#---------------------------------------------------------- # ir_http modular http routing #---------------------------------------------------------- import logging import re import sys import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.routing import openerp from openerp import http from openerp.http import request from openerp.osv import osv, orm _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # FIXME: replace by proxy on request.uid? _uid = object() class ModelConverter(werkzeug.routing.BaseConverter): def __init__(self, url_map, model=False): super(ModelConverter, self).__init__(url_map) self.model = model self.regex = '([0-9]+)' def to_python(self, value): m = re.match(self.regex, value) return request.registry[self.model].browse( request.cr, _uid, int(m.group(1)), context=request.context) def to_url(self, value): return value.id class ModelsConverter(werkzeug.routing.BaseConverter): def __init__(self, url_map, model=False): super(ModelsConverter, self).__init__(url_map) self.model = model # TODO add support for slug in the form [A-Za-z0-9-] bla-bla-89 -> id 89 self.regex = '([0-9,]+)' def to_python(self, value): # TODO: # - raise routing.ValidationError() if no browse record can be createdm # - support slug return request.registry[self.model].browse(request.cr, _uid, [int(i) for i in value.split(',')], context=request.context) def to_url(self, value): return ",".join(i.id for i in value) class ir_http(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.http' _description = "HTTP routing" def _get_converters(self): return {'model': ModelConverter, 'models': ModelsConverter} def _find_handler(self): return self.routing_map().bind_to_environ(request.httprequest.environ).match() def _auth_method_user(self): request.uid = request.session.uid if not request.uid: raise http.SessionExpiredException("Session expired") def _auth_method_admin(self): if not request.db: raise http.SessionExpiredException("No valid database for request %s" % request.httprequest) request.uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID def _auth_method_none(self): request.disable_db = True request.uid = None def _authenticate(self, auth_method='user'): if request.session.uid: try: request.session.check_security() # what if error in security.check() # -> res_users.check() # -> res_users.check_credentials() except http.SessionExpiredException: request.session.logout() raise http.SessionExpiredException("Session expired for request %s" % request.httprequest) getattr(self, "_auth_method_%s" % auth_method)() return auth_method def _handle_exception(self, exception): if isinstance(exception, openerp.exceptions.AccessError): code = 403 else: code = getattr(exception, 'code', 500) fn = getattr(self, '_handle_%d' % code, self._handle_unknown_exception) return fn(exception) def _handle_unknown_exception(self, exception): raise exception def _dispatch(self): # locate the controller method try: func, arguments = self._find_handler() except werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound, e: return self._handle_exception(e) # check authentication level try: auth_method = self._authenticate(getattr(func, "auth", None)) except Exception: # force a Forbidden exception with the original traceback return self._handle_exception( convert_exception_to( werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden)) # post process arg to set uid on browse records for arg in arguments.itervalues(): if isinstance(arg, orm.browse_record) and arg._uid is _uid: arg._uid = request.uid # set and execute handler try: request.set_handler(func, arguments, auth_method) result = request.dispatch() if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result except Exception, e: return self._handle_exception(e) return result def routing_map(self): if not hasattr(self, '_routing_map'): _logger.info("Generating routing map") cr = request.cr m = request.registry.get('ir.module.module') ids = m.search(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, [('state', '=', 'installed'), ('name', '!=', 'web')], context=request.context) installed = set(x['name'] for x in m.read(cr, 1, ids, ['name'], context=request.context)) mods = ['', "web"] + sorted(installed) self._routing_map = http.routing_map(mods, False, converters=self._get_converters()) return self._routing_map def convert_exception_to(to_type, with_message=False): """ Should only be called from an exception handler. Fetches the current exception data from sys.exc_info() and creates a new exception of type ``to_type`` with the original traceback. If ``with_message`` is ``True``, sets the new exception's message to be the stringification of the original exception. If ``False``, does not set the new exception's message. Otherwise, uses ``with_message`` as the new exception's message. :type with_message: str|bool """ etype, original, tb = sys.exc_info() try: if with_message is False: message = None elif with_message is True: message = str(original) else: message = str(with_message) raise to_type, message, tb except to_type, e: return e # vim:et: