# Gunicorn sample configuration file. # See http://gunicorn.org/configure.html for more details. # # To run OpenERP via Gunicorn, change the appropriate # settings below, in order to provide the parameters that # would normally be passed in the command-line, # (at least `bind` and `conf['addons_path']`), then execute: # $ gunicorn openerp:wsgi.core.application -c gunicorn.conf.py # or # $ gunicorn openerp:wsgi.proxied.application -c gunicorn.conf.py import openerp # Standard OpenERP XML-RPC port is 8069 bind = '' pidfile = '.gunicorn.pid' # Gunicorn recommends 2-4 x number_of_cpu_cores, but # you'll want to vary this a bit to find the best for your # particular work load. workers = 4 # Some application-wide initialization is needed. on_starting = openerp.wsgi.core.on_starting when_ready = openerp.wsgi.core.when_ready pre_request = openerp.wsgi.core.pre_request post_request = openerp.wsgi.core.post_request # openerp request-response cycle can be quite long for # big reports for example timeout = 240 max_requests = 2000 # Equivalent of --load command-line option openerp.conf.server_wide_modules = ['web'] # internal TODO: use openerp.conf.xxx when available conf = openerp.tools.config # Path to the OpenERP Addons repository (comma-separated for # multiple locations) conf['addons_path'] = '/home/openerp/addons/trunk,/home/openerp/web/trunk/addons' # Optional database config if not using local socket #conf['db_name'] = 'mycompany' #conf['db_host'] = 'localhost' #conf['db_user'] = 'foo' #conf['db_port'] = 5432 #conf['db_password'] = 'secret' # OpenERP Log Level # DEBUG=10, DEBUG_RPC=8, DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER=6, DEBUG_SQL=5, INFO=20, # WARNING=30, ERROR=40, CRITICAL=50 # conf['log_level'] = 20 # If --static-http-enable is used, path for the static web directory #conf['static_http_document_root'] = '/var/www' # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: