#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import re import smtplib import email, mimetypes from email.Header import decode_header from email.MIMEText import MIMEText import xmlrpclib email_re = re.compile(r""" ([a-zA-Z][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9] # username part @ # mandatory @ sign [a-zA-Z0-9][\w\.-]* # domain must start with a letter ... Ged> why do we include a 0-9 then? \. [a-z]{2,3} # TLD ) """, re.VERBOSE) project_re = re.compile(r"\[([0-9]+)\]", re.UNICODE) command_re = re.compile("^Set-([a-z]+) *: *(.+)$", re.I + re.UNICODE) priorities = { '1': '1 (Highest)', '2': '2 (High)', '3': '3 (Normal)', '4': '4 (Low)', '5': '5 (Lowest)', } class rpc_proxy(object): def __init__(self, uid, passwd, host='localhost', port=8069, path='object', dbname='terp'): self.rpc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s/%s' % (host, port, path)) self.user_id = uid self.passwd = passwd self.dbname = dbname def __call__(self, *request): print self.dbname, self.user_id, self.passwd return self.rpc.execute(self.dbname, self.user_id, self.passwd, *request) class email_parser(object): def __init__(self, uid, password, section, email, email_default, dbname): print '* Email parser' self.rpc = rpc_proxy(uid, password, dbname=dbname) try: self.section_id = int(section) except: self.section_id = self.rpc('crm.case.section', 'search', [('code','=',section)])[0] print 'Section ID', self.section_id self.email = email self.email_default = email_default self.canal_id = False def email_get(self, email_from): res = email_re.search(email_from) return res and res.group(1) def partner_get(self, email): mail = self.email_get(email) adr_ids = self.rpc('res.partner.address', 'search', [('email', '=', mail)]) if not adr_ids: return {} adr = self.rpc('res.partner.address', 'read', adr_ids, ['partner_id']) return { 'partner_address_id': adr[0]['id'], 'partner_id': adr[0]['partner_id'][0] } def _decode_header(self, s): from email.Header import decode_header s = decode_header(s) return ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0].decode(x[1] or 'ascii', 'replace'), s)) def msg_new(self, msg): description = self.msg_body_get(msg) data = { 'name': self._decode_header(msg['Subject']), 'description': description, 'section_id': self.section_id, 'email_from': self._decode_header(msg['From']), 'email_cc': self._decode_header(msg['Cc'] or ''), 'canal_id': self.canal_id } data.update(self.partner_get(self._decode_header(msg['From']))) id = self.rpc('crm.case', 'create', data) return id def msg_body_get(self, msg): body = '' if msg.is_multipart(): for part in msg.get_payload(): if (part.get_content_maintype()=='text') and (part.get_content_subtype()=='plain'): body += part.get_payload(decode=1).decode(part.get_charsets()[0]) else: body = msg.get_payload(decode=1).decode(msg.get_charsets()[0]) return body def msg_user(self, msg, id): body = self.msg_body_get(msg) data = { 'description': body, 'email_last': body } # handle email body commands (ex: Set-State: Draft) actions = {} for line in body.split('\n'): res = command_re.match(line) if res: actions[res.group(1).lower()] = res.group(2).lower() act = 'case_close' if 'state' in actions: if actions['state'] in ['draft','close','cancel','open','pending']: act = 'case_' + actions['state'] for k1,k2 in [('cost','planned_cost'),('revenue','planned_revenue'),('probability','probability')]: try: data[k2] = float(actions[k1]) except: pass if 'priority' in actions: if actions['priority'] in ('1','2','3','4','5'): data['priority'] = actions['priority'] if 'partner' in actions: data['email_from'] = actions['partner'] if 'user' in actions: uids = self.rpc('res.users', 'name_search', actions['user']) if uids: data['user_id'] = uids[0][0] self.rpc('crm.case', act, [id]) self.rpc('crm.case', 'write', [id], data) return id def msg_send(self, msg, emails, priority=None): if not len(emails): return False del msg['To'] print '0' msg['To'] = emails[0] if len(emails)>1: if 'Cc' in msg: del msg['Cc'] msg['Cc'] = ','.join(emails[1:]) msg['Reply-To'] = msg['From'] + ',' + self.email if priority: msg['X-Priority'] = priorities.get(priority, '3 (Normal)') s = smtplib.SMTP() print '1' s.connect() print '2' s.sendmail(self.email, emails[0], msg.as_string()) print '3' s.close() print '4' print 'Email Sent To', emails[0], emails[1:] return True def msg_partner(self, msg, id): body = self.msg_body_get(msg) act = 'case_open' self.rpc('crm.case', act, [id]) body2 = '\n'.join(map(lambda l: '> '+l, (body or '').split('\n'))) data = { 'description': body2, 'email_last': body, } self.rpc('crm.case', 'write', [id], data) return id def msg_test(self, msg, case_str): if not case_str: return (False, False) emails = self.rpc('crm.case', 'emails_get', int(case_str)) return (int(case_str), emails) def parse(self, msg): try: case_str = project_re.search(msg.get('Subject', '')) (case_id, emails) = self.msg_test(msg, case_str and case_str.group(1)) if case_id: if emails[0] and self.email_get(emails[0])==self.email_get(self._decode_header(msg['From'])): print 'From User', case_id self.msg_user(msg, case_id) else: print 'From Partner', case_id self.msg_partner(msg, case_id) else: case_id = self.msg_new(msg) msg['subject'] = '['+str(case_id)+'] '+self._decode_header(msg['subject']) print 'Case', case_id, 'created...' emails = self.rpc('crm.case', 'emails_get', case_id) priority = emails[3] em = [emails[0], emails[1]] + (emails[2] or '').split(',') emails = map(self.email_get, filter(None, em)) mm = [self._decode_header(msg['From']), self._decode_header(msg['To'])]+self._decode_header(msg.get('Cc','')).split(',') msg_mails = map(self.email_get, filter(None, mm)) emails = filter(lambda m: m and m not in msg_mails, emails) self.msg_send(msg, emails, priority) except: print 'Sending mail to default address', self.email_default if self.email_default: a = self._decode_header(msg['Subject']) del msg['Subject'] msg['Subject'] = '[TinyERP-CaseError] ' + a self.msg_send(msg, self.email_default.split(',')) return emails if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage='usage: %prog [options]', version='%prog v1.0') group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Note", "This program parse a mail from standard input and communicate " "with the Tiny ERP server for case management in the CRM module.") parser.add_option_group(group) parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="userid", help="ID of the user in Tiny ERP", default=3, type='int') parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Password of the user in Tiny ERP", default='admin') parser.add_option("-e", "--email", dest="email", help="Email address used in the From field of outgoing messages") parser.add_option("-s", "--section", dest="section", help="ID or code of the case section", default="support") parser.add_option("-m", "--default", dest="default", help="Default eMail in case of any trouble.", default=None) parser.add_option("-d", "--dbname", dest="dbname", help="Database name (default: terp)", default='terp') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() parser = email_parser(options.userid, options.password, options.section, options.email, options.default, dbname=options.dbname) print print '-.- ICI' msg_txt = email.message_from_file(sys.stdin) print 'Mail Sent to ', parser.parse(msg_txt)