- | I start by creating a new Opportunity. And I select partner for opportunity. I can see that after selecting partner his contact and email is automatically filled. - !record {model: crm.lead, id: crm_opportunity_abcfuelcounits0}: email_from: info@balmerinc.be name: 'ABC FUEL CO 829264 - 10002 units' partner_address_id: base.res_partner_address_1 partner_id: base.res_partner_9 probability: 1.0 stage_id: crm.stage_opportunity1 categ_id: crm.categ_oppor2 section_id: crm.section_sales_department - | I check that the opportunity is in 'New' state. - !assert {model: crm.lead, id: crm_opportunity_abcfuelcounits0}: - state == "draft" - | I open opportunity by click on "Open" button, - !python {model: crm.lead}: | self.case_open(cr, uid, [ref("crm_opportunity_abcfuelcounits0")]) - | I schedule Meeting on this current opportunity by clicking on "schedule Meeting". - !python {model: crm.lead}: | self.action_makeMeeting(cr, uid, [ref("crm_opportunity_abcfuelcounits0")]) - | I can see that Meeting's calendar view is shown. then I click on the date on which I want to schedule meeting. I fill proper data for that meeting and save it - !record {model: crm.meeting, id: crm_meeting_abcfuelcounits0}: date: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00') date_deadline: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 08:00:00') duration: 8.0 email_from: info@balmerinc.be name: 'ABC FUEL CO 829264 - 10002 units' opportunity_id: 'crm_opportunity_abcfuelcounits0' partner_address_id: base.res_partner_address_1 partner_id: base.res_partner_9 section_id: crm.section_sales_department state: open - | In order to schedule a phonecall to the partner I click on "schedule call" button and select planned date for the call. - !record {model: crm.opportunity2phonecall, id: crm_opportunity2phonecall_abcfuelcounits0}: date: !eval "'%s-%s-%s 11:15:00' %(datetime.now().year,datetime.now().month,datetime.now().day+1)" name: 'ABC FUEL CO 829264 - 10002 units' section_id: crm.section_sales_department user_id: base.user_demo categ_id: crm.categ_phone1 - | schedule phonecall by apply (action_apply)function of opportunity2phoncall wizard - !python {model: crm.opportunity2phonecall}: | self.action_apply(cr, uid, [ref('crm_opportunity2phonecall_abcfuelcounits0')], {'active_ids': [ref("crm_opportunity_abcfuelcounits0")]}) - | I check that phonecall record is created for that opportunity. - !python {model: crm.phonecall}: | phone_obj = self.pool.get('crm.phonecall') ids = phone_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'ABC FUEL CO 829264 - 10002 units')]) assert len(ids) - | I can see phonecall record after click on "Schedule call" wizard. - !record {model: crm.phonecall, id: crm_phonecall_abcfuelcounits0}: date: !eval "'%s-%s-%s 11:15:00' %(datetime.now().year,datetime.now().month,datetime.now().day+1)" duration: 3.0 name: 'ABC FUEL CO 829264 - 10002 units' partner_address_id: base.res_partner_address_1 partner_id: base.res_partner_9 section_id: crm.section_sales_department