Detail of Sales Company: [[ ]] Print Date: [[time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]] Period: [[ '%s' % getperiod(objects) ]] Date Code Product Price Qty Disc VAT(%) VAT Invoiced
[[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]] [[ repeatIn(o.lines,'line') ]][[line.create_date ]] [[strip_name(, 32) ]] [[ '%.2f' % (line.price_subtotal,) ]] [[ '%d' % line.qty ]] [[ '%d%%' % ( ]] [[ len(line.product_id.taxes_id) > 0 and ('%d%%' % (line.product_id.taxes_id[0].amount * 100)) or '' ]] [[ o.date_order ]] [[ ]] [[ ]] [[ '%.2f' % (o.amount_total,) ]] [[ o.amount_tax ]] [[ o.invoice_id and o.invoice_id.number or '']]
Mode of Taxes [[ repeatIn(gettaxamount(objects).items(), 'p') ]] [[ p[0] ]] [[ '%.2f' % (p[1],) ]] Mode of payment [[ repeatIn(getpayments(objects).items(), 'p') ]] [[ p[0] ]] [[ '%.2f' % (p[1],) ]] Summary Sales total [[ '%d' % getsalestotal(objects) ]] Qty of product [[ '%d' % getqtytotal(objects) ]] Total invoiced [[ '%.2f' % getsuminvoice(objects) ]] Total discount [[ '%.2f' % getsumdisc(objects) ]] Total paid [[ '%.2f' % getpaidtotal(objects) ]] Total of the day [[ '%.2f' % gettotalofthaday(objects) ]]