#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004 #see license.txt for license details #history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/lib/attrmap.py __version__=''' $Id$ ''' from UserDict import UserDict from reportlab.lib.validators import isAnything, _SequenceTypes from reportlab import rl_config class CallableValue: '''a class to allow callable initial values''' def __init__(self,func,*args,**kw): #assert iscallable(func) self.func = func self.args = args self.kw = kw def __call__(self): return apply(self.func,self.args,self.kw) class AttrMapValue: '''Simple multi-value holder for attribute maps''' def __init__(self,validate=None,desc=None,initial=None, **kw): self.validate = validate or isAnything self.desc = desc self.initial = initial for k,v in kw.items(): setattr(self,k,v) def __getattr__(self,name): #hack to allow callable initial values if name=='initial': if isinstance(self._initial,CallableValue): return self._initial() return self._initial elif name=='hidden': return 0 raise AttributeError, name class AttrMap(UserDict): def __init__(self,BASE=None,UNWANTED=[],**kw): data = {} if BASE: if isinstance(BASE,AttrMap): data = BASE.data #they used BASECLASS._attrMap else: if type(BASE) not in (type(()),type([])): BASE = (BASE,) for B in BASE: if hasattr(B,'_attrMap'): data.update(getattr(B._attrMap,'data',{})) else: raise ValueError, 'BASE=%s has wrong kind of value' % str(B) UserDict.__init__(self,data) self.remove(UNWANTED) self.data.update(kw) def update(self,kw): if isinstance(kw,AttrMap): kw = kw.data self.data.update(kw) def remove(self,unwanted): for k in unwanted: try: del self[k] except KeyError: pass def clone(self,UNWANTED=[],**kw): c = AttrMap(BASE=self,UNWANTED=UNWANTED) c.update(kw) return c def validateSetattr(obj,name,value): '''validate setattr(obj,name,value)''' if rl_config.shapeChecking: map = obj._attrMap if map and name[0]!= '_': try: validate = map[name].validate if not validate(value): raise AttributeError, "Illegal assignment of '%s' to '%s' in class %s" % (value, name, obj.__class__.__name__) except KeyError: raise AttributeError, "Illegal attribute '%s' in class %s" % (name, obj.__class__.__name__) obj.__dict__[name] = value def _privateAttrMap(obj,ret=0): '''clone obj._attrMap if required''' A = obj._attrMap oA = getattr(obj.__class__,'_attrMap',None) if ret: if oA is A: return A.clone(), oA else: return A, None else: if oA is A: obj._attrMap = A.clone() def _findObjectAndAttr(src, P): '''Locate the object src.P for P a string, return parent and name of attribute ''' P = string.split(P, '.') if len(P) == 0: return None, None else: for p in P[0:-1]: src = getattr(src, p) return src, P[-1] def hook__setattr__(obj): if not hasattr(obj,'__attrproxy__'): C = obj.__class__ import new obj.__class__=new.classobj(C.__name__,(C,)+C.__bases__, {'__attrproxy__':[], '__setattr__':lambda self,k,v,osa=getattr(obj,'__setattr__',None),hook=hook: hook(self,k,v,osa)}) def addProxyAttribute(src,name,validate=None,desc=None,initial=None,dst=None): ''' Add a proxy attribute 'name' to src with targets dst ''' #sanity assert hasattr(src,'_attrMap'), 'src object has no _attrMap' A, oA = _privateAttrMap(src,1) if type(dst) not in _SequenceTypes: dst = dst, D = [] DV = [] for d in dst: if type(d) in _SequenceTypes: d, e = d[0], d[1:] obj, attr = _findObjectAndAttr(src,d) if obj: dA = getattr(obj,'_attrMap',None)