#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004 #see license.txt for license details #history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/docs/graphguide/ch1_intro.py from reportlab.tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import * import reportlab title("Graphics Guide") centred('ReportLab Version ' + reportlab.Version) nextTemplate("Normal") ######################################################################## # # Chapter 1 # ######################################################################## heading1("Introduction") heading2("About this document") disc(""" This document is intended to be a helpful and reasonably full introduction to the use of the ReportLab Graphics sub-package. Starting with simple drawings and shapes, we will take you through the slightly more complex reusable widgets all the way through to our powerful and flexible chart library. You will see examples of using reportlab/graphics to make bar charts, line charts, line plots, pie charts... and a smiley face. """) disc(""" We presume that you have already installed both the Python programming language and the core ReportLab library. If you have not done either of these, look in the ReportLab User Guide where chapter one talks you through all the required steps. """) disc(""" We recommend that you read some or all of the User Guide and have at least a basic understanding of how the ReportLab library works before you start getting to grips with ReportLab Graphics. """) disc("") todo(""" Be warned! This document is in a very preliminary form. We need your help to make sure it is complete and helpful. Please send any feedback to our user mailing list, reportlab-users@reportlab.com. """) heading2("What is ReportLab?") disc("""ReportLab is a software library that lets you directly create documents in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) using the Python programming language. """) disc("""The ReportLab library directly creates PDF based on your graphics commands. There are no intervening steps. Your applications can generate reports extremely fast - sometimes orders of magnitude faster than traditional report-writing tools.""") heading2("What is ReportLab Graphics?") disc(""" ReportLab Graphics is one of the sub-packages to the ReportLab library. It started off as a stand-alone set of programs, but is now a fully integrated part of the ReportLab toolkit that allows you to use its powerful charting and graphics features to improve your PDF forms and reports. """) heading2("Getting Involved") disc("""ReportLab is an Open Source project. Although we are a commercial company we provide the core PDF generation sources freely, even for commercial purposes, and we make no income directly from these modules. We also welcome help from the community as much as any other Open Source project. There are many ways in which you can help:""") bullet("""General feedback on the core API. Does it work for you? Are there any rough edges? Does anything feel clunky and awkward?""") bullet("""New objects to put in reports, or useful utilities for the library. We have an open standard for report objects, so if you have written a nice chart or table class, why not contribute it?""") bullet("""Demonstrations and Case Studies: If you have produced some nice output, send it to us (with or without scripts). If ReportLab solved a problem for you at work, write a little 'case study' and send it in. And if your web site uses our tools to make reports, let us link to it. We will be happy to display your work (and credit it with your name and company) on our site!""") bullet("""Working on the core code: we have a long list of things to refine or to implement. If you are missing some features or just want to help out, let us know!""") disc("""The first step for anyone wanting to learn more or get involved is to join the mailing list. To Subscribe visit $http://two.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/reportlab-users$. From there you can also browse through the group's archives and contributions. The mailing list is the place to report bugs and get support. """)