# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from functools import partial import unittest2 from lxml import etree as ET from lxml.builder import E from openerp.tests import common Field = E.field class ViewCase(common.TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(ViewCase, self).setUp() self.addTypeEqualityFunc(ET._Element, self.assertTreesEqual) def assertTreesEqual(self, n1, n2, msg=None): self.assertEqual(n1.tag, n2.tag) self.assertEqual((n1.text or '').strip(), (n2.text or '').strip(), msg) self.assertEqual((n1.tail or '').strip(), (n2.tail or '').strip(), msg) # Because lxml uses ordereddicts in which order is important to # equality (!?!?!?!) self.assertEqual(dict(n1.attrib), dict(n2.attrib), msg) for c1, c2 in zip(n1, n2): self.assertTreesEqual(c1, c2, msg) class TestNodeLocator(common.TransactionCase): """ The node locator returns None when it can not find a node, and the first match when it finds something (no jquery-style node sets) """ def setUp(self): super(TestNodeLocator, self).setUp() self.Views = self.registry('ir.ui.view') def test_no_match_xpath(self): """ xpath simply uses the provided @expr pattern to find a node """ node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(), E.bar(), E.baz()), E.xpath(expr="//qux")) self.assertIsNone(node) def test_match_xpath(self): bar = E.bar() node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(), bar, E.baz()), E.xpath(expr="//bar")) self.assertIs(node, bar) def test_no_match_field(self): """ A field spec will match by @name against all fields of the view """ node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(), E.bar(), E.baz()), Field(name="qux")) self.assertIsNone(node) node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(Field(name="foo"), Field(name="bar"), Field(name="baz")), Field(name="qux")) self.assertIsNone(node) def test_match_field(self): bar = Field(name="bar") node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(Field(name="foo"), bar, Field(name="baz")), Field(name="bar")) self.assertIs(node, bar) def test_no_match_other(self): """ Non-xpath non-fields are matched by node name first """ node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(), E.bar(), E.baz()), E.qux()) self.assertIsNone(node) def test_match_other(self): bar = E.bar() node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(), bar, E.baz()), E.bar()) self.assertIs(bar, node) def test_attribute_mismatch(self): """ Non-xpath non-field are filtered by matching attributes on spec and matched nodes """ node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(attr='1'), E.bar(attr='2'), E.baz(attr='3')), E.bar(attr='5')) self.assertIsNone(node) def test_attribute_filter(self): match = E.bar(attr='2') node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.bar(attr='1'), match, E.root(E.bar(attr='3'))), E.bar(attr='2')) self.assertIs(node, match) def test_version_mismatch(self): """ A @version on the spec will be matched against the view's version """ node = self.Views.locate_node( E.root(E.foo(attr='1'), version='4'), E.foo(attr='1', version='3')) self.assertIsNone(node) class TestViewInheritance(ViewCase): def arch_for(self, name, view_type='form', parent=None): """ Generates a trivial view of the specified ``view_type``. The generated view is empty but ``name`` is set as its root's ``@string``. If ``parent`` is not falsy, generates an extension view (instead of a root view) replacing the parent's ``@string`` by ``name`` :param str name: ``@string`` value for the view root :param str view_type: :param bool parent: :return: generated arch :rtype: str """ if not parent: element = E(view_type, string=name) else: element = E(view_type, E.attribute(name, name='string'), position='attributes' ) return ET.tostring(element) def makeView(self, name, parent=None, arch=None): """ Generates a basic ir.ui.view with the provided name, parent and arch. If no parent is provided, the view is top-level. If no arch is provided, generates one by calling :meth:`~.arch_for`. :param str name: :param int parent: id of the parent view, if any :param str arch: :returns: the created view's id. :rtype: int """ view_id = self.View.create(self.cr, self.uid, { 'model': self.model, 'name': name, 'arch': arch or self.arch_for(name, parent=parent), 'inherit_id': parent, 'priority': 5, # higher than default views }) self.ids[name] = view_id return view_id def setUp(self): super(TestViewInheritance, self).setUp() self.model = 'ir.ui.view.custom' self.View = self.registry('ir.ui.view') self._init = self.View.pool._init self.View.pool._init = False self.ids = {} a = self.makeView("A") a1 = self.makeView("A1", a) a11 = self.makeView("A11", a1) self.makeView("A111", a11) self.makeView("A12", a1) a2 = self.makeView("A2", a) self.makeView("A21", a2) a22 = self.makeView("A22", a2) self.makeView("A221", a22) b = self.makeView('B', arch=self.arch_for("B", 'tree')) self.makeView('B1', b, arch=self.arch_for("B1", 'tree', parent=b)) c = self.makeView('C', arch=self.arch_for("C", 'tree')) self.View.write(self.cr, self.uid, c, {'priority': 1}) def tearDown(self): self.View.pool._init = self._init super(TestViewInheritance, self).tearDown() def test_get_inheriting_views_arch(self): self.assertEqual(self.View.get_inheriting_views_arch( self.cr, self.uid, self.ids['A'], self.model), [ (self.arch_for('A1', parent=True), self.ids['A1']), (self.arch_for('A2', parent=True), self.ids['A2']), ]) self.assertEqual(self.View.get_inheriting_views_arch( self.cr, self.uid, self.ids['A21'], self.model), []) self.assertEqual(self.View.get_inheriting_views_arch( self.cr, self.uid, self.ids['A11'], self.model), [(self.arch_for('A111', parent=True), self.ids['A111'])]) def test_default_view(self): default = self.View.default_view( self.cr, self.uid, model=self.model, view_type='form') self.assertEqual(default, self.ids['A']) default_tree = self.View.default_view( self.cr, self.uid, model=self.model, view_type='tree') self.assertEqual(default_tree, self.ids['C']) def test_no_default_view(self): self.assertFalse( self.View.default_view( self.cr, self.uid, model='does.not.exist', view_type='form')) self.assertFalse( self.View.default_view( self.cr, self.uid, model=self.model, view_type='graph')) class TestApplyInheritanceSpecs(ViewCase): """ Applies a sequence of inheritance specification nodes to a base architecture. IO state parameters (cr, uid, model, context) are used for error reporting The base architecture is altered in-place. """ def setUp(self): super(TestApplyInheritanceSpecs, self).setUp() self.View = self.registry('ir.ui.view') self.base_arch = E.form( Field(name="target"), string="Title") def test_replace(self): spec = Field( Field(name="replacement"), name="target", position="replace") self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) self.assertEqual( self.base_arch, E.form(Field(name="replacement"), string="Title")) def test_delete(self): spec = Field(name="target", position="replace") self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) self.assertEqual( self.base_arch, E.form(string="Title")) def test_insert_after(self): spec = Field( Field(name="inserted"), name="target", position="after") self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) self.assertEqual( self.base_arch, E.form( Field(name="target"), Field(name="inserted"), string="Title" )) def test_insert_before(self): spec = Field( Field(name="inserted"), name="target", position="before") self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) self.assertEqual( self.base_arch, E.form( Field(name="inserted"), Field(name="target"), string="Title")) def test_insert_inside(self): default = Field(Field(name="inserted"), name="target") spec = Field(Field(name="inserted 2"), name="target", position='inside') self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, default, None) self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) self.assertEqual( self.base_arch, E.form( Field( Field(name="inserted"), Field(name="inserted 2"), name="target"), string="Title")) def test_unpack_data(self): spec = E.data( Field(Field(name="inserted 0"), name="target"), Field(Field(name="inserted 1"), name="target"), Field(Field(name="inserted 2"), name="target"), Field(Field(name="inserted 3"), name="target"), ) self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) self.assertEqual( self.base_arch, E.form( Field( Field(name="inserted 0"), Field(name="inserted 1"), Field(name="inserted 2"), Field(name="inserted 3"), name="target"), string="Title")) def test_invalid_position(self): spec = Field( Field(name="whoops"), name="target", position="serious_series") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) def test_incorrect_version(self): # Version ignored on //field elements, so use something else arch = E.form(E.element(foo="42")) spec = E.element( Field(name="placeholder"), foo="42", version="7.0") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, arch, spec, None) def test_target_not_found(self): spec = Field(name="targut") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.View.apply_inheritance_specs(self.cr, self.uid, self.base_arch, spec, None) class TestApplyInheritedArchs(ViewCase): """ Applies a sequence of modificator archs to a base view """ class TestViewCombined(ViewCase): """ Test fallback operations of View.read_combined: * defaults mapping * ? """ class TestNoModel(ViewCase): def test_create_view_nomodel(self): View = self.registry('ir.ui.view') view_id = View.create(self.cr, self.uid, { 'name': 'dummy', 'arch': '