/*--------------------------------------------------------- * OpenERP base_gantt *---------------------------------------------------------*/ openerp.base_gantt = function (openerp) { QWeb.add_template('/base_gantt/static/src/xml/base_gantt.xml'); openerp.base.views.add('gantt', 'openerp.base_gantt.GanttView'); openerp.base_gantt.GanttView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({ init: function(view_manager, session, element_id, dataset, view_id) { this._super(session, element_id); this.view_manager = view_manager; this.dataset = dataset; this.model = dataset.model; this.view_id = view_id; this.fields_views = {}; this.widgets = {}; this.widgets_counter = 0; this.fields = this.dataset.fields ? this.dataset.fields: {}; this.ids = this.dataset.ids; this.name = ""; this.date_start = ""; this.date_delay = ""; this.date_stop = ""; this.color_field = ""; this.day_lenth = 8; this.colors = []; this.color_values = []; this.calendar_fields = {}; this.info_fields = []; this.domain = this.dataset._domain ? this.dataset._domain: []; this.context = {}; }, start: function() { this.rpc("/base_gantt/ganttview/load", {"model": this.model, "view_id": this.view_id}, this.on_loaded); }, on_loaded: function(data) { var self = this; this.fields_view = data.fields_view; this.name = this.fields_view.name || this.fields_view.arch.attrs.string; this.view_id = this.fields_view.view_id; this.date_start = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.date_start; this.date_delay = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.date_delay; this.date_stop = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.date_stop; this.color_field = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.color; this.day_length = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.day_length || 8; this.colors = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.colors; this.text = this.fields_view.arch.children[0].children[0].attrs.name; this.parent = this.fields_view.arch.children[0].attrs.link; this.format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; self.create_gantt(); self.get_events(); this.$element.html(QWeb.render("GanttView", {"view": this, "fields_view": this.fields_view})); }, create_gantt: function() { ganttChartControl = new GanttChart(this.day_length); ganttChartControl.setImagePath("/base_gantt/static/lib/dhtmlxGantt/codebase/imgs/"); ganttChartControl.setEditable(true); ganttChartControl.showTreePanel(true); ganttChartControl.showContextMenu(true); ganttChartControl.showDescTask(true,'d,s-f'); ganttChartControl.showDescProject(true,'n,d'); }, get_events: function() { var self = this; this.dataset.read_ids(this.dataset.ids, {}, function(result) { self.load_event(result); }); }, load_event: function(events) { var self = this; var result = events; var project = {}; var project_smalldate = {}; var proj_id = []; var proj_id_text = []; COLOR_PALETTE = ['#ccccff', '#cc99ff', '#75507b', '#3465a4', '#73d216', '#c17d11', '#edd400', '#fcaf3e', '#ef2929', '#ff00c9', '#ad7fa8', '#729fcf', '#8ae234', '#e9b96e', '#fce94f', '#ff8e00', '#ff0000', '#b0008c', '#9000ff', '#0078ff', '#00ff00', '#e6ff00', '#ffff00', '#905000', '#9b0000', '#840067', '#510090', '#0000c9', '#009b00', '#9abe00', '#ffc900'] //Smallest date of child is parent start date for (i in result){ var res = result[i]; if (res[this.date_start] != false){ var parent_id = res[this.parent][0] || res[this.parent]; var parent_name = res[this.parent][1]; var start_date = this.convert_str_date(res[this.date_start]); if (project_smalldate[parent_id] == undefined){ project_smalldate[parent_id] = start_date; proj_id.push(parent_id); if (parent_name != undefined){ proj_id_text.push(res[this.parent]); } } else{ if (start_date < project_smalldate[parent_id]){ project_smalldate[parent_id] = start_date; } } } } //get parent text if (parent_name == undefined){ var ajax = { url: '/base/dataset/call', async: false }; this.rpc(ajax, { model: this.dataset.model, method: "name_get", ids: proj_id, args: "" }, function(response) { proj_id_text = response.result; }); } //create parents for (i in proj_id){ var id = proj_id_text[i][0]; var text = proj_id_text[i][1]; project[id] = new GanttProjectInfo(id, text, project_smalldate[id]); } //create childs var k = 0; var color_box = {}; for (i in result) { var res = result[i]; if (res[this.date_start] != false){ var parent_id = res[this.parent][0] || res[this.parent]; var id = res['id']; var text = res[this.text]; var start_date = this.convert_str_date(res[this.date_start]); var color = res[this.color_field][0] || res[this.color_field]; if (color_box[color] == undefined){ color_box[color] = COLOR_PALETTE[k]; k = k + 1; } if (this.date_stop != undefined){ if (res[this.date_stop] != false){ var stop_date = this.convert_str_date(res[this.date_stop]); var duration= self.hours_between(start_date, stop_date); } else{ var duration = 0; } } else{ var duration = res[this.date_delay]; } if (duration == false) duration = 0 task = new GanttTaskInfo(id, text, start_date, duration, 100, "", color_box[color]); project[parent_id].addTask(task); } } //Add parent for (i in proj_id){ ganttChartControl.addProject(project[proj_id[i]]); } ganttChartControl.create("GanttDiv"); ganttChartControl.attachEvent("onTaskStartDrag", function(task) {self.on_drag_start(task);}); ganttChartControl.attachEvent("onTaskEndResize", function(task) {self.on_resize_drag_end(task, "resize");}); ganttChartControl.attachEvent("onTaskEndDrag", function(task) {self.on_resize_drag_end(task, "drag");}); ganttChartControl.attachEvent("onTaskDblClick", function(task) {self.open_popup(task);}); }, hours_between: function(date1, date2) { var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var date1_ms = date1.getTime(); var date2_ms = date2.getTime(); var difference_ms = Math.abs(date1_ms - date2_ms); d = Math.round(difference_ms / ONE_DAY); h = Math.round((difference_ms % ONE_DAY)/(1000 * 60 * 60)); return (d * this.day_length) + h; }, open_popup : function(task) { var event_id = task.getId(); if (event_id) { event_id = parseInt(event_id, 10); var dataset_event_index = jQuery.inArray(event_id, this.ids); } else { var dataset_event_index = null; } this.dataset.index = dataset_event_index; var element_id = _.uniqueId("act_window_dialog"); var dialog = jQuery('
', {'id': element_id }).dialog({ title: 'Gantt Chart', modal: true, minWidth: 800, position: 'top' }); var event_form = new openerp.base.FormView(this.view_manager, this.session, element_id, this.dataset, false); event_form.start(); }, on_drag_start : function(task){ st_date = task.getEST(); if(st_date.getHours()){ self.hh = st_date.getHours(); self.mm = st_date.getMinutes(); } }, on_resize_drag_end : function(task, evt){ var event_id = task.getId(); var data = {}; if (evt == "drag"){ full_date = task.getEST().set({hour: self.hh, minute : self.mm, second:0}); data[this.date_start] = this.convert_date_str(full_date); } if (this.date_stop != undefined){ tm = (task.getDuration() % this.day_length); stp = task.getFinishDate().add(tm).hour(); data[this.date_stop] = this.convert_date_str(stp); }else{ data[this.date_delay] = task.getDuration(); } this.dataset.write(event_id, data, function(result) {}); }, do_show: function () { this.$element.show(); }, do_hide: function () { this.$element.hide(); }, convert_str_date: function (str){ if (str.length == 19){ this.format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; return openerp.base.parse_datetime(str); } else if (str.length == 10){ this.format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; return openerp.base.parse_date(str); } else if (str.length == 8){ this.format = "HH:mm:ss"; return openerp.base.parse_time(str); } throw "Unrecognized date/time format"; }, convert_date_str: function(full_date) { if (this.format == "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"){ return openerp.base.format_datetime(full_date); } else if (this.format == "yyyy-MM-dd"){ return openerp.base.format_date(full_date); } else if (this.format == "HH:mm:ss"){ return openerp.base.format_time(full_date); } throw "Unrecognized date/time format"; }, reload_gantt: function(domain) { var self = this; var ajax = { url: '/base/dataset/search_read', async: false }; this.rpc(ajax, { model: this.dataset.model, domain: self.dataset.domain, context :self.dataset.context }, function(response) { ganttChartControl.clearAll(); jQuery("#GanttDiv").children().remove(); self.load_event(response); }); }, do_search: function (domains, contexts, groupbys) { var self = this; return this.rpc('/base/session/eval_domain_and_context', { domains: domains, contexts: contexts, group_by_seq: groupbys }, function (results) { self.dataset.context = results.context; self.dataset.domain = results.domain; return self.reload_gantt(self.dataset.domain); }); } }); // here you may tweak globals object, if any, and play with on_* or do_* callbacks on them }; // vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0: