- | In Order to test base_calendar, I will first create One Simple Event with real data - !record {model: calendar.event, id: calendar_event_technicalpresentation0}: class: private date: '2011-04-30 16:00:00' date_deadline: '2011-04-30 18:30:00' description: The Technical Presentation will cover following topics:\n* Creating OpenERP class\n* Views\n* Wizards\n* Workflows duration: 2.5 location: OpenERP S.A. name: Technical Presentation rrule_type: none - | Now I will set recurrence for this event to occur monday and friday of week - !python {model: calendar.event}: | self.write(cr, uid, [ref("calendar_event_technicalpresentation0")], {'fr': 1, 'mo': 1, 'interval': 1, 'rrule_type': 'weekly'}) - | In order to check that recurrent events are views successfully in calendar view, I will open calendar view of events - !python {model: calendar.event}: | self.fields_view_get(cr, uid, False, 'calendar', context) - | In order to check that recurrent events are views successfully in calendar view, I will search for one of the recurrent event and count the number of events - !python {model: calendar.event}: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('date', '>=', '2011-04-30 16:00:00'), ('date', '<=', '2011-05-31 00:00:00')] ) assert len(ids) == 9 - | Now I will make All day event and test it - !record {model: calendar.event, id: calendar_event_alldaytestevent0}: allday: 1 class: confidential date: '2011-04-30 00:00:00' date_deadline: '2011-04-30 00:00:00' description: 'All day technical test ' location: School name: All day test event rrule_type: none - | In order to check reminder I will first create reminder - !record {model: res.alarm, id: res_alarm_daybeforeeventstarts0}: name: 1 Day before event starts trigger_duration: 1 trigger_interval: days trigger_occurs: before trigger_related: start - | Now I will assign this reminder to all day event - !python {model: calendar.event}: | self.write(cr, uid, [ref("calendar_event_alldaytestevent0")], {'alarm_id': ref("res_alarm_daybeforeeventstarts0")}) - | In order to assign attendee I will invite Demo user - !record {model: base_calendar.invite.attendee, id: base_calendar_invite_attendee_0}: type: internal send_mail: False partner_id: base.res_partner_9 # Put bcz of problem in read user_ids: - base.user_demo - | Then I click on Invite Button - !python {model: base_calendar.invite.attendee}: | self.do_invite(cr, uid, [ref("base_calendar_invite_attendee_0")], {'active_id': ref("calendar_event_alldaytestevent0"), 'model' : 'calendar.event', 'attendee_field':'attendee_ids'}) - | Now I will Accept this invitation - !python {model: calendar.attendee}: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('ref', '=', 'calendar.event' + ',' + str(ref("calendar_event_alldaytestevent0")))]) if ids: self.do_accept(cr, uid, ids, context=context)