from openerp.osv import osv, fields class auth_oauth_providers(osv.osv): """Class defining the configuration values of an OAuth2 provider""" _name = 'auth.oauth.provider' _description = 'OAuth2 provider' _order = 'name' _columns = { 'name' : fields.char('Provider name', required=True), # Name of the OAuth2 entity, Google, LinkedIn, etc 'client_id' : fields.char('Client ID', required=True), # Our identifier 'auth_endpoint' : fields.char('Authentication URL', required=True), # OAuth provider URL to authenticate users 'scope' : fields.char('Scope'), # OAUth user data desired to access 'validation_endpoint' : fields.char('Validation URL'), # OAuth provider URL to validate tokens 'data_endpoint' : fields.char('Data URL'), 'icon_url' : fields.char('Icon'), # URL of the icon's provider 'active' : fields.boolean('Active'), 'sequence' : fields.integer(), }