attr({'path':edge_path}); if(label_enabled){ var labelpos = get_label_pos(edge); edge_label.attr({'x':labelpos.x, 'y':labelpos.y - 14}); } } // removes the edge from the scene, disconnects it from linked // nodes, destroy its drawable elements. function remove(){ edge.remove(); edge_label.remove(); if(!tmp){ graph.remove_edge(self); } if(start.update_linked_edges){ start.update_linked_edges(); } if(start != end && end.update_linked_edges){ end.update_linked_edges(); } if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.remove(); } } this.set_selected = function(){ if(!selected){ selected = true; edge.attr({ 'stroke': graph.style.node_selected_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.node_selected_width }); edge_label.attr({ 'fill': graph.style.node_selected_color }); if(!self.close_button){ self.close_button = new CloseButton(graph,self,"edge",0,30); self.close_button.show(); } } }; this.set_not_selected = function(){ if(selected){ selected = false; edge.animate({ 'stroke': graph.style.edge_color, 'stroke-width': graph.style.edge_width }, 100,'linear'); edge_label.animate({ 'fill': graph.style.edge_label_color}, 100, 'linear'); if(self.close_button){ self.close_button.remove(); self.close_button = null; } } }; function click_action(){ graph.select(self); } edge.click(click_action); edge_label.click(click_action); function double_click_action(){ GraphEdge.double_click_callback(self); } edge.dblclick(double_click_action); edge_label.dblclick(double_click_action); this.label_enable = label_enable; this.label_disable = label_disable; this.update = update; this.remove = remove; this.is_loop = function(){ return start == end; }; this.get_start = function(){ return start; }; this.get_end = function(){ return end; }; } GraphEdge.double_click_callback = function(edge){ console.log("double click from edge:",edge); }; // this is the default edge creation callback. It is called before an edge is created // It returns an object containing the properties of the edge. // If it returns null, the edge is not created. GraphEdge.creation_callback = function(start,end){ var edge_prop = {}; edge_prop.label = 'new edge!'; return edge_prop; }; // This is is called after a new edge is created, with the new edge // as parameter GraphEdge.new_edge_callback = function(new_edge){}; // this is the default edge destruction callback. It is called before // an edge is removed from the graph. GraphEdge.destruction_callback = function(edge){ return true; }; // returns a new string with the same content as str, but with lines of maximum 'width' characters. // lines are broken on words, or into words if a word is longer than 'width' function wordwrap( str, width) { // http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/wordwrap-for-javascript/ width = width || 32; var cut = true; var brk = '\n'; if (!str) { return str; } var regex = '.{1,' +width+ '}(\\s|$)' + (cut ? '|.{' +width+ '}|.+$' : '|\\S+?(\\s|$)'); return str.match(new RegExp(regex, 'g') ).join( brk ); } window.CuteGraph = Graph; window.CuteNode = GraphNode; window.CuteEdge = GraphEdge; window.CuteGraph.wordwrap = wordwrap; })(window);