Pricelist Versions ir.actions.act_window product.pricelist.version form [('pricelist_id.type','=','purchase')]

Click to add a pricelist version.

There can be more than one version of a pricelist, each of these must be valid during a certain period of time. Some examples of versions: Main Prices, 2010, 2011, Summer Sales, etc.

On Draft Invoices account.invoice form tree,form,calendar,graph [('type','=','in_invoice')] {'default_type':'in_invoice', 'type':'in_invoice', 'journal_type': 'purchase', 'search_default_draft': 1}

Click to create a draft invoice.

Use this menu to control the invoices to be received from your supplier. OpenERP generates draft invoices from your purchase orders or receptions, according to your settings.

Once you receive a supplier invoice, you can match it with the draft invoice and validate it.

purchase.order.calendar purchase.order purchase.order.graph purchase.order purchase.order.form purchase.order purchase.order purchase.order purchase.order.tree purchase.order Quotations ir.actions.act_window purchase.order {} [('state','in',('draft','sent','cancel', 'confirmed'))] tree,form,graph,calendar

Click to create a request for quotation.

The quotation contains the history of the discussion/negociation you had with your supplier. Once confirmed, a request for quotation is converted into a purchase order.

Most propositions of purchase orders are created automatically by OpenERP based on inventory needs.

Purchase Orders ir.actions.act_window purchase.order tree,form,graph,calendar {} [('state','not in',('draft','sent','confirmed'))]

Click to create a quotation that will be converted into a purchase order.

Use this menu to search within your purchase orders by references, supplier, products, etc. For each purchase order, you can track the related discussion with the supplier, control the products received and control the supplier invoices.

purchase.order.line.form purchase.order.line
purchase.order.line.tree purchase.order.line purchase.order.line.form2 purchase.order.line purchase.order.line On Purchase Order Lines ir.actions.act_window purchase.order.line [('order_id.invoice_method','<>','picking'), ('state','in',('confirmed','done')), ('invoiced', '=', False)] form tree,form

Here you can track all the lines of purchase orders where the invoicing is "Based on Purchase Order Lines", and for which you have not received a supplier invoice yet. You can generate a draft supplier invoice based on the lines from this list.

tree form procurement.order.form.inherit procurement.order product.normal.supplier.form.inherit product.product product.product

When you sell this service to a customer, a draft purchase order will be created in order to subcontract the job to .

When you sell this product, OpenERP will trigger a draft purchase order to buy the required quantities to the supplier. The delivery order will be ready after having received the products. product.product product.template.purchase.ok.form.inherit product.template {'search_default_product_id': active_id, 'default_product_id': active_id} Purchases purchase.order.line product.account.purchase.ok.form.inherit product.product