/*--------------------------------------------------------- * OpenERP web library *---------------------------------------------------------*/ (function() { var instance = openerp; openerp.web.views = {}; var QWeb = instance.web.qweb, _t = instance.web._t; instance.web.ActionManager = instance.web.Widget.extend({ init: function(parent) { this._super(parent); this.inner_action = null; this.inner_widget = null; this.dialog = null; this.dialog_widget = null; this.breadcrumbs = []; this.on('history_back', this, function() { return this.history_back(); }); }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_breadcrumb_item', this.on_breadcrumb_clicked); }, dialog_stop: function (reason) { if (this.dialog) { this.dialog.destroy(reason); } this.dialog = null; }, /** * Add a new item to the breadcrumb * * If the title of an item is an array, the multiple title mode is in use. * (eg: a widget with multiple views might need to display a title for each view) * In multiple title mode, the show() callback can check the index it receives * in order to detect which of its titles has been clicked on by the user. * * @param {Object} item breadcrumb item * @param {Object} item.widget widget containing the view(s) to be added to the breadcrumb added * @param {Function} [item.show] triggered whenever the widget should be shown back * @param {Function} [item.hide] triggered whenever the widget should be shown hidden * @param {Function} [item.destroy] triggered whenever the widget should be destroyed * @param {String|Array} [item.title] title(s) of the view(s) to be displayed in the breadcrumb * @param {Function} [item.get_title] should return the title(s) of the view(s) to be displayed in the breadcrumb */ push_breadcrumb: function(item) { var last = this.breadcrumbs.slice(-1)[0]; if (last) { last.hide(); } item = _.extend({ show: function(index) { this.widget.$el.show(); }, hide: function() { this.widget.$el.hide(); }, destroy: function() { this.widget.destroy(); }, get_title: function() { return this.title || this.widget.get('title'); } }, item); item.id = _.uniqueId('breadcrumb_'); this.breadcrumbs.push(item); }, history_back: function() { var last = this.breadcrumbs.slice(-1)[0]; if (!last) { return false; } var title = last.get_title(); if (_.isArray(title) && title.length > 1) { return this.select_breadcrumb(this.breadcrumbs.length - 1, title.length - 2); } else if (this.breadcrumbs.length === 1) { // Only one single titled item in breadcrumb, most of the time you want to trigger back to home return false; } else { var prev = this.breadcrumbs[this.breadcrumbs.length - 2]; title = prev.get_title(); return this.select_breadcrumb(this.breadcrumbs.length - 2, _.isArray(title) ? title.length - 1 : undefined); } }, on_breadcrumb_clicked: function(ev) { var $e = $(ev.target); var id = $e.data('id'); var index; for (var i = this.breadcrumbs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.breadcrumbs[i].id == id) { index = i; break; } } var subindex = $e.parent().find('a.oe_breadcrumb_item[data-id=' + $e.data('id') + ']').index($e); this.select_breadcrumb(index, subindex); }, select_breadcrumb: function(index, subindex) { var next_item = this.breadcrumbs[index + 1]; if (next_item && next_item.on_reverse_breadcrumb) { next_item.on_reverse_breadcrumb(this.breadcrumbs[index].widget); } for (var i = this.breadcrumbs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i > index) { if (this.remove_breadcrumb(i) === false) { return false; } } } var item = this.breadcrumbs[index]; item.show(subindex); this.inner_widget = item.widget; this.inner_action = item.action; return true; }, clear_breadcrumbs: function() { for (var i = this.breadcrumbs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.remove_breadcrumb(0) === false) { break; } } }, remove_breadcrumb: function(index) { var item = this.breadcrumbs.splice(index, 1)[0]; if (item) { var dups = _.filter(this.breadcrumbs, function(it) { return item.widget === it.widget; }); if (!dups.length) { if (this.getParent().has_uncommitted_changes()) { this.inner_widget = item.widget; this.inner_action = item.action; this.breadcrumbs.splice(index, 0, item); return false; } else { item.destroy(); } } } var last_widget = this.breadcrumbs.slice(-1)[0]; if (last_widget) { this.inner_widget = last_widget.widget; this.inner_action = last_widget.action; } }, add_breadcrumb_url: function (url, label) { // Add a pseudo breadcrumb that will redirect to an url this.push_breadcrumb({ show: function() { instance.web.redirect(url); }, hide: function() {}, destroy: function() {}, get_title: function() { return label; } }); }, get_title: function() { var titles = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.breadcrumbs.length; i += 1) { var item = this.breadcrumbs[i]; var tit = item.get_title(); if (item.hide_breadcrumb) { continue; } if (!_.isArray(tit)) { tit = [tit]; } for (var j = 0; j < tit.length; j += 1) { var label = _.escape(tit[j]); if (i === this.breadcrumbs.length - 1 && j === tit.length - 1) { titles.push(_.str.sprintf('%s', label)); } else { titles.push(_.str.sprintf('%s', item.id, label)); } } } return titles.join(' / '); }, do_push_state: function(state) { state = state || {}; if (this.getParent() && this.getParent().do_push_state) { if (this.inner_action) { if (this.inner_action._push_me === false) { // this action has been explicitly marked as not pushable return; } state['title'] = this.inner_action.name; if(this.inner_action.type == 'ir.actions.act_window') { state['model'] = this.inner_action.res_model; } if (this.inner_action.menu_id) { state['menu_id'] = this.inner_action.menu_id; } if (this.inner_action.id) { state['action'] = this.inner_action.id; } else if (this.inner_action.type == 'ir.actions.client') { state['action'] = this.inner_action.tag; var params = {}; _.each(this.inner_action.params, function(v, k) { if(_.isString(v) || _.isNumber(v)) { params[k] = v; } }); state = _.extend(params || {}, state); } if (this.inner_action.context) { var active_id = this.inner_action.context.active_id; if (active_id) { state["active_id"] = active_id; } var active_ids = this.inner_action.context.active_ids; if (active_ids && !(active_ids.length === 1 && active_ids[0] === active_id)) { // We don't push active_ids if it's a single element array containing the active_id // This makes the url shorter in most cases. state["active_ids"] = this.inner_action.context.active_ids.join(','); } } } if(!this.dialog) { this.getParent().do_push_state(state); } } }, do_load_state: function(state, warm) { var self = this, action_loaded; if (!warm && 'return_label' in state) { var return_url = state.return_url || document.referrer; if (return_url) { this.add_breadcrumb_url(return_url, state.return_label); } } if (state.action) { if (_.isString(state.action) && instance.web.client_actions.contains(state.action)) { var action_client = { type: "ir.actions.client", tag: state.action, params: state, _push_me: state._push_me, }; if (warm) { this.null_action(); } action_loaded = this.do_action(action_client); } else { var run_action = (!this.inner_widget || !this.inner_widget.action) || this.inner_widget.action.id !== state.action; if (run_action) { var add_context = {}; if (state.active_id) { add_context.active_id = state.active_id; } if (state.active_ids) { // The jQuery BBQ plugin does some parsing on values that are valid integers. // It means that if there's only one item, it will do parseInt() on it, // otherwise it will keep the comma seperated list as string. add_context.active_ids = state.active_ids.toString().split(',').map(function(id) { return parseInt(id, 10) || id; }); } else if (state.active_id) { add_context.active_ids = [state.active_id]; } add_context.params = state; if (warm) { this.null_action(); } action_loaded = this.do_action(state.action, { additional_context: add_context }); $.when(action_loaded || null).done(function() { instance.webclient.menu.has_been_loaded.done(function() { if (self.inner_action && self.inner_action.id) { instance.webclient.menu.open_action(self.inner_action.id); } }); }); } } } else if (state.model && state.id) { // TODO handle context & domain ? if (warm) { this.null_action(); } var action = { res_model: state.model, res_id: state.id, type: 'ir.actions.act_window', views: [[false, 'form']] }; action_loaded = this.do_action(action); } else if (state.sa) { // load session action if (warm) { this.null_action(); } action_loaded = this.rpc('/web/session/get_session_action', {key: state.sa}).then(function(action) { if (action) { return self.do_action(action); } }); } $.when(action_loaded || null).done(function() { if (self.inner_widget && self.inner_widget.do_load_state) { self.inner_widget.do_load_state(state, warm); } }); }, /** * Execute an OpenERP action * * @param {Number|String|Object} Can be either an action id, a client action or an action descriptor. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.clear_breadcrumbs=false] Clear the breadcrumbs history list * @param {Function} [options.on_reverse_breadcrumb] Callback to be executed whenever an anterior breadcrumb item is clicked on. * @param {Function} [options.hide_breadcrumb] Do not display this widget's title in the breadcrumb * @param {Function} [options.on_close] Callback to be executed when the dialog is closed (only relevant for target=new actions) * @param {Function} [options.action_menu_id] Manually set the menu id on the fly. * @param {Object} [options.additional_context] Additional context to be merged with the action's context. * @return {jQuery.Deferred} Action loaded */ do_action: function(action, options) { options = _.defaults(options || {}, { clear_breadcrumbs: false, on_reverse_breadcrumb: function() {}, hide_breadcrumb: false, on_close: function() {}, action_menu_id: null, additional_context: {}, }); if (action === false) { action = { type: 'ir.actions.act_window_close' }; } else if (_.isString(action) && instance.web.client_actions.contains(action)) { var action_client = { type: "ir.actions.client", tag: action, params: {} }; return this.do_action(action_client, options); } else if (_.isNumber(action) || _.isString(action)) { var self = this; return self.rpc("/web/action/load", { action_id: action }).then(function(result) { return self.do_action(result, options); }); } // Ensure context & domain are evaluated and can be manipulated/used var ncontext = new instance.web.CompoundContext(options.additional_context, action.context || {}); action.context = instance.web.pyeval.eval('context', ncontext); if (action.context.active_id || action.context.active_ids) { // Here we assume that when an `active_id` or `active_ids` is used // in the context, we are in a `related` action, so we disable the // searchview's default custom filters. action.context.search_disable_custom_filters = true; } if (action.domain) { action.domain = instance.web.pyeval.eval( 'domain', action.domain, action.context || {}); } if (!action.type) { console.error("No type for action", action); return $.Deferred().reject(); } var type = action.type.replace(/\./g,'_'); var popup = action.target === 'new'; var inline = action.target === 'inline' || action.target === 'inlineview'; action.flags = _.defaults(action.flags || {}, { views_switcher : !popup && !inline, search_view : !popup && !inline, action_buttons : !popup && !inline, sidebar : !popup && !inline, pager : !popup && !inline, display_title : !popup, search_disable_custom_filters: action.context && action.context.search_disable_custom_filters }); action.menu_id = options.action_menu_id; if (!(type in this)) { console.error("Action manager can't handle action of type " + action.type, action); return $.Deferred().reject(); } return this[type](action, options); }, null_action: function() { this.dialog_stop(); this.clear_breadcrumbs(); }, /** * * @param {Object} executor * @param {Object} executor.action original action * @param {Function} executor.widget function used to fetch the widget instance * @param {String} executor.klass CSS class to add on the dialog root, if action.target=new * @param {Function} executor.post_process cleanup called after a widget has been added as inner_widget * @param {Object} options * @return {*} */ ir_actions_common: function(executor, options) { if (this.inner_widget && executor.action.target !== 'new') { if (this.getParent().has_uncommitted_changes()) { return $.Deferred().reject(); } else if (options.clear_breadcrumbs) { this.clear_breadcrumbs(); } } var widget = executor.widget(); if (executor.action.target === 'new') { if (this.dialog_widget && !this.dialog_widget.isDestroyed()) { this.dialog_widget.destroy(); } this.dialog_stop(executor.action); this.dialog = new instance.web.Dialog(this, { title: executor.action.name, dialogClass: executor.klass, }); this.dialog.on("closing", null, options.on_close); if (widget instanceof instance.web.ViewManager) { _.extend(widget.flags, { $buttons: this.dialog.$buttons, footer_to_buttons: true, }); } this.dialog_widget = widget; this.dialog_widget.setParent(this.dialog); var initialized = this.dialog_widget.appendTo(this.dialog.$el); this.dialog.open(); return initialized; } else { this.dialog_stop(executor.action); this.inner_action = executor.action; this.inner_widget = widget; executor.post_process(widget); return this.inner_widget.appendTo(this.$el); } }, ir_actions_act_window: function (action, options) { var self = this; return this.ir_actions_common({ widget: function () { return new instance.web.ViewManagerAction(self, action); }, action: action, klass: 'oe_act_window', post_process: function (widget) { widget.add_breadcrumb({ on_reverse_breadcrumb: options.on_reverse_breadcrumb, hide_breadcrumb: options.hide_breadcrumb, }); }, }, options); }, ir_actions_client: function (action, options) { var self = this; var ClientWidget = instance.web.client_actions.get_object(action.tag); if (!(ClientWidget.prototype instanceof instance.web.Widget)) { var next; if ((next = ClientWidget(this, action))) { return this.do_action(next, options); } return $.when(); } return this.ir_actions_common({ widget: function () { return new ClientWidget(self, action); }, action: action, klass: 'oe_act_client', post_process: function(widget) { self.push_breadcrumb({ widget: widget, title: action.name, on_reverse_breadcrumb: options.on_reverse_breadcrumb, hide_breadcrumb: options.hide_breadcrumb, }); if (action.tag !== 'reload') { self.do_push_state({}); } } }, options); }, ir_actions_act_window_close: function (action, options) { if (!this.dialog) { options.on_close(); } this.dialog_stop(); return $.when(); }, ir_actions_server: function (action, options) { var self = this; this.rpc('/web/action/run', { action_id: action.id, context: action.context || {} }).done(function (action) { self.do_action(action, options); }); }, ir_actions_report_xml: function(action, options) { var self = this; instance.web.blockUI(); action = _.clone(action); var eval_contexts = ([instance.session.user_context] || []).concat([action.context]); action.context = instance.web.pyeval.eval('contexts',eval_contexts); // iOS devices doesn't allow iframe use the way we do it, // opening a new window seems the best way to workaround if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) { var params = { action: JSON.stringify(action), token: new Date().getTime() }; var url = self.session.url('/web/report', params); instance.web.unblockUI(); $('')[0].click(); return; } var c = instance.webclient.crashmanager; return $.Deferred(function (d) { self.session.get_file({ url: '/web/report', data: {action: JSON.stringify(action)}, complete: instance.web.unblockUI, success: function(){ if (!self.dialog) { options.on_close(); } self.dialog_stop(); d.resolve(); }, error: function () { c.rpc_error.apply(c, arguments); d.reject(); } }); }); }, ir_actions_act_url: function (action) { if (action.target === 'self') { instance.web.redirect(action.url); } else { window.open(action.url, '_blank'); } return $.when(); }, }); instance.web.ViewManager = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: "ViewManager", init: function(parent, dataset, views, flags) { this._super(parent); this.url_states = {}; this.model = dataset ? dataset.model : undefined; this.dataset = dataset; this.searchview = null; this.active_view = null; this.views_src = _.map(views, function(x) { if (x instanceof Array) { var view_type = x[1]; var View = instance.web.views.get_object(view_type, true); var view_label = View ? View.prototype.display_name : (void 'nope'); return { view_id: x[0], view_type: view_type, label: view_label, button_label: View ? _.str.sprintf(_t('%(view_type)s view'), {'view_type': (view_label || view_type)}) : (void 'nope'), }; } else { return x; } }); this.ActionManager = parent; this.views = {}; this.flags = flags || {}; this.registry = instance.web.views; this.views_history = []; this.view_completely_inited = $.Deferred(); }, /** * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} initial view loading promise */ start: function() { this._super(); var self = this; this.$el.find('.oe_view_manager_switch a').click(function() { self.switch_mode($(this).data('view-type')); }).tooltip(); var views_ids = {}; _.each(this.views_src, function(view) { self.views[view.view_type] = $.extend({}, view, { deferred : $.Deferred(), controller : null, options : _.extend({ $buttons : self.$el.find('.oe_view_manager_buttons'), $sidebar : self.flags.sidebar ? self.$el.find('.oe_view_manager_sidebar') : undefined, $pager : self.$el.find('.oe_view_manager_pager'), action : self.action, action_views_ids : views_ids }, self.flags, self.flags[view.view_type] || {}, view.options || {}) }); views_ids[view.view_type] = view.view_id; }); if (this.flags.views_switcher === false) { this.$el.find('.oe_view_manager_switch').hide(); } // If no default view defined, switch to the first one in sequence var default_view = this.flags.default_view || this.views_src[0].view_type; return this.switch_mode(default_view, null, this.flags[default_view] && this.flags[default_view].options); }, switch_mode: function(view_type, no_store, view_options) { var self = this; var view = this.views[view_type]; var view_promise; var form = this.views['form']; if (!view || (form && form.controller && !form.controller.can_be_discarded())) { self.trigger('switch_mode', view_type, no_store, view_options); return $.Deferred().reject(); } if (!no_store) { this.views_history.push(view_type); } this.active_view = view_type; if (!view.controller) { view_promise = this.do_create_view(view_type); } else if (this.searchview && self.flags.auto_search && view.controller.searchable !== false) { this.searchview.ready.done(this.searchview.do_search); } if (this.searchview) { this.searchview[(view.controller.searchable === false || this.searchview.options.hidden) ? 'hide' : 'show'](); } this.$el.find('.oe_view_manager_switch a').parent().removeClass('active'); this.$el .find('.oe_view_manager_switch a').filter('[data-view-type="' + view_type + '"]') .parent().addClass('active'); this.$el.attr("data-view-type", view_type); return $.when(view_promise).done(function () { _.each(_.keys(self.views), function(view_name) { var controller = self.views[view_name].controller; if (controller) { var container = self.$el.find("> .oe_view_manager_body > .oe_view_manager_view_" + view_name); if (view_name === view_type) { container.show(); controller.do_show(view_options || {}); } else { container.hide(); controller.do_hide(); } } }); self.trigger('switch_mode', view_type, no_store, view_options); }); }, do_create_view: function(view_type) { // Lazy loading of views var self = this; var view = this.views[view_type]; var viewclass = this.registry.get_object(view_type); var options = _.clone(view.options); if (view_type === "form" && this.action && (this.action.target == 'new' || this.action.target == 'inline')) { options.initial_mode = 'edit'; } var controller = new viewclass(this, this.dataset, view.view_id, options); controller.on('history_back', this, function() { var am = self.getParent(); if (am && am.trigger) { return am.trigger('history_back'); } }); controller.on("change:title", this, function() { if (self.active_view === view_type) { self.set_title(controller.get('title')); } }); if (view.embedded_view) { controller.set_embedded_view(view.embedded_view); } controller.on('switch_mode', self, this.switch_mode); controller.on('previous_view', self, this.prev_view); var container = this.$el.find("> .oe_view_manager_body > .oe_view_manager_view_" + view_type); var view_promise = controller.appendTo(container); this.views[view_type].controller = controller; this.views[view_type].deferred.resolve(view_type); return $.when(view_promise).done(function() { if (self.searchview && self.flags.auto_search && view.controller.searchable !== false) { self.searchview.ready.done(self.searchview.do_search); } else { self.view_completely_inited.resolve(); } self.trigger("controller_inited",view_type,controller); }); }, /** * @returns {Number|Boolean} the view id of the given type, false if not found */ get_view_id: function(view_type) { return this.views[view_type] && this.views[view_type].view_id || false; }, set_title: function(title) { this.$el.find('.oe_view_title_text:first').text(title); }, add_breadcrumb: function(options) { options = options || {}; var self = this; var views = [this.active_view || this.views_src[0].view_type]; this.on('switch_mode', self, function(mode) { var last = views.slice(-1)[0]; if (mode !== last) { if (mode !== 'form') { views.length = 0; } views.push(mode); } }); var item = _.extend({ widget: this, action: this.action, show: function(index) { var view_to_select = views[index]; var state = self.url_states[view_to_select]; self.do_push_state(state || {}); $.when(self.switch_mode(view_to_select)).done(function() { self.$el.show(); }); }, get_title: function() { var id; var currentIndex; _.each(self.getParent().breadcrumbs, function(bc, i) { if (bc.widget === self) { currentIndex = i; } }); var next = self.getParent().breadcrumbs.slice(currentIndex + 1)[0]; var titles = _.map(views, function(v) { var controller = self.views[v].controller; if (v === 'form') { id = controller.datarecord.id; } return controller.get('title'); }); if (next && next.action && next.action.res_id && self.dataset && self.active_view === 'form' && self.dataset.model === next.action.res_model && id === next.action.res_id) { // If the current active view is a formview and the next item in the breadcrumbs // is an action on same object (model / res_id), then we omit the current formview's title titles.pop(); } return titles; } }, options); this.getParent().push_breadcrumb(item); }, /** * Returns to the view preceding the caller view in this manager's * navigation history (the navigation history is appended to via * switch_mode) * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.created=false] resource was created * @param {String} [options.default=null] view to switch to if no previous view * @returns {$.Deferred} switching end signal */ prev_view: function (options) { options = options || {}; var current_view = this.views_history.pop(); var previous_view = this.views_history[this.views_history.length - 1] || options['default']; if (options.created && current_view === 'form' && previous_view === 'list') { // APR special case: "If creation mode from list (and only from a list), // after saving, go to page view (don't come back in list)" return this.switch_mode('form'); } else if (options.created && !previous_view && this.action && this.action.flags.default_view === 'form') { // APR special case: "If creation from dashboard, we have no previous view return this.switch_mode('form'); } return this.switch_mode(previous_view, true); }, /** * Sets up the current viewmanager's search view. * * @param {Number|false} view_id the view to use or false for a default one * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} search view startup deferred */ setup_search_view: function(view_id, search_defaults) { var self = this; if (this.searchview) { this.searchview.destroy(); } var options = { hidden: this.flags.search_view === false, disable_custom_filters: this.flags.search_disable_custom_filters, }; this.searchview = new instance.web.SearchView(this, this.dataset, view_id, search_defaults, options); this.searchview.on('search_data', self, this.do_searchview_search); return this.searchview.appendTo(this.$el.find(".oe_view_manager_view_search")); }, do_searchview_search: function(domains, contexts, groupbys) { var self = this, controller = this.views[this.active_view].controller, action_context = this.action.context || {}; instance.web.pyeval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [this.action.domain || []].concat(domains || []), contexts: [action_context].concat(contexts || []), group_by_seq: groupbys || [] }).done(function (results) { if (results.error) { throw new Error( _.str.sprintf(_t("Failed to evaluate search criterions")+": \n%s", JSON.stringify(results.error))); } self.dataset._model = new instance.web.Model( self.dataset.model, results.context, results.domain); var groupby = results.group_by.length ? results.group_by : action_context.group_by; if (_.isString(groupby)) { groupby = [groupby]; } $.when(controller.do_search(results.domain, results.context, groupby || [])).then(function() { self.view_completely_inited.resolve(); }); }); }, /** * Called when one of the view want to execute an action */ on_action: function(action) { }, on_create: function() { }, on_remove: function() { }, on_edit: function() { }, /** * Called by children view after executing an action */ on_action_executed: function () { }, }); instance.web.ViewManagerAction = instance.web.ViewManager.extend({ template:"ViewManagerAction", /** * @constructs instance.web.ViewManagerAction * @extends instance.web.ViewManager * * @param {instance.web.ActionManager} parent parent object/widget * @param {Object} action descriptor for the action this viewmanager needs to manage its views. */ init: function(parent, action) { // dataset initialization will take the session from ``this``, so if we // do not have it yet (and we don't, because we've not called our own // ``_super()``) rpc requests will blow up. var flags = action.flags || {}; if (!('auto_search' in flags)) { flags.auto_search = action.auto_search !== false; } if (action.res_model == 'board.board' && action.view_mode === 'form') { // Special case for Dashboards _.extend(flags, { views_switcher : false, display_title : false, search_view : false, pager : false, sidebar : false, action_buttons : false }); } this._super(parent, null, action.views, flags); this.session = parent.session; this.action = action; var dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, action.res_model, action.context, action.domain); if (action.res_id) { dataset.ids.push(action.res_id); dataset.index = 0; } this.dataset = dataset; }, /** * Initializes the ViewManagerAction: sets up the searchview (if the * searchview is enabled in the manager's action flags), calls into the * parent to initialize the primary view and (if the VMA has a searchview) * launches an initial search after both views are done rendering. */ start: function() { var self = this, searchview_loaded, search_defaults = {}; _.each(this.action.context, function (value, key) { var match = /^search_default_(.*)$/.exec(key); if (match) { search_defaults[match[1]] = value; } }); // init search view var searchview_id = this.action['search_view_id'] && this.action['search_view_id'][0]; searchview_loaded = this.setup_search_view(searchview_id || false, search_defaults); var main_view_loaded = this._super(); var manager_ready = $.when(searchview_loaded, main_view_loaded, this.view_completely_inited); this.$el.find('.oe_debug_view').change(this.on_debug_changed); this.$el.addClass("oe_view_manager_" + (this.action.target || 'current')); return manager_ready; }, on_debug_changed: function (evt) { var self = this, $sel = $(evt.currentTarget), $option = $sel.find('option:selected'), val = $sel.val(), current_view = this.views[this.active_view].controller; switch (val) { case 'fvg': var dialog = new instance.web.Dialog(this, { title: _t("Fields View Get") }).open(); $('
').text(instance.web.json_node_to_xml(current_view.fields_view.arch, true)).appendTo(dialog.$el);
            case 'tests':
                    name: _t("JS Tests"),
                    target: 'new',
                    type : 'ir.actions.act_url',
                    url: '/web/tests?mod=*'
            case 'perm_read':
                var ids = current_view.get_selected_ids();
                if (ids.length === 1) {
                    this.dataset.call('perm_read', [ids]).done(function(result) {
                        var dialog = new instance.web.Dialog(this, {
                            title: _.str.sprintf(_t("View Log (%s)"), self.dataset.model),
                            size: 'medium',
                        }, QWeb.render('ViewManagerDebugViewLog', {
                            perm : result[0],
                            format : instance.web.format_value
            case 'toggle_layout_outline':
            case 'set_defaults':
            case 'translate':
                    name: _t("Technical Translation"),
                    res_model : 'ir.translation',
                    domain : [['type', '!=', 'object'], '|', ['name', '=', this.dataset.model], ['name', 'ilike', this.dataset.model + ',']],
                    views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']],
                    type : 'ir.actions.act_window',
                    view_type : "list",
                    view_mode : "list"
            case 'fields':
                this.dataset.call('fields_get', [false, {}]).done(function (fields) {
                    var $root = $('
'); _(fields).each(function (attributes, name) { $root.append($('

').text(name))); var $attrs = $('
').appendTo($root)); _(attributes).each(function (def, name) { if (def instanceof Object) { def = JSON.stringify(def); } $attrs .append($('
').text(name)) .append($('
').text(def)); }); }); new instance.web.Dialog(self, { title: _.str.sprintf(_t("Model %s fields"), self.dataset.model), }, $root).open(); }); break; case 'edit_workflow': return this.do_action({ res_model : 'workflow', domain : [['osv', '=', this.dataset.model]], views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form'], [false, 'diagram']], type : 'ir.actions.act_window', view_type : 'list', view_mode : 'list' }); case 'edit': this.do_edit_resource($option.data('model'), $option.data('id'), { name : $option.text() }); break; case 'manage_filters': this.do_action({ res_model: 'ir.filters', views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']], type: 'ir.actions.act_window', context: { search_default_my_filters: true, search_default_model_id: this.dataset.model } }); break; case 'print_workflow': if (current_view.get_selected_ids && current_view.get_selected_ids().length == 1) { instance.web.blockUI(); var action = { context: { active_ids: current_view.get_selected_ids() }, report_name: "workflow.instance.graph", datas: { model: this.dataset.model, id: current_view.get_selected_ids()[0], nested: true, } }; this.session.get_file({ url: '/web/report', data: {action: JSON.stringify(action)}, complete: instance.web.unblockUI }); } break; default: if (val) { console.log("No debug handler for ", val); } } evt.currentTarget.selectedIndex = 0; }, do_edit_resource: function(model, id, action) { action = _.extend({ res_model : model, res_id : id, type : 'ir.actions.act_window', view_type : 'form', view_mode : 'form', views : [[false, 'form']], target : 'new', flags : { action_buttons : true, form : { resize_textareas : true } } }, action || {}); this.do_action(action); }, switch_mode: function (view_type, no_store, options) { var self = this; return this.alive($.when(this._super.apply(this, arguments))).done(function () { var controller = self.views[self.active_view].controller; self.$el.find('.oe_debug_view').html(QWeb.render('ViewManagerDebug', { view: controller, view_manager: self })); self.set_title(); }); }, do_create_view: function(view_type) { var self = this; return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function() { var view = self.views[view_type].controller; view.set({ 'title': self.action.name }); }); }, get_action_manager: function() { var cur = this; while ((cur = cur.getParent())) { if (cur instanceof instance.web.ActionManager) { return cur; } } return undefined; }, set_title: function(title) { this.$el.find('.oe_breadcrumb_title:first').html(this.get_action_manager().get_title()); }, do_push_state: function(state) { if (this.getParent() && this.getParent().do_push_state) { state["view_type"] = this.active_view; this.url_states[this.active_view] = state; this.getParent().do_push_state(state); } }, do_load_state: function(state, warm) { var self = this, defs = []; if (state.view_type && state.view_type !== this.active_view) { defs.push( this.views[this.active_view].deferred.then(function() { return self.switch_mode(state.view_type, true); }) ); } $.when(defs).done(function() { self.views[self.active_view].controller.do_load_state(state, warm); }); }, }); instance.web.Sidebar = instance.web.Widget.extend({ init: function(parent) { var self = this; this._super(parent); var view = this.getParent(); this.sections = [ { 'name' : 'print', 'label' : _t('Print'), }, { 'name' : 'other', 'label' : _t('More'), } ]; this.items = { 'print' : [], 'other' : [] }; this.fileupload_id = _.uniqueId('oe_fileupload'); $(window).on(this.fileupload_id, function() { var args = [].slice.call(arguments).slice(1); self.do_attachement_update(self.dataset, self.model_id,args); instance.web.unblockUI(); }); }, start: function() { var self = this; this._super(this); this.redraw(); this.$el.on('click','.oe_dropdown_menu li a', function(event) { var section = $(this).data('section'); var index = $(this).data('index'); var item = self.items[section][index]; if (item.callback) { item.callback.apply(self, [item]); } else if (item.action) { self.on_item_action_clicked(item); } else if (item.url) { return true; } event.preventDefault(); }); }, redraw: function() { var self = this; self.$el.html(QWeb.render('Sidebar', {widget: self})); // Hides Sidebar sections when item list is empty this.$('.oe_form_dropdown_section').each(function() { $(this).toggle(!!$(this).find('li').length); }); self.$("[title]").tooltip({ delay: { show: 500, hide: 0} }); }, /** * For each item added to the section: * * ``label`` * will be used as the item's name in the sidebar, can be html * * ``action`` * descriptor for the action which will be executed, ``action`` and * ``callback`` should be exclusive * * ``callback`` * function to call when the item is clicked in the sidebar, called * with the item descriptor as its first argument (so information * can be stored as additional keys on the object passed to * ``add_items``) * * ``classname`` (optional) * ``@class`` set on the sidebar serialization of the item * * ``title`` (optional) * will be set as the item's ``@title`` (tooltip) * * @param {String} section_code * @param {Array<{label, action | callback[, classname][, title]}>} items */ add_items: function(section_code, items) { var self = this; if (items) { this.items[section_code].push.apply(this.items[section_code],items); this.redraw(); } }, add_toolbar: function(toolbar) { var self = this; _.each(['print','action','relate'], function(type) { var items = toolbar[type]; if (items) { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i] = { label: items[i]['name'], action: items[i], classname: 'oe_sidebar_' + type }; } self.add_items(type=='print' ? 'print' : 'other', items); } }); }, on_item_action_clicked: function(item) { var self = this; self.getParent().sidebar_eval_context().done(function (sidebar_eval_context) { var ids = self.getParent().get_selected_ids(); var domain; if (self.getParent().get_active_domain) { domain = self.getParent().get_active_domain(); } else { domain = $.Deferred().resolve(undefined); } if (ids.length === 0) { new instance.web.Dialog(this, { title: _t("Warning"), size: 'medium',}, $("
").text(_t("You must choose at least one record."))).open(); return false; } var active_ids_context = { active_id: ids[0], active_ids: ids, active_model: self.getParent().dataset.model, }; $.when(domain).done(function (domain) { if (domain !== undefined) { active_ids_context.active_domain = domain; } var c = instance.web.pyeval.eval('context', new instance.web.CompoundContext( sidebar_eval_context, active_ids_context)); self.rpc("/web/action/load", { action_id: item.action.id, context: c }).done(function(result) { result.context = new instance.web.CompoundContext( result.context || {}, active_ids_context) .set_eval_context(c); result.flags = result.flags || {}; result.flags.new_window = true; self.do_action(result, { on_close: function() { // reload view self.getParent().reload(); }, }); }); }); }); }, do_attachement_update: function(dataset, model_id, args) { var self = this; this.dataset = dataset; this.model_id = model_id; if (args && args[0].error) { this.do_warn(_t('Uploading Error'), args[0].error); } if (!model_id) { this.on_attachments_loaded([]); } else { var dom = [ ['res_model', '=', dataset.model], ['res_id', '=', model_id], ['type', 'in', ['binary', 'url']] ]; var ds = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'ir.attachment', dataset.get_context(), dom); ds.read_slice(['name', 'url', 'type', 'create_uid', 'create_date', 'write_uid', 'write_date'], {}).done(this.on_attachments_loaded); } }, on_attachments_loaded: function(attachments) { var self = this; var items = []; var prefix = this.session.url('/web/binary/saveas', {model: 'ir.attachment', field: 'datas', filename_field: 'name'}); _.each(attachments,function(a) { a.label = a.name; if(a.type === "binary") { a.url = prefix + '&id=' + a.id + '&t=' + (new Date().getTime()); } }); self.items['files'] = attachments; self.redraw(); this.$('.oe_sidebar_add_attachment .oe_form_binary_file').change(this.on_attachment_changed); this.$el.find('.oe_sidebar_delete_item').click(this.on_attachment_delete); }, on_attachment_changed: function(e) { var $e = $(e.target); if ($e.val() !== '') { this.$el.find('form.oe_form_binary_form').submit(); $e.parent().find('input[type=file]').prop('disabled', true); $e.parent().find('button').prop('disabled', true).find('img, span').toggle(); this.$('.oe_sidebar_add_attachment span').text(_t('Uploading...')); instance.web.blockUI(); } }, on_attachment_delete: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var self = this; var $e = $(e.currentTarget); if (confirm(_t("Do you really want to delete this attachment ?"))) { (new instance.web.DataSet(this, 'ir.attachment')).unlink([parseInt($e.attr('data-id'), 10)]).done(function() { self.do_attachement_update(self.dataset, self.model_id); }); } } }); instance.web.View = instance.web.Widget.extend({ // name displayed in view switchers display_name: '', /** * Define a view type for each view to allow automatic call to fields_view_get. */ view_type: undefined, init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, options) { this._super(parent); this.ViewManager = parent; this.dataset = dataset; this.view_id = view_id; this.set_default_options(options); }, start: function () { return this.load_view(); }, load_view: function(context) { var self = this; var view_loaded_def; if (this.embedded_view) { view_loaded_def = $.Deferred(); $.async_when().done(function() { view_loaded_def.resolve(self.embedded_view); }); } else { if (! this.view_type) console.warn("view_type is not defined", this); view_loaded_def = instance.web.fields_view_get({ "model": this.dataset._model, "view_id": this.view_id, "view_type": this.view_type, "toolbar": !!this.options.$sidebar, "context": this.dataset.get_context(), }); } return this.alive(view_loaded_def).then(function(r) { self.fields_view = r; // add css classes that reflect the (absence of) access rights self.$el.addClass('oe_view') .toggleClass('oe_cannot_create', !self.is_action_enabled('create')) .toggleClass('oe_cannot_edit', !self.is_action_enabled('edit')) .toggleClass('oe_cannot_delete', !self.is_action_enabled('delete')); return $.when(self.view_loading(r)).then(function() { self.trigger('view_loaded', r); }); }); }, view_loading: function(r) { }, set_default_options: function(options) { this.options = options || {}; _.defaults(this.options, { // All possible views options should be defaulted here $sidebar: null, sidebar_id: null, action: null, action_views_ids: {} }); }, /** * Fetches and executes the action identified by ``action_data``. * * @param {Object} action_data the action descriptor data * @param {String} action_data.name the action name, used to uniquely identify the action to find and execute it * @param {String} [action_data.special=null] special action handlers (currently: only ``'cancel'``) * @param {String} [action_data.type='workflow'] the action type, if present, one of ``'object'``, ``'action'`` or ``'workflow'`` * @param {Object} [action_data.context=null] additional action context, to add to the current context * @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset a dataset object used to communicate with the server * @param {Object} [record_id] the identifier of the object on which the action is to be applied * @param {Function} on_closed callback to execute when dialog is closed or when the action does not generate any result (no new action) */ do_execute_action: function (action_data, dataset, record_id, on_closed) { var self = this; var result_handler = function () { if (on_closed) { on_closed.apply(null, arguments); } if (self.getParent() && self.getParent().on_action_executed) { return self.getParent().on_action_executed.apply(null, arguments); } }; var context = new instance.web.CompoundContext(dataset.get_context(), action_data.context || {}); // response handler var handler = function (action) { if (action && action.constructor == Object) { // filter out context keys that are specific to the current action. // Wrong default_* and search_default_* values will no give the expected result // Wrong group_by values will simply fail and forbid rendering of the destination view var ncontext = new instance.web.CompoundContext( _.object(_.reject(_.pairs(dataset.get_context().eval()), function(pair) { return pair[0].match('^(?:(?:default_|search_default_).+|.+_view_ref|group_by|group_by_no_leaf|active_id|active_ids)$') !== null; })) ); ncontext.add(action_data.context || {}); ncontext.add({active_model: dataset.model}); if (record_id) { ncontext.add({ active_id: record_id, active_ids: [record_id], }); } ncontext.add(action.context || {}); action.context = ncontext; return self.do_action(action, { on_close: result_handler, }); } else { self.do_action({"type":"ir.actions.act_window_close"}); return result_handler(); } }; if (action_data.special === 'cancel') { return handler({"type":"ir.actions.act_window_close"}); } else if (action_data.type=="object") { var args = [[record_id]], additional_args = []; if (action_data.args) { try { // Warning: quotes and double quotes problem due to json and xml clash // Maybe we should force escaping in xml or do a better parse of the args array additional_args = JSON.parse(action_data.args.replace(/'/g, '"')); args = args.concat(additional_args); } catch(e) { console.error("Could not JSON.parse arguments", action_data.args); } } args.push(context); return dataset.call_button(action_data.name, args).then(handler).then(function () { if (instance.webclient) { instance.webclient.menu.do_reload_needaction(); } }); } else if (action_data.type=="action") { return this.rpc('/web/action/load', { action_id: action_data.name, context: _.extend({'active_model': dataset.model, 'active_ids': dataset.ids, 'active_id': record_id}, instance.web.pyeval.eval('context', context)), do_not_eval: true }).then(handler); } else { return dataset.exec_workflow(record_id, action_data.name).then(handler); } }, /** * Directly set a view to use instead of calling fields_view_get. This method must * be called before start(). When an embedded view is set, underlying implementations * of instance.web.View must use the provided view instead of any other one. * * @param embedded_view A view. */ set_embedded_view: function(embedded_view) { this.embedded_view = embedded_view; }, do_show: function () { this.$el.show(); }, do_hide: function () { this.$el.hide(); }, is_active: function () { var manager = this.getParent(); return !manager || !manager.active_view || manager.views[manager.active_view].controller === this; }, /** * Wraps fn to only call it if the current view is the active one. If the * current view is not active, doesn't call fn. * * fn can not return anything, as a non-call to fn can't return anything * either * * @param {Function} fn function to wrap in the active guard */ guard_active: function (fn) { var self = this; return function () { if (self.is_active()) { fn.apply(self, arguments); } }; }, do_push_state: function(state) { if (this.getParent() && this.getParent().do_push_state) { this.getParent().do_push_state(state); } }, do_load_state: function(state, warm) { }, /** * Switches to a specific view type */ do_switch_view: function() { this.trigger.apply(this, ['switch_mode'].concat(_.toArray(arguments))); }, /** * Cancels the switch to the current view, switches to the previous one * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.created=false] resource was created * @param {String} [options.default=null] view to switch to if no previous view */ do_search: function(view) { }, on_sidebar_export: function() { new instance.web.DataExport(this, this.dataset).open(); }, sidebar_eval_context: function () { return $.when({}); }, /** * Asks the view to reload itself, if the reloading is asynchronous should * return a {$.Deferred} indicating when the reloading is done. */ reload: function () { return $.when(); }, /** * Return whether the user can perform the action ('create', 'edit', 'delete') in this view. * An action is disabled by setting the corresponding attribute in the view's main element, * like:
*/ is_action_enabled: function(action) { var attrs = this.fields_view.arch.attrs; return (action in attrs) ? JSON.parse(attrs[action]) : true; }, }); /** * Performs a fields_view_get and apply postprocessing. * return a {$.Deferred} resolved with the fvg * * @param {Object} args * @param {String|Object} args.model instance.web.Model instance or string repr of the model * @param {Object} [args.context] context if args.model is a string * @param {Number} [args.view_id] id of the view to be loaded, default view if null * @param {String} [args.view_type] type of view to be loaded if view_id is null * @param {Boolean} [args.toolbar=false] get the toolbar definition */ instance.web.fields_view_get = function(args) { function postprocess(fvg) { var doc = $.parseXML(fvg.arch).documentElement; fvg.arch = instance.web.xml_to_json(doc, (doc.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'kanban')); if ('id' in fvg.fields) { // Special case for id's var id_field = fvg.fields['id']; id_field.original_type = id_field.type; id_field.type = 'id'; } _.each(fvg.fields, function(field) { _.each(field.views || {}, function(view) { postprocess(view); }); }); return fvg; } args = _.defaults(args, { toolbar: false, }); var model = args.model; if (typeof model === 'string') { model = new instance.web.Model(args.model, args.context); } return args.model.call('fields_view_get', [args.view_id, args.view_type, args.context, args.toolbar]).then(function(fvg) { return postprocess(fvg); }); }; instance.web.xml_to_json = function(node, strip_whitespace) { switch (node.nodeType) { case 9: return instance.web.xml_to_json(node.documentElement, strip_whitespace); case 3: case 4: return (strip_whitespace && node.data.trim() === '') ? undefined : node.data; case 1: var attrs = $(node).getAttributes(); _.each(['domain', 'filter_domain', 'context', 'default_get'], function(key) { if (attrs[key]) { try { attrs[key] = JSON.parse(attrs[key]); } catch(e) { } } }); return { tag: node.tagName.toLowerCase(), attrs: attrs, children: _.compact(_.map(node.childNodes, function(node) { return instance.web.xml_to_json(node, strip_whitespace); })), }; } }; instance.web.json_node_to_xml = function(node, human_readable, indent) { // For debugging purpose, this function will convert a json node back to xml indent = indent || 0; var sindent = (human_readable ? (new Array(indent + 1).join('\t')) : ''), r = sindent + '<' + node.tag, cr = human_readable ? '\n' : ''; if (typeof(node) === 'string') { return sindent + node; } else if (typeof(node.tag) !== 'string' || !node.children instanceof Array || !node.attrs instanceof Object) { throw new Error( _.str.sprintf(_t("Node [%s] is not a JSONified XML node"), JSON.stringify(node))); } for (var attr in node.attrs) { var vattr = node.attrs[attr]; if (typeof(vattr) !== 'string') { // domains, ... vattr = JSON.stringify(vattr); } vattr = vattr.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); if (human_readable) { vattr = vattr.replace(/"/g, "'"); } r += ' ' + attr + '="' + vattr + '"'; } if (node.children && node.children.length) { r += '>' + cr; var childs = []; for (var i = 0, ii = node.children.length; i < ii; i++) { childs.push(instance.web.json_node_to_xml(node.children[i], human_readable, indent + 1)); } r += childs.join(cr); r += cr + sindent + ''; return r; } else { return r + '/>'; } }; instance.web.xml_to_str = function(node) { var str = ""; if (window.XMLSerializer) { str = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { str = node.xml; } else { throw new Error(_t("Could not serialize XML")); } // Browsers won't deal with self closing tags except void elements: // http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html var void_elements = 'area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr'.split(' '); // The following regex is a bit naive but it's ok for the xmlserializer output str = str.replace(/<([a-z]+)([^<>]*)\s*\/\s*>/g, function(match, tag, attrs) { if (void_elements.indexOf(tag) < 0) { return "<" + tag + attrs + ">"; } else { return match; } }); return str; }; /** * Registry for all the main views */ instance.web.views = new instance.web.Registry(); })(); // vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: