res.groups.form res.groups form
res.users.form.modif res.users form
res.users.form res.users form
res.users.tree res.users tree res.users search form tree child_ids res.config.users.confirm.form res.config.users form
Create User
New User Create additional users and assign them groups that will allow them to have access to selected functionalities within the system. Click on 'Done' if you do not wish to add more users at this stage, you can always do this later. action_add Add User gtk-add action_next Done gtk-go-forward
Create Users ir.actions.act_window res.config.users form form new Configure Your Interface res.config.view form
Configure Your Interface
If you use OpenERP for the first time we strongly advise you to select the simplified interface, which has less features but is easier. You can always switch later from the user preferences. Configure Your Interface 12
Configure Your Interface ir.actions.act_window res.config.view form form new 10 never done always 1