res.partner.address search res.partner.address.tree res.partner.address tree Partner Contacts ir.actions.act_window res.partner.address tree res.partner.address.form1 res.partner.address form
Addresses ir.actions.act_window res.partner.address form {"search_default_customer":1,"search_default_partner_id":self} Customers (also called Partners in other areas of the system) helps you manage your address book of companies whether they are prospects, customers and/or suppliers. The partner form allows you to track and record all the necessary information to interact with your partners from the company address to their contacts as well as pricelists, and much more. If you installed the CRM, with the history tab, you can track all the interactions with a partner such as opportunities, emails, or sales orders issued. tree form res.partner.address.form2 res.partner.address form
res.partner.title.tree res.partner.title tree res.partner.title.form res.partner.title form
Partner Titles ir.actions.act_window res.partner.title form [('domain','=','partner')] Manage the partner titles you want to have available in your system. The partner titles is the legal status of the company: Private Limited, SA, etc. Contact Titles ir.actions.act_window res.partner.title form [('domain','=','contact')] Manage the contact titles you want to have available in your system and the way you want to print them in letters and other documents. Some example: Mr., Mrs. res.partner.tree res.partner tree res.partner.form res.partner form res.partner search Customers ir.actions.act_window res.partner form {"search_default_customer":1} The Address book manages your customers list. The form for customer allows you to record detailed on your customers (address, contacts, pricelist, account, etc.). With the history tab, you can follow all moves transactions related to a customer, like sales order, claims. tree form Customers ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [('customer','=',1)] {'default_customer':1, 'search_default_customer':1} Suppliers ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [] {'default_customer':0, 'search_default_supplier': 1, 'default_supplier':1} With the Suppliers menu, you have access to all informations regarding your suppliers, including an history to track event (crm) and his accounting properties. Employees ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [('employee','=',1)] {'default_customer':0, 'default_supplier':0 , 'default_employee':1} Other Partners ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [('supplier','<>',1),('customer','<>',1)] res.payterm res.payterm form
Payment term ir.actions.act_window res.payterm form form tree form tree Partner Categories res.partner.category form
Partner Categories res.partner.category tree res.partner.category.tree res.partner.category tree child_ids Partner Categories res.partner form tree,form [('category_id','child_of', [active_id])] {'category_id':active_id} Open partners Partner Categories ir.actions.act_window res.partner.category form Manage the partner categories in order to better classify them for tracking and analysis purposes. A partner may belong to several categories and categories have a hierarchy structure: a partner belonging to a category also belong to his parent category. Customers