# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import collections import cStringIO import datetime import json import logging import math import re import sys import xml # FIXME use lxml and etree import babel import babel.dates import werkzeug.utils from PIL import Image import openerp.tools from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval from openerp.osv import osv, orm, fields from openerp.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # QWeb template engine #-------------------------------------------------------------------- class QWebException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, template=None, node=None, expression=None, inner=None): Exception.__init__(self, message) self.template = template self.node = node self.expression = expression self.inner = inner class QWebTemplateNotFound(QWebException): pass class QWebContext(dict): def __init__(self, cr, uid, data, loader=None, templates=None, context=None): self.cr = cr self.uid = uid self.loader = loader self.templates = templates or {} self.context = context dic = dict(data) super(QWebContext, self).__init__(dic) self['defined'] = lambda key: key in self def safe_eval(self, expr): locals_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None) locals_dict.update(self) locals_dict.pop('cr', None) locals_dict.pop('loader', None) return eval(expr, None, locals_dict, nocopy=True, locals_builtins=True) def copy(self): return QWebContext(self.cr, self.uid, dict.copy(self), loader=self.loader, templates=self.templates, context=self.context) def __copy__(self): return self.copy() class QWeb(orm.AbstractModel): """QWeb Xml templating engine The templating engine use a very simple syntax based "magic" xml attributes, to produce textual output (even non-xml). The core magic attributes are: flow attributes: t-if t-foreach t-call output attributes: t-att t-raw t-esc t-trim assignation attribute: t-set QWeb can be extended like any OpenERP model and new attributes can be added. If you need to customize t-fields rendering, subclass the ir.qweb.field model (and its sub-models) then override :meth:`~.get_converter_for` to fetch the right field converters for your qweb model. Beware that if you need extensions or alterations which could be incompatible with other subsystems, you should create a local object inheriting from ``ir.qweb`` and customize that. """ _name = 'ir.qweb' node = xml.dom.Node _void_elements = frozenset([ 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']) _format_regex = re.compile( '(?:' # ruby-style pattern '#\{(.+?)\}' ')|(?:' # jinja-style pattern '\{\{(.+?)\}\}' ')') def __init__(self, pool, cr): super(QWeb, self).__init__(pool, cr) self._render_tag = self.prefixed_methods('render_tag_') self._render_att = self.prefixed_methods('render_att_') def prefixed_methods(self, prefix): """ Extracts all methods prefixed by ``prefix``, and returns a mapping of (t-name, method) where the t-name is the method name with prefix removed and underscore converted to dashes :param str prefix: :return: dict """ n_prefix = len(prefix) return dict( (name[n_prefix:].replace('_', '-'), getattr(type(self), name)) for name in dir(self) if name.startswith(prefix) ) def register_tag(self, tag, func): self._render_tag[tag] = func def add_template(self, qwebcontext, name, node): """Add a parsed template in the context. Used to preprocess templates.""" qwebcontext.templates[name] = node def load_document(self, document, qwebcontext): """ Loads an XML document and installs any contained template in the engine """ if hasattr(document, 'documentElement'): dom = document elif document.startswith("%s" % tuple( qwebcontext if isinstance(qwebcontext, str) else qwebcontext.encode('utf-8') for qwebcontext in (name, generated_attributes, inner, name) ) else: return "<%s%s/>" % (name, generated_attributes) # Attributes def render_att_att(self, element, attribute_name, attribute_value, qwebcontext): if attribute_name.startswith("t-attf-"): att, val = attribute_name[7:], self.eval_format(attribute_value, qwebcontext) elif attribute_name.startswith("t-att-"): att, val = attribute_name[6:], self.eval(attribute_value, qwebcontext) if isinstance(val, unicode): val = val.encode("utf8") else: att, val = self.eval_object(attribute_value, qwebcontext) return att, val # Tags def render_tag_raw(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): inner = self.eval_str(template_attributes["raw"], qwebcontext) return self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext, inner) def render_tag_esc(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): inner = werkzeug.utils.escape(self.eval_str(template_attributes["esc"], qwebcontext)) return self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext, inner) def render_tag_foreach(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): expr = template_attributes["foreach"] enum = self.eval_object(expr, qwebcontext) if enum is not None: var = template_attributes.get('as', expr).replace('.', '_') copy_qwebcontext = qwebcontext.copy() size = -1 if isinstance(enum, (list, tuple)): size = len(enum) elif hasattr(enum, 'count'): size = enum.count() copy_qwebcontext["%s_size" % var] = size copy_qwebcontext["%s_all" % var] = enum index = 0 ru = [] for i in enum: copy_qwebcontext["%s_value" % var] = i copy_qwebcontext["%s_index" % var] = index copy_qwebcontext["%s_first" % var] = index == 0 copy_qwebcontext["%s_even" % var] = index % 2 copy_qwebcontext["%s_odd" % var] = (index + 1) % 2 copy_qwebcontext["%s_last" % var] = index + 1 == size if index % 2: copy_qwebcontext["%s_parity" % var] = 'odd' else: copy_qwebcontext["%s_parity" % var] = 'even' if 'as' in template_attributes: copy_qwebcontext[var] = i elif isinstance(i, dict): copy_qwebcontext.update(i) ru.append(self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, copy_qwebcontext)) index += 1 return "".join(ru) else: template = qwebcontext.get('__template__') raise QWebException("foreach enumerator %r is not defined while rendering template %r" % (expr, template), template=template) def render_tag_if(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): if self.eval_bool(template_attributes["if"], qwebcontext): return self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext) return "" def render_tag_call(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): d = qwebcontext.copy() d[0] = self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, d) cr = d.get('request') and d['request'].cr or None uid = d.get('request') and d['request'].uid or None return self.render(cr, uid, self.eval_format(template_attributes["call"], d), d) def render_tag_set(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): if "value" in template_attributes: qwebcontext[template_attributes["set"]] = self.eval_object(template_attributes["value"], qwebcontext) elif "valuef" in template_attributes: qwebcontext[template_attributes["set"]] = self.eval_format(template_attributes["valuef"], qwebcontext) else: qwebcontext[template_attributes["set"]] = self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext) return "" def render_tag_field(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): """ eg: +1 555 555 8069""" node_name = element.nodeName assert node_name not in ("table", "tbody", "thead", "tfoot", "tr", "td", "li", "ul", "ol", "dl", "dt", "dd"),\ "RTE widgets do not work correctly on %r elements" % node_name assert node_name != 't',\ "t-field can not be used on a t element, provide an actual HTML node" record, field_name = template_attributes["field"].rsplit('.', 1) record = self.eval_object(record, qwebcontext) column = record._model._all_columns[field_name].column options = json.loads(template_attributes.get('field-options') or '{}') field_type = get_field_type(column, options) converter = self.get_converter_for(field_type) return converter.to_html(qwebcontext.cr, qwebcontext.uid, field_name, record, options, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext, context=qwebcontext.context) def get_converter_for(self, field_type): return self.pool.get('ir.qweb.field.' + field_type, self.pool['ir.qweb.field']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # QWeb Fields converters #-------------------------------------------------------------------- class FieldConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ Used to convert a t-field specification into an output HTML field. :meth:`~.to_html` is the entry point of this conversion from QWeb, it: * converts the record value to html using :meth:`~.record_to_html` * generates the metadata attributes (``data-oe-``) to set on the root result node * generates the root result node itself through :meth:`~.render_element` """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field' def attributes(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, g_att, t_att, qweb_context, context=None): """ Generates the metadata attributes (prefixed by ``data-oe-`` for the root node of the field conversion. Attribute values are escaped by the parent using ``werkzeug.utils.escape``. The default attributes are: * ``model``, the name of the record's model * ``id`` the id of the record to which the field belongs * ``field`` the name of the converted field * ``type`` the logical field type (widget, may not match the column's ``type``, may not be any _column subclass name) * ``translate``, a boolean flag (``0`` or ``1``) denoting whether the column is translatable * ``expression``, the original expression :returns: iterable of (attribute name, attribute value) pairs. """ column = record._model._all_columns[field_name].column field_type = get_field_type(column, options) return [ ('data-oe-model', record._model._name), ('data-oe-id', record.id), ('data-oe-field', field_name), ('data-oe-type', field_type), ('data-oe-expression', t_att['field']), ] def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): """ Converts a single value to its HTML version/output """ if not value: return '' return value def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): """ Converts the specified field of the browse_record ``record`` to HTML """ return self.value_to_html( cr, uid, record[field_name], column, options=options, context=context) def to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=None): """ Converts a ``t-field`` to its HTML output. A ``t-field`` may be extended by a ``t-field-options``, which is a JSON-serialized mapping of configuration values. A default configuration key is ``widget`` which can override the field's own ``_type``. """ content = None try: content = self.record_to_html( cr, uid, field_name, record, record._model._all_columns[field_name].column, options, context=context) if options.get('html-escape', True): content = werkzeug.utils.escape(content) elif hasattr(content, '__html__'): content = content.__html__() except Exception: _logger.warning("Could not get field %s for model %s", field_name, record._model._name, exc_info=True) content = None g_att += ''.join( ' %s="%s"' % (name, werkzeug.utils.escape(value)) for name, value in self.attributes( cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, g_att, t_att, qweb_context) ) return self.render_element(cr, uid, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content) def qweb_object(self): return self.pool['ir.qweb'] def render_element(self, cr, uid, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content): """ Final rendering hook, by default just calls ir.qweb's ``render_element`` """ return self.qweb_object().render_element( source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content or '') def user_lang(self, cr, uid, context): """ Fetches the res.lang object corresponding to the language code stored in the user's context. Fallbacks to en_US if no lang is present in the context *or the language code is not valid*. :returns: res.lang browse_record """ if context is None: context = {} lang_code = context.get('lang') or 'en_US' Lang = self.pool['res.lang'] lang_ids = Lang.search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', lang_code)], context=context) \ or Lang.search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', 'en_US')], context=context) return Lang.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids[0], context=context) class FloatConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.float' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def precision(self, cr, uid, column, options=None, context=None): _, precision = column.digits or (None, None) return precision def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): if context is None: context = {} precision = self.precision(cr, uid, column, options=options, context=context) fmt = '%f' if precision is None else '%.{precision}f' lang_code = context.get('lang') or 'en_US' lang = self.pool['res.lang'] formatted = lang.format(cr, uid, [lang_code], fmt.format(precision=precision), value, grouping=True) # %f does not strip trailing zeroes. %g does but its precision causes # it to switch to scientific notation starting at a million *and* to # strip decimals. So use %f and if no precision was specified manually # strip trailing 0. if not precision: formatted = re.sub(r'(?:(0|\d+?)0+)$', r'\1', formatted) return formatted class DateConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.date' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): if not value: return '' lang = self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context) locale = babel.Locale.parse(lang.code) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value, openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) if options and 'format' in options: pattern = options['format'] else: strftime_pattern = lang.date_format pattern = openerp.tools.posix_to_ldml(strftime_pattern, locale=locale) return babel.dates.format_datetime( value, format=pattern, locale=locale) class DateTimeConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.datetime' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): if not value: return '' lang = self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context) locale = babel.Locale.parse(lang.code) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value, openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) value = column.context_timestamp( cr, uid, timestamp=value, context=context) if options and 'format' in options: pattern = options['format'] else: strftime_pattern = (u"%s %s" % (lang.date_format, lang.time_format)) pattern = openerp.tools.posix_to_ldml(strftime_pattern, locale=locale) return babel.dates.format_datetime(value, format=pattern, locale=locale) class TextConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.text' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): """ Escapes the value and converts newlines to br. This is bullshit. """ if not value: return '' return nl2br(value, options=options) class SelectionConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.selection' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): value = record[field_name] if not value: return '' selection = dict(fields.selection.reify( cr, uid, record._model, column)) return self.value_to_html( cr, uid, selection[value], column, options=options) class ManyToOneConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.many2one' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): [read] = record.read([field_name]) if not read[field_name]: return '' _, value = read[field_name] return nl2br(value, options=options) class HTMLConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.html' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): return HTMLSafe(value or '') class ImageConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ ``image`` widget rendering, inserts a data:uri-using image tag in the document. May be overridden by e.g. the website module to generate links instead. .. todo:: what happens if different output need different converters? e.g. reports may need embedded images or FS links whereas website needs website-aware """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field.image' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): try: image = Image.open(cStringIO.StringIO(value.decode('base64'))) image.verify() except IOError: raise ValueError("Non-image binary fields can not be converted to HTML") except: # image.verify() throws "suitable exceptions", I have no idea what they are raise ValueError("Invalid image content") return HTMLSafe('' % (Image.MIME[image.format], value)) class MonetaryConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ ``monetary`` converter, has a mandatory option ``display_currency``. The currency is used for formatting *and rounding* of the float value. It is assumed that the linked res_currency has a non-empty rounding value and res.currency's ``round`` method is used to perform rounding. .. note:: the monetary converter internally adds the qweb context to its options mapping, so that the context is available to callees. It's set under the ``_qweb_context`` key. """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field.monetary' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=None): options['_qweb_context'] = qweb_context return super(MonetaryConverter, self).to_html( cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=context) def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options, context=None): if context is None: context = {} Currency = self.pool['res.currency'] display = self.display_currency(cr, uid, options) # lang.format mandates a sprintf-style format. These formats are non- # minimal (they have a default fixed precision instead), and # lang.format will not set one by default. currency.round will not # provide one either. So we need to generate a precision value # (integer > 0) from the currency's rounding (a float generally < 1.0). # # The log10 of the rounding should be the number of digits involved if # negative, if positive clamp to 0 digits and call it a day. # nb: int() ~ floor(), we want nearest rounding instead precision = int(round(math.log10(display.rounding))) fmt = "%.{0}f".format(-precision if precision < 0 else 0) lang_code = context.get('lang') or 'en_US' lang = self.pool['res.lang'] formatted_amount = lang.format(cr, uid, [lang_code], fmt, Currency.round(cr, uid, display, record[field_name]), grouping=True, monetary=True) pre = post = u'' if display.position == 'before': pre = u'{symbol} ' else: post = u' {symbol}' return HTMLSafe(u'{pre}{0}{post}'.format( formatted_amount, pre=pre, post=post, ).format( symbol=display.symbol, )) def display_currency(self, cr, uid, options): return self.qweb_object().eval_object( options['display_currency'], options['_qweb_context']) TIMEDELTA_UNITS = ( ('year', 3600 * 24 * 365), ('month', 3600 * 24 * 30), ('week', 3600 * 24 * 7), ('day', 3600 * 24), ('hour', 3600), ('minute', 60), ('second', 1) ) class DurationConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ ``duration`` converter, to display integral or fractional values as human-readable time spans (e.g. 1.5 as "1 hour 30 minutes"). Can be used on any numerical field. Has a mandatory option ``unit`` which can be one of ``second``, ``minute``, ``hour``, ``day``, ``week`` or ``year``, used to interpret the numerical field value before converting it. Sub-second values will be ignored. """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field.duration' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): units = dict(TIMEDELTA_UNITS) if value < 0: raise ValueError(_("Durations can't be negative")) if not options or options.get('unit') not in units: raise ValueError(_("A unit must be provided to duration widgets")) locale = babel.Locale.parse( self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context).code) factor = units[options['unit']] sections = [] r = value * factor for unit, secs_per_unit in TIMEDELTA_UNITS: v, r = divmod(r, secs_per_unit) if not v: continue section = babel.dates.format_timedelta( v*secs_per_unit, threshold=1, locale=locale) if section: sections.append(section) return u' '.join(sections) class RelativeDatetimeConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.relative' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): parse_format = openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT locale = babel.Locale.parse( self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context).code) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, parse_format) # value should be a naive datetime in UTC. So is fields.datetime.now() reference = datetime.datetime.strptime(column.now(), parse_format) return babel.dates.format_timedelta( value - reference, add_direction=True, locale=locale) class HTMLSafe(object): """ HTMLSafe string wrapper, Werkzeug's escape() has special handling for objects with a ``__html__`` methods but AFAIK does not provide any such object. Wrapping a string in HTML will prevent its escaping """ __slots__ = ['string'] def __init__(self, string): self.string = string def __html__(self): return self.string def __str__(self): s = self.string if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf-8') return s def __unicode__(self): s = self.string if isinstance(s, str): return s.decode('utf-8') return s def nl2br(string, options=None): """ Converts newlines to HTML linebreaks in ``string``. Automatically escapes content unless options['html-escape'] is set to False, and returns the result wrapped in an HTMLSafe object. :param str string: :param dict options: :rtype: HTMLSafe """ if options is None: options = {} if options.get('html-escape', True): string = werkzeug.utils.escape(string) return HTMLSafe(string.replace('\n', '
\n')) def get_field_type(column, options): """ Gets a t-field's effective type from the field's column and its options """ return options.get('widget', column._type) # vim:et: