function openerp_restaurant_splitbill(instance, module){ var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; var _t = instance.web._t; module.SplitbillScreenWidget = module.ScreenWidget.extend({ template: 'SplitbillScreenWidget', show_leftpane: false, previous_screen: 'products', renderElement: function(){ var self = this; this._super(); var order = this.pos.get('selectedOrder'); if(!order){ return; } var orderlines = order.get('orderLines').models; for(var i = 0; i < orderlines.length; i++){ var line = orderlines[i]; linewidget = $(QWeb.render('SplitOrderline',{ widget:this, line:line, selected: false, quantity: 0, id:, }));'id',; this.$('.orderlines').append(linewidget); } this.$('.back').click(function(){ self.pos_widget.screen_selector.set_current_screen(self.previous_screen); }); }, lineselect: function($el,order,neworder,splitlines,line_id){ var split = splitlines[line_id] || {'quantity': 0, line: null}; var line = order.getOrderline(line_id); if( !line.get_unit().groupable ){ if( split.quantity !== line.get_quantity()){ split.quantity = line.get_quantity(); }else{ split.quantity = 0; } }else{ if( split.quantity < line.get_quantity()){ split.quantity += line.get_unit().is_unit ? 1 : line.get_unit().rounding; if(split.quantity > line.get_quantity()){ split.quantity = line.get_quantity(); } }else{ split.quantity = 0; } } if( split.quantity ){ if ( !split.line ){ split.line = line.clone(); neworder.addOrderline(split.line); } split.line.set_quantity(split.quantity); }else if( split.line ) { neworder.removeOrderline(split.line); split.line = null; } splitlines[line_id] = split; $el.replaceWith($(QWeb.render('SplitOrderline',{ widget: this, line: line, selected: split.quantity !== 0, quantity: split.quantity, id: line_id, }))); this.$('.order-info .subtotal').text(this.format_currency(neworder.getSubtotal())); }, pay: function($el,order,neworder,splitlines,cashregister_id){ var orderlines = order.get('orderLines').models; var empty = true; var full = true; for(var i = 0; i < orderlines.length; i++){ var id = orderlines[i].id; var split = splitlines[id]; if(!split){ full = false; }else{ if(split.quantity){ empty = false; if(split.quantity !== orderlines[i].get_quantity()){ full = false; } } } } if(empty){ return; } for(var i = 0; i < this.pos.cashregisters.length; i++){ if(this.pos.cashregisters[i].id === cashregister_id){ var cashregister = this.pos.cashregisters[i]; break; } } if(full){ order.addPaymentline(cashregister); this.pos_widget.screen_selector.set_current_screen('payment'); }else{ for(var id in splitlines){ var split = splitlines[id]; var line = order.getOrderline(parseInt(id)); line.set_quantity(line.get_quantity() - split.quantity); if(Math.abs(line.get_quantity()) < 0.00001){ order.removeOrderline(line); } delete splitlines[id]; } neworder.addPaymentline(cashregister); neworder.set_screen_data('screen','payment'); // for the kitchen printer we assume that everything // has already been sent to the kitchen before splitting // the bill. So we save all changes both for the old // order and for the new one. This is not entirely correct // but avoids flooding the kitchen with unnecessary orders. // Not sure what to do in this case. if ( neworder.saveChanges ) { order.saveChanges(); neworder.saveChanges(); } this.pos.get('orders').add(neworder); this.pos.set('selectedOrder',neworder); } }, show: function(){ var self = this; this._super(); this.renderElement(); var order = this.pos.get('selectedOrder'); var neworder = new module.Order({ pos: this.pos, temporary: true, }); neworder.set('client',order.get('client')); var splitlines = {}; this.$('.orderlines').on('click','.orderline',function(){ var id = parseInt($(this).data('id')); var $el = $(this); self.lineselect($el,order,neworder,splitlines,id); }); this.$('.paymentmethod').click(function(){ var id = parseInt($(this).data('id')); var $el = $(this);$el,order,neworder,splitlines,id); }); }, }); module.PosWidget.include({ build_widgets: function(){ var self = this; this._super(); if(this.pos.config.iface_splitbill){ this.splitbill_screen = new module.SplitbillScreenWidget(this,{}); this.splitbill_screen.appendTo(this.$('.screens')); this.screen_selector.add_screen('splitbill',this.splitbill_screen); var splitbill = $(QWeb.render('SplitbillButton'));{ if(self.pos.get('selectedOrder').get('orderLines').models.length > 0){ self.pos_widget.screen_selector.set_current_screen('splitbill'); } }); splitbill.appendTo(this.$('.control-buttons')); this.$('.control-buttons').removeClass('oe_hidden'); } }, }); }